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P. F. Collier & Son, Publishers, New York, 416-424 West Thirteenth Street; London,
10 Norfolk Street. Strand, W. C., and the International News Company, 5 Breams
Buildings, Chancery Lane, E. C.; Toronto, Ont.. 72-74 Bay Street. Copyright 1907 by
P. F. Collier & Son. Entered as second-class matter February 16, 1905, at the Post-
Office at New York, New York, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS.-Change of Address-Subscribers when ordering a change
of address should give the old as well as the new address, and the ledger number on
their wrapper. From two to three weeks must necessarily elapse before the change
can be made, and before the first copy of Collier's will reach any new subscriber.



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American and European Plan Finest Hotel on the Great Lakes On the edge of town, this ideal Hotel, spacious, elegant, modern, overlooks Lake Michigan Beach on two sides, while shaded parks complete the beautiful surroundings. The city is but 10 minutes ride from the nearby station. There is always a cool breeze in warmest weather. 450 large outside rooms, 250 private baths. The table is always the best. Tourists find it a delightful place to stop and rest. Address for handsomely Illustrated Booklet, giving full particulars, Manager, Chicago Beach Hotel, 51st Boulevard and Lake Shore, Chicago, Illinois.

National Hotel Directory

Grand Convention Hall.
Hotel Sinton 400 Rooms.
Absolutely Fire-Proof. Magnificently
equipped. Large, Light Sample Rooms. Service unsur-
passed. FAIR Prices. Edward N. Roth, Managing Director.

Collingwood West 35th St., near Fifth Ave. Con-
theatres. Modern, fireproof. F. V. Wishart.
venient to fashionable shops, clubs and
Grand Union Hotel. Opposite Grand Central Sta-
tion. Rooms $1 a day up. Restau-
rants at moderate prices. Baggage to and from sta. free.
West 72d St. Exclusive family and tran-
Accessible to Hargrave sient hotel. Near Central Park and River-
side Drive. Subway and Elevated Stations on block.
Hotel Martha Washington 29th to 30th St.
The famous woman's hotel. Thorough comfort. Moderate.
Park Avenue Hotel. 32d-33d St. & Park Ave. Famous
for its comfort and service. Central to
everything. Pleasant for long stays. Cool in summer.

Margaret Overlooks N. Y. Harbor.
New York and the Sea. Family and Tran-
sient. Cool, Quiet. Special Summer Rates. Thomas Toby.


Hotel Chamberlin Fortress Monroe, Va. 20 min-
utes from Jamestown Exposi-
tion by ferry. Permanent, all the year round resort hotel.
$3 and $4 per day. European plan. Geo. F. Adams, Mngr:

"Poynt Comfort" Tavern§1 and 83 naut
Ten story fireproof per-
Guernsey E. Webb, late with "The Ansonia " N. Y., Mgr.

der same management.
Norfolk, Va.
manent hotel. 200 rooms-all outside-
125 private baths. Service and equipment unsurpassed.


near Madison Av.

Built around a Palm garden 14,000 sq. ft. Reed & Barnett.
The Prince George Quiet, Artistic. Lounge, Tea,


Hunt Rooms. 532 rooms with
East 28th St., near 5th Ave. A. E. Dick, Mgr.

The New Wellington 7th from Central Park.


Remodeled and newly furnished throughout. 300 rooms

Broztell Fifth Ave. and 27th St. New, fireproof, One with bath, $2 upwards. J. F. Champlin.
block from Madison Sq. Garden and B'way.
250 rooms each with bath. $2, $2.50, $3. Frank A. Brobst. Woodward B'way and 55th St. Select hotel for peo-
ple of refinement. 400 rooms. Centrally
Breslin On Broadway, cor. 29th St. Centre of shopping located. Excellent Restaurant. T. D. Green, Mgr.

and theatre district. Everything the best at reasonable prices. 500 large sunlit rooms, 300 with bath.


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This collar, a trifle higher than our well known Varsity, will give you real satisfaction in its trim, stylish appearance, its comfortable fit and long wear.

Corliss-Coon Collars are better

They are constructed to stand laundry strains. The test suggested by the illustration will prove longer wearmore for your money.

Buy of dealers. If not willingly supplied, we will fill your order on receipt of price. Our Style book FREE on request.

Corliss, Coon & Co., Dept.T, Troy, N. Y.

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TO SEE IT IS TO BUY IT. We want agents every where
to handle our up-to-date faucet filter; sells at sight; exclu-
sive territory; easy to carry; big profits; free sample fibre
disk. Jones Filter Co., 243-A6 Franklin St., Boston, Mass.
If 80,
make us a proposition. Our experience, capital invested
and thriving organization enable us to do as well as any
and better than the majority by our agents. Established
1846. The M. H. Harman Company, Geneva, N. Y.

