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"The Rug of Distinction"

Half the cost of other rugs; but twice the beauty and wear.

Such richly-blended colorings, striking artistic designs and extraordinary wearing quality are found in no other rugs for double the money.

Sizes from 27 x 54 inches to 12 x 18 feet.

$1.50 to $27

Sold by the best dealers in the United States. Look on the tag for the name "Kashmir" and the tiger trade-mark.

Write today for beautiful free catalogue in colors with full information.

Fries-Harley Co.

Makers of Rugs Exclusively 712 Bourse Bldg.






Made with the "Lincoln" adjustable glove snap fastener (patented) used to attach and detach. No buckles, no holes in the leather, just a press of the thumb and the snap fastening Incks, and, best of all, stays locked. The "Lincoln's" the only garter made with the "Lincoln" adjustable glove snap fastener (patented), which is controlled exclusively by us.

The Ideal
Knee Drawer


Your Initial

on the Support

Measure just be-
low the knee to
find the correct size
garter wanted.
At your dealer's
or sent prepaid

on receipt of 50c.
Insist on getting "Lin-
coln" Garters-
they're the best.

It is the garter you wore last summer, only it's been im-
proved by doing away with the undesirable buckle feature.
Made in rights and lefts in three sizes. Size 10, adjust-
able 10 inches to 13 inches. Size 12, adjustable 12 inches to 15
inches. Size 14, adjustable 14 inches to 17 inches. Special sizes
made on request.

Makers of Lincoln Lisle 50c. Suspenders
Philadelphia, Pa.
1215 Market Street

Don't Darn


No doubt you have spring

and summer hosiery on which

the feet have become ragged

[blocks in formation]

and worn out. Don't throw them away, but attach Racine Feet,
which is much quicker than darning, and you have a stocking
as good as new. Look up your spring hosiery while the weather
is bad and you must stay indoors, and save one half of
your hosiery bills by repairing your spring and
summer hosiery with Racine Feet, which is done quick-
ly, by following our simple instructions for attaching them, which
we furnish free with every pair. Racine Feet can be at-
tached to any hose manufactured. Sold everywhere.
Beware of imitations. The genuine have our registered trade-
mark stamped on every pair. Made in all sizes. 10c. per pair,
$1.00 per dozen. If you can not obtain the genuine article
Write for illustrated catalog today.
in your city, order direct.
RACINE FEET KNITTING CO., (Dept. 66), Beloit, Wis.


For Society or Lodge-College or School

Made to order in any style or ma-
terial. Read our money saving offer.
Either of the two styles here illus
trated, enameled in
one or two colors and
showing any letters or numerals,

but not more than shown in Illust.
Silver Plate $1 doz. Sample 100
Ster.Silv.82.50 doz. Sample 25c
FREE our new and handsomely illustrated
catalog-shows new styles in gold and silver.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Celluloid Buttons
and Ribbon Badges at right prices. Special
designs and estimates free.


-BASTIAN BROS. CO., 21Y South Ave., Rochester, N. Y.


are the best that can be produced. Cardboard is Crane's (none bel-
ter is made), style is the latest, most skillful help employed, and
work is not rushed-all are essential to high quality. The 50
cards, with name in script (one line), engraved on plate by hand,
and sold for $1, are same grade as often cost from $1.50 to $2.50.
And it's the same with Wedding Invitations, Marriage Announce-
ments, and Monogram Dies. Those interested may have samples.
Everything in Engraving


354 Broadway

Always address Room 204 904-906 Chestnut St.

Near-Brussels Art-Rugs, $3.50

Sent to your home by express prepaid

[blocks in formation]

skip Ohio altogether. There is a well-beaten road to the White House by
way of Albany, and some think that they see a promising traveler on that
road now.
Governor Hughes is in a death grapple with a combination of
the most corrupt elements of both parties in the New York Legislature.
This combination controls the State Senate by a large majority, and if it
dared would throttle police reform, ballot reform, the honest regulation of
corporations, and the purification of the public service. If the Governor
can so wield the battering ram of public opinion as to force the combination
to yield on all these points, as he already has on the police, he will be a
Meanwhile every Repub-
political figure that the nation can not overlook.
lican Legislature that is polled adds its voice to the cumulative demand for
The President's reiterated assurances
another term for Theodore Roosevelt.

of his determination not to accept another nomination seem to leave his
followers incredulous. There is little doubt that he could have the nomina-
tion if he wanted it. A Foraker victory in Ohio might be the one thing
needed to make him want it.

