U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper, Issue 1632 |
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5d and 5c abundances in percent Age and marine age model alkenone benthic foraminifers calcium carbonate California Current central and northern central Pacific waters Chaetoceros spores coast coastal redwood coastal upwelling core cycles deglaciation diatom assemblages dutertrei estimates for MIS figure global ice volume Globorotalia inflata Heusser Holocene increase indicate interval isotope stage plotted Koizumi last glacial maximum last interglacial left-coiling Lyle magnetic susceptibility Maps marine and terrestrial marine isotope stage Martinson maxima MIS 5a MIS 5b MIS 5c MIS 5d MIS 5e deposits month SST northern California oak and redwood Ocean Drilling Program ODP Site ODP Sites offshore upwelling pachyderma peak physical properties pine abundance planktic foraminifer assemblages pollen assemblages proxies record from ODP redwood forests redwood pollen reflectance record right-coiling RMCD samples from ODP Sancetta sediments deposited sequence SST estimates SST's Stephanopyxis spp taxa in samples Thalassionema nitzschioides U.S. Geological Survey USGS Uvigerina 8180 variations wuellerstorfi