WANTED up-to-date capable agents to handle high grade cutlery, lightning sellers in homes, offices, stores, shops. Samples in pocket. Experience unnecessary. Proof given of wonderful sales. C. Thomas Mfg. Co., 24 J. St., Dayton, O.

SOAP AGENTS MAKING $50.00 WEEKLY selling our $1.50 Soap and Toilet Article Combinations with valuable premiums for 35c. Crew managers wanted. Buy direct. Davis Soap Works, 22 Union Park Ct., Chicago.


CARBONOL. One of the many marvelous products derived from Coal Tar. The ideal Disinfectant, Antiseptic, and Cleanser. It heals wounds; it destroys bad odors and disease germs; it allays pain; it keeps your house clean and healthful; it prevents contagion; it keeps your animals free from vermin and disease. No household, farm, stable, or factory can afford to be without it. Send $1 today for complete disinfecting outfit, or 10c. for large trial bottle, express paid. Local agents wanted at extremely liberal commission. National Coal Tar Co., 297 Franklin St., Boston.

"THE HOUSE COMFORTABLE," our little book, tells
how to accomplish it. All about the wonderful Jewell
Temperature Controller which saves 20% or more of your
fuel and keeps house comfortable day and night. Costs
little, does much. Gives no trouble, but saves it. Time
Clock Attachment automatically warms house before
"getting up time." Write for booklet now.
Jewell Mfg. Co., 11 N. Green Street, Auburn, N. Y.

"FROZEN SWEETS" by Mrs. S. T. Rorer gives the newer recipes for ice creams and other frozen desserts. Also how to make two kinds of ice cream in one freezer at the same time. Address postal to North Bros. Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

FUR BOX, and keep the moths from your furs and
woolens. Write today for description and prices. John
B. Ransom & Co., Nashville, Tenn.

OUR PORCH SWINGS handsomer than hammocks,take less room. Wear longer. Steel chain hanging, red or green finish. Seat three persons. Price $7.50 prepaid, usually $10.50. Catalog free. W. J. Pursell,107 E. 20th St., Chicago.

SAVES GARBAGE TROUBLE. Our system of barrel buried in ground keeps garbage sweet. Eliminates dirt and messes. No bother with flies, dogs, or cats. Sold direct. Write to C. H. Stephenson, 28 Farrar St., Lynn, Mass.

Salt always flows freely. Cut glass effect, silver top. 25c.
postpaid. Pepper shaker to match, same price.
H. & H. Mfg. Co., 554 W. 25th St., New York City.

JUST THINK OF IT! To cook without coal, gas or
wood. A fireless cooker, actually saves seven-eighths of
the fuel, and the U. S. Government has adopted it. We
offer good contracts to men of responsibility, and those
only need reply. If $50.00 to $100.00 per week will HELP WANTED
satisfy you, write at once. Acorn Brass Mfg. Co., 51 N.
Peoria Street, Chicago.

MEN AND WOMEN without experience are actually making $30.00 weekly giving valuable premium free with every Dollar box of soap at 35 cents. You can do so too. Experienced agents-crew and Branch office managers do still better. Instructions free. Sample, 15 cents. Parker Chemical Co., Chicago.

ANY AGENT CAN MAKE A LIVING and a good agent can make a good living selling "Crown" patent anti-clogging salt shaker. Cut glass effect, silver top, pepper to match, an excellent seller at 25c. Write to The H. & H. Mfg. Co., 554 W. 25th St., New York City.



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SUBSCRIPTION SOLICITORS wanted in large towns
by established trade paper. A good opportunity for mak-
ing money. Apply by letter only, giving age, experience
and references. J. C. Prior, 123 Liberty St., N. Y. City.

GRAPHS in classified tours of travel. Sells to all classes.
Our representatives earning from $100 to $600 per month.
High commissions or guaranteed salary. Write H. T.
Dept., Underwood & Underwood, 3 W. 19th St., New York. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN

HIGH GRADE SALESMEN wanted as representatives
in choice_territory for Shade fixtures having universal de-
mand. Liberal, substantial proposition to right persons.
American Adjustable Window Shade Co., Lincoln, Neb.

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FREE SAMPLE. Mix your own polish and save money.

A pound of Remington's Metal Polish Compound mixed
with gasoline makes one gallon of best polish. 15 lbs., $5.
C. P. Remington, 716 Sansom, Philadelphia, Pa.

