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VOL. 7

No. 2

New Technical Books

A Selected List on Industrial Arts and Engineering
Added to The New York Public Library

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Titles marked with a star (*) are not for circulation, but may be consulted in the Science and Technology Division, Central Building, Fifth Avenue and Forty-second Street, daily from 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. Sundays, 1 p. m. to 10 p. m.,

Allen, John R., and J. H. WALKER. Heating and ventilation. New York: McGrawHill Book Co., Inc., 1922. xii, 332 p. diagrs., tables. illus. 2. ed. 8°. $3.50. VEW (121)

This thorough revision of an authoritative work (1. ed., 1918, 305 p.) includes recent advances in the art, such as the establishment of ventilation standards and the work of the Research Laboratory of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, of which Professor Allen was director during the last year of his life. Well provided with tables and charts. Designed for college use.

Reviewed in Heating and ventilating magazine, April, 1922.

*American Gas Association. Gas chemists handbook, compiled by the Chemical Committee, Technical Section... March 1, 1922. New York: American Gas Association [1922]. 608 p. 2. ed. illus. 8°. $6.00. VOL (118)

Nearly double the size of the first edition, 1916. Each section is from the pen of an authority. Covers analytical and test methods for coal, coke, gas oil, purification materials, illuminating gas, ammonia, light oils, tar, cyanogen, hydrogen sulphide, tar, naphthalene, water, paint, lubricants, solder, pipe deposits, refractories, cement and lime, and ferrous materials. Useful tables are included.

Angle, Glenn D. Airplane engine encyclopedia; an alphabetically arranged compilation of all available data on the world's airplane engines. Dayton, Ohio: Otterbein Press, 1921, 547 p. illus. 8°. $7.00.

VDY (121)

A complete compilation covering 800 different models and including those of historical interest. The editor is in charge of design of airplane engines for the United States Air Service. Fully illustrated with drawings and photographs of engines described.

Aston, F. W. Isotopes. London: Edward Arnold & Co.; New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1922. viii, 152 p. illus. 8°. $3.00. PLD (118)

"Dr. Aston's book is an event of importance.. It gives an exact and fairly complete account of the history of the discovery of isotopes, of the methods hitherto used to detect heterogeneity in 'elements,' of the theories now current in explanation of observed phenomena, and of the work done in the partial separation of the isotopes of neon, chlorine, and mercury. Great care has evidently been exercised in the production of the book both by the author and the publisher: it has very numerous references to the original literature, and is closely up to date, containing indeed important results as yet unpublished elsewhere... The main feature of the book is a very full account of the author's mass-spectrograph and the work done therewith upon some 25 elements, and of some work by Dempster and Thompson." H. V. A. Briscoe in Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, March 31, 1922.

Also reviewed in Chemical news, April 21, 1922.

Auden, Harold A. Sulphur and sulphur derivatives. London and New York: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd. (1921. xviii, 101 p. illus. 12°. $1.00. VOF (118)

Designed "to stimulate interest in certain problems of large-scale chemical manufacture. The basis of many processes is simple, but the actual apparatus and plant necessary for the manufacture of large quantities of chemical substances which modern conditions demand are somewhat intricate and complicated. The author has endeavored to describe those portions which are not so intricate that they cannot be appreciated by readers of limited technical knowl edge. Nearly two-thirds of the work is devoted to sulphuric acid.

Babbitt, Harold E. Sewerage and sewage treatment. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1922. xii, 531 p. illus. 8°. $5.00. VDI (121)

Intended primarily for text-book use, but contains information valuable to practicing engineers in a form of ready reference. The ground covered includes an exposition of the principles and methods for the designing, construction and maintenance of sewerage works and also the treatment of sewage. Special emphasis is laid on the fundamentals of the subject rather than on the details of practice, although illustrations have been drawn freely from practical work. Well illustrated and has bibliographies.

Reviewed in Engineering, June 30, 1922.

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"By some means- which, perhaps, we need not investigate too closely the physical realities of mathematics have become swathed about with wrappings of mystery and suggestions of the supernatural. In the following pages an attempt is made to remove some of those wrappings, so that the truth may stand revealed in the light of day; and, as will be seen, the invariable result is that what appeared to be a highly complex and incomprehensible business turns out to be a quite plain and homely affair, which anyone who wishes may understand and use." - Preface.

