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January 22nd, 1876.

The favour of your company is requested on Friday Evening next, the 28th inst., at 9 o'clock punctually, when will be held

e Annuale Meetynge,

Under y Presydentshyppe of


"You see we try all shapes, and shifts, and arts,
To tempt your favours and regain your hearts."

W. Congreve's Epilogue to " Oronoko," 1690.


The ANNUAL REPORT of the Committee will be read, and the Election of Officers for the ensuing year proceeded with, at 9 o'clock, after which the Election of Members will take place.

"ye Bille of y Plaie."

"From thee alone such sugred friendship slydes,

As mortal wights can scarcely comprehend."

Gascoigne and Kinwelmersh's "Iocasta," 1566, act ii., sc. ult. Yo DRAMATIS PERSONE by Her Majestie's Servauntes.

Item.-Jan. 25th, St. Paul's Day.

"If the day of St. Paule be cleere,
Then shall betide an happie yeere."

"The Saying of Erra Pater to the Husbandman.”

Ye Mayestere shal now Hallowe ye Lyghtes for Candlemasse daie (Feb. 2), and performe ye other Ceremonies accordynge to ye anciente Lawes.

Vide "Bishop Bonner's Injunctions," 1555.

Jan. 25th, 1759.-ROBERT BURNS born. His Memory to be honoured by the Company, and Toasted.

"The honest man, tho' e'er sae poor,

Is King o' men for a' that."

"For a' That and a' That," by Robert Burns.

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My joy is so excessive, I think the whole a dream; yet if this Company is but pleased, my dream will last for ever."

"The Romance of an Hour," by Hugh Kelly, act ii., 1788.

J. JEREMIAH, Hon. Secretary.

Entrance to ye Halle by ye West Door.




February 5th, 1876.

The favour of your company will be esteemed on Friday Evening next, the 11th inst., at 9 o'clock precisely, to a Literary and Scientific


Charles Horsley, Esq.,

Wil presyde accordynge to ye Common Lawe.

"Al that he spak it was of heye prudence

And schort, and quyk, and ful of gret sentence.
Sownynge in moral manere was his speche,
And gladly wolde he lerne, and gladly teche."
Chaucer's Prologue to "The Canterbury Tales," v. 305, 308.

Fytte y Fyrste.

Durynge y evenynge ther wil bee a revyval of Ye Old Englysche Tournamente, by y Knyghtes of Ste. Iohn (ye Urbane lange). Ye tourney to commence atte X of ye Cloke.

Ye Worthie Maiester to act as ye Attourney and to be y

Esquyre dulie robed and Armede with ye Lawe Canons.

N.B.-Y Listes wil bee opened atte IX of ye Cloke, and Entries Booked by ye Page, and ye Pageantrie wil proceede with due solempnitie and precedence as before.

Item.-A.D. 1390, 14th of Richard II. Royal jousts and tournaments were proclaimed to be done in Smithfield.

Vide" Stow's Svrvay of London,"edit. 1603, p. 142.

"Some men deliteth beholding men to fight

Or goodly knightes in pleasaunt apparayle

Or sturdie souldiers in bright harnes and male."

Alexander Barklay's Ecloques, ii., 1570.

"He that bear'th him best in the tournament

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Shal be graunted the gree [prize] by the common consent."

The Tournament of Tottenham," by Gilbert Pilkington, pub. 1631.

Fytte y Seconde.

Item 14the Febe. -Ye Holie Feste of Saint Valentyne.

Ye Grande Maske of "Valentyne and Orson,"

Wil bee performed.

Vide ye Ballat of "Valentine and Ursine.”

Percy's "Reliques of Ancient Poetry," vol. IV., ed. 1824.

Item 9th Feby., 1546-7.-Progress of King Edward VI. from the City to Westminster to his Coronation. At the Conduit in Cheap were persons resembling VALENTINE and ORSON, one clothed with moss and ivy leaves, holding a great club of yew tree, the other as a Knight, and they pronounced speeches. The Conduit ran Wine and was richly garnished.

Leland's Collectanea, vol. IV., p. 322.

"Now play the Satyre whoso list for me,
Valentine self, or some as chaste as hee."

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Dr. G. G. Zerffi, F.R.Hist. S.,

Wil plaie in this parte ye Vyrtuous-Vyce.

"Then myght I lede my lyfe alwayes in play,
Which lyfe God sende me to myne endyng day."

Sir Thomas More's Stanza on “Childhoode,” 1503.

"And then the reckning brought to quiet ende

A ioyfull state of better lyfe doth lende."

