Object-oriented Software Engineering: A Use Case Driven Approach

Front Cover
ACM Press, 1992 - Computers - 524 pages

How can software developers, programmers and managers meet the challenges of the 90s and begin to resolve the software crisis?This book is based on Objectory which is the first commercially available comprehensive object-oriented process for developing large-scale industrial systems. Ivar Jacobson developed Objectory as a result of 20 years of experience building real software-based products. The approach takes a global view of system development and focuses on minimizing the system's life cycle cost. Objectory is an extensible industrial process that provides a method for building large industrial systems.

This revised printing has been completely updated to make it as accessible and complete as possible. New material includes the revised Testing chapter, in which new product developments are discussed.


"In this book Jacobson establishes a new direction for the future of software engineering practice. It is a thorough presentation of ideas and techniques that are both solidly proven and simultaneously at the leading edge of software engineering methodology." Larry L. Constantine, RODP, Organization & System Consultant

"Object-Oriented Software Engineering belongs in the book collection of every serious student of object methodologies." Larry O'Brien, Editor, COMPUTER LANGUAGE

"Perhaps the most profound and deeply revealing volume on object technology to date ... It is simply a must-own book." Steve Bilow, Journal of Object-Oriented Programming

"Jacobson is in my opinion one of the foremost methodologists in the field of Software Engineering ... I strongly recommend ... this book ... not only for software managers and designers but for anyone who wishes to understand how the next generation of Software Systems should be built." Dave Thomas, Object Technology International


From inside the book


System development as an industrial process
The system life cycle
What is objectorientation?

14 other sections not shown

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About the author (1992)

Dr. Ivar Jacobson,Vice President of Business Engineering, is the inventor of the OOSE method, and he is also the founder of Objectory AB in Sweden, which recently merged with Rational Software Corporation. Dr. Jacobson is the principal author of two influential and best-selling books Object-Oriented Software Engineering--A Use Case Driven Approach (Computer Language Productivity award winner in 1992) and The Object Advantage--Business Process Reengineering with Object Technology. He has also authored several widely referenced papers on object technology. One of the most famous papers is his first OOPSLA '87 paper entitled "Object-Oriented Development in an Industrial Environment," which presented the first truly object-oriented method ever published. Ivar Jacobson's use-case driven approachhas had a very strong impact on the entireOOAD industry, and he himself has become one of its "icons." Consequently, he isa frequently invited keynote speaker and panelist, debating OOAD topics withcolleagues and methodologists such as Grady Booch, Jim Rumbaugh, StevenMellor, and Rebecca Wirfs-Brock at major OO conferences around the world. He is well known for his pioneering work and more than 20 years of experience inusing object methods for the design of large real-time systems. His earlyobject-based design technique has evolved into the international standardITU(formerly CCITT)/SDL. Dr. Jacobson also regularly serves on the OOPSLA, ECOOP, and TOOLSprogram committees, and he is a member of the advisory board of the Journal ofObject-Oriented Programming. In 1994, Ivar Jacobson received the first Swedish Computer Association (SCA)award (the Kjell Hultman prize) for "extraordinary achievement in promotingefficiency and productivity in the development and use of informationtechnology." Patrik Jonsson works at Rational Software Corporation in Sweden as a Senior Consultant where he has been developing the architecture and method of the Objectory process with a current focus on reuse and user interface development. 0201544350AB04062001

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