Knowing and Learning: An Indigenous Fijian ApproachIn Knowing and Learning: An Indigenous Fijian Approach, author Unaisi Nabobo-Baba has employed a decolonized 'vanua research' method to explore how her people, those of Vugalei, in southeastern Vitilevu, acquire and transmit knowledge. By documenting the various dimensions of knowledge and their value and applications in Vugalei society, the author enables the indigenous voice to be heard. Nabobo-Baba's finding have obvious implications for formal education models - and she discusses how they impinge on evrything from school architecture to teaching methods, curriculum development and educational research, and how they go some way toward explaining the apparent failures of the past affirmative action strategies. This ground-breaking book provides an 'insiders' view of how an idigenous society percieves itself and the world around it, and is set to raise the level of debate on the development of Fiji as a post-colonial nation. |
Undertaking research in the Fijian village | 24 |
seeing with | 37 |
Ways of knowing analysis acceptance | 60 |
Silence clan boundary space and gifting | 94 |
Teaching and learning in Vugalei | 116 |
Epilogue | 138 |
Research questions for the interviews | 140 |
Vugalei history as told by a clan member | 148 |
References | 157 |
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Common terms and phrases
Akanisi Kedrayate ancestors Bavia behaviour belong bibi blessings bula called cassava ceremony chief clan boundaries culture custom customary Dakuwaqa elders ensure epistemology example Fiji Fijian language Gegeo gift hear his/her Ilaitia important knowledge important Vugalei indigenous Fijian indigenous knowledge interview kakana Kalou keda keya kila kitou knowing knowledge and epistemology koro land learning leka live lotu mana MATAQALI meke Mereani Nadaro native Natobuniqio noda nona noted one's Pacific person present protocols Ratu Ratumaibulu rawa relationships relatives respect role Savu sega sevusevu silence solisoli space speak spirits story Suva tabu tabua Tailevu talanoa talk taukei things tiko tokatoka tovo vakavanua traditional truth Tui Vugalei Tuinakelo Tuwere uncle vaka vakanomodi vakarau values vanua knowledge vanua research vasu vata veiwekani Verata village Viti Levu voices vosa Vugalei Fijians Vugalei knowledge vulagi warai woman women yagona yalomatua Yavusa