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August 23rd, 1875.

The favour of your company is solicited on Friday Evening next, the 27th instant, at Nine o'clock precisely, when, after the Election of Members,

"He Grande Beane Feste"

will be held, and


duly Installed as "We Kynge of ye Beane." (The Feast, being moveable, has been fixed for this Evening

[the 27th], to Beanefit the Pulse.)

"Ye Ceremonies accordynge to Antiente Rituale."

Bourne's Antiq: vulg: chap. XVII.

"Ye Kynge of ye Beane must bee ye Mynstrelle."

Vide Strutt's Sports & Past: enlarged ed., 1855; p. 344.

St. Bartholomew's Day (24th)

will also be "moved to next Friday Evening," for peaseful reasons, as well as the various " Apostolycke" customs of "y Fayre." "Oh! we might see as happy days as ever we did then." "Pedlar's Pack," p. 436.

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The vapour's gone,

Man's life is done.

Ghink of this, and take to Bacca."

Slightly modernized, from Tom Durfey's
"Pills to Purge Melancholy,” 1719, vol. iii.

"The night nigheth fast, yts time to be gone."
Spenser's "Shepheard's Calendar, August," verse 198.

J. JEREMIAH, Hon. Secretary.




September 20th, 1875.

The favour of your company will be esteemed on Friday Evening next, the 24th instant, at Nine o'clock precisely, to the


Samuel Rushton, Esq., will preside.

The Business will consist of the Election of Members, in accordance with the Rules.

"Happy we, who have such wholesome laws,
Which without pleading can decide a cause;

To this good law, recourse we had at last,

That throws off wrath and makes our friendship fast,
In which the legislators laid a plot,

To end all controversy by a vote."

"The Gentleman's Qualifications."

By Allan Ramsay, 1741, "Poems," vol. I. (1st ed.) p. 192.

To whom yt may concerne:—

Our ryghte Worshippfulle Mayester shall atte Nine of ye cloche, begyn ye worke sette out for him, after ye tradityons of

ye Club, without lette og hyndqance as ordayned.

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God grante your lordshippe joye and healthe,

Lang dayes and rowthe of real wealthe,
Safe to ye Lande of Caykes heav'n send ye,
And frae crosse accydents deffende ye."

Allan Ramsay's "Poems," vol. I., 1721, p. 177.

J. JEREMIAH, Hon. Secretary.




October 9th, 1875.

The favour of your company is requested on Friday Evening next, the 15th instant, at 8.30 o'clock precisely, to a



Dr. J. E. Carpenter in the Chair.

"Recite Apollo's Praise, till Night draws on,
The Ditty still unfinish'd; and the Day
Unequal to the Godhead's Attributes,
Various, and Matter Copious of your Songs.'

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"The Second Hymn of Callimachus," By Matthew Prior, 1st ed., page 304, 1718.

During the evening "ye Ancient and Ryghte excellente Moralitie of e Frydaye Knyghte," will be performed with due regard to the "nities," and "ye Partes dulie enacted by ye rbanes."

Dr. T. S. Barringer, M.R.C. S.,

Will be "ye Vice."

"Long may he reign, that is so far above
All Vice, all passion, but excess in love.”

Waller's Addition to Beaumont & Fletcher's
"Maid's Tragedy."




In consequence of our worthy Brother Urban,

Captain R. F. Burton, F. R. G. S.,

haring shortly to leave England, you are especially requested to be in your place to give him a Farewell, after “ye mannere of ye Olde Englysche Custome."

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"Now, I would speak the last Farewel, but cannot ;
It would be still Farewel, a thousand Times;
And multiply'd in Echoes still, Farewel.

I will not speak, but think a thousand thousand :
And be thou silent too."

Dryden's, "Don Sebastian."

in Bysshe's "Art of Eng. Poetry," page 105, 1725.

N.B.- Entrance to the Hall, by the West Door from St. John's Square.

J. JEREMIAH, Hon. Secretary.

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October 23rd, 1875.

The favour of your company will be esteemed on Friday Evening next, the 29th instant, at 8.30 o'clock precisely, to a

LITERARY AND DRAMATIC AT HOME. Henry Marston, Esq., in the Chair.

"Man is an actor, and the World the stage,

Where some do laugh, some weep, some sing, some rage."
Richard's "Messalina," in T. Hayward's "British Muse,"
Vol. II., page 217, 1738.

After the Election of Members, "ye Ware-house in Parnassus wil bee opened, and ye goodlie companie invyted to adjudycate upon ye Wares."

See "Advts. from Parnassus," by Trajano Boccalini,

trans: by Henry Earl of Monmouth, page 1, 1656. "Item, A.D. 1411: the Kynge Henry V. lyved at sent Jones Priorie." "Chronicle of the Grey Friars" (Camden Soc. Pub.), p. 13. Ye Olde Halle shall once more resownde with ye myrthe of ye Plaiers."

"Item, Ye Mayester of ye Revells to conduct ye Rehearsalls and settinge forthe of ye Playes for ye Amusement of ye Queene [Elizabeth] and her courte, in ye Greate Halle of Ste. John's."

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Landsdowne MSS. 136, folio 358.

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The Ancient Observances of ALLHALLOW EVEN (October 31st) will take place on this occasion, and "Nutt Crackynge," duly proceeded with as heretofore:

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"Britons! attend-in acts like this proceed;

For Heav'n looks on, and sanctifies the Deed."

"The Shrubs of Parnassus," by J. Copywell, p. 152, 1760.

J. JEREMIAH, Hon. Secretary.

V.B.-Entrance by the West Door from St. John's Square.


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