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come a menace to the community.

To him has been committed the divine task of making justice-which is righteousness-manifest in the laws and institutions by which men live, and if he be false to that sacred trust, let him be anathema.

Under the old system of office training, which taught that a lawyer's only duty was to his client, lawyers have been bred with an admirable standard of devotion to their clients. Now that the law schools are beginning to pay attention to the broader duties of the profession, a new generation of lawyers may be bred with an equally high standard of devotion to the public.



Harmonious principles emerge from three days of excited debate

HE great Arbitration and Peace Congress in New York ended its deliberations with the adoption of a set of resolutions urging the transformation of the Hague Conference into a permanent institution, with representatives from all nations meeting periodically for the regular and systematic consideration of international problems. The resolutions further

set forth that the Hague Court should be open to all the nations of the world; that a general treaty of arbitration providing for the reference of international disputes to that court should be drafted by the coming conference; that the conference should adopt the principle of the exemption from capture of private property at sea, and that decided action should be taken toward limiting the burden of armaments. There was also an indorsement of the principle adopted by the Interparliamentary Union at the instance of Mr. Bryan, according to which in case of disputes that could not be embraced within the terms of an arbitration treaty, the disputing parties before resorting to force shall always invoke the services of an international commission of inquiry or the mediation of one or more friendly Powers. An interesting incident of the closing hours of the Congress was the investiture of Mr. Carnegie with the cross of a Commander of the Legion of Honor in testimony of the appreciation by the French Government and people of his services to the cause of peace. Baron d'Estournelles de Constant, who made the presentation, said that Mr. Carnegie was now not only a citizen of America but a citizen of France, and of the world.


Some venture treasonable words about

the master of the White House



OW that Senator Foraker has led the way, the persons who dislike President Roosevelt are plucking up courage to speak their minds. Mr. Frederick Weyerhaueser, who has relieved the Government in various ways of several million acres of timber lands and is said by some to richer than John D. Rockefeller, expressed the opinion on April 17 that while the President had undertaken his policy toward the railroads and other corporations with the best intentions, he had been "a trifle meddlesome.' Mr. Weyerhaueser thought the railroads and everybody else, timber monopolists not specified but naturally included, should obey the law, but he thought it unfortunate that the corporations had been "forced to adopt more conservative methods and discontinue some of their extension work.

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Mr. J. W. Wadsworth, late of Congress, but now, thanks to President Roosevelt, simply of Geneseo, New York, is less guarded in his expressions. Mr. Wadsworth defended the meat packers against certain inspection legislation which the White House thought necessary, and his long public service came to an abrupt end the first time his constituents had a chance to express their views on the subject. dent is "unreliable, a fakir, and a humbug, This statesman says now that the Presiments for years, and now "violates them all for the sake of gratifying a petty who has indulged in lofty sentispite," and that "the country is fast awakening to the real character of this bloody hero of Kettle Hill." These are words after a Rough Riding Executive's own heart. Mr. Wadsworth's present grievance is the fact that some of his friends have been removed from office, in violation, as he holds, of civil service reform principles, to make room for men recommended by his Congressional successor.



We Will Send You This Box Of




Postpaid for 30 Cts.
We want you to try

They are recognized the daintiest, purest, most delicious chocolate confections made. Each "BUD" is a pyramid of vanilla chocolate sweetened with pure cane sugar-made by a special process that gives it a taste and flavor unlike any confection you know. Each "BUD" is separately enveloped in a silver foil wrapper that keeps it fresh and free from handling.

If your confectioner or druggist cannot supply you send 30c., stamps or coin, and we will send this dainty box of WILBUR'S delicious BUDS" direct to your home. Large box 81.00.

H. O. WILBUR & SONS 238 North Third Street


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Stews and Hashes

are rendered much more tasty and appetizing by the use of

Lea & Perrins'



It is a rare relish for Fish,
Meats, Game, Salads,
Cheese, etc.

John Duncan's Sons, Agents, N. Y.


Turn it up side down and find the last drop in a bottle of 3-in-One as good as the first. It never gums, turns rancid-no residue-all oil, pure oil, and the only oil that positively prevents rust and tarnish on metal surfaces in-doors or out, in any climate, in every weather. Try on nickeled bath room fixtures, stoves, ranges, brass work, black iron, etc.

Your home will be right side up and bright side out if you use 3-in-One for cleaning and polishing furniture-for oiling sewing machines, etc: Write G. W. COLE COMPANY, 35 Broadway, New York City, for generous sample bottle and 3-in-One dictionary. BоTH FREE.


