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Model M, Straight Line Body, $950

Supreme Among Small Cars

Doesn't the fact that last year the sale of Cadillacs of the 10 horse power type exceeded the combined sale of any three models of other makes carry a pretty strong conviction of superiority?

This record is a result of the wonderful efficiency of the Cadillac single-cylinder engine-a bit of mechanism so perfect in construction that it has successfully withstood the test of five years of severe service in thousands of cars. Thus while others were experimenting and changing, we stuck to time - tried principles we knew were correct, until to-day there is absolutely no question as to the supremacy of the



It is the favorite among owners of large

touring cars who want a thoroughly dependable small car for general utility purposes. It is the choice of those who know motor quality. Every day adds to its prestige and every day more forcibly proves that the Single-Cylinder Cadillac is THE IDEAL CAR for those who desire a motor vehicle which will afford the maximum of pleasure and service with the minimum of expense, the car which affords all there is in motoring-except the troubles.

Model M-10 h. p. 4-passenger Car (Straight Line or Victoria Body); $950 (Catalog ML) (Catalog ML) (Catalog ML)

Model M Coupe-10 h. p.; $1,200

Model K-10 h. p. Runabout; $800

Model G-20 h. p. 4-Cylinder Touring Car; $2,000

(Catalog GL)

Model H-30 h. p. 4-Cylinder Touring Car; $2,500 (Catalog HL)

Prices F. O. B. Detroit; lamps not included Send for Special Catalog of car in which you are interested, as above designated

CADILLAC MOTOR CAR CO., Detroit, Mich. Member Asso. Licensed Auto. Mfrs.

Model K

Runabout $800


"Fair Weather" Clothes!

HENEVER the weather is damp,
away goes the shape of these

The coat shoulders "wrinkle" and
"bump"-my vest gets too tight-and my
trousers draw up, and pucker and "bag."
And I paid a good price, too.

The first damp day taught me how uncertain shape is in most makes of men's clothes. Since then I've studied the matter a bit, and found WHY-and how to avoid it.

You see-wool shrinks.

Whenever it gets damp, it draws up out of shape.

The first damp day brings trouble. Now, all cloth comes from the mills unshrunk.

All the "shrink" is taken out in the goods, not on your back-afterwards.

This is why wearers of Kaufman Garments always look well dressed-always appear business-like and prosperous.

Other clothes makers cannot thus insure your appearance because the Kaufman "PreShrinking" Process is owned and controlled by the Kaufmans, who will not permit its use outside their own big Tailoring Establishment.

Therefore Kaufman Garments are the only men's clothes that have the shape-holding quality.

Kaufman Garments show as "natty" fabric patterns as any, because all clothes makers buy from the same mills and weavers make

Kaufman Garments $15. to $18.

Weavers will not shrink it, because they sell it by the yard and shrinkage means loss. So the clothes makers have to do their best for you, but "their best" is not always very The good and more often is pretty poor. clothes of men who pass you in the street give abundant proofs of this "poorness."

Perhaps these clothes makers try to shrink the goods but they haven't the processthey can't.

But you never see such defects in Kaufman Garments.

For, by the use of a special shrinking process, the Kaufmans are able to give you a shape permanence that you simply cannot get in other makes of clothes at any price.

Every bolt of cloth that comes to the great Kaufman Tailoring Establishment is treated with the Kaufman "Pre-Shrinking" Process, which takes all the "shrink tendency" out of the fabric before it is made up into Kaufman Garments.

This is why Kaufman Garments-at $15.00 to $18.00-hold their shape and show their style permanently.

the same fabric effects in all grades of cloth each season. Checks, stripes, or plain goods, you get the same color effects-regardless of price.

Kaufman Garments are up-to-date in cut, fit and finish as any, because all clothes makers follow the same fashion plates each season.

Why, then, should you pay $35.00-or morefor a suit of clothes, when you get as much style-more wear (for "Pre-Shrunk" fabrics wear longer than others) and better appearance the season through in Kaufman Garments at $15.00 to $18.00?

Our prices range from $10 to $25. Most people can be suited in Kaufman Garments $15 to $18.

