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ECAUSE, Beans are richer in Proteid than the best Beefsteak, which costs three times their price.

Beef contains 20 pounds of this bodybuilding Proteid, in every 100 pounds.

Beans contain 23 to 24 pounds of this same nitrogenous Proteid, in every 100 pounds.

So that Beans, which cost only one-third as much as Beef, are even richer in food quality than the best Beef, and are probably the most valuable of all foods, at any price.

But, Beans as ordinarily cooked have serious handicaps.

They naturally contain a large excess of Sulphur which should be carefully extracted before Beans are eaten.

Their texture too, is so dense, and close that the Digestive Juices of the stomach cannot penetrate them freely enough to digest them fully, and so a large part of their most valuable body-building nutrients is lost.

That is why the "Snider-Process" of cooking Beans became necessary.

This "Snider-Process" not only eliminates the excess of Sulphur but renders the Beans much more porous, and so, twice as digestible as they could possibly be without such a process.

Note the wide difference in flavor and appearance between "Snider-Process" Pork & Beans, and the best you've ever eaten, when you open your first tin of Snider's.

"Snider-Process' Pork & Beans will be found mellow, cheesy, tender, and fine-flavored, with a delicious tinge of that seven spiced, ripe Tomato Catsup which has made the name of "Snider" famous.

And Snider Beans, when the tin is opened, will be found whole and cream-colored, -as inviting to the eye as they are tempting to the palate, -instead of being found soft, mushy, split, squashed, or discolored, like many kinds of Pork & Beans sold in tins today.

Your money back from the Grocer if "SniderProcess" Pork & Beans are not, in your own judgment, the finest-flavored you've ever eaten, and the finest-looking you've ever seen.

This advertisement is authority for the refund.


Cincinnati, Ohio

24 lbs. Proteid

Per 100 lbs.

81⁄2 lbs. Proteid Per 100 lbs.

20 lbs. Proteid Per 100 lbs.

121⁄2 lbs. Proteid Per 100 lbs.

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Here's the Opportunity Are You the Man?

If an employer should say, "I want a man for an important position," would you be the right man?

Opportunities like that are coming constantly to men trained by the International Correspondence Schools, an institution that qualifies men to take advantage of every opening; to command high salaries; to succeed in the best positions.

Employers prefer I. C. S. students because of their training, and are daily applying to the Students' Aid Department of the I. C. S. for men to fill positions of responsibility.

Doesn't it shake you up when you see another fellow pushed ahead-because he is trained and yourself plodding along in the same poor job at the same low wages?

During March, 403 students voluntarily reported an increase in salary and position as the direct result of I. C. S. training.


Why don't you get in line for

a good position? It's the business of the I. C. S. to help you. No matter who you are, what you do, or how little you earn, the I. C. S. comes to you right where you are, at your present work, in your own home, and qualifies you for the good things others will grasp if you don't wake up.

The first step is to mark and mail the coupon. It costs nothing but a stamp and will bring you information and help that will eventually be worth thousands of dollars.


International Correspondence Schools

Box 1198, SCRANTON, PA. Please explain, without further obligation on my part, how I can qualify for a larger salary in | the position before which I have marked X

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Vudor Porch Shades

Insist on Getting Vudor



Porch Equipment


OME unscrupulous dealers are selling inferior Shades, which let in the sun and do not hold their shape or color, and cheaply constructed hammocks as Vudor goods. Look for the Vudor trade mark.

It means quality in porch equipment and is there for your protection.

are the only ones that really do shade. They exclude the sun's rays yet permit every cooling breeze to enter. The porch is in cool, mellow shadow. outside can see you. You can see every one passing but no one Made of Linden-Wood Fibre Strips and Seine Twine; durable and weatherproof; Oilstained in non-fading colors. Moderate priced; $2 to $10 equips the average porch. Vudor Hammocks Supporting cords fasten direct to Rock Elm spreader, as

does also the body, making them especially strong where Guaranteed to outwear any other

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High-Grade Instruction by Correspondence Established 1892 Prepares for the lar of any State. Three Courses: College. Post Graduate and Business Law. Improved method of instruction, combining theory and practice.

One student writes: "I have learned more law in three months under your instruction than I learned in six months in a law office." APPROVED BY BENCH AND BAR Classes begin each month. Uniform rate of tuition. Send for our 48-page catalogue, in which we give a synopsis of the rules for admission to the bar of the several States.