We will run an advertisement same size as above, four lines
One time $9.50, cash with order. Three times $28.50, cash with order
Write plainly. Count eight words to the line, leaving most of last line for name and
address. If you prefer, send us literature or a full description of your proposition, and
we will have an experienced ad-writer prepare your advertisement without charge.

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SANITARY AND DUSTLESS HOUSE CLEANING For Sale Portable Compressed Air House Cleaning Wag. ons and Machinery sold to responsible parties to operate in Cities of from 5,000 inhabitants upwards. Each Portable Cleaning Plant has an earning capacity of from $50 to $70 per day, at a cost of about $8 per day. Capital required from $2,000 upwards. Stationary Residential Plants from $450 upwards. Over 100 companies operating our system. We are the pioneers in the business, and will prosecute infringers. State references. General Compressed Air & Vacuum Machinery Co., 4400 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo..

ARE YOUR SAVINGS EARNING 10 PER CENT? What about the security? Is it what it should be? Would you not like to have your money where interest is guar anteed, where you get a share of the net profits, have what is equal to life insurance, be privileged to borrow money and all backed up by the best security on earthNew York City Real Estate? The investment is better than Government Bonds-just as safe and more profitable. We want to tell you how. Write for plan.. The McCormack Real Estate Company, Exclusive Fiscal Agent, 863 Times Building, New York.

BE YOUR OWN BOSS ! Many make $2,000 yearly. You have the same chance. Start Mail-Order Business at home. We tell you how. Very good profits. Everything furnished. "Starter" and particulars free. C. W. Krueger Co., 155 Wash. St., Chicago, Ill.

FINANCING AN ENTERPRISE. Practical 500 page book by Francis Cooper, telling how money is secured for enterprises. The only successful work on promotion. Endorsed by business men all over country. Two volumes, buckram binding, prepaid $4. Pamphlet and list of business books free. Ronald Press, 229 Broadway, New York.

ADVERTISERS MAGAZINE. The Western Monthly should be read by every advertiser and Mail-Order dealer. Best "Ad School" in existence. Trial Sub. 10c. Sample copy free. Western Monthly,827 Grand Av.,Kansas City, Mo.

WE START YOU in a permanent business with us and furnish everything. Full course of instructions free. We are manufacturers and have a new plan in the mail order line. Large profits. Small capital. You pay us in three months and make big profit. References given. Pease Mfg. Co., 84 Pease Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y.

BECOME A BROKER! How? I will teach you and you can make money while learning. Brokerage pays better than any other business. Write today. F. E. Baldwin, P. O. Box 3088C, Boston, Mass.

TURN YOUR SECURITIES INTO CASH. Our business connections as brokers enable us to find cash buyers for nearly every stock or bond ever issued. If you have any that are inactive we can dispose of them for you. For full information address J. W. Sibley & Co., 576 First National Bank Bldg., Chicago.

WANTED. Manager with references for Branch Automobile Salesroom. Position pays $2500 per year; $3000 cash required. High class machines at moderate prices. Address Automobile, 830 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Chicago.

LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. A large income assured to anyone who will act as our representative after learning our business thoroughly by mail. Experience unnecessary. All we require is honesty, ambition and willingness to learn a lucrative business. No soliciting or travelling. An exceptional opportunity for those who desire to better their conditions and make more money. For full particulars write nearest office for free book, No. 22 National Co-Operative Realty Co., Athenæum Bldg., Chicago, Ill., Marden Bldg., Washington, D. C., Phelps Bldg., Scranton, Pa., and Delgar Bldg., Oakland, Calif.


POPULAR PICTURES. For 25 cents in stamps we will send you, postpaid, six beautiful pictures, 5 x 7 inches in size, beautifully printed in duotone on fine art paper, plate-marked. Drawings by Charles Dana Gibson, Howard Chandler Christy, Henry Hutt and Albert Sterner. Address C.W.Stevens Co.,408 West 13th Street, New York City.


CANADA THE LAND FOR SETTLERS AND INVESTORS. Send for our free book describing Western Canada and the great opportunities for homeseekers or those looking for safe and profitable investments. Our book proves by testimonials that those who have bought land from us during last 10 years have realized a profit of from 50 to 200 per cent. With a capital of $1,000,000.00, of which $780,000.00 is paid in, we offer you every security and chance for investigation. Write today and ask for book 19. Haslam Land & Investment Co., Regina, Canada.

