INDE A. Χ. A MINTOR, his letter, Page 2 3 Antipathies in nature, not to be accounted for 9 Authors deserving to be encouraged, 36 Amelia, her reason for marrying Melania, 42 Arminius, a play, 72 Affectation of a lady concerning tea, 84 Ambition, its power on the Q. of Hungary, 155 Aurelia, her story, 166 Annihilation, believed but by few, 215 A. B. his letter, Bellamonte, her letter, Beauclair, madame, her character, C. COUNTRY Justice, his blunt reply, 85 222 272 29: 44 74 96 Com- Commerce, of late too much neglected, 119 Comparison between the Queens of Hungary and Spain, - Cautions against jealousy, Cyril, bishop of Alexandria, his cruel zeal, 199 Cleora, her letter, Country lady, her furprize, Conundrums much in vogue, D. DISTRARIO, his letter, 55 Dialogue between an English and Hano- verian lady Diffimulation, not natural to the English, Dreams not always to be contemned, Drum, a term for an affembly, Ε. XCESS, in any thing, a fault, 110 128 259 269 45 Edward and Eleonora, an excellent play, 72 English, fond of exotics, Equality between the sexes dreaded, 203 Examples of virtue, from whom most useful, 208 Freedom, not to be supported without virtue, 106 French gentlemen, their readiness to oblige, 283 G. GLORY too highly valued, Gratitude, in some cases, a vice, Gustavus Vasa, a true patriot tragedy, 15 26 72 Gaming, its ill consequences in both sexes, 273 Jealousy, its fources, 161 Immortality of the foul, belief of it necessary, 232 J. J. his letter, 287 Jeoffry Ruddel, his story, 312 Κ. KING Charles II. his admiration of wit, 309 L. LAW of Candy, very particular, 16 39 Licence-office for plays, how far prejudicial, 58 Latitudinarians, dangerous to society, Lady sharpers, Μ. 233 270 MACROBIUS, his disappointment, 29 Mira, her reprimand, 35 Musici- } Musicians, the vanity of one justly mortified, 53 Martius and Ismenia, their story, Mollman, conductor of a puppet-show, 182 235 288 Religion dwells not too much on forms, 263 Racket, Rout, terms used by lady gamesters, 269 Romping dangerous to women, 310 S. SELF-fufficient people never to be obliged, 40 Stage ought to be the school of virtue, 72 Shakespear, in what faulty, : Self-fatisfaction, the universal aim, Sabina, her story, Study of philosophy recommended, Stratagems practised by lady gamesters, 181 195 234 270 Strephon and Celia, their story, 297 Strange example of the force of love, 314 UNNATURAL contention, Verres, his character, Virtuosoes, an experiment made by them, Více followed only because fashionable, WIldman, receives an unmerited favour, Wit, how much encouraged in France, Y. 38 248 YEWTREE, the fright it occafioned, 245 Z. 7EAL in the clergy, when most serviceable to Religion, 264 |