Other Planets: The Music of Karlheinz Stockhausen"German composer Karlheinz Stockhausen is arguably the greatest living composer and unquestionably the most elusive and enigmatic musical thinker of a generation that includes Pierre Boulez, John Cage, and Luciano Berio. His radically new electronic and instrumental music converted Igor Stravinsky to serialism in the 1950s and has continued to inspire composers for more than fifty years." "Other Planets: The Music of Karlheinz Stockhausen draws on more than forty years of the author's close study of Stockhausen and the sources of his inspiration, while functioning as a catalogue raisonne of Stockhausen's complete output. Maconie wisely avoids technical analysis, focusing instead on the music's aesthetic and practical assumptions. With plentiful citations from the history of radio, film, sound recording, and contemporary science and technology, this book is organized chronologically and contains ample commentary on the composer's sources of inspiration. Each composition is treated on its own terms and also as a piece in a larger puzzle, embracing surrealist art and literature, as well as music. Each composition is fully documented within the text, providing publisher, catalogue number, instrumentation, duration, and authorized compact disc."--BOOK JACKET. |
Formation | 13 |
Early Works | 31 |
Polarities | 49 |
Rhythmic Cells | 69 |
Music on Tape | 93 |
Watching Time | 109 |
MeyerEppler | 125 |
Temperaments | 139 |
Findings | 327 |
Rites | 347 |
Stagecraft | 365 |
Allegories | 387 |
Mysterium | 403 |
Donnerstag | 421 |
Samstag | 439 |
Montag | 459 |
Other editions - View all
Other Planets: The Complete Works of Karlheinz Stockhausen 1950–2007 Robin Maconie Limited preview - 2016 |
Other Planets: The Complete Works of Karlheinz Stockhausen, 1950-2007 Robin Maconie No preview available - 2016 |
Common terms and phrases
acoustic action aesthetic artist audience bass basset-horn Boulez Cage choir clarinet Cologne color complex composer composer's composition conception create culture dramatic Duration dynamic effect Eimert electronic music ensemble expression flute frequency German Gesang der Jünglinge gesture glissandi Goeyvaerts groups harmony hausen human Hymnen imitation instruments interpreted John Cage Karlheinz Stockhausen keyboard Kontakte Kontra-Punkte Kreuzspiel Kurzwellen language LICHT listener London loudspeakers Luzifer Mantra meaning melody Messiaen Meyer-Eppler microphones Mikrophonie mixing console modulation Montag movement movie musicians Musik musique concrète noise notation opera orchestra original percussion percussionist performance Piano Piece Pierre Boulez pitch play players polyphony radio relationship resonance rhythm rhythmic ring-modulation scale scene Schoenberg score sense sequence serial solo soprano sound space speech Stockhausen Stockhausen-Verlag Stravinsky string structure synthesizer tam-tam tempi tempo texture theory timbre tonal tone transformation trombone trumpet vibraphone violin vocoder voice Webern Werner Meyer-Eppler