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G. A. Hool and W. S. Kinne; Deflection of trusses, by C. A. Ellis; Stresses in redundant members, by W. S. Kinne; Secondary stresses, by W. S. Kinne; Statically indeterminate frames, by W. M. Wilson; Wind stresses in high buildings, by Robins Fleming; Rectangular tower structures, by S. G. Roeblad. 78 formulas, with diagrams, in the appendix. Huebotter, H. A. Mechanics of the gasoline engine. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1923. ix, 313 p. illus. 8°. $4.00. VFM (121)

"A presentation of the principles of engine design that will aid the designer to lay out an engine that is structurally correct. Fundamentals of design are emphasized throughout. Every part of the gasoline engine with the exception of the carburetor and the ignition system is analyzed thoroughly from both the functional and the structural viewpoint."— Announce


Reviewed in Power, Nov. 20, 1923.

Hughes, W. E. Modern electro-plating, a guide-book for platers, works chemists, & engineers. London and New York: Oxford University Press [1923]. vii, 160 p. illus. 8°. $5.25. VIK (117)

Reviews the subject from the theoretical and prac tical standpoints, sketches shop practice, and describes particular applications to iron, nickel, zinc, lead, tin, chromium, and copper. Omits silver plating. Interesting microphotographs. References at some of the chapter endings, also a chapter on "What to read."

Reviewed in Electrical review, London, Dec. 28, 1923; Engineering, Jan. 11, 1924.

Humphreys, W. J. Weather proverbs and paradoxes. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins Co., 1923. viii, 125 p. illus. 8°. $1.50. PRO (117)

Takes the few proverbs that are essentially correct "away from their innumerable bad associates and endows them with the dignity of logical explanations." Instructive and fascinating for the general reader. Good illustrations. Author is meteorological physicist of the United States Weather Bureau.

Reviewed in Journal of the Franklin Institute, Jan., 1924.

*Jacobs, Fernand. L'industrie du caoutchouc. Notions techniques, pratiques, scientifiques. Mélanges, cahiers des charges, réception des matières premières, réception des produits fabriqués. Paris & Liége: Ch. Beranger, 1923. vi, 473 p. VMV (121)

illus. 8°.

Comprehensive account of the industry from the raw to finished products, with chapters on analysis and artificial rubber. Tells of the manufacture of a large variety of articles, including tires, ebonite objects, balloon tissues, rubber clothing, tubes, galoshes, and the covering of electric cables and wires.

Jamieson, Andrew. A text-book on heat and heat engines... v. 2. 18. ed. rewritten by Ewart S. Andrews... London: Charles Griffin & Co., 1923. xvi, 428 p. illus. 8°. 8s. 6d. VFK (121)

The fruition of the author's plan to expand his Text-book on steam and steam engines to the scope indicated by the new title. v. 1, covering the reciprocating steam engine, was published in 1919. v. 2 deals with the laws of thermodynamics, entropy, steam turbines, steam boilers, and internal combus tion engines.

"Frequent revision...has kept this standard textbook well to the fore, and another lease of life is assured by Mr. Andrews' fresh work on it."- Ironmonger, March 24, 1923.

Jansky, Cyril M., and H. P. WOOD. Elements of storage batteries. Prepared in the Extension Division of the University of Wisconsin. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1923. x, 241 p. illus. 8°. $2.50. VGH (121)

Simple exposition of fundamental electrical and chemical principles, with directions for charging, main. tenance, and testing. Adequately illustrated with diagrams and half-tones. Review questions at chapter endings.

Kellogg, Royal S. Pulpwood and woodpulp in North America. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1923. xii, 273 p. illus. 8°. $4.00. VMP (121)

With numerous facts and figures shows the magnitude of the industry and tells how the wood is logged, measured, graded, and made into pulp, with a table showing the properties of American pulp trees. Gives an account of the timber supplies and shows the urgent need of conservation through intelligent forestry.

Kelly, A. Ashmun. The household painter, intended for the use of the household, with full directions for painting, decorating, papering, calcimining, whitewashing, stencilling, wood finishing, wood staining, varnishing, etc., together with many useful notes on these subjects, and on various matters of interest to the household management, the whole accompanied with illustrations and a complete index to every item. Philadelphia: David McKay Co. [1923.] 202 p. illus. 8°. $1.25.