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was held under the auspices of a "khaki Government" that was trying to
Now the commander of the Boer armies is
hold down the conquered Boers.
in attendance as the Premier of the Transvaal, and he is welcomed by a
British Government whose members were formerly branded as
The Conference loses some of the significance it might otherwise have
had from the fact that the question of deepest interest to the colonies-that
of preferential trade-will not be considered by the mother country, and from
the further fact that the premier colony, Canada, has no suggestions what-
ever to offer. In fact, it was doubtful for some time whether Canada would
even be represented. Before his departure Sir Wilfrid Laurier explained to
the House of Commons at Ottawa the felicitous situation that prevented him
The relations between Canada
from making any propositions at London.

and the mother country, he explained, were so happy that he saw no present
“We are satisfied with our lot as it is, we are
ground for improvement.
satisfied with the measure of legislative independence which we enjoy, we
are satisfied with being a part of the British Empire, and we are ready to go
to London to perform the task which is sought of us, not by the way of
making any suggestions ourselves, but rather receiving suggestions which
may be made to us.

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ANADA, once a Cinderella among the nations, has at last the pleasure
Before the echoes of
of seeing her favor sought by the mighty.
Secretary Root's flattering speeches had died away, Mr. Bryce, the
British Ambassador, was on his way to Ottawa with new cargoes of compli-
ments. Mr. Bryce's mission was to secure the consent of Canada to some
arrangement for settling all the outstanding differences with the United
States. It was for this purpose that the Joint High Commission was created
ten years ago, and it might have succeeded but for the intrusion of the
Alaskan boundary dispute. Now that is settled, the desire for harmony is
much warmer than it was, and there seems no reason why any points of dis-
agreement should be left open. The published accounts of Mr. Bryce's
mission created an uneasy feeling among certain classes in Canada and in
England, always suspicious of American designs. It was said that he
expected to settle the questions of reciprocity, of the preservation of Niagara
Falls, of seal protection, the regulation of the fisheries, armament on the
Lakes, delimitation of the frontier, transit of merchandise, the application of
alien labor laws, mining rights, conveyance of prisoners, wrecking and salvage
rights, the use of logging booms in the St. John River, and the relief of
Canadian vessels in American ports from the requirement to produce bills
of health. The lines on which the settlements were to be made, according
to these accounts, were so favorable to the United States as to make their
acceptance by Canada unthinkable. The reports were made the subject of
questions in both the Dominion and the Imperial Parliaments.
Laurier gave no definite explanations, but Sir Edward Grey, the British
Foreign Secretary, stated that Mr. Bryce had been empowered to do his best
to settle outstanding questions between the United States and Canada,

Sir Wilfrid

R.H. Macy & Co.'s Attractions Are Their Low Price


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Bway at 6th Av.

34th to 35th St

For New Model Spring Skirt this Made To Your Measure

In wide choice of materials.

We finished skirt to please you
E guarantee to fit you, guarantee

perfectly or we will refund your
money. This offer is made by
Macy's, the Largest Dry-
goods and Department Store
under one root in America.

You can have no conception of the extremely good value we offer in this skirt until you have seen for yourself the fine quality of materials we use and the high grade of workmanship embodied.

