The Pill Book (13th Edition): The Illustrated Guide To The Most-Prescribed Drugs In The United States

Front Cover
Random House Publishing Group, Sep 23, 2009 - Medical - 1296 pages
For more than two decades, millions of consumers have trusted The Pill Book to provide official, FDA-approved drug information plus guidelines from leading pharmacists. Each drug is profiled in a concise, readable, and easy-to-understand entry, making The Pill Book the perfect reference when you have questions about the medications your doctor prescribes.

The most up-to-date information about the more than 1,800 most commonly prescribed drugs in the United States:

• Generic and brand-name listings that can help you save money
• What the drug is for, and how it works
• Usual dosages, and what to do if a dose is skipped
• Side effects and possible adverse reactions, highlighted for quick reference
• Interactions with other drugs and food
• Overdose and addiction potential
• Alcohol-free and sugar-free medications
• The most popular self-injected medications and their safe handling
• Information for seniors, pregnant and breast-feeding women, children, and others with special needs
• Cautions and warnings, and when to call your doctor
• 32 pages of actual-size color photographs of prescription pills


Type of DrugLeukotriene AntagonistsInhibitors LUEkoetreen
Levaquin see Fluoroquinolone AntiInfectives page 495
Levothroid see Thyroid Hormone Replacements page 1118
Generic NameLidocaine lieDOEcane
Lidoderm see Lidocaine page 638
Lipitor see Statin CholesterolLowering Agents page 1052
Generic NameLithium Carbonate LITHeeum CARbuhnate
Type of DrugLoop Diuretics