VEY (121)

The standard grainer, stainer and marbler. A new and complete exposition of the art and practice of imitating various fine woods and paints and stains and of imitating the common and rare marbles, with numerous illustrations in black and color. Philadelphia: David McKay Company [1923]. 185 p. llus. 8°. $2.00. VEY (121)

Kent, William. Kent's mechanical engineers' handbook. 10. ed. rewritten by Robert Thurston Kent, editor-in-chief and a staff of specialists. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1923. xvi, 2247 p. illus. 8°. $7, $6 according to binding. Desk (121)

Radical change of arrangement and increased from 1,500 to nearly 2,300 pages. Each section is by an authority and is provided with a separate table of contents and a bibliography. Many of the tabular data and figures are new.

"The new edition...shows evidence of a great deal of painstaking work in the thorough revision."- R. J. S. Pigott in Mechanical engineering, Sept., 1923. Also reviewed in Electric journal, Nov., 1923; Power house, Nov. 20, 1923; American machinist, Oct. 18, 1923; Electrical world, Nov. 10, 1923.

Kenyon, Otis Allen. Carpets and rugs. How they are made, how to select them, how to care for them. North Canton, Ohio: The Hoover Company, 1923. 168 p. illus. 8°. MOP (313)

Although issued in the interests of a company en. gaged in the manufacture of suction sweepers, the bulk of this book contains a very good account of car

[blocks in formation]

Koizumi, G. Lacquer work, a practical exposition of the art... together with valuable notes for the collector, with a foreword by Lt.-Col. E. F. Strange of the Victoria and Albert Museum. London: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd., 1923. xi, 45 p., 36 pl. 4°. $4.50. Art. Div.

Relates to the process invented in Europe in the latter part of the seventeenth century - an attempt to produce a ware resembling Chinese or Japanese "lacquer" by using Indian material, i. e. the incrustation formed on tree twigs by the insect "Coccus lacca." Illustrated directions for the process and attractive plates showing examples of the art. Author states that this is practically the only work on the subject.

Kramers, H. A., and HELGE HOLST. The atom and the Bohr theory of its structure, an elementary presentation... with a foreword by Sir Ernest Rutherford. London: Gyldendal, 1923. xii, 210 p. illus. 8°. PAW (119)

10s. 6d.

[blocks in formation]

Enlargement of the author's Principles of alternating currents. Elementary, involving a slight knowledge of trigonometry. Vectors are liberally used. Exercises and problems.

Reviewed in Mechanical world, Oct. 5 1923.

La Schum, Edward E. The motor truck; applied mechanics for owners and drivers Assisted by Harold E. Bardwell. New York: U. P. C. Book Co., 1924. xiii, 325 p. illus. 8°. $4.00. TON (121)

Non-technical exposition of principles, equipment and operation. Designed to save the prospective owner "from stumbling into the pitfalls which beset the truck operator on every side and from which only expensive experience can get him out.' Has a chapter on records of performance and maintenance. Author is General Superintendent, Motor Vehicle Equipment, American Railway Express.

Lewis, Gilbert Newton. Valence and the structure of atoms and molecules.

[blocks in formation]

"The adjective 'ephemeral,' which Prof. Lewis suggests in reference to his monograph as a whole, should properly be applied only to the latter half of the work. The earlier chapters, which deal with the pageant of discoveries and ideas which led up to the present position of our knowledge of the atom, could scarcely be bettered as an initiation to the subject, and are distinguished by an ingenious arrangement of the material and by the graphic way in which it is described." - Nature, Dec. 8, 1923.

Also reviewed in Journal of the Franklin Institute, Dec., 1923; Chemical age, London, Jan. 12, 1924; Chemistry and industry, Jan. 4, 1924.

Lichty, Lester Clyde. Measurement, compression and transmission of natural gas. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1924. 523 p. illus. 8°. $7.50. VHY (117)

Comprehensive and complete text-book for engineering schools, but designed to meet the needs of the practical man who would know something of the construction, operation and principles of apparatus. Formulas and charts to facilitate calculations have been developed. Copiously illustrated.

Reviewed in National petroleum news, March 12, 1924; Mechanical engineering, March, 1924.

Luff, D. W. The chemistry of rubber. London: Ernest Benn, Ltd., 1923. xi, 12232 p. illus. 4°. 25s. VMV (121)

Thoroughly considers the chemical principles involved in cultivation, collection, manufacture. and vulcanization, no attempt being made to give the details of plantation practice. Chapter on analytical methods. Author is research chemist of the North British Rubber Co., Ltd., Edinburgh. Attractively printed and illustrated.