"The Well Dressed Man in 1907" is shown in the new Kaufman Style Book. Ask Kaufman Dealers for it, or-write to Chas. Kaufman & Bros., Chicago.

The mark to look for is

This Garment Made and Guaranteed by Chas. Kaufman & Bros.

Couldn't Dodge Prosperity

This is the story of a man who bought an Ideal Concrete Machine to make Concrete Building Blocks for his own use. Before he realized it, a profitable business had been forced upon him. Read what he says:


South Bend Indiana. GENTLEMEN:-Received Ideal Concrete Machine all right. I did not intend to do any work except my own, but as soon as people saw the blocks, they wanted them, so I was compelled to go into the business of making them.


Yours truly,

A. H. KEENEY, Mfr. Ideal Hollow Cement Blocks.

[graphic][merged small][merged small]

The Ideal Concrete Machine is simple, rapid and adaptable, and will never wear out. Low in cost, easily operated by one man, it is the easiest way to prosperity. Write for free catalogue, and have the stories of other men who learned how to turn sand and gravel into good American Dollars. Ideal Concrete Machinery Co./ Dept. D, South Bend, Ind.

[blocks in formation]


hats wear
long and

retain the notice-
able elegance of
style which dis-
tinguishes them

when they are new. Knapp-Felt De Luxe— the best hats made-are Six Dollars. Knapp - Felt

the next best-are Four Dollars, everywhere.

Write for The Hatman. THE CROFUT & KNAPP CO. 842 Broadway, New York


1907 tells all about pure-bred poultry and describes and Illustrates 60 varieties. 10 beautiful natural color plates. Gives reasonable prices for stock and eggs; how to cure diseases, kill lice, make money. This valuable book only 10 cts. B. H. GREIDER, Rheems, Pa.


Extra Fine Lucca Olive Oil is the purest olive oil imported into this country and is guaranteed to be the first dripping before pressing from the finest selected, sound, ripe olives. For 40 years C. Maspero has been a recognized food expert and his name has stood for absolute purity and unexcelled quality in food products.




America's great original housefurnishing concern will ship goods any place in the United States, giving credit on terms of paying a little now and

Mullins Pressed
Pressed Steel Boats

Are The Fastest and Safest Boats Built

They are built of smooth, pressed steel plates, with air chambers in each end like a life boat. The smooth, steel hull has handsome lines and glides through the water with the least possible resistance they are faster, more durable, and safer-they don't crack, leak, dry out or sinkare elegant in design and finish,

The Mullins Steel Motor Boats have revolutionized motor boat building, and are superior in every way to wooden motor boats. They are equipped with Mullins Reversible Engines, so simple in construction, and so dependable that a boy can run them, and the Mullins Improved Underwater Exhaust, which makes them absolutely noiseless.

Write For Free Illustrated Catalogue of Motor Boats-Row Boats-Hunting and Fishing Boats The W. H. Mullins Company 119 Franklin St., Salem, O.

finish, fabricord Spanish leather seat and back upholstered, with heavy brass head buttons. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Order chair No. 549. Price


Pay $1.00 Cash, 75c. Monthly OUR GREAT HOUSEFURNISHING CATALOGUE FREE for the asking. Remember it is the only catalogue published showing the exact reproduction of goods direct from the articles. It also includes reproductions of carpets and rugs in colors. SEND A POSTAL NOW-IT'S FREE We sell the famous VICTOR TALKING MACHINE STRAUS & SCHRAM, 1053 35th St.,

Chicago, Ill.


EARN A GOOD SALARYWE QUALIFY YOU BY MAIL during your spare time. We teach the Gregg Shorthand and Typewriting System, the only system that will make you a master of the profession. Our students are in demand everywhere. Send today for Free sample lesson. Stenographers' Correspondence School Freeport, Illinois

Box 501


RAZORAND 12 Blades $10!

THE only 12 bladed dollar

razor in the world. A better razor impossible. Complete for $1.00 with silver nickeled frame-12 EverReady blades, safety frame, handle and blade stropper attractively cased. Extra blades 12 for 75 cents, which also fit Gem and Star frames. Six new Ever-Ready blades exchanged for six dullones and25c. Ever-Ready dollar sets are sold everywhere. Mail orders prepaid $1.00.

