Introduction to Programming with Greenfoot: Object-Oriented Programming in Java with Games and Simulations

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Pearson Higher Ed, Nov 21, 2011 - Computers - 216 pages

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Introduction to Programming with Greenfoot: Object-Oriented Programming in Java with games and Simulations is ideal for introductory courses in Java Programming or Introduction to Computer Science.

The only textbook to teach Java programming using Greenfoot—this is “Serious Fun.”

Programming doesn’t have to be dry and boring. This book teaches Java programming in an interactive and engaging way that is technically relevant, pedagogically sound, and highly motivational for students. Using the Greenfoot environment, and an extensive collection of compelling example projects, students are given a unique, graphical framework in which to learn programming.

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About the author (2011)

Michael Kölling is a professor at the Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, in Canterbury, UK. He holds a PhD in computer science from Sydney University, and has worked in Australia, Denmark and the UK. Michael’s research interests are in the areas of object-oriented systems, programming languages, software tools, computing education and HCI. He has published numerous papers on object-orientation and computing education topics and is co-author of a Java textbook (Objects First with Java, Pearson Education, 2008.(ISBN 0-13-606086-2). Michael is one of the developers of BlueJ, an educational programming environment, and more recently, the Greenfoot platform. The Higher Education Academy elected Michael as a National Teaching Fellow in 2008.

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