The Image: Knowledge in Life and Society

Front Cover
University of Michigan Press, 1961 - Business & Economics - 175 pages
Behavior depends on the image--the sum of what we think we know and what makes us act the way we do. The image lies behind the actions of every individual. It accounts for the growth of every cause. To recognize the image is to begin to understand the scientist, the believer, the crusader, the soldier. To know its shape is the key to psychoanalysis, public opinion polling, and social psychology. Professor Kenneth Boulding, eminent economist and author of Organizational Revolution, illuminates with the image of all modern knowledge: biology, psychology, sociology, political science, economics, and history. And he proposes a new science, "eiconics," to restructure all that is presently known about man.


The Image in the Theory of Organization
The Image at the Biological Level
The Image of Man and Society
The Public Image and the Sociology of Knowledge
The Image in Economic Life
The Image in the Political Process
How Manifest is Destiny? The Image in History
Subcultures and the Subuniverses of Discourse
Eiconics A New Science?
The Image and Truth Some Philosophical Implications

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About the author (1961)

Kenneth Boulding is one of the most prolific, provocative, and highly regarded economists of our time. Born in England in 1910, he received his M.A. at Oxford University and moved to the United States in 1937. Since then he has authored or coauthored over two dozen books and has taught at a number of leading universities. Currently he is affiliated with the Institute of Behavioral Science at the University of Colorado. In an early essay, "Is Economics Necessary?" Boulding argued that economics is important not merely as it relates to the marketplace but because it is a part of virtually all other human activities. Many of his works are extensions of this theme. As a result, his writings cover an astonishing variety of topics, including ecology and religion. His pioneering efforts to apply economic concepts to the areas of social conflict, peace, and disarmament have established him as one of the founders of the school of conflict resolution. Boulding's early work, Economic Analysis (1941), is regarded as a classic overview and survey of the field. Many of his other works, including A Reconstruction of Economics (1950) and Conflict and Defense (1962), were once required reading for graduate students in economics. Others, such as Beyond Economics (1968) and Economics as a Science (1970), are collections of shorter essays covering such diverse topics as politics, social justice, and ethical problems, and are intended for a broader audience. The Image (1956), a theory of human behavior based on perceptions of the world, has received critical praise from all quarters and is perhaps his best-known work among noneconomists. Boulding has received nearly every significant award or recognition in the field of economics, and he has been the recipient of 25 honorary degrees from universities around the world. In his spare moments, he enjoys poetry, sketching, and watercolor painting.

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