AMERICAN SAFETY RAZOR CO., 299 Broadway, New York

[blocks in formation]


to write postal for our big Free Bicycle catalog show

ing all models at lowest prices. DO NOT BUY a bicycle or a pair of tires until you learn our marvelous new offers. We ship on approval without a cent deposit, prepay freight, allow 10 Days Free Trial-All our new and wonderful propositions with catalogues and much valuable information sent you FREE for the asking. WE WILL CONVINCE you that we sell a better bicycle for less money than any other house. Buy direct from the factory. If you want to Make Money or Earn a Bicycle write for our Special Offer.

TIRES, Conster-Brakes, built-up-wheels and all sundries at half usual prices. Do Not Wait, but write us Write it now.

a postal today and learn everything. MEAD CYCLE CO., Dept. S-54, CHICAGO, ILL.

[blocks in formation]


combines the strength of a stone wall with
the beauty of a hedge. More durable than
wrought iron and erected at medium cost.
Ask for Catalogue B. Write today.
253 Broadway
New York City


SELL because they EXCEL!

Self Filling or Standard Style 11,000 Dealers Catalog Free PARKER PEN CO., 18 Mill St., Janesville, Wis.


PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RETURNED $1,000,000 offered for an invention. to patentability. Guide Book and List of Inventions Free opinion as Wanted, Free. Patents secured by us advertised Free. EVANS, WILKENS & CO., Washington, D. C. THE PERFECT HAMMER Drop forged in

All its value in plain Price Dolla

sight. "It's a Knocker."


Chandler & Farquhar Co., 36 Federal St., Boston, Mass.

Dollar $1.00 Anywhere)

EUROPE $270. up


Print Your Circulars, books, newspaper.


Press $5. Large size $18.
Money saver, maker. All

Own easy, printed rules. Cards factory for catalog, presses,

type, paper, cards.

THE PRESS CO., Meriden, Conn.

Bannerman's Army Auction Bargains FREE ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR, wholesale-retail prices.

Enormous stock. Francis Bannerman, 501 B'way, N. Y.


Write for Catalog L Typewriter Emporium, 202 LaSalle St. Chicago

Machines Mfr's Prices. Rented Anywhere. Rent applied.

IT'S A SURE THING Colorado farm lands-just East of Denver-are bargains at present prices. Ask GEO. H. HEAFFORD, 277 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Ill., for Colorado map.


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Near-Brussels Art-Rugs, $3.50

Sent to your home by express prepaid

Sizes and Prices

9 x 6 ft.

9 x 7 ft.

$3.50 4.00

Beautiful and attractive patterns. Made in all colors. Easily kept clean and warranted to wear. Woven in one piece.

9 x 9 ft.


Both sides can be used.

9 x 10% ft.


Sold direct at one

9 x 12 ft.


Gelett Burgess Algernon Tassin Anne Warner

profit. Money re

9 x 15 ft.


funded if not satis


The Pure Food Law includes some clauses which are going to make it hard for the Benevolent Poison Trust, whose business it is to carry patent medicines to the home and fireside. Samuel Hopkins Adams has prepared another paper for his "Great American Fraud" series, this time dealing with the methods of the fakirs to side-step the new law, which, if properly enforced, ought to make business difficult for them. "They are pretty certain to get into serious trouble if they take the Pure Food Law for a toy whirligig, whereas it is really a buzz-saw." When a medicine, however high-sounding its title, is labeled plainly "opium," innocent people will hesitate before feeding it to babies. Mr. Adams will mention several "beneficial, harmless preparations" which will have to be so labeled, and will point out some ingenious means whereby they may attempt to commit law-evasion.

The Un-Magnetic Pole

How much drawing power has Vice-President Fairbanks? Can he attract votes out of the unyielding soil of American politics? Detractors have called him an icicle-Senator Icebanks has been a familiar tribute to his aloofness. If the Presidential Bee still insists upon buzzing around that snowcapped dome, Mr. Fairbanks, to be successful, must reveal some dynamic force hitherto unsuspected. Can the Glacier turn itself into a Lodestone? Let us see. Gilson Gardner will discuss this Presidential Possibility in two papers now being prepared for Collier's.

