The Rottnest Island Fish Book: An Information and Identification Guide

Front Cover
Aqua Research & Monitoring Services, Aug 5, 2017 - Nature - 176 pages
Containing over 420 colour photographs, The Rottnest Island Fish Book is the most comprehensive fish guide ever produced for this popular destination. It is an essential resource for visitors who wish to engage with the stunning marine environment through snorkeling, fishing or diving; and contains fishing advice and cooking tips for over 20 commonly caught species, snorkeling maps of several beautiful bays, feature articles about Rottnest¿s unique marine life, and an identification section describing the key features of each species.The Rottnest Island Fish Book represents years of research, diving and photography by authors Alexandra Hoschke and Dr Glen Whisson, which has resulted in descriptions of over 250 species.

About the author (2017)

Dr Whisson spent 20 years at a Perth University delivering academic programmes and conducting research in the aquatic sciences. He was the Founding President of the Silver Perch Association of WA, served on the Executive Committee of the Marron Growers Association of WA for 10 years, and is a former President of the International Association of Astacology¿being awarded Honarary Life Membership in 2004 for contributions to crayfish science. He has a Bachelor¿s degree in Marketing and Financial Management, a Post-graduate Diploma in Natural Resources and received his PhD in 2000. He now pursues underwater photography, music, art and private research.

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