Actonel see Bisphosphonates page 164
Generic NameAdapalene uhDAPuhlene
Brand NameAdderall
Generic NameAdefovir ahdehFOEveer
Advair Diskus see Salmeterol page 1013
Generic NameAlbuterol alBUEtuhrawl
Type of DrugAldosterone Blockers alDOHstirown
Generic NameAliskiren ahLISSkihren
Generic NameAlitretinoin alihTRETinoin
AllegraD see AntihistamineDecongestant Combination Products page 95
Type of DrugAlpha Blockers
Generic NameAlprazolam alPRAYzoelam
Generic NameAlprostadil alPROStuhdil
Altace see Quinapril page 947
Generic NameAmiodarone ahmeeOEduhrone
Generic NameAmlexanox amLEXanox
Generic NameAmlodipine amLOEdihpene
Generic NameAmprenavir amPRENahvere
Generic NameAnagrelide ahNAGrelide
Generic NameAnakinra anahKINrah
Generic NameAnastrozole ahNAStroezole
Type of DrugAngiotensin II Blockers ANjeeoeTENsin
Brand NameAnthelios SX Cream anTHELeose
Type of DrugAntiemetics 5HT3 Type
Type of DrugAntihistamine Eyedrops
Type of DrugAntihistamineDecongestant Combination Products
Generic NameApraclonidine ahprahKLONihdene
Generic NameAprepitant ahPREpihtant
Aricept see Cholinesterase Inhibitors page 237
Generic NamesAspirin Buffered Aspirin Asprin
Generic NameAtazanavir atahZANahweer
Generic NameAtenolol ahTENuhlol
Generic NameAtomoxetine ahtomOXehteen
Generic NameAtovaquone ahTOEvuhquone
Avalide see Angiotensin II Blockers page 80
Type of DrugAzole Antifungals
Generic NameBaclofen BAKloefen
Generic NameBecaplermin behCAPlermin
Generic NameBenazepril benAYzuhpril
Benicar see Angiotensin II Blockers page 80
Generic NameBetaxolol bayTAXuhlol
Generic NameBicalutamide byekalUTEuhmide
Brand NameBiDil
Generic NameBisoprolol byeSOPEroelol
Type of DrugBisphosphonates bisFOSfunates
Boniva see Bisphosphonates page 164
Type of DrugBowel AntiInflammatory Drugs 5ASA Type
Generic NameBrimonidine brimONihdene
Budeprion see Bupropion below
Generic NameBuspirone bueSPYErone
Generic NameButenafine bueTENuhfene
Generic NameCalcitonin kalsihTOEnin
Generic NameCapecitabine capeSEtahbeen
Generic NameCaptopril KAPtoepril
Generic NameCarbamazepine carbamAzuhpene
Type of DrugCarbonicAnhydrase Inhibitors Eyedrops karBONikanHYEdrase
Generic NameCarvedilol carVAYdihlol
Celebrex see Celecoxib below
Type of DrugCephalosporin Antibiotics CEFuhloeSPORin
Generic NameCetirizine sehTEREihzene
Generic NameCevimeline sehVIMihlene
Generic NameChlordiazepoxide klordyeazuhPOXide
Generic NameChlorpheniramine MaleateKLORfenEREuhmene MALeeate
Generic NameChlorpromazine klorPROEmuhzene
Generic NameChlorzoxazone klorZOXuhzone
Generic NameCholestyramine kolesTYErahmeen
Type of DrugCholinesterase Inhibitors KOlinESStuhrase
Cialis see Erectile Dysfunction Drugs page 426
Generic NameCilostazol siloeSTAYzol
Generic NameCimetidine sihMETihdene
Clarinex see Loratadine page 660
Generic NameClemastine KLEHmastene
Generic NameClindamycin klinduhMYEsin
Generic NameClonazepam klonAzehpam
Generic NameClonidine KLAHnihdene
Generic NameClopidogrel kloePIDoegrel
Generic NameClorazepate klorAZuhpate
Generic NameClotrimazole kloeTRIMuhzole
Generic NameClozapine KLOEzuhpene
Generic NameCodeine KOEdeen
Generic NameColchicine KOLEchihsene
Combivent see Ipratropium page 597
Coreg see Carvedilol page 203
Type of DrugCorticosteroids Inhalers kortihkoeSTERoids
Type of DrugCorticosteroids Nasal kortihkoeSTERoids
Type of DrugCorticosteroids Oral kortihkoeSTERoids
Type of DrugCorticosteroids Topical kortihkoeSTERoids
Brand NameCortisporin Otic
Brand NameCosopt
Coumadin see Warfarin page 1212
Generic NameCyclobenzaprine syecloeBENzuhprene
Generic NameCyclosporine syekloeSPORin
Cymbalta see Venlafaxine page 1200
Generic NameDarunavir dahROONuhvere
Generic NameDeferasirox dehfurASSsihrox
Depakote see Valproic Acid page 1194
Detrol LA see Tolterodine page 1144
Generic NameDicyclomine dihSYEkloemeen
Digitek see Digoxin below
Generic NameDiltiazem dilTYEuhzem
Generic NameDimenhydrinate dyemenHYEdrihnate
Diovan see Angiotensin II Blockers page 80
Generic NameDisopyramide diesoePIErahmide
Generic NameDofetilide DOHfetalyed
Brand NameDonnatal
Generic NameDoxazosin dokSAYzoesin
Generic NameDoxercalciferol doxerkalSIHferahl
Generic NameDronabinol droeNABihnol
Brand NameDyazide
Generic NameEconazole eeKONuhzole
Generic NameEfalizumab efahLIZumab
Effexor see Venlafaxine page 1200
Generic NameEnalapril uhNALuhpril
Endocet see Percocet page 863
Generic NameEntacapone inTACKapohn
Generic NameEntecavir enTEKahveer
Brand NameEntex PSE