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All Standard Makes From $10 up to $40 Machines guaranteed in perfect order. Practically as good as new. Can save you from $50 to $75 on any make.

FREE Our Illustrated Bargain Cata

logue free on request; don't buy till you've seen it. Machines sent on approval. Write today.

Fletcher Typewriter Co. 209 N. 7th St. St. Louis, Mo.



This book contains 100 cuts of Mechanical Movements and Tells all about PATENTS. What to Invent for Profit and How to Sell a Patent. O'MEARA & BROCK. Pat. Attys.. 918 F St.. Washington, D. C.

END MEN'S WIG, 50c. Burnt Cork, 10c. Ca mine for Lips, 25c. Wing Collar, 50c. Large Imitation Diamond Stud, or Ring, 25c. Entire Outfit, $1.35. Send 4c. stamp for large catalogue of plays, wigs, etc., and "The Art of Making Up."

B. TRADEMORE & CO., Toledo, O.

[blocks in formation]




YOU CAN DO away with the old time and work wasting method of journalizing incoming cash items if you use the Burroughs Cash Received System. A demonstration in your office free of charge, without obligation of any kind. Write today-Burroughs Adding Machine Company, 78 Amsterdam Ave., Detroit, Michigan, U. S. A.

SPECIAL BARGAINS. Remington No. 2 writing two colors, Densmore, Jewett, Hammond $15.00 each, shipped subject to examination. Write for illustrated catalog "A," Eagle Typewriter Co., Suite 3, 237 Broadway, N. Y.

SMALL LOT of No. 3 and No. 5 Franklin Typewriters to be sold at once. Fine condition. Price, while they last, $10. Also others of all kinds at very low figures. Established 1845. Cutter Tower Co., 234 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass.


PATENTS THAT PROTECT. Our three books for Inventors mailed on receipt of six cents stamps. R. S. & A. B. Lacey, Rooms 19 to 29 Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Established 1869.


CARBONAL from Coal Tar is a disinfectant at once safe, economical and efficient. Every householder needs Carbonal to disinfect drains, clean sinks, to make safe closets, garbage pails and all noxious places. Carboual also kills fleas on dogs, cures mange, kills lice and makes wounds heal quickly. Send $1.00 for outfit, express paid. National Coal Tar Co., 297 Franklin St., Boston.

BUTCHER'S Boston Polish is the best finish made for floors and interior woodwork. Not brittle; will not scratch or deface like shellac or varnish. Send for free booklet. For sale by dealers in paints, hardware and house furnishings. Butcher Polish Co., 356 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass.

"FROZEN SWEETS" by Mrs. S. T. Rorer gives the newer recipes for ice creams and other frozen desserts. Also how to make two kinds of ice cream in one freezer at the same time. Address postal to North Bros. Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

"COMFORT" SELF-HEATING FLAT IRON costs 1c.per week. No hot stove, no scorched clothes. Steady heat, absolutely safe. Write for booklet. Hawkes Flat Iron Co., 377 Dearborn St., Chicago. Agents wanted.

DON'T SPOIL YOUR ROOM by hanging cheap chromos on the walls. Have for your pictures drawings and paintings by America's greatest illustrators. Not an expensive luxury. Send 12 cents for catalogue of Collier's prints, giving prices, sizes, and 200 miniature reproductions (some in color) of the work of artists like Gibson. Remington, Jessie Willcox Smith, Maxfield Parrish, and Frost. C. W. Stevens Co., 416 West 13th St., New York City.


WEDDING, Anniversary, and Commencement Invitations in the newest forms for 1907. Samples ready. 50 fine visiting cards, name and address, 35c. Agents wanted everywhere. S. L. Forman, 10th & Arch St., Philadelphia.


1000 POST CARDS $6.00; 500, $4.00. Made to order from any photo or print with your imprint on each as publisher. Workmanship guaranteed. Goods delivered within 10 days. Rich Photo-Process Co., Dept. A, 28 East 23d St., New York. FOREIGN POST CARDS. Send 10c. for 12 beautiful foreign colored post card views and Wilson's Great Club Plan (2500 club members), how to obtain 1000 post cards. Wilson Post Card Store, 278B Tremont St., Boston, Mass.

