The Bra Book: The Fashion Formula to Finding the Perfect BraAccording to a September 2006 episode of the The Oprah Winfrey Show, countless American women are in need of a serious "bra intervention." Eighty-five percent of women are wearing the wrong bra. What else don't we know about which one is the right one? The Bra Book author Jen Luciani--a fashion expert and a go-to guide for beauty advice--once and for all arms women with the knowledge they need to find the right fashion support. From the best bra to wear under every outfit to important information about bras and breast health from puberty to retirement, from the physics behind bra design to how you can best ensure a proper fit, The Bra Book is the source for women everywhere. Luciani's warm, supportive style guides the reader through a minefield of bra facts, fallacies and faux-pas in chapters like "The Herstory of Bras," "Breast RX," and "Mountains vs. Molehills." Each chapter offers expert advice alongside a plethora of photographs and useful diagrams, witty quotes from real men and women, tons of tips and a tear-out guide to take the confusion out of bra shopping--and put the fun back in. The Bra Book doesn't just tell women how bras work; it shows them how to make their bras work for them! |
Introduction | 1 |
Chapter 1 | 9 |
Chapter 2 | 21 |
Chapter 3 | 37 |
Chapter 4 | 67 |
Chapter 5 | 83 |
Chapter 6 | 109 |
Chapter 7 | 125 |
Chapter 8 | 143 |
Chapter 9 | 161 |
Chapter 10 | 177 |
Shopping Tips | 197 |
Care Tips | 199 |
Common terms and phrases
Backless Strapless band Beverly Johnson body type boobs bra size bra-makers bra's brand breast augmentation breast cancer breast tissue breastfeeding bust cause chest choose cleavage clothing color comes to bras comfortable corset cotton create cup size cup sizes cutlets designed dress or gown fabric Fashion Forms Fast Fact Faux Faux Pas fiber Frederick's Frederick's of Hollywood girls Glove Fit Tip Herstory Hollywood implants important innovations Jené keep large breasts larger lingerie lingerie store Lycra Maidenform mastectomy measure nipple nude option padding Pamela Anderson percent perfect plastic surgeon pregnancy push-up push-up bra Racerback ribcage says sexy shape shoulders silicone skin smaller smaller-breasted Solution sports bra sports bras straps stretch style sure surgery T-shirt Tara Cavosie thing undergarment underneath underwire Victoria's Secret wearing the wrong weight what's woman women