Generic NameEpoetin EEpohehtin
Type of DrugErectile Dysfunction Drugs
Generic NameErgoloid Mesylates ERgoeloid MESilates
Generic NameErythromycin ehrithroeMYEsin
Generic NameEstazolam esTAZoelam
Type of DrugEstrogens EStroejens
Generic NameEszopiclone essohPIKlone
Generic NameEtanercept ehTANersept
Evista see Raloxifene page 954
Generic NameExenatide exENahtide
Generic NameEzetimibe ehZEHtimibe
Generic NameFamciclovir famSYEkloevere
Generic NameFamotidine famOEtihdine
Generic NameFelbamate FELbamate
Generic NameFelodipine fehLOEdihpene
Generic NameFenofibrate fenoeFIHbrate
Generic NameFinasteride finASSteride
Brand NameFioricet
Brand NameFiorinal
Brand NameFiorinal with Codeine
Generic NameFlecainide FLEHkanide
Flomax see Tamsulosin page 1080
Type of DrugFluoroquinolone AntiInfectives floroeQUINoelone
Generic NameFluoxymesterone flueOXeeMESterone
Generic NameFlurazepam fluhRAZuhpam
Generic NameFlutamide FLUEtuhmide
Generic NameFormoterol forMOHterol
Fosamax see Bisphosphonates page 164
Generic NameFosinopril fosINoepril
Brand NameFosrenol
Generic NameGanciclovir ganSYEkloevere
Generic NameGemfibrozil jemFIbroezil
Generic NameGlatiramer glahTYEramer
Type of DrugGlitazone Antidiabetes Drugs GLITuhzone
Glycolax see Polyethylene Glycol page 895
Generic NameHaloperidol haloePERihdol
Brand NameHelidac
Type of DrugHIV Antivirals
Humalog see Insulin page 585
Generic NameHydroxyzine hyeDROKsuhzene
Hyzaar see Angiotensin II Blockers page 80
Generic NameIloprost EYElowprahst
Generic NameImiquimod ihMIHkwihmod
Imitrex see TriptanType Antimigraine Drugs page 1178
Generic NameIndomethacin INdoeMETHuhsin
Generic NameInfliximab inFLIXihmab
Generic NameInsulin INsuhlin
Generic NameInterferon Alpha interFEERon ALfuh
Generic NameInterferon Beta interFEERon BAYtuh
Generic NameIpratropium iperuhTROEpeeum
Type of DrugIron Supplements
Generic NameIsosorbide Dinitrate eyesoeSOREbide dinNYEtrate
Generic NameIsotretinoin eyesoeTRETihnoin
Kariva see Contraceptives page 287
KlorCon see Potassium Replacements page 899
Lamictal see Lamotrigine below
Lantus see Insulin page 585
Generic NameLenalidomide lenahLIDohmide
Generic NameLoperamide loePERuhmide
Generic NameLoratadine lorAHtuhdene
Brand NameLotrel
Brand NameLotrisone
Generic NameLubiprostone lewbeePROSStone
Lunesta see Eszopiclone page 449
Lyrica see Pregabalin page 914
Generic NameMaraviroc muhRAHvihroc
Generic NameMedroxyprogesterone medrokseeproeJESterone
Generic NameMemantine mehMANteen
Generic NameMeperidine muhPERihdine
Generic NameMeprobamate mehproeBUHmate
Generic NameMetaproterenol mehtuhproeTERuhnol
Generic NameMetaxalone mehTAXuhlone
Generic NameMetformin metFORmin
Generic NameMethotrexate methoeTREKsate
Generic NameMethyldopa methulDOPEuh
Generic NameMethylphenidate methulFENihdate
Generic NameMetoclopramide metoeKLOEpruhmide
Generic NameMetoprolol mehTOPEroelol
Generic NameMetronidazole mehtroeNYEduhzole
Generic NameMiconazole myeKONuhzole
Generic NameMidodrine MYEdoedreen
Generic NameMifepristone mifihPRIStone
Generic NameMiglitol migLIHtol
Generic NameMinoxidil mihNOXindil
Generic NameMirtazapine murTAZuhpene
Generic NameMisoprostol myesoePROStol
Mobic see Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs page 821
Generic NameMoexipril moeEXuhpril
Brand NameMotofen
Type of DrugMultiple Kinase Inhibitors
Generic NameMupirocin muePYEroesin
Generic NameMuromonabCD3 muhROEmoenab
Generic NameMycophenolate myecoeFENoelate
Generic NameNaltrexone nalTRECKsohn
Namenda see Memantine page 683
Generic NameNelfinavir nelFINuhvere
Brand NameNeosporin Ophthalmic
Nexium see ProtonPump Inhibitors page 939
Niaspan see Niacin page 787
Generic NameNicotine NIKuhteen
Generic NameNifedipine nihFEDihpene
Generic NameNimodipine nihMOEdihpene
Generic NameNitazoxanide neyetanOXahnyde
Generic NameNitrofurantoin NYEtroefewRANtoein
Generic NameNitroglycerin nyetroeGLIHserin
Generic NameNizatidine nihZAYtihdene
Type of DrugNonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs
Type of DrugNonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drug Eyedrops
Norvasc see Amlodipine page 65
Generic NameOlanzapine oehLANzuhpene
Generic NameOlopatadine oeloePATuhdene
Omnicef see Cephalosporin Antibiotics page 210
OrthoEvra see Contraceptives page 287
Generic NameOxcarbazepine okskarBAZepeen
Generic NameOxybutynin oxeeBYUEtihnin
Patanol see Olopatadine page 838
Generic NamePenciclovir penSYEkloeveer