15 BEAUTIFULLY COLORED VIEWS of interest throughout the United States, sent postpaid on receipt of 25c. High class post cards; historic views. Eagle Post Card Co., 1430 West Venango St., Philadelphia, Pa.

HIGH GRADE SALESMAN to carry our Souvenir Postals on Big Margins. Note our prices. Comics or telegram cards 100 at 60c.; 1,000 at $5.00. Art cards 100 at $1.00; 1,000 at $8.00. Leather cards, hand painted, and many other catching novelties. Write for special proposition. Booth Wallace Co., 155 Washington St., Chicago, Ill.

[blocks in formation]


BEFORE YOU BUILD, REPAIR OR BUY A HOUSE, read our free Roof Book-gives all the facts about all the roofs. The life of your building depends on the roof. Write for it. Genuine Bangor Slate Co., Clover Bldg., Easton, Pa.



AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES of every description.
Lamps, Generators, Gas Tanks, Speedometers, Plugs,
Coils, Batteries, and, in fact, everything for a Motor Car,
at prices that no other house can compete with.
logue free on request. Reference any Commercial Agency
or any Buffalo bank. Centaur Motor Co., 49 Franklin St.,
Buffalo, N. Y.

NEW AND SECOND HAND CARS of nearly every make;
Foreign and American, $150, to $3000. List on request.
Times Square Automobile Co., Largest Automobile Dealers
and Brokers in the world. New Main Entrance 1599-1601
Broadway and at 215-217 W. 48th St., N. Y. City.

SUCCESS AUTO $250. After ten years' labor a perfect
steel tired Auto buggy, runs 25 miles an hour, good hill
climber. Write for particulars. Success Auto Buggy
Mfg. Co., Inc., 532 De Baliviere Ave., St. Louis, Mo.

TELEGRAPHY TAUGHT in the shortest possible time. The Omnigraph Automatic Transmitter combined with standard key and sounder. Sends you telegraph messages at any speed just as an expert operator would. 5 styles $2 up; circular free. Omnigraph Mfg. Co., 39 W.Cortlandt St.,N.Ÿ.


BETTER TO BUY A HIGH GRADE 2d hand automobile than a cheap new one. Ten years of automobile experience and 20,000 feet of floor space devoted to this line. We are mechanics and can buy right. Send for our illustrated catalogue and be convinced that we sell right. Put your trust in mechanics, automobiles are built by them. Nyberg Automobile Works, 2437 Michigan Ave., Chicago.

"AUTOMOBILE COMFORT"-that's a booklet that will put you in touch with one of the greatest of inventions for automobiles-the "Rough Rider" Spring Cushion does away with all rough riding-makes you enjoy yourself. Write today for "Automobile Comfort." The TweedyRandolph Co, Gen. Agents, 2010 Fisher Bldg., Chicago.

OLD SOUTH LEAFLETS are reprints of important documents on American history. 174 numbers now ready, 5 cents a copy. Send for catalogue. Directors Old Souti Work, Old South Meeting House, Washington St., Boston.


FOUR PER CENT on savings. This bank is backed by a capital of $1,000,000 and is managed by a board of directors composed of some of the most successful and substantial men in Pittsburgh. It is a sound, conservative bank. A good bank for your savings account. Write for the book. The Union Savings Bank, Frick Building, Pittsburgh, Pa.


FAIRY BUST FORMS make graceful figures. Sold at all corset departments, 50c. and up. Our Trade Mark Fairy on all genuine goods. Wright & Co., 395 Broadway, New York.

MAKE YOUR BEAD NECKLACES, bags, purses and cardcases. Extensive variety of beads for fancy work and colored patterns. Send 10c. for booklet giving instructions for beadwork. Emma A. Sylvester, 3 Winter St., Boston.

SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOG of original & artistic jewelry; precious & semi-precious stones, including turquoise, opals, coral, etc.; pendants, bracelets and other designs. Full line of abalone shell jewelry and ornaments. California Pearl & Gem Co., 601 Boylston St., Boston, Mass.

BURNT WOOD BOXES for gloves, ties. jewelry, handkerchiefs, collars, 35c. upward. Original and Japanese designs. The Otoko lamp shades, screens and trays all sizes. Catalog free. The Otoko Co., 147 Milk St., Boston, Mass.

"THE ETERNAL QUESTION" is the most popular picture Gibson ever drew. Every one is buying it. Sixth edition (now ready) prepared in a new way and sold for the first time at 50 cents. These proofs are beautifully made with a nicely tinted background on the finest grade of water-color sketching bristol, giving a particularly dainty and artistic effect, all ready for framing, Size 14 x 18 inches. Address Proof Dept., Collier's, 411 West Thirteenth Street, New York City.


FOR SALE. A limited amount of 12 per cent dividend paying stock in a Missouri corporation, whose net profits have exceeded 48 per cent per annum for the past four years. For further particulars address Sylvester G, Lewis, 802 Chestnut Street, St. Louis, Mo.


WHY! Don't you build your incubators and brooders? Any one can do it with our free plans. We furnish all parts not possible for you to make. Chance to start a profitable business with little capital. Drop us a postal to-day for Free Plans and Supply Catalog, see the great possibilities we offer. H. M. Sheer Co., 161 Hamp St.. Quincy, Ill.

FANCY PHEASANTS, all varieties. Ornamental water fowl: Flamingoes, Cranes, Storks, Swans, Geese, Ducks. Live Game, Game Birds, etc. Write for price list. Wenz & Mackensen, Yardley, Pa.; Agts for Jul. Mohr,Jr., Germany.

"JUMBO HOMERS" for Squab Breeding, $1.50 per pair. Every pair guaranteed mated and banded. Send 4 cts. in stamps for our book which gives useful information. Providence Squab Co., Providence, R. I.

[blocks in formation]

BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Many make $2,000 a You have the same chance. Start a Mail-Order Business at home. We tell you how. Money coming in daily, Very good profits. Everything furnished. Write at once for our "Starter" and free particulars. C. W. Krueger Co., 155 Wash. St., Chicago, Ill.

ADVERTISERS MAGAZINE. The Western Monthly should be read by every advertiser and Mail-Order dealer. Best "Ad School" in existence. Trial Sub. 10c. Sample copy free. Western Monthly,S27 Grand Av.,Kansas City, Mo. $5,000 A YEAR UP; straight commission; immediate, exceptional opportunity for man with strong references and $100 working capital who can hire and manage a large force of agents. Ade Wafer Co., Washington, D. C.

"FREE, FREE, FREE," 100 beautiful building lots, 50 by 150, will be given to the first 100 men or women making application. Positively not cost you one cent. quick for particulars. Box 111, Tallahassee, Fla.


WANTED. Representative in every town to sell high grade first mortgage gold bonds bearing six per cent interest. Liberal commission. References required. Address Southwestern Securities Company, 210 Delbert Block, San Francisco, California.

Our busi

TURN YOUR SECURITIES INTO CASH. ness connections as brokers enable us to always find cash buyers for any stocks or bonds ever issued. If you have any that are inactive we can dispose of them for you. For full information address J. W. Sibley & Co., 549 First National Bank Building, Chicago.

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE BORN AGAIN in order to become a better salesman, earning more money, through studying our Correspondence Course in Salesmanship. We do not tear down, or make over. We build. We help salesmen grow stronger. Have helped 21,000 already-80% of the number of veteran salesmen-many of them in your line. We can bolster up your weak points, if you have any, and make you stronger where you are already strong. Write today. The Sheldon School, 1799 Republic Building, Chicago.

BECOME A BROKER! Larger returns than from any other line of business. I will teach you without charge and you can make money while learning. Write at once. Frank E. Baldwin, P. O. Box 3088, Boston, Mass.