McCabe, Joseph. The wonders of the stars. London: Watts & Co., 1923. ix, 114 p. illus. 12°. 3s. OMR

Brief, simple and fascinating account of the structure and evolution of the universe, how these facts are obtained, and the nature of the various kinds of heavenly bodies.

"On the whole the picture given of our present knowledge of the universe appears to be correct, and as complete as can be expected in the space of 112 pages." Nature, Aug. 11, 1923.

Macfarlane, John Muirhead. source of petroleum. Macmillan Co., 1923.


Fishes the New York: The illus. 8°. VHY (117)

451 P.

"In review of the evidence presented in preceding chapters the author is compelled to accept that fishes are the source of practically the entire supply of crude petroleum, also of natural petroleum derivatives like the asphaltites. For fishes alone meet the requirements of the case."— p. 384.

The evidence consists of a remarkably detailed study of fish life during the various geological periods. Author is Emeritus Professor of Botany, University of Pennsylvania.

Reviewed in Petroleum age, March 1, 1924.

Marchant, E. W. Radio telegraphy and telephony. London: Hodder & Stoughton, Ltd., 1923. ix, 137 p. illus. 8°. 6s. TTF (121)

Scientific basis outlined for readers having a slight knowledge of electricity. Based upon six lectures by the author under the auspices of the Extension Board of the University of Liverpool.

Reviewed in World power (Beama), Jan., 1924.

*Mathews, Edward B. Catalogue of published bibliographies in geology, 18961920; compiled for Research Information Service and Division of Geology, National Research Council. Washington: National Research Council, 1923. 228 p. 8°. (Bulletin of the National Research Council, Oct., 1923.) Price on application.

3,699 titles, forming a continuation (in simpler form) of Margerie's work, which included references to 1895. Part 1 lists indexes to society and official publications; part 2 deals with subjects; and part 3 with biographies and necrologies.

*Mellor, J. W. A comprehensive treatise on organic and theoretical chemistry. v. 4. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1923. x, 1074 p. diagrs. 8°. $20.00. PNB (119)

The clearly written sections dealing with the structure of matter, radium and radioactivity, and the architecture of the atom should prove of exceptional interest to the general reader. Other chapters treat of beryllium, magnesium, zinc and cadmium, and mercury. One again marvels at the completeness of this notable work. The exhaustive bibliographies inserted every few pages alone represent a large amount of painstaking labor.

Mitchell, W. G. W. Time and weather by wireless. London: The Wireless Press, 1923. xii, 125 p. illus. 12°. 3s. 6d.

PRO (117)


Tells how signals are sent and how they may be accurately received; also how the amateur may distinguish different weather telegrams and, with slight knowledge of meteorology, learn to forecast the weather in his own locality. Has a complete list of transmitting stations throughout the world. Chapter on method used at the Eiffel Tower. Good illustrations.

"No one even remotely interested in time signals or weather prophesies can afford to omit it from his reference bookshelf." Electrical review, London, Dec. 14, 1923.

*Morley, Linda H., and A. C. KIGHT. Mailing list directory and classified index to trade directories... under the direction of John Cotton Dana. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1924. xxxi, 727 p. 8°. $10.00. Desk (118)

Closely analyzes the contents of about 1500 business and professional directories, with a large number of cross references. Entries are full and prices given. A most useful library tool.

Morrison, Lacey H. Diesel engines. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1923. xiii, 598 p. illus. 8°. $5.00. VFM (121)

"For the factory executive and the power plant engineer, answering the questions of when and why the Diesel engine is the proper engine to install... Describes the various available, explains their construction and operation, tells how to keep them running in good condition and how to install them. Actual operating costs of Diesel engines now in use in various industries are included."— Announcement.

Reviewed in Mechanical engineering, Jan., 1924. Nicol, E. W. L. Coke and its uses: in relation to smoke prevention and fuel economy. London: Ernest Benn, Ltd., 1923. xii, 134 p. illus. 8°. 19s. 6d.

VHW (117) Non-technical discussion of advantages for: steam raising, electric power stations, the elimination of smoke, motor road transport, marine boilers, hot-water supply boilers, and for cooking. Chapters on grading

and blending. Good illustrations and attractively printed. Author is engineer and fuel expert to the London Coke Committee.

Reviewed in Gas world, March 15, 1924; Engineer, March 14, 1924; Power, March 18, 1924.