Chicago Correspondence School of Law Reaper Block, Chicago


Our Automatic Reclining Chair

is delightful to read, rest, lounge, or sleep in and
an ideal addition to your comfort upon the lawn,
porch, beach, or steamer. Any position from up-
right to horizontal may be obtained without effort
or jar. Easiest chair to operate, and on this ac-
count particularly desirable for invalids and sani-
tariums. The canopy is entirely automatic, easily
detached, or omitted if desired, and entire chair
may be quickly folded into small flat bundle. We
also produce numerous other designs with reclining
features adapted to various uses.

The Famous SUPERIOR QUALITY, Line embracing over 50 designs, is made of the best material by highly skilled craftsmen for the most exacting judges of summer furniture.

Our handsome swings, chairs, rockers, settees, etc., will prove not only at

tractive ornaments to your lawns and porches, but will multiply many fold the delights of summer life for yourself, family, and friends. A few dollars invested now will later yield you big dividends in health, pleasure, and the peculiar satisfaction that results from money well spent. If your standard is high-if quality appeals to you -ity are proud of your home and think that the b-st is none too good, you


Hotel Bus, 16 passenger


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is especially adapted for woman's use in the sewing room or nursery and possesses original features which every woman will appreciate. Has an unusual angle in the extra high rounded back and a very low, deep seat, broad, easy arms. No backache, no bending over your lap, which is always level, but real comfort when sewing, resting, or caring for children. Folds as illustrated when not in use.

If your dealer cannot furnish our SUPERIOR QUALITY furniture write us for prices and catalog in colors No. 44. Save this advertisement as it will not appear again KALAMAZOO SLED CO., 880 Third St., Kalamazoo, Mich.

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A car for every
Commercial purpose

Wherever there are sights to see the RAPID SIGHTSEEING
cars will make money for you

One of the most successful line of cars we build are those made
for sight-seeing work, and for hotel and club use. They are made
to accommodate 12-16-20 and 25 passengers, are handsome in ap-
pearance and are furnished with a motor that gives power and
speed, without jar or vibration. They are a splendid investment,
and will easily earn their first cost and more in one season. Prices
range from $1800 to $4000. Special bodies can be built for your
individual requirements. We guarantee every car we make for
one year. Write for information about any kind of car for com-
mercial work. We lead the world in this branch of automobile


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Sight Seeing




with a Corn

Broom is

Clearly a

A Bissell

"Cyco"-Bearing Sweeper will save all this wasted energy, besides contributing inestimable sanitary benefits in confining all the germ-laden dust that the corn broom simply stirs up and scatters, leaving it to settle back upon fine draperies, curtains, bric-a-brac, etc. The corn broom is all right for kitchen use, but to use it for sweeping fine carpets or rugs is like using a whisk broom for brushing fine fabrics of silk or satin. Positive injury must result. Just consider that a BISSELL does the work quickly, easily, noiselessly and thoroughly, and that it will last longer than fifty corn brooms.

For sale by all the best trade. Price $2.50 to $5 50. Order from your dealer now, send us the purchase slip within one week and receive a good quality card case FREE with no printing on it. Beware of frauds who claim to be sent out by us to repair Bissell sweepers. We employ no agents of this kind.

Dept. U.

Bissell Carpet

Sweeper Co.

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it is not what you expected, pack

it up and ship it back to us, ex-
press collect.

Don't this prove our absolute confi-
dence in the Machine?

OUR CLAIMS for the U. S. Au-
tomatic Pencil Sharpener:

It saves $70.00 a year wherever

three Pencil users work.

It cuts off just enough and no more. After a Pencil is sharpened you can turn the handle of this machine all day and it won't cut any more from the Pencil.

It's absolutely simple and
has no parts which can get
out of order.

It doesn't grind, it cuts.
It makes a working-
"point" and not a Waste-
ful "needle point."

Send for our Booklet.
"A Saving Pointer."

It tells you how to stop

a heretofore intangible

Office Expense leak.

[blocks in formation]

Going Into the Con

crete Block Business?

Then you want a real machine-not a plaything. You want the best, strongest, fastest machine in the world. You want a machine that will make more sizes and varieties than all other machines put together. You want a machine that will, in addition to blocks, make sills, water tables, steps, cornices, lintels, etc.-you want a machine with a reputation-a machine that has stood the test. You want the


Concrete Block Machine

It will not break-cannot get out of
order, and is the easiest machine to oper-
ate. The immense Power House of the
N. Y., N. H. & H. Railroad at Cos Cob,
Conn., shown above, is built of Concrete
Blocks made on the Hercules, so is the
massive Restaurant building of the Gen-
eral Electric Co. at Schenectady, N. Y.,
and dozens of others. Learn the Con-
crete business, there's big money in it, but
get the best machine. It will cost you
more money at the start, but will save
you many dollars before six months have
passed. Investigate before you buy.-
We court the fullest investigation.