GEORGIA AMONG 'he fact-bills of the Blue Ridge Mountains; ideal climate winter and summer. equipment. Standard college courses leading to degrees. Conservatory offers unexcelled advantages fu MuElegant buildings and sic and Art. Normal courses for music teachers. School of oratory correlated with Emerson. Courses in domestic science and physical culture. Branch in Paris. Write for Catalogue

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How to Converse


Taught by Mail.

How to begin a conversation.
How to fill the awkward

How to tell an anecdote or story.

How to raise the conversation above the gossip line.

How to use "small talk." How to avoid self-consciousness, bluntness, tiresomeness. How to be an interesting dinner companion.

Salesmen, Agents, Managers
How to succeed in business. How to obtain and hold a better
position. How and when and where to talk for business.

20th CENTURY INSTRUCTION CO. Box 31, Worth and Lafayette Sts. NEW YORK


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SYSTEM Diamonds Credit

YOU CAN EASILY OWN A DIAMOND OR WATCH, or present one as a gift to some loved one.
Whatever you select from our beautiful catalog, we send on approval. Pay one-fifth on delivery, balance in
8 equal monthly payments. Your credit is good. As a pure investment nothing is safer than a Diamond.
Written guar-
BROS. & CO., Dept. E-38, 92 to 98 State St., Chicago, Ill.
antee of quality and value. Catalogue free.
Write for it today. Do it now.



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Write Me
A Postal
for a Price

Say-Quote me prices on your Split
Hickory Vehicles. That's all you need
to do. I will send you free my big 1907
Split Hickory Vehicle Book. It is
bigger and better this year than
ever before, and contains photo-
graphs of over 125 Split Hickory
Vehicles also photographs of a
full line high-grade Harness. I will
quote you direct prices from my fac-
tory which will save you from 30% to
50% on High-Grade Split Hickory

I Sell Direct to You on
30 Days' Free Trial

Split Hickory Vehicles are guaranteed for two years.
This is my 1907 Split Hickory Rubber Tired Runabout.
Has more exclusive features than any other Runabout
on the market-40% more. All Split Hickory Vehicles
are made to order, giving you choice of finish and
other options. Write me a postal
today. Now, while you

think about it.

Address me personally.


Pres. The

Ohio Carriage
Mfg. Co.

Station 274

Cincinnati, O.

Why Concrete

Is the BEST and CHEAPEST Building Material

A 114-page book (size of a school geography) containing full information on Concrete. The most complete and instructive book ever published for the Gives absolute facts, estiguidance of the builder. mates of comparative costs, expert recommendations and regime of the concrete industry. Shows dozens of concrete of illustrations residences, stores, churches, banks, etc., with dimensions, cost and opinions of builders and owners. Every prospective builder should have this valuable book.

The Miracle Double Staggered Air Space Concrete Building Block is the Greatest Building Material. It saves money and insures a positive frost and moisture proof building. It offers the greatest of America's We need opportunities for profitable investment. more manufacturers at once to supply the large and increasing demand for Miracle Blocks.

Send 24 cents in stamps for our large book and
advice whether interested as a builder or an

593 Wilder Street, Minneapolis, Minu.
Largest Manufacturers of Cement
Machinery in the world. Pat. 6-9, '03


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Odor Proof. No Buckles. Easy to Adjust.


(Pat. April 23, 1907)

By being perforated the pores of the skin are open to air ventilation. Proper ventilation insures freedom of circulation but does not prevent perspiration. The pores of the skin must breathe, otherwise the body cannot be in a healthy condition. Leather absorbs perspiration," which leaves a disagreeable odor. "Crown Make" LEATHER GARTERS are LINED with a fabric (also perforated) treated by a special process. This fabric is positively perspiration and odor proof. Another new feature is the SLIDE BUTTON ADJUSTABLE FASTENER This Slide Button Fastener is adjustable, it gives three inches latitude in adjusting. The garters are easy to put on and take off, and are made in three sizes; small, medium and large, to retail at 50c and $1.00 a Pair. If your dealer can't supply you, we will, on receipt of price. Measure just below the knee to find size required. CROWN SUSPENDER COMPANY 828 Broadway NEW YORK Write for Illustrated and Descriptive Booklet and Folders.

The Boat that Pulls the Other Fellow Home

Send for Our New Catalogue Just Printed


three and three-quarters per cent on earned incomes under $10,000. make up for this reduction he will revise the death duties, leaving the minimum at five per cent as at present, and raising the rate by a sliding scale until estates of $15,000,000 and over will pay ten per cent on the first five millions and fifteen per cent on the rest. Thus, if Mr. Rockefeller should take up his residence in England to avoid annoyance in the American courts, and should die leaving an estate of $500,000,000, his heirs would have to pay the British Government a tax of $74,750,000.