Nordmann, Charles. The kingdom of the heavens. Some star secrets... Translated by E. E. Fournier d'Albe. London: T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd., 1923. 261 p. 8°. 12s. 6d. OMN

"Do not look for the usual commonplaces, all the exact but ancient data found in manuals and compilations. I confine myself to what is recent and new. I shall speak, not to instruct or amuse, but to produce thoughts and even dreams, if I can... In our stellar promenade we shall not load ourselves with a useless mathematical terminology. Let us leave that pedantic apparatus to the pedants. It will be seen, I hope, that these magnificent realities can be unveiled in everyday language without loss of accuracy, and the voyage will be all the more agreeable." Introduction.

Author of this delightful work is Astronomer of the Observatory of Paris.

Reviewed in Nature, Dec. 1, 1923; Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Publications, Feb., 1924.

Norris, P. W., and W. S. LEGGE. Mechanics via the calculus. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1923. xi, 340 p. diagrs. 8°. $3.75. PBC (117)

Intended to fill the gap between elementary and advanced treatises. Considerable knowledge of the calculus assumed. Covers statics, dynamics of a particle, rigid dynamics, and hydrostatics. Numerous worked-out examples, also problems for calculation with answers.

Nunn, T. Percy. Relativity and gravitation, an elementary treatise upon Einstein's theory. London: University of London Press, Ltd., 1923. 162 p. diagrs. 8°. 6s. PAT (117)

"Well within the scope of anyone who has read mathematics up to, or nearly up to, the pass standard required for a B.Sc. degree... Explanations are given of all theorems and processes which such a reader is not likely to have met with or may reasonably have forgotten." Preface.

Osborne, Thomas Burr. The vegetable proteins. London and New York: Long1924. mans, Green & Co., xiii, 154 p. diagrs. 8°. $3.00. PPB (119)

First edition, 125 p., was published in 1909. Progress in biochemistry has necessitated the inclusion of new material and the elimination of the less important. Professor L. J. Henderson contributes a chapter on the relation of the proteins to acids and bases. There is much of historical interest; and an extensive bibliography is appended. Dr. Osborne is Research Chemist to the Connecticut Agricultural Station, also to the Carnegie Institution.

Painton, E. T. Small electric motors, D. C. and A. C. A practical introduction to the principles, construction and operation of fractional horse-power motors as used in industrial, domestic and other applications, with notes on the performance of the various types for D. C. and A. C... London and New York: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd., 1923. xi, 115 p. illus. 12°. (Pitman's technical primers.) 85¢. VGI (121) Reviewed in Electrical review, London, Jan. 18, 1924; English mechanic, Jan. 25, 1924.

*Palmer, Thomas F. A technical dictionary in English, Spanish & Portuguese

Aeroplane, agriculture, airships, automobiles, building and construction, electricity, general terms, machines and machinery, mining, shipping, textiles, wood working machinery and terms, etc. London: E. Marlborough & Co., Ltd., 1923. 73 p. 8°. 7s. 6d. VB (121)

Parsons, S. Jones. Practical moulding. London: G. Routledge & Sons, Ltd.; New York: E. P. Dutton & Co., 1923. vii, 136 p. illus. 8°. 5s. VID (117)

Simple text with unusually good illustrations. Chapters on machine moulding, malleable castings, steel moulding, brass and alloy founding, brass foundry metals, and the composition of alloys.

Reviewed in Foundry trade journal, Nov. 15, 1923; Engineer, March 14, 1924.

*Paul, J. H. Boiler chemistry and feed water supplies. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1923. ix, 252 p. 2. ed. illus. 8°. 14s. VFH (121)

Revision of edition published in 1919. Has 66 new analyses of British and other waters. Technical language avoided as much as possible "so that those without more than a very limited acquaintance with chemistry may be able to understand and appreciate the results."

Reviewed in Foundry trade journal, Dec. 13, 1923; Boiler maker, Jan., 1924; Colliery guardian, Dec. 28,


Perry, L. Day, and R. O. BUCK. Practical problems in electrical construction. Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Co., 1923. 66 p. illus. 8°. $1.20. VGC (121)

Working drawings and detailed instructions for high-school pupils, covering medical coils, buzzers, rheostats, toasters, grills, radio apparatus, etc.

*Pile, Seymour, and R. G. JOHNSTON. A tested method of laboratory organisation ...with an introduction by W. R. Barclay. London: H. F. & G. Witherby, 1923. 98 p. illus. 12°. 7s. 6d.


OAP (117)

During 1917 several manufacturers of brass and other non-ferrous alloys established a cooperative laboratory in Birmingham, England. The authors, who were connected with this enterprise, tell of equip ment, personnel, how the sampling is done, and of the unit system of costing. Other chapters deal with the mentality of the scientist and his relation to civilization and industry.

