FEMALE SPECTATOR. By Mrs. ELIZA HAYWOOD. Printed for H. GARDNER, oppofite St. Clement's M. DCC.LXXI, 次 T HERE is no one thing more generally talked of, and fo little understood, as the fin of Ingratitude. All complain of it in others, but none acknowledge it in themfelves; though few there are, even among the most generous fpirited perfons in the world, that are not at fome times compelled, by an unavoidable. neceflity, to actions which may draw on them the imputation of this vice:--the truth is, that to be totally free from it, depends not wholly on ourfelves, but on chance, circumftances, and the influence of the paffions. We may be guilty of it even without knowing we are fo; and innocent without the direction of principle. There are indeed no established rules for it, and the definition is no less a mystery than the philofopher's ftone. I AM led into this reflection by a letter that now lies upon the table, and the publisher of these monthly lucubrations tells me was put into his hands fome days fince, by a person who had more the appearance of a spectre than a living man :VOL. II. I fhall B |