The Bees of the World, Volume 1A comprehensive, worldwide treatment of all groups of bees - 1200 genera and subgenera, including more than 16,000 species. In extensive introductory sections, Charles D. Michener examines the evolution of bees from wasps, the relations of the families of bees to one another, the evolution of bees in relation to that of flowering plants, the nesting behaviour of solitary and social bees, and the structure of immature and adult bees. Drawing on these considerations as well as the fossil record, he speculates on the attributes of the protobee, the common ancestor of all bees. He also cites the major literature on bee biology and describes the need for further research on the systematics and natural history of bees, including their importance as pollinators of crops and natural vegetation. |
New Names xiv | 8 |
About Bees and This Book 1 | 8 |
What Are Bees? 2 | 8 |
The Importance of Bees 3 | 8 |
Development and Reproduction 4 | 8 |
Solitary versus Social Life | 9 |
Floral Relationships of Bees | 13 |
Nests and Food Storage | 19 |
Subfamily Nomioidinae | 330 |
Subfamily Halictinae | 333 |
Tribe Halictini | 339 |
Tribe Augochlorini | 377 |
Family Melittidae | 396 |
Subfamily Dasypodainae | 399 |
Tribe Dasypodaini | 400 |
Tribe Promelittini | 405 |
Parasitic and Robber Bees | 25 |
Body Form Tagmata and Sex Differences | 38 |
Structures and Anatomical Terminology of Adults | 40 |
Structures and Terminology of Larvae | 53 |
Bees and Sphecoid Wasps as a Clade | 54 |
Bees as a Holophyletic Group | 55 |
The Origin of Bees from Wasps | 58 |
Classification of the BeeSphecoid Clade | 60 |
Bee Taxa and Categories | 61 |
Methods of Classification | 71 |
The History of Bee Classifications | 72 |
ShortTongued versus LongTongued Bees | 78 |
Phylogeny and the ProtoBee | 83 |
The Higher Classification of Bees | 88 |
Fossil Bees | 93 |
The Antiquity of Bee Taxa | 94 |
Diversity and Abundance | 96 |
Dispersal | 99 |
Biogeography | 100 |
Reduction or Loss of Structures | 104 |
New and Modified Structures | 106 |
FamilyGroup Names | 111 |
Explanation of Taxonomic Accounts | 112 |
in Sections 36 to 119 | 113 |
Some Problematic Taxa | 114 |
The Identification of Bees | 115 |
Key to the Families Based on Adults | 116 |
Notes on Certain Couplets in the Key to Families Section 33 | 120 |
Practical Key to FamilyGroup Taxa Based on Females | 121 |
Family Stenotritidae | 123 |
Family Colletidae | 126 |
Subfamily Colletinae | 130 |
Subfamily Diphaglossinae | 164 |
Tribe Caupolicanini | 165 |
Tribe Diphaglossini | 168 |
Tribe Dissoglottini | 170 |
Subfamily Xeromelissinae | 171 |
Tribe Chilicolini | 172 |
Tribe Xeromelissini | 177 |
Subfamily Hylaeinae | 178 |
Subfamily Euryglossinae | 210 |
Family Andrenidae | 225 |
Subfamily Alocandreninae | 228 |
Subfamily Andreninae | 229 |
Subfamily Panurginae | 260 |
Tribe Protandrenini | 262 |
Tribe Panurgini | 273 |
Tribe Melitturgini | 278 |
Tribe Protomeliturgini | 281 |
Tribe Perditini | 282 |
Tribe Calliopsini | 292 |
Subfamily Oxaeinae | 301 |
Family Halictidae | 304 |
Subfamily Rophitinae | 307 |
Subfamily Nomiinae | 317 |
Tribe Sambini | 406 |
Subfamily Meganomiinae | 409 |
Subfamily Melittinae | 412 |
Family Megachilidae | 417 |
Subfamily Fideliinae | 419 |
Tribe Pararhophitini | 420 |
Tribe Fideliini | 421 |
Subfamily Megachilinae | 424 |
Tribe Lithurgini | 427 |
Tribe Osmiini | 431 |
Tribe Anthidiini | 474 |
Tribe Dioxyini | 521 |
Tribe Megachilini | 526 |
Family Apidae | 570 |
Subfamily Xylocopinae | 575 |
Tribe Manueliini | 577 |
Tribe Xylocopini | 578 |
Tribe Ceratinini | 593 |
Tribe Allodapini | 600 |
Color plates follow page 32 | 614 |
Tribe Hexepeolini | 618 |
Tribe Brachynomadini | 620 |
Tribe Nomadini | 624 |
Tribe Epeolini | 627 |
Tribe Ammobatoidini | 633 |
Tribe Biastini | 636 |
Tribe Townsendiellini | 639 |
Tribe Neolarrini | 640 |
Tribe Ammobatini | 641 |
Tribe Caenoprosopidini | 646 |
Subfamily Apinae | 647 |
Tribe Isepeolini | 652 |
Tribe Osirini | 654 |
Tribe Protepeolini | 658 |
Tribe Exomalopsini | 660 |
Tribe Ancylini | 665 |
Tribe Tapinotaspidini | 667 |
Tribe Tetrapediini | 674 |
Tribe Ctenoplectrini | 676 |
Tribe Emphorini | 679 |
Tribe Eucerini | 686 |
Tribe Anthophorini | 720 |
Tribe Centridini | 731 |
Tribe Rhathymini | 739 |
Tribe Ericrocidini | 740 |
Tribe Melectini | 747 |
Tribe Euglossini | 754 |
Tribe Bombini | 761 |
Tribe Meliponini | 779 |
Tribe Apini | 806 |
Literature Cited | 809 |
Addenda | 871 |
873 | |
877 | |
Common terms and phrases
absent Africa Andrena Andrenidae angle antennal Anthidiini Anthidium apex apical lobes Apis basal area base basitarsus basitibial plate bees body length broad carina characters cleptoparasitic clypeus Cockerell Coelioxys Colletidae convex Cresson distal dorsal elongate Euryglossina facial fovea female fovea Friese genera genus glossa gonostylus groove hair bands hairy Halictidae Halictinae Halictus hidden sterna hind tibial spur Hoplitis Hylaeinae Hylaeus inner hind tibial labrum lack larvae Lasioglossum lateral Leioproctus male genitalia mandible marginal cell median Megachile Megachilidae Melittidae metanotum metasoma metasomal terga Michener Michener 1965b monobasic Moure nests original designation Osmia palearctic palpus paraocular parasitic Pasteels pollen posterior margin preapical preoccipital pronotal lobe pronotum propodeal triangle propodeum punctate pygidial plate ridge Rozen scopa scutellum slender sometimes South species were revised spine stigma strongly subantennal Subfamily subgenera subgenus submarginal cells surface suture taxa teeth terga thorax Tkalců tooth Tribe truncate Type species usually vein Warncke yellow