Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in their Encounter in Palestine during the Early Hellenistic PeriodMartin Hengel gathers an encyclopedic amount of material, ancient and modern, to present an exhaustive survey of the early course of Hellenistic civilization as it related to developing Judaism. The result is a highly readable account of a largely unfamiliar world which is indispensable for those interested in Judaism and the birth of Christianity alike. An extensive section of notes and bibliography is included. |
12 | |
18 | |
32 | |
39 | |
47 | |
55 | |
Greek Education and Culture and Palestinian Judaism | 65 |
PalestinianJewish history writing in the Hellenistic | 99 |
Palestinian Judaism between the Reception | 247 |
The Interpretatio Graeca of Judaism and the Hellenistic | 255 |
The Identification of the God of Judaism with Greek Con | 261 |
The Hellenistic Reform Attempt in Jerusalem and its Failure | 267 |
b The Hellenistic reform in Jerusalem down to the erection | 277 |
c The edict of religion the king and the Jewish apostates | 283 |
The Reform Attempt its Failure and the Far | 303 |
Summary and Conclusion | 310 |
The Encounter and Conflict between Palestinian Judaism | 107 |
58 | 115 |
Koheleth and Solomon | 129 |
The Encounter between Jewish and Hellenistic Thought | 153 |
f Wisdom and Torah in Pharisaic and Rabbinic Judaism | 169 |
The Hasidim and the First Climax of Jewish Apocalyptic | 175 |
Higher wisdom through revelation as a character | 210 |
Early Essenism | 218 |
Hellenistic reform | 224 |
Notes to Introduction | 12 |
Notes to Chapter III The Encounter and Conflict between Palestinian | 72 |
Notes to Chapter IV The Interpretatio Graeca of Judaism and | 169 |
Abbreviations | 211 |
247 | |
267 | |
280 | |
297 | |
Other editions - View all
Judaism and Hellenism: Studies in Their Encounter in Palestine ..., Volume 2 Martin Hengel No preview available - 1974 |
Common terms and phrases
according Alexandria already angels Antiochus Antiochus IV Antt apocalyptic Aramaic Aristobulus astrological Ben Sira Bickermann c.Ap conception cult Daniel Diaspora divine doctrine Egypt Egyptian Eissfeldt Enoch eschatological Essene Eupolemus F. M. Abel FGrHist fragments Galling Geschichte GGR² Greek Hasidic Hasidim Hebrew Hellenism Hellenistic civilization Hellenistic period Hengel high priest Hyrcanus influence inscription interpretation Israel Jason Jerusalem Jewish Jews Josephus Judaism Judea king Koheleth later literature M. P. Nilsson Macc Maccabean revolt Maccabees Moses Old Testament oriental Palestine Palestinian papyri Persian Pharisees Philo philosophical Phoenician Posidonius presumably priestly probably prophetic Ptolemy Qumran R. H. Charles Rabbinic Reinach religion religious Rostovtzeff Samaritan Schürer second century BC Seleucid Sidon significance Sira Sirach Stoa Stoic Syria Tcherikover TDNT temple third century BC Tobiads Torah tradition wisdom Zeno Zeus καὶ