The Image: Knowledge in Life and SocietyBehavior depends on the image--the sum of what we think we know and what makes us act the way we do. The image lies behind the actions of every individual. It accounts for the growth of every cause. To recognize the image is to begin to understand the scientist, the believer, the crusader, the soldier. To know its shape is the key to psychoanalysis, public opinion polling, and social psychology. Professor Kenneth Boulding, eminent economist and author of Organizational Revolution, illuminates with the image of all modern knowledge: biology, psychology, sociology, political science, economics, and history. And he proposes a new science, "eiconics," to restructure all that is presently known about man. |
Introduction | 3 |
The Image in the Theory of Organization | 19 |
The Image at the Biological Level | 32 |
The Image of Man and Society | 47 |
The Public Image and the Sociology of Knowledge | 64 |
The Image in Economic Life | 82 |
The Image in the Political Process | 97 |
How Manifest is Destiny? The Image in History | 115 |
Subcultures and the Subuniverses of Discourse | 132 |
Eiconics A New Science? | 148 |
The Image and Truth Some Philosophical Implications | 164 |
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abstract argue atom authoritarian becomes biological cell centers ceremonial behavior chemical Chester Barnard communication complex concept conscious control mechanism course culture dimension discipline economic behavior effect eiconics elab elaborate empirical ence equifinal exhibit experience extremely face-to-face feedback field gene genetic structure George Mead grow growth havior higher roles human ideal ideal type image of fact impact important increase individual information theory instance internal interpreted knowledge structure latent lower animals lower roles map maker Marxism mathematics means nature Nevertheless nomic open system organiza Paramecium perhaps person phenotype philosophical problem psychoanalysis public image received regarded relational image relationships result self-consciousness sense skill social society sociology of knowledge solipsism stable static structures struc subculture symbolic image symbolic messages theoretical theory things through-put tion transcript truth ture universe of discourse value image value system whole