PUT A KEEN EDGE ON YOUR RAZOR WITH THE "VELVAC" STROP. Exceptionally fine. Drawing razor over it forms vacuum, and produces exceedingly sharp edge. $1.25 and $1.00 by mail, postpaid. Give us name of dealer, and we will send on 30 days' trial. Sealskin Swaty Strop Company, Dept. E., Ottumwa, Iowa.

SIX PICTURES FOR 25 CENTS. For 25 cents in stamps we will send you, postpaid, six beautiful pictures, 5 x 7 inches in size, beautifully printed in duotone on fine art paper, plate-marked. Drawings by Charles Dana Gibson, Howard Chandler Christy, Henry Hutt and Albert Sterner. Address C. W. Stevens Co., 408 West 13th Street, New York City.

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SUBSCRIBE TO OPPORTUNITIES, thus insuring yourself against loss of information worth hundreds of dollars. High grade positions open for capable men. Write us today. Hapgoods, 305-307 Broadway, N. Y.

MALE HELP WANTED. $25 per week and travelling expenses paid salesmen to sell goods to grocery stores, drug and general stores; no canvassing, a rapid selling line; experience unnecessary. Purity B. S. Co., Chicago, Ill.


AUTOMATIC, SELF-CLEANING AND SELF-SELLING CURRY COMB and other new specialties. Unlimited opportunity; exclusive territory. Write for introductory offer. Sample comb postpaid, 50c. (stamps). If not a big success, we will return your 50c, on return of sample. Clean Comb Co., Racine, Wis.

PROMINENT NEW YORK BANKING FIRM desires the services of first class salesmen in every community to handle high grade stocks and bonds on commission. Excellent opportunities for the right men. A. L. Wisner & Co., 80 Wall St., New York.

PHOTO PILLOW TOPS: best agent's proposition on market; experience unnecessary. Portrait and frame catalogue and samples free; rejects credited; lowest prices; 30 days' credit. Bailey Co.,88 Potomac Av.,Chicago.

AGENTS wanted to sell best Kettles in the world for Cooking, Steaming, Straining Food of all kinds; no more burned or scalded hands, or food wasted. Sample free. Write American Specialty Stamping Co., Johnstown, Pa.

YOU CAN MAKE MONEY selling our fruit or ornamental trees, shrubs, and vines. 30, 40, and 50% is what we pay our agents. A high grade opening for active salesM. H. Harman Co., Geneva, N. Y.


WE WANT YOU TO MAKE MONEY, introducing our satinette photo pillow tops. All the go. Easily sold. 100% profit. Sample prepaid 40c. Full particulars free. Booth Wallace Company, 53-155 Washington Street, Chicago.


COLLEGE PREPARATORY COURSES in French, German, Spanish, Latin, and Greek, given at home. Commercial French, German, Spanish. Native instructors. Also Civil Service instruction and Mechanical Drawing. Send for free information. Massachusetts Correspondence Schools, 195 Boylston St., Boston, Mass.

THE SCIENCE OF COMMERCIAL BOOKKEEPING. The leading textbook on Correct and Practical Bookkeeping. Price $2.00. Title page and references on request. Adolph Hirsch, Accountant, 640 Broadway, N. Y.

LEARN PLUMBING. Many of our students have graduated in four months and are earning regular plumber's wages. Iliustrated catalogue Free. St. Louis Trade School, 3981 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo.


FORTUNES WILL BE MADE IN NEW YORK SUBURBAN LOTS, on line of Pennsylvania Railroad, which will increase in value 10 fold when the tunnels are completed to 34th St., New York. Commutation rate 12 cents. High land overlooking busy manufacturing city, employing thousands of men; perfect titles. Water, sewer, gas, electric light, shade trees, concrete walks, fine view,, healthy location. Lots $50.00 to $200.00. Terms $5.00 cash, $4.00 monthly. Write for booklet and information about residential lots and factory sites. Vernon J. Miller, Room 410 "H," 150 Nassau Street, New York.

TEXAS FRUIT FARM: 243 acres near Palestine, population 18,000: 200 acres Elberta peaches, 15 acres Keiffer pears,all good bearing young trees. An exceptional chance. Easy terms, might trade. Box 81, Independence, Iowa.


