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12. Bees exhibit a wonderful sagacity. They choose their queen, and then build their cells, which are very neatly and beautifully constructed. When they increase so much in number that the old hive is not large enough to contain them, they choose their queen, swarm, and seek a new home. If there is not room for all their operations, they increase the depth of their honey cells. Those who wish to find the honey of those bees which have strayed away in the woods, and have built their nests there, catch two bees, carry them to a distance, and then let them fly; each takes the straight line towards the nest or hive, and by observing these lines the hive may be found, in the direction where they cross each other.

13. Sometimes bees stray away and build their hives in the trunks of hollow trees. There was a large tree cut down in a certain place, and near the root a great many layers of honey were found; the bees had probably deposited their honey in it for many years. Bees are industrious insects, and will not permit any drones -those bees which will not work-to live with them, but they all assist each other.

14. The spider and many other insects exhibit a kind. of singular instinct. If you touch a spider with your finger, he will run away as swiftly as he can; but if he finds that he cannot run in any direction, he draws his feet together, and lies perfectly motionless, feigning to

12. What sagacity do bees exhibit? When do bees "swarm?" What course do they take when their cells are not large enough? How can we find the honey of those bees who have strayed away into the woods? 13. Where do bees frequently build their hives? How has this fact been ascertained? What is one peculiarity of bees? What is meant by drones ? 14. What particular instinct does the spider exhibit?

be dead; and if he be even torn by pins, he will not show the slightest degree of suffering.

15. Ants generally make their nests on the ground; but in Siam they build them on trees, because that country is often flooded with water, and people are obliged to build their houses on long poles.

16. There are some birds that always move to a warm climate as soon as winter approaches. They go at a particular time, and return again at a particular


When birds have liberty to do as they please, they always build their nests of the same material-the same mud and straw, and in the same spot, year after


17. Sometimes they wholly change their mode of building, especially in those countries where snakes abound. The bird hangs its nest on the branch of the tree, and makes the opening to it at the bottom, so that should the snake crawl up the tree to the limb, it could not get into the nest to take the eggs.

18. There is a certain bird that has been seen to catch grasshoppers, and fasten them to the twigs of trees where the little birds were accustomed to come. Why do you think she did this? for she never eats them herself. The reason was this; her instinct taught her that little birds were fond of grasshoppers; and as she was very fond of little birds, she put them there

15. Where do ants build their nests? What is their custom in Siam ? For what purpose? What are people obliged to do there? 16. How does the climate affect birds? How do birds generally build their nests? 17. Do they ever change their mode of building? Where does this take place? How does the bird endeavor to avoid the snake? 18. What is the custom of a particular kind of bird? Explain why she does this '



for a bait to decoy and bring them to that place, so that she might catch and eat them.

19. A swallow once slipped its foot into the noose of a cord, and by endeavoring to escape, drew the knot tight, so that he could not get away. He raised a most piteous cry, which drew a large flock of swallows around him. When they perceived his condition, each one struck the cord with his beak till it was broken, and their companion was freed.

20. When two goats meet on a narrow ledge of rock over a precipice, and see that there is no room to pass each other, after stopping a moment, one crouches down, and permits the other to walk gently over his back; then each one continues his journey along the narrow and dangerous path. Certainly they show a more accommodating spirit than some men do.

21. There was a certain cat, which frequently went into a closet, the door of which was fastened by a common iron latch. When the door was closed, and she wished to come out, she mounted on the bench of the window, which was near the door, and with her paw lifted the latch, and came out. This she did for many years. Another cat, which lived with a friend of mine, was accustomed to come to the kitchen door every morning, at precisely five o'clock, open the door with her paw, and come into the house.

22. The same family had a dog which would jump and be very uneasy as soon as he saw any of the men in the family put on their coats as if to go out. If they

19. Relate the anecdote of the swallow? How did the other swallows express their sympathy? 20. In what way do two goats accommodate each other? 21. Relate the anecdote of the cat. What was the custom of another cat?

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told him in a quiet tone that he might go with them, he would lie down quietly at their feet; but if they said, you cannot go, he would skulk away under the table.

23. Dogs possess a remarkable degree of instinct, sagacity, or understanding. In Switzerland there are high mountains, the tops of which are always covered by snow. Sometimes the snow falls from them suddenly, in such large masses that houses and travellers are buried. There is a convent among the mountains called the St. Bernard, where the monks keep a particular kind of dog that they send out after a snow-storm in search of travellers, whom they frequently dig out of large banks of snow, and save their lives.

24. There are hunting dogs in Mexico, which assist. in catching and killing deer. The weight of the deer is generally six times as great as their own, so that if they should attack them in front they might be killed, or have their backs broken. Instead of this they attack them at the side, or at the back, and when the deer starts to run, the dog throws him over. Some dogs will take a basket, and go every day to market to get their dinner. They can always find their master by smelling his tracks along the ground, even if he is at a great distance, and, if possible, will never leave him.

25. Many interesting anecdotes are related by dif ferent writers about the sagacity of the elephant.

When tamed, it becomes the most gentle and obedient

22. How did a dog exhibit great understanding? 23. What powers do dogs generally possess? What is said of the mountains in Switzerland ? What convent is situated there? For what purpose do the monks keep dogs? 24. What is the use of the dogs in Mexico? How do they show great sagacity? In what way can dogs find their masters? 25. What are some of the peculiarities of the elephant?

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of all animals. It can be taught to kneel, to have a chariot or any load put on its back, which it carries easily. They sometimes exhibit shame and ambition. They were formerly used to assist in launching ships. A certain one was employed to take a large vessel into the water, but it was too heavy for him. When his master saw that he was incapable to perform his task, he said, "take away the lazy beast, and bring another." The creature heard this, and made another effort, but broke his skull, and died on the spot.

26. In a certain city, an elephant, in passing along the streets, put his trunk into the window of a tailor's shop, where several people were at work. One of them pricked the end of it with a needle; the animal passed on as if he did not perceive the insult; but when he came to a puddle of muddy water, he took some in his trunk, went back, and threw it all over the men, and spoiled their work.

27. An artist in France wished to paint the elephant with his trunk raised in the air, and his mouth open. So a boy was employed to throw fruit into his mouth, to keep him in this position; but, as he frequently deceived him, he at last became angry, and one day took some dirty water in his trunk, and threw it all over the painter's picture, as if he knew that this was the most effectual way by which he could vent his spite.

28. A child that could not walk was left to the care of an elephant; as soon as the child crawled to the

25. What feelings do they sometimes exhibit? For what were they formerly used? How did unkindness affect one? 26. Relate the anecdote of the elephant and the tailors. 27. Relate the anecdote of the artist and the elephant. Why did the elephant spoil the picture instead of insulting the toy?

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