Control System Design: An Introduction to State-space MethodsOne thesis of this book is that state-space methods can be presented in a style that can be grasped by the engineer who is more interested in using the results than in proving them. Another thesis is that results are useful. The book is addressed not only to students but also to a general audience of engineers and scientists who are interested in becoming familiar with state-space methods either for direct application to control system design or as a background for reading the periodical literature. The author has tried to keep the chapters reasonably independent and to use customary symbols wherever practical. He has also selected fifteen or so examples and weaved them into the fabric of the text and the homework problems. |
1 | 8 |
StateSpace Representation of Dynamic | 14 |
Dynamics of Linear Systems | 58 |
Copyright | |
20 other sections not shown
Other editions - View all
Control System Design: An Introduction to State-Space Methods Bernard Friedland Limited preview - 2012 |
Control System Design: An Introduction to State-Space Methods Bernard Friedland Limited preview - 2005 |
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a₁ â₂ acceleration actuator aircraft angular velocity asymptotically stable autopilot b₁ b₂ bandwidth behavior block-diagram Bode plots C₁ Chap characteristic equation characteristic polynomial closed-loop poles closed-loop system coefficients compensator constant control input control law control system design corresponding covariance matrix defined determined differential equations distillation column dynamics matrix eigenvalues estimate Example exogenous Figure frequency frequency-domain G(jw gain margin gain matrix given grammian gyro hence imaginary axis integral inverse inverted pendulum k₁ k₂ Kalman filter Laplace transform left half-plane linear system loop matrix G measured missile multivariable nonsingular Note Nyquist diagram Nyquist plot obtained optimum output parameters phase margins plot Prob problem quadratic reduced-order observer reference input response return difference right half-plane root locus scalar shown in Fig solution spectral density state-space methods subsystem test matrix time-invariant system transfer function uncontrollable unstable variables vector white noise x₁ zero