SEE ALASKA AND THE KLONDIKE, If you want to see some of the world's grandest scenery and enjoy a trip that is absolutely unequalled for the many and varied attractions it offers the tourist, go to Alaska and the Klondike-you can travel in perfect comfort all the way. Our beautiful illustrated booklet and folder describing this interesting trip are worth reading--they are free for the asking. Herman Weig, Genl. Agt. White Pass & Yukon Route, 113 La Salle St., Chicago. J. H. Rogers, Traffic Mgr. White Pass & Yukon Route, 424 Granville St., Vancouver, B. C.

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A Pure White "Standard" Bathroom is the pride of the house-owner and the safeguard of domestic health. Its moderate cost and life-long durability make "Standard" Ware the most economical fixtures to install, whether in a modest or a luxurious home.

Our book, "MODERN BATHROOMS," tells you how to plan, buy and arrange your bathroom, and illustrates many beautiful and inexpensive as well as luxurious rooms, showing the cost of each fixture in detail, together with many hints on decoration, tiling, etc. It is the most complete and beautiful booklet ever issued on the subject, and contains 100 pages. FREE for six cents postage and the name of your plumber and architect (if selected).

CAUTION: Every piece of "Standard Ware bears our "Standard" "GREEN and GOLD" guarantee label, and has our trade-mark "Standard" cast on the outside. Unless the label and trademark are on the fixture it is not "Standard Ware. Refuse substitutes-they are all inferior and will cost you more in the end. The word "Standard" is stamped on all our nickeled brass fittings; specify them and see that you get the genuine trimmings with your. bath and lavatory, etc.

Address Standard Sanitary Mfg. Co.. Dept. 38, Pittsburgh, U. S. A.

Pittsburgh Showroom, 949 Penn Avenue

Offices and Showrooms in New York: "Standard" Building 35-37 West 31st Street

London, England, 22 Holborn Viaduct, E. C.

New Orleans, Cor. Baronne & St. Joseph Streets

Louisville, 325-329 West Main Street

Cleveland, 208-210 Huron Street

Write for sample card of these new colors.

How to paint, varnish, stain or finish any sur

face, inside or out, new or old, wood or metal, is clearly, plainly and practically explained in the new text book,

"The Selection and Use of Paints and Finishes"

Valuable alike to housewife, property owner or painter and worth a price to anyone, but sent absolutely free on request. Write for it at once.

Address Dept. P


[graphic][merged small]

The Melodant feature of the


At last the desire for a piano-player that will make possible an absolutely correct performance is fully realized in the MELODANTANGELUS. The possession of the MELODANT-ANGELUS insures within your home the ever-present services of a skilled pianist, always in the mood to render whatever music you wish without the requirement of technical skill. Every composition contains a dominant theme or melody, usually appearing in the treble, sometimes involved in the accompaniment or entirely covered by ornamentation. The MELODANT accents the vein of melody while subduing the accompaniment or ornamentation, thus giving clear and distinct prominence to the individual melody notes, even when they ap

pear in the midst of a full chord.

The ANGELUS in cabinet form, the KNABE-ANGELUS and EMERSON-
ANGELUS Pianos are all equipped with the MELODANT

ANGELUS, equipped with the MELODANT.
If you desire an unlimited repertoire of good music in your home you should buy the
where you can hear and play the MELODANT ANGELUS without incurring the least obliga-

tion to purchase.

For sale in all the principal cities.

Write for name of nearest representative

Descriptive Literature on Request


Established, 1876


Easy Cooking

Why put up with the discomfort and annoyance of a coal or wood stove this summer? Your work will be lessened, your fuel bills cut in two, your kitchen cleaner and cooler, and you yourself perfectly satisfied if you use the New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Stove-an oil stove entirely different from other oil stoves. At moment of lighting it gives the best working flame you could get with any stove a clean, blue flame that can be instantly controlled for any cooking purpose. The


Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove

does away with all dirt, smoke and ashes. The enameled chimneys concentrate the heat so that it does not radiate Autothrough the room-thus ensuring a cool kitchen. matic feed keeps oil always at a maintained level. The New Perfection is made in three sizes, with one, two, and three burners. Every stove warranted. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency for descriptive circular.

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