THE DESIGN is one of the season's best models-a stylish side plaited model with double box plaited front, each gore trimmed with self covered buttons. It is modish, graceful and becoming and made of best materials, - fine all-wool cheviots and panainas-in either plain colors or in the new imported mixed suitings in check and plaid effects. Write us for samples of materials and give us a few simple measures on our perfected Home Measure Chart, and we will make you the skirt for $4.96 and if you are not delighted with your bargain, return the skirt and we will refund your money without question. You take no risk. This is one of the greatest bargains ever offered by our Made to Measure Sult Department, We want every so don't delay. Write for the samples now. woman to secure the advantage of this great Macy Special. We also want you to write for

Our Free 550 PAGE Spring CATALOGUE How and why Macy's prices are always lowest on everything you buy is all explained in the new big spring style book and catalogue we are going to send you free. This catalogue also tells how "MACY'S PAYS THE FREIGHT" and contains 550 pages of handsome offerings-beautiful new style shirt waists for 99c., hundreds of the new style hats and suits, and all the new dress goods and silks and novelty materials, everything new, every new style and everything needed for wear or in the bome. This exquisite 550 page encyclopedia of the Great Macy's Address Write for it now. will be sent you free. R. H. MACY & CO., Room 501, Broadway, New York

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My Suits at $20. are more Chio and stylish than suits others make costing twice as much. -Thousands of Chicago business, professional young men have been my steady patrons for many years, in fad they named me the Bon Ton tailor.

Find me your name and address and I will mail you at once an assortment of selected samples the handsomest I have from which I make suits in any style ordered for #20. Frusting to hear from you by return mail

I am yours to Tautor mai prins thechailary

TO MAKE A NEW CUSTOMER IS WORTH FIVE DOLLARS TO ME Cut out this advertisement and mail it to me with your request for samples and your first suit will cost you only $15.00. Address

PRINS, THE TAILOR, H, 161 Market Street, Chicago

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We ship on approval, without a cent
deposit, freight prepaid. DON'T
PAY A CENT if you are not satisfied
after using the bicycle 10 days.

a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone at any price until you receive our latest art catalogs illustrating every kind of bicycle, and have learned our unheard of prices and marvelous new offers.

ONE CENT is all it will cost you

to write a postal and everything will be sent you free postpaid by return mail. You will get much valuable. information. Do not wait, write it now. TIRES, Coaster-Brakes, Built-up.. Wheels and all sundries at half usual prices. MEAD CYCLE CO., Dept. S-54, CHICAGO

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Why Lighthouses Use Acetylene Gas-Light

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It then takes care of the thousands of Lives dependent upon its rays, for another six months.

"Lighted by Acetylene"

Now, what do you think of that for an "article of faith" in Acetylene on the part of Lighting experts and Coast Pilots ?

Reliability comes first, of course, in such Lighthouses where Acetylene is used.


But, after that there is another and mendously significant feature which commends this White Light to Mariners as it should to Householders.

That feature is the splendid long-distance carrying power of Acetylene light rays. This quality is known as spreading of the light uniformly over a very wide area.


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Mariners say they can see Acetylene Light nearly twice as far as they can see the same candle-power of any other light.

They say it penetrates Fog farther, and all "thick" conditions of weather.

It does this because it is such a Clear, Pure, White Light, free from the large percentage of useless Color which weakens and fogs Kerosene, Gasoline or Coal-gas Light.

It is also an absolutely steady Light, free from the wavering flicker, the rise and fall, of Electric Light, which is so hard upon the Eyes because

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It gives a rich, white Sparkle to every polished thing it falls upon, brings out every shade of Color, even pale pink and pale blue, at its correct value, and diffuses (spreads) all around a room like daylight.

More than this, it now costs a third less (when once installed) than the same candlepower from Kerosene Lamps, without needing a tenth of the care. And it costs only half. as much, per candle-power, as Incandescent Electric Light.

A complete 35-Light installation including labor and everything ready to light up the jets with need not exceed $200. Fewer lights cost less money of course.

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No Honing-No Grinding



After all, there is but one razor- the ordinary, and the very best is the "CARBO MAGNETIC THE RAZOR OF PERFECTION.