SEVEN PER CENT. GOLD BONDS, principal and interest guaranteed. Interest payable quarterly, by coupon, at Second National Bank of N. Y. Redeemable after two years on demand, at holder's option, at par. Issued in denominations of $100., $500. and $1000. and secured by improved N. Y. City Real Estate. Contain Participation Clause entitling holders to 5 per cent. Preferred Dividend in Company's annual earnings. This dividend while not cumulative precedes any dividends to stock-holders. Particularly desirable for investors seeking an absolutely safe investment unaffected by Wall St. Address Dept. G, Underwriters Realty & Title Co., 1 Madison Ave., N. Y. City.

SIX PER CENT Gold Loan Certificates, in denominations of $500.00 each, maturing June 30, 1909, secured by choice improved business property in San Diego. For sale at par and accrued interest. For further information, apply to Sixth Street Bank, 540 Sixth St., San Diego, California.

INCORPORATE your business. Charters procured. 1,600 charters procured for my clients. Write for corporation laws, blanks and forms, free, to former Ass't Secretary of State, Philip C. Lawrence, Huron, South Dakota.

SUCCESS IN THE STOCK MARKET. Our book gives details. A copy will be mailed free of charge if you will write to John A. Boardman & Co., Stock Brokers, 53 Broadway, New York.

LOS ANGELES, the world's best investment field. Growth phenomenal. Land syndicates pay large returns. 25% per year, minimum profit. Correspondence invited. W. W. Sweeney, P. E. Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.

FIRST MORTGAGES bearing 6%, 7% or 8% Interest on Correspondence Improved Seattle property for sale. solicited. References: Puget Sound National Bank or commercial agencies. Osner & Melhorn, Seattle, Wash.


EXPERT LEGAL ADVICE, one year for $5.00. Our service is confidential, prompt, and thoroughly reliable. Safeguard your property and protect your family. Write us at once. P. O. Box 3773, Boston, Mass.

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4 H P. Air Cooled. Maximum Weight 600 lbs. speed 25 miles per hour. World's record for fuel economy101 miles on 2 Gal. gasoline. Power ratio 40 to 1, more than double that of any gear driven car. Will easily negotiate 25 per cent grade with two passengers Powerful through sand and mud. 5 speeds forward 2 reverse. As noiseless as any single cylinder Touring Car. The lowest priced and best selling Motor Car in the world. With two cylinder 8 H. P. Engine, $525. Fnergetic Agents wanted in unassigned territory. Write for free catalogue and agency proposition. WALTHAM MFG. CO., Waltham, Mass., U. S. A.


SKIDOO! Engine


2 to 3 H. P. Bare Engine Swiftest, most powerful, efficient and reliable 2-Cycle engine of its size on earth-entirely new design, improved and perfected in every detail-makes speedy little launch from an ordinary row-boat, Catalog describing all sizes FREE

BELLE ISLE MOTOR CO., Dept. 16, Detroit, Mich


We sell stories, plays, and book MSS. on commission. We read, criticize, and revise all kinds of MSS. and advise you where to sell them. We teach Story-Writing and Journalism by mail. Our students sell thei MSS. for one to five cents a word. Send for free booklet, Writing for Profit"; tells how and gives prices. Special 10-day offer. THORNTON WEST, Editor-in-Chief. Founded 1895

THE NATIONAL PRESS ASSOCIATION 64 The Baldwin Indianapolis, Ind.

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HAVE YOU GOT ONE? We mean a Daus Tip Top Duplicator, that ideal assielant, always ready to quickly make 100 copies from Pen written and 50 coples from typewritten original. Complete duplicator cap size (prints 8x13 in.). Price $7.50 less 33% discount. $5.00 net, but we don't want your money until you are satisfied, so if interested just write us to send it on 10 Days' Trial Without Deposit. That's fair enough, isn't it? Felix K. Daus Duplicntor Co. Daus Bldg, 111 John St., New York

IS YOUR IGNITION RIGHT? The best system of ignition yet devised is the use of storage batteries kept charged and in good condition by an APPLE BATTERY CHARGER Known as "flating the battery on the line." By this method you Can have at your command an inexhaustible source of current for starting, running and reserve. Write today for Bulletin B-1.