Reviewed in Nature, Sept. 29, 1923.

*Prescott, John. Mechanics of particles and rigid bodies. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1923. viii, 535 p. diagrs. 2. ed. 8°. $4.75. PBF (117)

Textbook on statics and dynamics; a reprint of the first edition (1913) with small alterations. Author is head of the mathematics department of the Manchester College of Technology.

*Raiziss, George W., and J. L. GAVRON. Organic arsenical compounds. New York: The Chemical Catalog Co., 1923. 570 p. 8°. $7.00. POD (118)

"Probably the subject of more extensive chemical, biological and chemotherapeutic investigations than that of any other metal... It has been our aim to include practically every compound of this type re

ported in the literature up to date, and we have consulted almost all of the original articles and patents published in the English, German, French and Russian languages."

Has a complete bibliography; also a chapter on chemotherapy.

Rastall, R. H. The geology of the metalliferous deposits. Cambridge, England: University Press; New York: The Macmillan Co., 1923. xii, 508 p. illus. 8°. (Cambridge geological series.) 21s. VHB (117)

Author is lecturer in economic geology, Cambridge University.

"Dr. Rastall is to be congratulated upon having produced a book embodying more useful information regarding the origin and properties, varieties and mode of occurrence, of metalliferous material than is to be found within similar limits elsewhere. It will prove valuable to both college students and mining engineers. Moreover, the business man who desires to take an intelligent interest in mining will find its pages both interesting and instructive, for simplicity of expression and lucidity of explanation render it, for much the greater part, quite easily understood by the layman.” — Mining journal, Oct. 27, 1923.

Also reviewed in Geological magazine, Jan., 1924. *Record, Samuel J. Bibliography of the woods of the world (exclusive of the temperate region of North America) with emphasis on tropical woods. New Haven, Conn., 1923. 40 mimeographed sheets. 2. ed. rev. & enl. 4°. VPE p.v.208, no.7

644 titles with an index. Author is Professor of Forest Products, Yale University.

*Redwood, Sir Boverton, and A. W. EASTLAKE. Petroleum technologists pocketbook... Foreword by Sir Thomas H. Holland. London: Charles Griffin & Co., 1923. xxiv, 546 p. 2. ed. obl. 12°. 15s. Desk (VHY)

Has over 100 pages more than the 1st ed. (1915), but is printed on thinner paper. A wealth of information in compact form, covering general facts, geology, physical and chemical characteristics, production, refining, transport, storage, testing, and uses. Tables of weights and measures, also statistics of production. Reviewed in Mining magazine, Dec., 1923; Nature, Jan. 26, 1924.

Robson, Arthur G. Engineering science, a text-book for engineers and engineering students. London: Chapman & Hall, Ltd., 1923. xi, 201 p. illus. 8°. 7s. 6d. VFC (121)

Fundamentals of mechanics, hydraulics, and the theory of heat and heat engines, designed for evening technical classes in which the students have an elementary knowledge of general science. Practical problems involving simple mathematics.

Reviewed in Marine engineer and naval architect, Dec., 1923.

Rohr, W. H. Modern shaper practice, an instructive and illustrated manual on the operation of woodworking shapers. Indianapolis: Practical Books Co. [1923.] 191 p. illus. 12°. $3.00.. VEN (121)

Author's experience as a practical shaperman and as a travelling observer give to this concise and comprehensive handbook unusual authority. Machines are described in detail with good drawings, and particular types of work are discussed. Chapters on knife-making, bearings, and power transmission.

Rushmore, David B., and ERIC A. LOF. Hydro-electric power stations. 2. ed. thoroughly revised and reset. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1923. viii, 830 p. illus. 8°. $7.50. VGMB (121)

Takes account of rapid advances in hydraulic and electrical features since the publication of the 1st edition (1917), i. e.: the construction of larger units and the consequent changes in design; more efficient switching apparatus; higher standards of safety and continuity of service.

Reviewed in Power, Nov. 27, 1923; Power house, Dec. 5, 1923.

Sanders, T. H. Laminated springs. Part A: Calculations and design; Part B: Manufacture. London: Locomotive Publishing Co.; New York: Spon and Chamberlain [1923. xvi, 519 p. illus. 8°. 25s.

VFG (121)

"One cannot help being impressed by the skill called for on the part of the workmen engaged in spring manufacture. Automatic machines are used only to a slight extent and handicraftsmanship predominates in this industry." Colliery guardian,

Nov. 16, 1923.