Send us your dealer's name, tell us if he handles the "Carbo Magnetic" Razor, and we will send you our booklet entitled "Hints on Shaving," and make you a proposition whereby you can test this razor. The booklet is very valuable to self-shavers; it illustrates the correct razor position for every part of the face and tells you all about REAL SHAVING COMFORT. Firm of A. L. SILBERSTEIN

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449-450 Broadway, New York


is a household necessity-compact, clean, simple and handy, it mends things to stay. Solderene requires no rosin, acids or soldering iron-just a little heat applied, and it does the work thoroughly, saving plumbers' or repair bills. Worth its weight in gold-a veritable wonder-worker in its effectiveness. Try it-you'll see. If your dealer does not carry Solderene send us his name and 25c for 2 sticks, with full directions. Solderene Co.,53 State St.,Dept.B,Boston, Mass. 2STICKS BY MAIL 25 CENTS


Set of Two in Leather Case $5.50

Carbo Magnetic Strop $1.00

Strop Aide


AT A SPLENDID SALARY THE MOMENT YOU BECOME AN EXPERT STENOGRAPHER The Courts, Lawyers, Merchants, the Government Service, Or, you can all are looking for competent men and women. make a good thing by establishing yourself in any live town as public stenographer. We teach you the Gregg System of Shorthand and Typewriting, the system that makes the professionals. No time lost from your present work. We qualify you by mail. You will have the same instruction and advantages that you get by going away to a high priced school. Write today for Free sample lesson. STENOGRAPHERS' CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Box 501, Freeport, Illinois



although no desire had been shown on either side to reopen the subject of reciprocity.


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At a dinner in honor of the Ambassador at Ottawa on April 1 Sir Wilfrid Laurier said that Mr. Bryce had done something unprecedented in the history of America. He had visited Canada. "This is the first time in my memory, he added, "that His Majesty's Ambassador to the United States has visited Sir Wilfrid disclaimed any warm desire on the part of Canadians for reciprocity and declared that Canada could grant no concessions to the United States unless she received an equivalent. Mr. Bryce in his response told how the feeling of friendship and esteem for Canada was growing in the United States, and assured the Canadians that throughout the negotiations the very fullest attention would be paid to their wishes. The diners joined heartily in a toast to "Teddy Roosevelt.

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The pillars of society shaken by a rising of oppressed peasants

RUMAN, A, then tot Por some weeks by an anarchy, w of the Balkan

States, has been torn for some weeks by an anarchy, which, beginning as an anti-Jewish outbreak, has grown into a general social revolution. Although Rumania, with a population little less than that of the State of New York, has not more than a third the number of Jews now living in that Commonwealth, it has long been notorious for the bitterness of its antiSemitic feeling. Its intolerance has been carried so far that Rumanian Jews have been denied the most elementary civil rights, and have been treated as aliens in their native land. Moreover, the centres of anti-Semitism in Russia have been in those districts, such as that of Kishineff, inhabited chiefly by a Rumanian population. The Rumanian hostility to the Jews springs from economic causes. The impoverished peasants have been bled by local merchants and money-lenders, and by absentee landlords. The merchants and money-lenders are mostly Jews; the landlords, when they are not Jews themselves, very commonly have Jewish agents, who bear the brunt of the tenants' hatred.

The troubles began in Moldavia, the more primitive of the two ancient principalities from which the present kingdom was formed. The peasants sacked hundreds of estates and swarmed into the towns, where they carried a trail of blood, fire, and pillage through the Jewish quarters. The rising spread into Wallachia, and soon the whole kingdom was wrapped in civil war. An international Anarchist organization took advantage of the peasants' discontent to push its propaganda.. Pitched battles were fought, and the peasants and soldiers competed in exhibitions of barbarity. The Government, while exerting its military power to the utmost for the suppression of the rebellion, has planned reforms to remove the grievances of the people, especially in the matter of the unbearable monopoly of the land by a class of worthless parasites.

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PEAKER CANNON and the members of the Congressional party that visited the Isthmus under the chaperonage of Representative McKinley of Illinois were agreeably surprised at the progress of the work on the canal. Mr. Tawney of Minnesota, the chairman of the House Committee on Appropriations, said that the undertaking was far more simple than the American people had been led to believe. In his view it was merely a matter of digging and handling the material. That is a rather optimistic way of describing the process of building the greatest earth dam in the world on a doubtful foundation, but fortunately the work is in the hands of men who know how to do whatever is required. The Congressmen learned that the canal would be finished in eight years, and it was even suggested that it might cost less than the $150,000,000 that had been counted upon. McKinley thought it would do any American good to see the progress of the work and the enterprise of his countrymen, and Speaker Cannon remarked: "We'll dig the ditch or bust. thought it would be a case of "bust," and that was why they were so willing Some statesmen at Washington last winter to leave the entire credit and responsibility for the work to President



Colonel Goethals, the new Chief Engineer, has announced his intention of following the lines laid down by Mr. Stevens, whose organization he declares to be perfect. Everything seems to be going along so well under Government management that the question why the contract plan was ever considered becomes a deeper mystery than ever.

