Pythagoras: His Life and Teaching, a Compendium of Classical SourcesThe timeless brilliance of this exhaustive survey of the best classical writers of antiquity on Pythagoras was first published in 1687 in Thomas Stanley’s massive tome, The History of Philosophy. It remains as contemporary today as it was over three hundred years ago. The text of the 1687 book has been reset and modernized to make it more accessible to the modern reader. Spelling has been regularized, obsolete words not found in a modern dictionary have been replaced, and contemporary conventions of punctuation have been used. Biographical sketches of Thomas Stanley and Pythagoras by Manly Palmer Hall, founder of the Philosophical Research Society, have been included, along with a profound overview of Pythagorean philosophy by Platonic scholar Dr. Henry L. Drake. The extensive Greek language references throughout the text have been corrected and contextualized, and reset in a modern Greek font. Each quotation has been verified with the source document in Greek. An extensive annotated appendix of these classical sources is included. A complete bibliography details all the reference works utilized, and a small Glossary defines a number of terms, especially those from musical theory, which may be unfamiliar to the non-technical reader. |
The Country Parents and Time of Pythagoras | |
His First Education and Masters | |
How He Traveled to Phoenicia | |
How He Traveled to Egypt | |
How He Went to Babylon | |
How He Returned to Samos | |
Intellectual | |
Sciential | |
The Two Kinds of Sciential Number | |
Symbolic Numbers | |
The Monad | |
The Duad | |
The Triad | |
The Tetrad | |
Travels to Delos Delphi Crete and Sparta | |
How He Went to Olympia and Phlius | |
How He Lived at Samos | |
His Voyage to Italy | |
His Arrival at Crotona | |
His Oration to the Young | |
His Oration to the Senators | |
His Oration to the Boys | |
His Oration to the Women | |
His Institution of a Sect in Private and Public | |
His Authority in Civil Affairs | |
Wonders Related of | |
His Death | |
His Person and Virtues | |
His Wife Children and Servants | |
His Writings | |
His Disciples | |
The Succession of His School | |
The Great Authority and Esteem of Pythagoras | |
The Two Sorts of Auditors | |
Purificative Institution by Sufferings | |
Abstinence Temperance and Other Ways of Purification | |
Community of Estates | |
Admission or Rejection | |
Distinction | |
How They Disposed the | |
How They Examined Their Actions | |
Secrecy | |
Mathematical Sciences The Mathematical Sciences Preparative to Philosophy | |
Arithmetic | |
The Pentad | |
The Hexad | |
The Heptad | |
The Ogdoad | |
The Ennead | |
The Decad | |
Divination by Numbers | |
Music | |
Voice Its Kinds | |
First Music in the Planets | |
The Octochord | |
The Arithmetical Proportions of Harmony | |
The Division of the Diapason | |
The Cannon of the Monochord 7 Institution by Music | |
Medicine by Music | |
Astronomy | |
Philosophy | |
The Other Part of Practical Philosophy | |
Its Parts | |
Physic | |
Of the Sublunary Parts of the World | |
Medicine | |
The Symbols of Pythagoras According to Iamblichus | |
The Same Symbols Explained by Others | |
The Golden Verses of Pythagoras | |
Of the Soul of the World by Timaeus the Locrian | |
Glossary | |
Additional Notes to the Text by J Daniel Gunther | |
Silence | |
Bibliography | |