Agile Software Development EcosystemsTraditional software development methods struggle to keep pace with the accelerated pace and rapid change of Internet-era development. Several "agile methodologies" have been developed in response -- and these approaches to software development are showing exceptional promise. In this book, Jim Highsmith covers them all -- showing what they have in common, where they differ, and how to choose and customize the best agile approach for your needs.KEY TOPICS:Highsmith begins by introducing the values and principles shared by virtually all agile software development methods. He presents detailed case studies from organizations that have used them, as well as interviews with each method's principal authors or leading practitioners. Next, he takes a closer look at the key features and techniques associated with each major Agile approach: Extreme Programming (XP), Crystal Methods, Scrum, Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), Lean Development, Adaptive Software Development (ASD), and Feature-Driven Development (FDD). In Part III, Highsmith offers practical advice on customizing the optimal agile discipline for your own organization.MARKET:For all software developers, project managers, and other IT professionals seeking more flexible, effective approaches to developing software. |
From inside the book
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... percent , and it jumped again to 36 percent in the next 5 - year period to 1996 ( Pascale , Millemann , and Gioja 2000 ) .1 But while everyone admits to the increased pace of change , far fewer actually understand its implications ...
... percent solution today is better than a 100 percent solution tomorrow . ASD's guideline for rigor is " a little bit less than just enough . " Crystal urges us to consider a barely sufficient process . But what does " simple " really ...
... percent of all projects had 10 or fewer people , 35 percent had 11 to 50 people , and 5 percent ( or less ) had more than 50 people . In those same categories - 10 or fewer , 11 to 50 , and greater than 50 - the numbers for a large ...