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The Perfect Light"

"3 Hours More Daylight-
1 Cent.

Don't you often long for just
attle more day light?"
The only artificial light
which approaches daylight is
that of The Beck-Iden Lamp.
And because it is nearest to daylight
it is the easiest on the eyes.
The Beck-Iden is a handsome, portable,
bronze lamp; clean, odorless and
smokeless. It burns gas; and gives
about fifteen times more light than
city gas at four-seventhis the cost.
It has no wick, oil, mantle or chimney;
and no dangers, like oil lamps, crossed
wires or leaky pipes.

It vitiates less air and makes less beat than any other flame light. The "Perfect Light" for the home. An article in Feb'y Ladies Home Journal, speaking of the gas generated by the Beck-Iden Lamp says: Gives much more light than an equal amount of city gas-burns with a steady, white flame of great brilliancy-the nearest approach to sunlight of any arti. ficial illuminant." This praise is due to nerit only. We have a special proposition to make you.

Write for Booklet 6 ACETYLENE LAMP CO. 50 University Pl., N. Y. City


Plates and


may be kept perfectly clean and odorless by using


The OXYGEN Tooth Powder Moisture liberates the OXYGEN and the OXYGEN destroys all germs, stops fermentation of food particles and completely deodorizes the mouth, leaving a most delightful feeling of freshness and purity.

Of all druggists, 25 cents

Send for free sample and booklet
Guaranteed absolutely pure under the
Food and Drugs Act June 30, 1906
McKESSON & ROBBINS, 91-97 Fulton St., New York

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The unbroken seal across the special pouring spout of a can of Speare's Auto Oil is a guarantee of saving to the automobile owner, and safety to his engine.

Each can is filled at the factory with oil that gives perfect lubrication; that works clean and free, leaving no gummy deposit to short-circuit spark-plugs and injure valves.


Auto Oil

Sold to consumers direct in sealed gallon cans with special spout. The price is low,the quality the highest that skill can produce.

Satisfaction guaranteed or price and transportation charges will be refunded. Write nearest branch, state make of automobile and get special low price for oil exactly adapted to it.

Established 1851

Boston, 369 Atlantic Ave. New York, 654 W. 34th St.
Chicago, 9 Milwaukee Ave. Philadelphia,949 N. 9th St.

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Make a Motor Boat of "Old Hickory"

any Boat in 5 Minutes

Here's a little, 2 h. p. marine motor
(40-lbs. complete) that you
can attach to the stern
post of your boat in 5
minutes without any tools.
Drives an 18-ft. row boat 7
miles per hour (runs 8 hours on
one gallon gasoline). Can be de-
tached from boat just as quickly
and stored in box in which it is
carried. Simplest motor made
-does not get out of order.

Write for catalog with full description and price.

WATERMAN MARINE MOTOR CO. 1510 Fort Street, West


Detroit, Mich.


Diamonds Credit

YOU CAN EASILY OWN A DIAMOND OR WATCH, or present one as a gift to some loved one.
Whatever you select from our beautiful catalog, we send on approval. Pay one-fifth on delivery, balance in
8 equal monthly payments. Your credit is good. As a pure investment nothing is safer than a Diamond.
THE OLD RELIABLE ORIGINAL DIAMOND 20% annual increase in value. Written guar-
antee of quality and value. Catalogue free.
BROS. & CO., Dept. D 38, 92 to 98 State St., Chicago, Ill. Write for it today. Do it now.


public, asking him whether he thought that there was any danger that railroad regulation would be carried to the point of preventing a reasonable return on the money invested, and whether, in case of the adoption of Government ownership, the stockholders could expect to receive a price equal to the value of the physical properties of the companies.