The thing that particularly angers Mr. Keir Hardie and his followers is the fact that the Government has not immediately instituted a scheme of oldage pensions. But Mr. Asquith promises that such a scheme will be introduced next year, and he sets aside $7,500,000 to be used for that purpose at that time. This, of course, will be only the minutest kind of a beginning. To establish old-age pensions on anything like a substantial scale will require Our experience in expenditures running up into the hundreds of millions. pensioning that small class of our population possessing claims under war service shows what could be expected under a general pension scheme.

The present government is fortunate enough to find its treasury overflowing with money. There is a surplus for the year of $29,995,000, which

means much more than the same amount would mean here, since British The taxes are revised each year to make receipts and expenses balance. overflow is to be applied toward the reduction of the national debt, and with the provision already made for that purpose it is estimated that England's load of obligations will be reduced by $85,000,000 in the course of the year.


TOO POOR FOR CITY CARS Chicago is not to be allowed to raise money for traction lines beyond her debt limit





HE Supreme Court of Illinois rendered a decision on April 18 that would have had disastrous effects if the election just before had turned "" of which out differently. It held that the "Mueller law certificates,' ex-Mayor Dunne proposed to issue $75,000,000 worth to buy and equip the street-car lines, were invalid because Chicago had already reached her constitutional debt limit. The constitution of Illinois forbids any city to borrow Chicago's debt was up to more than five per cent of its assessed valuation.

the limit when she became fired with the ambition to own her traction lines, but it occurred to her that if private capitalists could finance traction systems on the security of their property and franchises, the city ought to be able to do the same. The Mueller law undertook to escape the constitutional barrier by providing for the issue of certificates which should be a lien solely on It provided that the street-car lines, and not on the city's general credit. in case of default in the payment of principal or interest the holders of the certificates might foreclose, and the purchasers of the properties would acquire not only the car lines but a franchise to run them for twenty years. The court held that while there was no liability upon the city to pay the certificates, its property, namely, the use of its streets, was pledged for twenty years as security, and that this pledge constituted an indebtedness within the meaning of the constitution. If the only property mortgaged had been that bought with the money raised by issuing the securities, then, according to the court, the certificates would not have run against the debt limit, but the streets were part of the resources already possessed by the city as the foundation of its general credit, and they could not be incumbered The curious conclusion without encountering the constitutional prohibition.

is thus reached that while Chicago, as the "Record-Herald'' puts it, "may give away its streets on almost any terms to speculators like Yerkes, who was able to issue a notoriously excessive amount of stocks and bonds on the strength of his possession of public property," "the public itself is denied a just and rational use of the same security."

The decision does not interfere with the rehabilitation of the traction system under the present ordinances, and before the question of municipal ownership again becomes acute a legal way may be found to obtain the necessary money. Possibly the debt limit may be raised through an

COOK WITHOUT FIRE honest assessment of property.

Here is the most wonderful fuel, money, time and labor saving invention of the 20th Century. Similar

to the old fashioned hay-stove but perfectly sanitary, very much better and much cheaper. Five to thirty minutes of actual fire is all that is necessary to thoroughly cook meats, stews, chicken, vegetables, soups, cereals, puddings, fruits, coffee, etc.then, transfer to the


Fireless Cooker

for one to five hours and you have the richest and inost delicious food you

ever ate. No Heat-No Dirt-No Odor. Notuing to watchno fear of burning or overcooking. You may shop, visit or sleep while the Fireless Cooker prepares a delicious meal for you. Keeps food hot enough to serve for 12 hours-and no fire. Test its in your own home.

10 Day Free Trial merits-cook your food as it

was never cooked before-save 75% to 90% of fuel, time and labor -then, if you are not satisfied return the cooker at our expense. Price of 6 Qt. kettle size, if you keep it

If you return it the trial costs you nothing. $5.00

Write today mentioning your dealer's name and you may have this wonderful Fireless Cooker on free trial. REMEMBER-You risk not one cent-the trial is free. Write Now for this free trial. FIRELESS COOKER CO.

68-74 Dearborn St., Dept. 115, Chicago, Ill. AGENTS can make $1,000 to $2,500 yearly selling Fireless Cookers. Exclusive territory for County, State and general agents. Write today for liberal terms to agents.

OUTING BOATS Most admired boats at the

Chicago Motor Boat Show. Three sizes, 18-20 and 22 feet water line. Large cockpit gives greatest seating capacity. Handsomest and speediest bonts per horse power on any waters. Highest grade finish paneled Interior, Brass or Nickel mountings. Equipped with the best motor built guaranteed under all conditions. 3 to 25 H. P. Outing Boats are sold complete or Hull alone with Tank. A Semi Knock-Down Boat at K. D. prices is our new and attractive offer to persons who want to construct their own boats. We have a liberal proposition for agents of the right kind. OUTING BOAT COMPANY, Dept. 10, KANKAKEE, ILL.

