Enforcement of Human Rights in Ethiopia: Old and New Challenges

Front Cover
Yohannes Eneyew Ayalew , Wondemagegen Tadesse Goshu
Imprint Addis Ababa University - School of Law, May 25, 2023 - Law - 225 pages
Enforcement has not been the most practiced business in the field of human rights in Ethiopia. The absence of effective enforcement can be attributed to various factors, including the absence of a normative framework, insufficient political commitment, inadequate institutional capacity and resources, and limited awareness. Despite recent legal reform initiatives purportedly driven by human rights demands, it remains uncertain whether enforcement has undergone any significant changes. Effective enforcement of human rights necessitates the existence of robust multi-layered institutions at the national, sub-regional, regional, and international levels. However, in Ethiopia, concerns have been raised about the capability of numerous normative instruments and mechanisms of human rights. This volume comprises a collection of papers presented at a hybrid conference held at the Hilton Hotel Addis in April 2022. The conference, organized by the School of Law of Addis Ababa University in collaboration with Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung, Ethiopia, centered around the theme "Enforcement of Human Rights in Ethiopia: Old and New Challenges." Its primary objective was to identify and analyze both old and new challenges in human rights enforcement in Ethiopia and propose strategies to overcome them. The editors of this volume intend for it to address scholarly gaps in the implementation and enforcement of human rights in Ethiopia. Among the notable findings from the chapters included in this volume is a significant disparity between recently reformed laws passed by the parliament and their execution by the executive body. This disconnect demonstrates a failure to prioritize and enforce human rights in the country. As such, the volume suggests that the Ethiopian government must take the business of human rights enforcement seriously.

Selected pages


Appraising the Impacts of the Civil Societies Law on Elections in Ethiopia
Who defends the defenders? The Protection and Challenges of Human Rights
a quest on Women Human Rights Defenders in Ethiopia

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About the author (2023)

PhD Candidate and Teaching Associate, Faculty of Law, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.

Dr.iur; Assistant Professor of Law, School of Law, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.

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