Macropod Husbandry, Healthcare and Medicinals--Volumes One and Two, Volumes 1-2The most comprehensive work on macropods available, containing over 900 pages, published in two volumes, and complimented with over 3,000 coloured photographs. Ideal for macropod carers/rescuers, veterinarians and captive facilities, this husbandry manual includes hand rearing aspects of unfurred to furred joeys, and the care of adults; a huge section on captive husbandry and dietary needs, including a large section on the plants that macropods eat; 25 pages on the drugs used for macropod ailments, haematology and bio chemistry values, a reference guide to clinical signs of disease, over 500 pages on diseases, ailments and injuries, including x-rays and surgical procedures. With contributions from veterinarians, captive facilities and macropod carers and rescuers, this manual has taken 4 years to complete and is a compilation of information gleaned from over 28 years of working with macropods. |