Working in Circles in Primary and Secondary ClassroomsFirst published in 2014, this book is a comprehensive manual for anyone wishing to use the circle in their classroom for community building; social skills; democratic decision making or just having fun together as a class. It is a complete guide - saving valuable time in searching for a collection of fun games or resources suitable for primary or secondary classrooms. The manual covers: the reasons, benefits and methodology of using circles in classrooms; the ways they can be used; and many examples of circle sessions for both primary and secondary classrooms. Circles in schools can build and create a sense of belonging, trust, loyalty and community-mindedness. Using circles in classrooms as described in this manual can create democratic classrooms where real learning occurs in safe supportive spaces. |
Simple Circles to Get Started | |
Classroom Circles in Primary Classrooms | |
Classroom Circles in Secondary Schools Circlework | |
Restorative Circles | |
Frequently Asked Questions | |
Benefits of Circles | |
Resources and Further Reading | |
Other editions - View all
Working in Circles in Primary and Secondary Classrooms David Vinegrad,Margaret Armstrong No preview available - 2023 |
Common terms and phrases
affected Age Range agree Aim and Outcomes Ask students bean bags behaviour Calling the Circle Cards see resource chairs Circle agreements Circle Closing Sentence Circle saying Circlework Conversation classmate Classroom Circles Closing Sentence Completion cooperative curriculum developed Explain to students focus going to play hoop important introduce ourselves issues KEY TOPIC lesson listen litter Mexican Wave middle Middle-Upper Primary 30-40 minutes A set Mixing Game Explain Name Games need to stand organise Pair/Share Activity Pair participants partner Peta play a mixing Primary 20-30 minutes problem Problem-solving Circle promote put-downs Quality Circle Queenscliff resource list respect Restorative Circle Restorative Justice Restorative Practices rules of Circle says their name school community Secondary school Set of Feelings social capital Social Skills someone stand and switch statement students share students to go switch places Talking Piece Tap Game teach teacher says Tell things Todd Parr whiteboard wrongdoing