*Bramley-Moore, S. Gears and gearing. Bradford, England: Percy Lund, Humphries & Co., Ltd., 1921. 152 p. illus. 8°. 12s. 6d. VFR (121)

"Information on the subject will be found in most text books on mechanical design, but modern practice in gearing is generally far ahead of the text books, which moreover cannot afford the space to deal at all fully with the matter... The author has covered the subject in a very thorough manner, and the book should appeal to all who wish to know how modern gearing is designed and made. Much of the information is now published for the first time, and we may mention in particular a simple and accurate method of calculating spiral gears... The book is in no sense a rehash of old facts and formulae, but a comprehensive treatise on modern gearing which will be studied with interest and advantage by all engineers who have to do with spur, bevel, helical, or worm gear.' Engineering, Nov. 25, 1921.

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*Brooks, Benjamin T. The chemistry of the non-benzenoid hydrocarbons and their simple derivatives. New York: The Chemical Catalog Co., 1922. 612 p. diagrs. 8°. $7.50. POB (118)

Although the mechanical art and engineering of petroleum refining have been developed to a high degree, this development has not followed thorough chemical knowledge which the author believes will result in less wasteful methods of refining and perhaps lead to the conversion of petroleum hydrocarbons into other useful products by chemical means. Brooks' book, although it is not a complete catalogue of all the hydrocarbons which might be described, is thoroughly scientific, covering both theory and It is abundantly supplied with references practice. to original sources and to patent records.


*Brunton, David W., and J. A. DAVIS. Modern tunneling... [with new chapters on railroad tunneling by J. Vipond Davies. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1922. x, 612 p. illus. 2. ed. enl. 8°. $6.50. VDF (121)

Contains a full reprint of the 1914 edition with additional chapters on railroad tunnels, construction, hard-rock tunnels (self-supporting), loose-rock and soft-ground tunnels, and subaqueous tunnels. Το this new material a bibliography covering the years 1910-1919, is appended.

Reviewed in Engineering and mining journal-press, April 1, 1922; Canadian mining journal, May 19, 1922; Compressed air magazine, May, 1922.

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126 p. illus. 8°. (Pitman's common commodities and industries.) $1.00. QHG

Includes also a description of the mechanical ap paratus used in diving; experimental information on the artificial culture of sponges; and a chapter dealing with modern writings relating to sponges.

"The author is an expert in an industry of which little is known, and what he has to tell about every aspect of the history and practice of sponge-fishing and the nature and growth of sponges makes a fascinating study, here expressed in concise and readable Ironmonger, March 4, 1922.


Croft, Terrell, editor. Steam power plant auxiliaries and accessories. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1922. xv, 447 p. illus. 8°. $3.00. VFK (121)

Treats of the selection and installation of the necessary auxiliary equipment for a steam power plant. The book is divided into thirteen divisions, each of which deals with some particular phase, i. e. pump calculations, direct-acting steam pumps, crankaction pumps, centrifugal and rotary pumps, injectors, boiler-feeding apparatus (pump governors), feedwater heaters, fuel economizers, condensers, methods of recooling condensing water, steam piping of power plants, live-steam and exhaust-steam separators, and steam traps. Numerous problems are given throughout the text, with detailed solutions of these problems forming an appendix.

Reviewed in Power, May 16, 1922.

*Cronshaw, H. B. Silver ores. London: John Murray, 1921. ix, 152 p. illus. 8°. (Imperial Institute Monographs on mineral resources with special reference to the British Empire.) 5s. VHR (117)

The introduction briefly characterizes the ores, their occurrence and use. Other chapters describe the sources of supply in the British possessions and in foreign countries. There are many statistics; a map showing the silver producing districts of the world; also a good bibliography.

Reviewed in Geological magazine, April, 1922.

Dana, Edward Salisbury. A text-book of mineralogy with an extended treatise on crystallography and physical mineralogy. 3d ed., rev. & enl. by William E. Ford. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1922. ix, 720 p. illus. 8°. $5.00. PWE (117)

"This book is not to be confused with the author's more complete System of mineralogy, of which the descriptive part of this volume is essentially an abridgement. The longer work has not been revised since 1909, however, so that the present book is more up-to-date in several respects. The last edition of the Text-book appeared in 1898. Since then several other books covering the subject in a more or less efficient manner have appeared, but none is so complete. This volume covers the subjects of crystallog raphy and physical mineralogy with particular emphasis; additional matter appearing in the new edition describes the methods employed in the use of the stercographic and gnomonic projections, and much of the section on the optical characters of minerals has been rewritten in the interest of greater clearness to the student." · Engineering and mining journalpress, April 1, 1922.

Davies, J. H. Modern methods of welding as applied to workshop practice, describing the various methods... London: Constable & Co., Ltd., 1921. xviii, 263 p. illus. 8°. 21s. VID (117)

Concise, comprehensive, practical and extensively illustrated book of instruction on gas, electric, and

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