No bolts, pins, chains, or springs in the Hercules-it
makes two blocks at one time, thus doubling capacity: it
makes blocks ranging in size from two inches to six feet
in length. The Hercules is the standard of excellence
in every civilized country: it was chosen for
Government work in Porto Rico, and by the Brit-
ish Government for massive buildings in Egypt.
Handsome Book and Price-List Free
Factory B

1907 MODEL


are the best that can be produced. Cardboard is Crane's (none bet-
ter is made), style is the latest, most skillful help employed, and
work is not rushed-all are essential to high quality. The 50
cards, with name in script (one line), engraved on plate by hand,
and sold for $1, are same grade as often cost from $1.50 to $2.50.
And it's the same with Wedding Invitations, Marriage Announce-
ments, and Monogram Dies. Those interested may have samples.
Everything in Engraving

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From the Asheville, North Carolina, "Gazette-News" "COLLIER'S, a weekly journal published in New York City, by nature blithe some, not to say flippant, but consciously depressed by its position of general regulator of things."


From the Burlington, Iowa, "Gazette"

"If you are a reader and really take an interest in the great affairs of our country, you can find no more correct or reliable information upon the great events that are transpiring every day than you can by making a sort of companion of COLLIER'S WEEKLY. It is really the weekly journal of the age. It tells truths, not only fearlessly and without favor, but it tells them in that simple, plain English that does not require the aid of the encyclopedia to understand.

"It has a faculty of calling things by their right name at the right time, and after an evening of affiliation with its columns you will feel better toward yourself and get a better idea of what is needed of you if you would have better conditions prevail.

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"The manipulators of the great trusts and the beneficiaries of the big insurance companies do not revel in its pages because it tells the truth about them.

"But the great masses of the people who want to keep in touch with public affairs, hear them rationally discussed and ably handled, will find a companionship in COLLIER'S WEEKLY that will be permanent, once the habit acquired.


From the San Francisco "Bulletin"

"COLLIER'S WEEKLY has done a gocd job in exposing proprietary medicine frauds of course, not all proprietary medicines are frauds-and, like most men that have done a good job, the editors of COLLIER'S are disposed to strike a holierthan-thou attitude and lecture the rest of mankind."


From the Passaic, New Jersey, "Daily News"

"COLLIER'S is doing much good in the 'muck-rake' line, but it has not been free from overstatement and unjust inference. After all, you know, the newspapers are fairly competent to manage their own business."


From the Great Falls, Montana, "Leader

"COLLIER'S WEEKLY has done some good work in its exposure of various wrongs and frauds which are perpetrated upon the American people, but it is inclined to be fanatical in its work and at times makes itself ridiculous in its violent opposition to what it regards as harmful to the people of the United States."


"WACO, TEXAS "GENTLEMEN-Allow me to thank you for your enterprise and fairness in sending a special correspondent to report the Moyer-Haywood-Pettibone trial in Idaho, and to assure you that many of your readers in this section will anxiously watch for COLLIER'S in order to have a better understanding of this case, and to thank you for the progressive spirit of your pap.r. C. G. DAVIDSON."

NO ROOM FOR COLLIER'S AND HEARST "EDITOR COLLIER'S WEEKLY: "NEW YORK, N. Y. "You are and have been raging and howling over Hon. W. R. Hearst's great popularity. How cheap you poor rivals must feel, your paper shall never be tolerated in my residence again. It is anarchistic in the extreme; it deserves boycott of every true American, it's a disgrace to America. Do you feel as cheap and green as Joseph Pulitzer or Gordon Bennett, who are notorious as Colonel Mann, your pet friend?

"Mr. W. R. Hearst's success is marvelous (San Francisco 'Examiner' has circulation everywhere on the Pacific Coast). He is without doubt our greatest, best American. To-day he is beloved by millions, but hated by people of your ilk. He will in time sweep the country, when people in the rural districts get their eyes open. I glory in W. R. Hearst. HARRY THOMPSON."

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From the Pine Bluff, Arkansas, "Commercial”

"COLLIER'S BLACK WEEKLY has put another affliction upon its subscribers (which have been lessened, we learn, by some hundred names in the past few weeks in this city) by announcing that in future it would have three pages (about two and a half columns of The Commercial) of editorials instead of two. It's the wrong way to reform itself-it should entirely dispense with editorials-mere baby words. In these days, when one can get good, sane, and safe, and solid reading matter, either books, magazines, or newspapers, it is surprising that COLLIER'S BLACK WEEKLY should have a subscriber in the South-especially Southern ladies and gentlemen."