Also reviewed in Iron and coal trades review, Oct. 5, 1923.

Scott, Wilfred W. Technical methods in analysis of metallurgical and allied products; a manual of analytical methods and useful data for the chemist and the college collaboration with eminent specialists. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1923. xxviii, 875 p. illus. 8°. $6.00. VHO (117)


Chapters are arranged alphabetically by elements. The occurrence of the material in nature is described, with brief reference to its important minerals. acteristics of the elements are given and the best methods by which they may be detected, also procedure for decomposition and solution of materials, and for methods of quantitative isolation. Introductory chapter describes general processes and summarizes important chemical laws and hypotheses. Author is Associate Professor of Chemistry, Colorado School of Mines.

Reviewed in Journal of the Franklin Institute, Dec., 1923; Metal industry, Dec. 23, 1923.

Silberstein, L. Synopsis of applicable mathematics with tables. New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1923. xi, 250 p. 8°. $4.50. OEL (117)

Higher mathematics in a nutshell. Part 1 comprises the usual fundamental tables; part 2, formulas, theorems, and tables of special functions. First published in 1922 under the title Bell's Mathematical tables.

"This admirably printed volume of convenient size should be within easy reach of every mathematician and every physicist as he goes about his daily work." Engineering education, Dec., 1923.

Slade, Samuel, and LOUIS MARGOLIS. Mathematics for technical and vocational schools. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1922. ix, 491 p. illus. 8°. $2.50.

OEF (117)

Practical, avoiding theory and the derivation of formulas. Covers arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry, slide rule, graphs, measuring instruments, and the application of mathematics to a large number of shop problems. Authors are teachers in the vocational schools of Greater New York.

Smythe, J. A. Lead: its occurrence in nature, the modes of its extraction, its properties and uses, with some account of its principal compounds. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1923. vi, 343 p. illus. 8°. $5.25. VIT (117)

The general reader should find little difficulty with the sections dealing with history, occurrence, and leadpoisoning. An elementary knowledge of chemistry will suffice for the chapters on metallurgy and the preparation of white-lead and other compounds. Reviewed in Engineering, Feb. 1, 1924.

Spielmann, Percy Edwin. The genesis of petroleum. London: Ernest Benn, Ltd., 1923. 72 p. 8°. 5s. VHY (117)

This concise review of investigations and theories "shows overwhelming, but not completely unquestioned, favour to the organic origin of petroleum. There appears to be a tendency to assert no single source, but to consider each problem on its merits, as to whether it is vegetable or animal."

Reviewed in Mining magazine, Jan., 1924.

Starling, S. G. Elementary electricity. London and New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1923. 248 p. illus. 12°. $1.10. PGI (121)

Although of a text-book flavor and intended for those studying for examinations, the subject is treated interestingly, with chapters on electric waves, wireless telegraphy and telephony, electrons, X-rays, and radioactivity. Over 200 illustrations and diagrams. Simple mathematics.

Stoughton, Bradley. The metallurgy of iron and steel. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1923. xvi, 519 p. 3. ed. illus. 8°. $4.00. VIP (117)

Extensive changes in iron and steel metallurgy since the publication of the 2. ed. (1911) have necessitated thorough revision and resetting of this wellknown work. Covers the manufacture of the various kinds of iron and steel, founding, mechanical and heat treatment of steel, metallography, alloy steels, corrosion, and fuels, with a classified list of important books.

Stuart, Charles W. T. Car lighting by electricity, a practical treatise on the construction, operation, inspection and maintenance of the car lighting systems in use on American railway cars. New York: Simmons-Boardman Publishing Co., 1923. viii, 356 p. illus. 8°. $4.00. TPD (121)

Comprehensive, copiously illustrated, non-technical account covering in detail the straight storage, head end, and axle generator systems. Author is foreman of car lighting, Pennsylvania Terminal, Pennsylvania Railroad.

Taggart, William Scott. Cotton mill management; a practical guide for managers, carders and overlookers. London and New York: The Macmillan Co., 1923. xxx, 268 p. 8°. 10s. VLNE (121)

Details of preparatory and spinning operations. No descriptions or illustrations of machines, as a knowledge of these is presumed. Chapter on testing. Introduction deals with the general subject of good management.

Reviewed in Engineering, Nov. 16, 1923.

*Tamblyn, Gordon M. The building labor calculator. An accurate, rapid, and reliable cost system for the use of architects,

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