Type of DrugPenicillin Antibiotics penihSILin
Generic NamePentosan Polysulfate Sodium PENtoesan poleeSULfate
Brand NamePercocet
Brand NamePercodan
Generic NamePermethrin perMEEthrin
Generic NamePhenelzine FEHnelzeen
Generic NamePhenobarbital FEENoeBARbihtol
Generic NamePhenytoin FENihtoin
Generic NamePimecrolimus pihmehCROlimus
Generic NamePindolol PINdoelol
Plavix see Clopidogrel page 265
Generic NamePolyethylene Glycol 3350 pahleeETHihleen GLYEcohl
Brand NamePolyViFlor
Type of DrugPotassium Replacements
Generic NamePramipexole pramihPEXole
Pramlintide PRAMlintide
Pravachol see Statin CholesterolLowering Agents page 1052
Generic NamePregabalin PreGABahlin
Premarin see Estrogens page 441
Generic NameProchlorperazine proeklorPERuhzeen
Generic NamePromethazine proeMETHuhzeen
Generic NamePropoxyphene Hydrochloride proePOKsihfene hyedroeKLORide
Generic NamePropranolol proePRANoelol
Type of DrugProstaglandin Agonists
Protonix see ProtonPump Inhibitors below
Generic NameQuetiapine kweTYEuhpene
Generic NameQuinapril QUINuhpril
Generic NameQuinidine QUINlhdene
Generic NameRaloxifene rahLOXihfeen
Generic NameRaltegravir rahlTEGrahveer
Generic NameRamelteon RAMelteeon
Generic NameRanitidine rahNITihdeen
Generic NameRanolazine rahNOlazeen
Generic NameRasagiline rahSAYjillene
Brand NameRebetron
Generic NameRepaglinide rehPAGlihnide
Generic NameRetapamulin rehtahPAMulin
Rhinocort Aqua see Corticosteroids Nasal page 309
Generic NameRifampin rihFAMpin
Generic NameRifaximin rihFAXihmin
Generic NameRiluzole RILuezole
Generic NameRimantadine rihMANtuhdene
Risperdal see Risperidone below
Generic NameRitonavir rihTONuhvere
Generic NameRopinirole roePINihrole
Generic NameRotigotine rowTINgotene
Generic NameSalmeterol salMETEerol
Generic NameSaquinavir suhQUINuhvere
Type of DrugSelective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors SSRIs
Generic NameSelegiline sehLEGuhleen
Brand NameSeptra
Seroquel see Quetiapine page 943
Generic NameSibutramine sihBYUEtrahmeen
Generic NameSinecatechins Ointment sinehCATehkinz
Brand NameSinemet
Singulair see Leukotriene AntagonistsInhibitors page 626
Skelaxin see Metaxalone page 694
Spiriva see Ipratropium page 597
Strattera see Atomexetine page 125
Type of DrugSulfa Drugs
Type of DrugSulfonylurea Antidiabetes Drugs
Synthroid see Thyroid Hormone Replacements page 1118
Generic NameTamoxifen Citrate tuhMoxihfen SYEtrate
Generic NameTamsulosin tamSUEloesin
Generic NameTazarotene tuhZARoetene
Generic NameTelithromycin telithrowMYsin
Generic NameTemozolomide temohZOHLohmide
Generic NameTerbinafine terBINuhfeen
Generic NameTerbutaline terBUEtuhleen
Generic NameTeriparatide terrihPARatide
Generic NameTestosterone tesTOSterone
Type of DrugTetracycline Antibiotics tentraSIKElene
Generic NameThalidomide thalIHdoemide
Type of DrugThiazide Diuretics THYEuhzide dyeurRETiks
Thyroid Hormone Replacements
Generic NameTiagabine tyeAGabene
Generic NameTiclopidine tihKLOEpihdene
Generic NameTimolol TIMoelol
Generic NameTipranavir tihPRANuhvere
Generic NameTizanidine tihZANihdene
Generic NameTolcapone TOLkapone
Generic NameTolterodine toleTERoedeen
Topamax see Topiramate below
Toprol see Metoprolol page 713
Generic NameTrandolapril tranDOEluhpril
Generic NameTrazodone TRAYzoedone
Generic NameTretinoin TRETinoin
Generic NameTriazolam tryeAYzuhlam
TriCor see Fenofibrate page 475
TriNessa see Contraceptives page 287
TriSprintec see Contraceptives page 287
Brand NameTussiOrganidin NR
Generic NameValacyclovir valaySYEkloevere
Valium see Diazepam page 357
Valtrex see Valacyclovir page 1191
Generic NameVenlafaxine venluhFAXene
Generic NameVerapamil vuhRAPuhmil
Viagra see Erectile Dysfunction Drugs page 426
Vytorin see Ezetimibe page 460
Generic NameWarfarin WORfarin
Wellbutrin see Bupropion page 179
Xalatan see Prostaglandin Agonists page 936
Yasmin see Contraceptives page 287
Generic NameZaleplon zahLEPlon
Generic NameZanaimivir zuhNAMihveer
Zetia see Ezetimibe page 460
Zithromax see Azithromycin page 131
Generic NameZonisamide zohNISuhmide
Zyprexa see Olanzapine page 834
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About the author (2009)

Harold M. Silverman, Pharm. D., has been practicing health-care public affairs and communications for over fifteen years. He is the co-author of Bantam's The Vitamin Book, and author of the chapter on generic drugs in The Merck Manual: Home Edition.

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