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England wants them while America is trying to get rid of them

OTWITHSTANDING the severe British comments upon the scandal of the Thaw trial, as contrasted with the summary methods of criminal justice in England, satisfaction with those methods is so far from being complete that a bill has been introduced in Parliament on behalf of the Government, creating a Court of Criminal Appeal on the American plan. The right of appeal in matters of law is to be unqualified; in matters of fact the new court is to have full discretion. The Government was stimulated to action by the case of Rayner, who was tried and convicted of the murder of Whitely in five hours, sentenced to death, and then had his sentence commuted by the Home Secretary. In introducing the Appeal bill the Attorney-General said that justice had blundered, that "enterprising newspapers had rushed in where jurists feared to tread," and that "retrial by newspaper had taken the place of a rehearing before a judicial tribunal. The bill was introduced on April 17, and passed its first reading the same day. Thus England, hitherto without any criminal appeal, and America with too much, are moving toward each other, and may eventually unite on a system that will avoid the evils of both extremes.

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Line Indicator


Card Writing Attachment
Two-Color Ribbon
Speed Escapement

Detachable Platen

And every other desirable feature

Every other typewriter than the Fox has SOME
of these features, no other has them ALL. The,
Fox stands alone as a mechanical marvel in type-
writer building.

It is the mechanical excellence of a typewriter that
proves its worth and enables it to "stand up" as
does the Fox year in and year out under all kinds
of strain.

Advertised statements making general claims
prove nothing. Prove the Fox by a compari-
son in your office at our expense.


Executive office and factory

470 Front Street

Grand Rapids, Mich.

Branches and agencies everywhere

The tread is so thick and so strongly reinforced that it will bend a nail in ordinary running.

The large air space, located above the rims, gives extraordinary resiliency and protection against rim cut,

The solid rubber reinforced base is mechanically fastened into a stationary position, it can't creep or crawl. There's absolutely no friction, no heat, nor crevice for water,oil or sand to enter.

The steel band recessed into the base carries the tire fully inflated. To remove or replace, just slide it off or on.

The quick detachable rims allows a change of tires in three minutes, and you can't do any but the right way.

Trident Tires

are guaranteed against all tire troubles, save those
of actual road wear and downright foolhardiness.
Booklet No. 6 is free and gives
interesting particulars about
this new tire. Write for it
TRIDENT TIRE CO., 1593 Broadway, New York

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60 Days Free Trial

is FREE of Breeding Places
for Disease Germs.

Lowest Factory Prices We Pay the Freight

HE Monroe Refrigerator is ready to prove its superiority to your satisfaction, right in your own home Just write us. We will send you the Monroe Catalogue. Pick out the style you want to try. We will send you the Refrigerator you select, all prepaid. Test it in your home for 60 days. If it is not all we claim, if it isn't satisfactory to you, just notify us and return it at our expense. The test won't cost you a cent.

We make this 60-Day Free Trial Offer because we want you to convince yourself of the superiority of the Monroe Refrigerator through actual use-not because of any statements that we make.

No other refrigerator manufacturer dares to make an offer like this. . We do it because we know the Monroe will stand the test. If it couldn't stand the test we couldn't afford to send it on a 60-Day Free Trial, because every one would come back to us.

You cannot buy a Monroe Refrigerator or anything like it from any dealer or agent. We sell direct to you, and to you we are directly responsible.

Send us your name and address now.


The" Monroe" Manufacturing Openings in

The Monroe Refrigerator has food compartments of solid, snow-white, unbreakable
Porcelain Ware, moulded in one piece, with rounded corners. No darkness, no damp-
ness, no corners, cracks or crevices. The only refrigerator so made. All others have
food compartments with the inaccessible corners and crevices which get clogged up
with decaying food and breed the germs which cause decay and disease.

MONROE REFRIGERATOR COMPANY Station L, Lockland, Cincinnati, Ohio
Patentees and Sole Manufacturers of Solid Porcelain Refrigerators


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4461 Olive St., "Dept. A," St. Louis, Mo.

$5 PER 100, FREIGHT PAID Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherry, Peach and Carolina Pop-
lars, healthy, true to name and fumigated. All kinds
of trees and plants at low wholesale prices. Remember we beat all other reliable Nurseries
in quality and price. Catalogue free. Reliance Nursery, Box W, Geneva, N. Y.

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