Mr. Bryan returned what was meant to be a reassuring reply. He said that there was no danger whatever that regulation would be carried to the point of preventing a reasonable return on money invested in railroads, and that if public ownership should be adopted the stockholders could expect to receive a price at least equal to the value of their physical properties. In fixing rates he thought the value to be recognized should be the cost of reproduction, at present prices, not the money actually spent on the lines. This is a principle that might have some consequences which perhaps Mr. For instance, the New York Central's terminal Bryan has not fully weighed. in New York could not now be reproduced by any other road at any price. All terminal facilities in great cities have gone up so enormously in value that the cost of reproduction has become almost, and in many cases entirely, prohibitory. There is reason enough here, on Mr. Bryan's principle, for any amount of swollen capitalization.



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Y an order issued on March 29 President Roosevelt fulfilled the promise of partial self-government for the Philippines. The first popular Assembly ever granted by a white Power to an Asiatic dependency will be elected on July 30. The Act of Congress of July 1, 1902, provided that when the President should be satisfied that complete peace had been established in the islands he should cause a census to be taken, and that if peace still prevailed two years later he should order the election of a legislative body to be known as the Philippine Assembly. All the people of the islands except the Moros and the non-Christian tribes are to be represented in this gathering. The new Assembly will form the lower and the present Philippine Commission the upper, house of a legislature, which will exercise in the Christian parts of the archipelago all the law-making powers now possessed by the Commission.

With the organization of this body the Philippines will be equipped with just such a system of government as England had worked out for her royal There will be an appointed provinces in America before our Revolution. Governor, reigning as well as governing; an appointed Council, or upper All the materials will be at hand for such house, and an elected Assembly.

a clash as that between Governor Hutchinson and the General Court of Massachusetts. Whether it will come or not depends upon the amount of tact and reasonableness possessed by both sides. The Stamp Act and the tea duty already have their abundant parallels in the legislation of Congress. If the desire for absolute independence be as strong among the Filipinos as it has been said to be, and if that desire find expression through the Philippine Assembly, the question will assume a new position in American politics.

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HE Census Bureau has issued an estimate of the population of the United States in 1906. With admirable precision it puts the figures for the continental Union at 83,941,510, and for the whole American Empire at 93, 182,200. The word "census" carries a presumption of authority that will cause this to be widely accepted as an accurate count. The actual The truth is that it is only a guess, and a very poor guess. population of the continental United States last year was probably nearer 88,000,000 than 84,000,000.


The Census Bureau's guess of the population of the State of New York last year was 8,226,990, and of the city of New York 4,113,043. figures are not very far from the mark, for in this case there was a State There is a similar advantage in census in the preceding year to build on. the case of Boston, which is credited with 602,278 inhabitants in 1906, the population by the State census of 1905 having been 595,380. Chicago is put down at 2,049, 185, Philadelphia at 1,441,735, and Baltimore at 553,669. These guesses are near enough the truth to make it safe to say that the United States is the only country in the world that possesses two cities of St. Louis over two million people each and three with over one million. protests that she has over 700,000 inhabitants instead of the 649,320 the census oracles concede to her, Kansas City shrieks that she has 225,000 instead of 182,376, and Seattle tearfully accuses the Washington mathematicians of ciphering her down to 100,000 less than her real population. To these complaints Director North humorously responds that the Bureau can not revise its estimates "at the whim of this or that city," although he admits that "in individual cases the computations of the Census Bureau may be wide of the truth.'

The Census Bureau allows Pennsylvania 6,928,575 inhabitants in 1906, Illinois 5,418,670, and Ohio 4,448,677. These estimates certainly do not err on the side of exaggeration, so that it may be said with confidence that one member of the American Union has at the present moment over eight million inhabitants, another over seven, and a third over five. have now a population of over twenty-five millions, which is more than the

whole North had at the time of the Civil War.



Four States

Whether as an ideal food for infants or for general household use, Borden's Eagle Brand Condensed Milk has no equal; of no other food product can this be truthfully said.-Adv.


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