The Dayton Electrical Mfg. Co., 121 St. Clair St., Dayton, Ohio


Careful workmanship, fine quality of material, durability-that's the Spencerian Pen. Sample card of 12, all different, sent for 6c. postage. SPENCERIAN PEN COMPANY. 349 BROADWAY, NEW YORK


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¶ On August 10 Collier's will begin the publication of a series of four articles by Elliott Flower of Chicago, under the general title of "The Diary of a Small Investor." They will cover the author's actual dealings with three or four of the get-rich-quick concerns that use the Chicago Sunday newspapers to sell stock. The sharpers who got Mr. Flower's $150 were selected, not because of their unusually extravagant promises in the way of dividend returns, but because they seemed to be typical of the leeches who, with the assistance of the big newspapers, are bleeding small investors in every part of the country. The titles of the articles and the dates of their appearance will be:

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Mr. Flower's articles raise the question: Who make up the "sucker lists" that are treasured so carefully by the promoters of fake mining and investment enterprises? "Larry" Summerfield, "prince of wire-tappers," now serving a term in prison, had a theory that frugal, underpaid ministers, preaching to country and small town congregations and striving desperately to make ends meet, are the victims most easily fleeced by sharpers. A "preacher list," therefore, was prized by the cynical "Larry." But by far the most numerous class of victims of Ithe lures of the promoters who fill the Sunday newspapers with promises of great returns for small investments are the clerks. These small-salaried workers watch their savings mount slowly, earning at most four per cent at the savings bank, and impatience at the reluctance of fortune to turn their way stirs them. It is then that the man with a dizzying promise of wealth makes his alluring announcement in the Sunday newspaper.

Fifty per cent profit the first year is no uncommon promisea promise, by the way, usually so cleverly phrased that the promoter can not be held liable, legally, for what he plainly means the intending investor to understand. Assuming the habit of mind of a clerk, Mr. Flower undertook to find out what would be the outcome of an average clerk's attempt to invest $150 in order to bring such returns as were promised by the Sunday newspaper advertisers of Chicago. His articles are the record of his actual experience. The names of promoters and companies in the articles are not disguised. These enterprises and these, sharpers are still appealing to the suckers. Big newspapers still open their columns to their fantastic advertising literature. It is a very live subject that Mr. Flower has tackled. Collier's expects the promoting tribe, those "parasites of prosperity," to squirm when the story touches them, but does not expect to waste any sympathy on them.

A Prop for the Quacks

"Religious Journalism and the Great American Fraud" is the title of Samuel Hopkins Adams's next article dealing with patent medicines. While the Sunday newspaper is the mainstay of the mine promoter, "religious journalism," says Mr. Adams, "props one corner of the tottering Great American Fraud. Lend to a quack or a swindling patent-medicine vender the countenance of the Church and he is a made man." Mr. Adams's article will name some spiritual guides which comfort the heart with endorsements of "Swamp Root" and "Duffy's Malt Whiskey." It will suggest a way for the readers of the religious journals to remove such blots from their pages.

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A Character-Building School For Boys Will make your boy alert, prompt

and self-reliant. Teaches him how

to study and how to do things. Unsurpassed Faculty, all men. Small Classes. Manual Training. Military Department under U. S. Army Officer. Fire-proof buildings, complete equipment, modern gymnasium. We will do your boy the greatest possible good if you will let us. Bad boys not accepted. Write us today. The Registrar, Morgan Park Academy, Morgan Park, Ill. (Co-operating with the University of Chicago.)



Your blades should improve each time you shave Instead of becomYou can get keen, smooth, delightful shaves with your 'ng poorer. safety razor if you will use the right method. It is the very intest idea and can be used with any make of safety razor. Don't throw away a single used blade. They have more cutting value than new blades. Simply tell us the name of your safety razor and we will s-nd this methot illustrated-free to you. Write today. A postal will do. You should know about this method for your own com'ort and satisfaction in shaving. THE RADIUMITE COMPANY, Dept. 563, 1546 W. Lake St., CHICAGO, ILL.

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$250 "SUCCESS"


The Original Auto Buggy Practical, durable, economical and absolutely safe. A light, strong. steel-tired Auto-Buggy. Suitable for city or country use. Speed from 4 to 20 miles an hour. Our 1907 Model has an extra powerful engine, patent ball-bearing wheels; price, $275. Also 10 h. p., $400. Rubber Tires, $25. extra. Write for descriptive literature. SUCCESS AUTO-BUGGY MFG. CO., Inc., St. Louis, Mo.







"How to Remember"

Sent Free to readers of this periodical.

Stop Forgetting

You are no greater intellectually than your memory. Easy, inexpensive. Increases income; gives ready memory for faces, naines, business details, studies, conversation; develops will, public speaking, personality. Send for Free Booklet. DICKSON MEMORY SCHOOL. 771 The Auditorium. CHICAGO



This book contains 100 cuts of Mechanical Movements and Tells all about PATENTS. What to Invent for Profit and How to Sell a Patent. O'NEARA & BROCK, Pat. Attys.. 918 F St., Washington, D. C.

10 Gillette Blades 25c.

Send 10 dull blades with 25c silver. 20 each for extra blades. We resharpen better than new and return in neat case for future use. Chemical Steel Co., 5 W. Madison St., Chicago



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