Stephen Gosson's "School of Abuse," 1579, p. 77. Arber's Reprint.

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Percy's "Reliques of Ancient Poetry," vol. I., p. 321, ed. 1824.

J. JEREMIAH, Hon. Secretary.




February 19th, 1876.

The favour of your company is requested on Friday Evening, next, the 25th inst, at 9 o'clock, punctually, at a Literary


Horace Green, Esq.,

In ye Chiefe Chayre.

"How GREEN and fresh you are in this old World!"

Sh. "King John," act 3, sc. 4, v. 145.

The Election of Members will commence at 9 o'clock, and proceed at 9.30 to the Ritual of the Evening-viz.,

"De Rehearsalle of ge Greate Myracle of ye Shiftynge Tide and Pulverysede Feste."

""Tis merry in Hall when beards wag all,

And Welcome merry Shrove-tide."

Sh. "King Henry IV.," 2nd Part, act 5, sc. 3, v. 37-38. Item, Febe. 24the.-Ye Feste of Ste. Matthias. Ye Plaie of "ye Election of S. Matthias," performede at Chester, by ye Fyshmongeres Guylde, A.D. 1327.

Harl. MSS. 2013.

Items, Febe. 28the.-Collop Monday.-Febe. 29the.-Shrove Tuesday.

"Gent. Mag." 1790, p. 719.

"On Shrove Tuesday, whosoever doth plant or sow, it shall remain always Green." "Book of Knowledge," 1703.

Item, the xxiij of Feb. 1556 was Shroft Sonday, and then was lepe yere. Thomas Creme [Cranmer desgradyd of hys archebyshoppecheppe, and comytted for gret heryse."

"Chronicle of the Grey Friars,” p. 96. Here shal bee gyven A Farewelle to our Brethren: Bronson Howard and Henry Leslie. After whych:

Ye Confessore shal tosse ye PAN-Caykes, for alle.

Vide "Gent. Mag." 1790, p. 256.

Item, A.D. 1664.-David Salter gave 17s. per annum for ever, to provide Bread and Herrings for the Poor, and 2s. for Kid Gloves for the Minister of Farnham Royal. Edward's "Old Eng. Customs," 1842, p. 9. Ye Proceedynges to conclude wyth ye Burnynge of Palmes, LENTE for ye occasyon, and ye Ashes blessede for next Wednesdaye.

"New Helpe to Discourse," 1684, p. 319.

J. JEREMIAH, Hon. Secretary.

Members and Guests can only enter by "ye Weste Dore"



March 6th, 1876.

The favour of your company will be esteemed on Friday Evening next, the 10th inst., at 9 o'clock punctually, when will be held a Literary


Dr. G. G. Zerffi, F.R.Hist.S.,

Wil bee made ye Lorde Priore, bi vyrtue of hys Pryoritie.
"Then for the fabrick of my mind,

'Tis mair to mirth than grief inclin'd,

I rather choose to laugh at folly,

Than show dislike by melancholy."

Allan Ramsay's" Epistle to Mr. Arbuckle,” 1719.

For thys occascion y privyledge of Specyal exemptione from y° Lenten ordynances of Gravitie and Fastinge has been graunted by vyrtue of y" Indulgence of Urban ye firste.

Ye Chaptere is to bee opened atte nine of ye Cloke, when ye brethren and novyces must appere in ye places Assygned (ye latter on probatione).

Ye Homilie of Ste. Gregorie (Feste daie Mar: 12the.) wil bee reade by ye Lorde Priore, as hys investede ryhte.

Vide Eng. Sax. Homily on the Birthday of St. Gregory,
Trans. by Eliz. Elstob, 1709.

Ye Choristeres shal give ye Processyonale Hymne wyth ye olde Gregorian Chaunte, led by ye Præcentor of ye Priorye.

Fosbrook's "Monachism," vol. I, p. 159.

J. B. Batten, Esq.,

(A Novice of the Order of Benedictines,)

Will act by his Superior's request as "SUB-PRIORE."



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Vide "Accounts of The Knights Hospitallers in England,'
(Camden Socy. Pub.) p. 209.

And Yates's Antiquities of St. Edmund's Bury," 2nd edit. 1843, p. 81. After Absolution, "Y BENEDICTYONE," will be pronounced by the Lorde Priore.

"Good Fortune attend each merry man's friend,

That doth but the best that he may;

Forgetting old wrongs, with carols and songs,

To drive the cold winter away."

Tom Durfey's " Pills to Purge Melancholy," vol. IV.

J. JEREMIAH, Hon. Secretary.

Members and their Guests must enter by the "Weste Dore" only

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