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That's what I want-Dupont"

A sportsman knows that a good bag depends just as much on the quality of the powder as on the quantity of game. Leave nothing to chance, but see that all your shells are loaded with



A Bulk Shotgun Powder Backed by the Strongest Guarantee Its regularity has won the confidence of sportsmen everywhere. In the field and at the traps Dupont Smokeless is the American sportsman's favorite. It is used by more amateur sportsmen and professional trap-shooters than all powders combined.

Its uniformity, high velocity, even pattern, quick ignition and perfect combustion are some of the qualities that make it absolutely regular and reliable.

Always Insist on Shells Loaded with Dupont Smokeless

(N. B.-DUPONT RIFLE POWDERS meet all requirements. Write for descriptive folders, stating caliber and make of rifle.)


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Nothing you can have will give you more pleasure and
recreation during the long months of summer than one of

HOPKINS & ALLEN'S small calibre rifles. They are hard shoot-
ing, trim and true, weigh little and take down small enough to pack in

22 and 32
Automatic Shell Ejecting
Light, Trim & Up-to-Date

a trunk or suit-case. Will drive tacks at 60 yards; can be found at any store that handles Hard-
ware or Sporting Goods or secured direct from factory. Make it a point to see them.


Light weight Rifle weighs 3 lbs., has 18 in. barrel. and is 33 in. entire length. Has fine Walnut stock, quick take-down arrangement, safety locking device and shoots 22 short or long rimfire cartridges. The best little rifle in the world for the money-is an effective workmanlike arm. No. 722.


Weight 4 lbs., 20 in. barrel, 35 in. over, all. Has American Walnut stock, quick screw key take-down arrangement, and improved safety device. Hammer rebounds after firing and does not rest on cartridge. Shoots 22 short or long rimfire cartridges, and shoots where you aim. Also made in 32 cal. for 32 short. Nos.822 and 832.


The best all around rifle made can be had in 22 or 32 calibre. Weighs 4% lbs., has 22 in. barrel. Stock best select Walnut. Barrel high power rifle steel. Has rebounding hammer, easy action, best safety arrangement. Areal prize at our price. Nos. 922 and 932.

Write for our beautiful "Gun Guide and Catalog" for 1907. It illustrates and describes all these rifles, as well as 34 other
models of our firearms and gives many points on the care and handling of guns. IT'S FREE to all who write promptly.
Largest Mfrs. High Grade, Popular Priced Firearms in the World.
London Office, 6 City Road, Finsbury Sq., London

Dept. 14


Oxygen Tooth Powder

with its wonderful property of
setting free OXYGEN, destroys
the germs which give rise to
decay, oxidizes any food par-
ticles which may lodge between
the teeth and sterilizes and de-
odorizes the whole mouth.
Makes teeth pearly white.

Of all druggists 25 cents
Send for free sample and booklet
Guaranteed absolutely pure under Food and
Drugs Act June 30, 1906
MCKESSON & ROBBINS, 91-97 Fulton St., New York

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We Supply the U. S.

Prices Cutin Half

to introduce. Our large new 80-page Band instrument text-book B. Bent FREE. Write to-day. THE RUDOLPH WURLITZER CO. 163 E. 4th St. Cincinnati; or, 295 Wabash Ave. Chicago, Ill.

“A Kalamazoo
Direct to You

End your stove worries! Get a Kalamazoo Stove or Range on a
and a $20,000 bank guaranty on durability, convenience and
economy of fuel. You cannot get a better at any price, but you save
from $5 to $40 by buying from the actual manufacturers at
Lowest Factory Prices-We Pay the Freight
At least get our prices and compare our offer. Send
postal for catalogue No. 176.

Kalamazoo Stove Co., Mfrs., Kalamazoo, Michigan
Our patent oven thermometer makes baking
and roasting easy.

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Wick Blue Flame Oil


You could not have a more convenient and efficient stove in your kitchen than the New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook Stove-the oil stove of new principle and design.

The New Perfection has advantages over all other kinds of stoves regardless of fuel. It proves the economy and efficiency of oil as a fuel and, unlike other oil stoves, is not limited in its usefulness.

The New Perfection will toast, roast, bake, broil, fry as well as any coal, wood or gas range, and with less expense of fuel and less trouble to the cook.

Best of all, you have any exact degree of heat at your instant control with the turn of the wrist.

Particularly for summer use is the New Perfection the ideal cook stove, because the heat it generates is a clean, blue, concentrated flame, which is confined to the burner by the enameled chimney and not thrown off to make an unbearable temperature in the kitchen.

Made in three sizes, with one, two, and three burners. Every stove fully warranted. See it at your dealer's, or write our nearest agency for descriptive circular.

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