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5. Lateral grooves reaching scutal mid-
length; scutum largely covered by
small and medium-size punctations.
(Medium size; Near East; North, West,
and coastal East Africa).

Lateral grooves confined to posterior
third of scutum; scutum smooth with
few, scattered, usually large puncta
tions; posterior grooves characteris-
tically marked. (Large ticks of camels
wherever these animals now or recently

6. Lateral grooves confined to posterior
third of scutum; scutum almost im
punctate except in caudal depressed
area. (Usually small ticks; Mediter_
ranean Basin, Near and Middle East;
East African coastal areas and northern

Lateral grooves reaching at least scutal
midlength (if specimen is heavily punc
tate, grooves may be obscure).............

7. Scutum smooth, shiny with rare, scattered large punctations; lateral grooves long and usually very distinct; posterior grooves well marked; legs usually not ringed..

..H. IMPELTATUM Figures 170 and 171

.H. DROMEDARII Figures 162 and 163

.H. EXCAVATUM Figures 166 and 167


.....H. DETRITUM* Figures 160 and 161

*A closely related "form" of uncertain taxonomic status, "H. scupense", with some biological and morphological characters differing from those of typical H. marginatum, occurs in parts of the Soviet Union and southeastern Europe.

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*Exceptional specimens of H. turanicum may lack this aspect. Others of H. marginatum and H. impeltatum may approach this aspect.

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