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" Hadn't the slightest idea. I am the mate of her " He paused and corrected himself. "I should say I was." "Aha! Something wrong?" "Yes. Very wrong indeed. I've killed a man. "
'Twixt Land and Sea - Page 124
by Joseph Conrad - 1912 - 287 pages
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The Works of Joseph Conrad, Volume 12

Joseph Conrad - 1921 - 324 pages
...the slightest idea. I am the mate of her " He paused and corrected himself. " I should say I was." " Aha ! Something wrong ? " " Yes. Very wrong indeed....a man " " Fit of temper," I suggested confidently. " A pretty thing to have to own up to for a Conway boy," murmured my double distinctly. " You're a...
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'Twixt land and sea

Joseph Conrad - 1924 - 258 pages
...her " _He_ paused and corrected himself. "X_ should say I was." "Yes. Very wrongindeed. rvejcilled a man." "What 'do you mean? Just now? " "No, on the...passage. Weeks ago. Thirty-nine south. When I say a man- " -1'Fit ofJtemper," I suggested, confidently. The shadowy, dark headTluce mine, seemed to nod imperceptibly...
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Complete Works, Volume 19

Joseph Conrad - 1925 - 256 pages
...himself. "I should say I was." "Aha! Something wrong?" "Yes. Very wrong indeed. I've killed a^man." "What do you mean? Just now?" "No, on the nod imperceptibly above the ghostly grey of my sleeping-^ suit. It was, in the night, as though I had been f aced* .< ;( .. . 5 by my own reflection...
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The Works of Joseph Conrad: 'Twixt the land and sea

Joseph Conrad - 1925 - 262 pages
..."Hadn't the slightest idea. I am the mate of her " He paused and corrected himself. "I should say I was." "Aha! Something wrong?" "Yes. Very wrong indeed. I've...I suggested, confidently. The shadowy, dark head, like_mine, seemed to nod imperceptibly above the ghostly grey of my sleepingsuit. iLJESSoJui-the nighjtx^t^thpu^j^IJhid...
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Significant Contemporary Stories

Edith Ronald Mirrielees - Short stories - 1929 - 400 pages
..."Hadn't the slightest idea. I am the mate of her " He paused and corrected himself. "I should say I was." "Aha! Something wrong?" . "Yes. Very wrong indeed....mine, seemed to nod imperceptibly above the ghostly gray of my sleeping-suit. It was, in the night, as though I had been faced by my own reflection in...
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Selected Short Stories

Joseph Conrad - Fiction - 1997 - 276 pages
...the slightest idea. I am the mate of her - ' He paused and corrected himself. 'I should say I was. ' 'Aha! Something wrong?' 'Yes. Very wrong indeed. I've...south. When I say a man-' 'Fit of temper,' I suggested, confidendy. The shadowy, dark head, like mine, seemed to nod imperceptibly above the ghosdy grey of...
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Inside Modernism: Relativity Theory, Cubism, Narrative

Thomas Vargish, Delo E. Mook - Literary Criticism - 1999 - 228 pages
...narrator-captain in this brief masterpiece helps the fugitive Leggatt naked from the sea and clothes him: "The shadowy, dark head, like mine, seemed to nod imperceptibly above the ghostly gray of my sleeping suit. It was, in the night, as though I had been faced by my own reflection in...
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Modernity at Sea: Melville, Marx, Conrad in Crisis

Cesare Casarino - Literary Criticism - 2002 - 358 pages
...taking the lighted lamp out of the binnacle, and raising it to his face. "An ugly business." . . . "Aha! Something wrong?" "Yes. Very wrong indeed. I've...mine, seemed to nod imperceptibly above the ghostly gray of my sleeping suit. It was, in the night, as though I had been faced by my own reflection in...
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Modernity at Sea: Melville, Marx, Conrad in Crisis

Cesare Casarino - Literary Criticism - 2002 - 324 pages
...voice, taking the lighted lamp out of the binnacle, and raising it to his face. "An ugly business."... "Aha! Something wrong?" "Yes. Very wrong indeed. I've...passage. Weeks ago. Thirty-nine south. When I say man — " "Fit of temper," I suggested, confidently. The shadowy dark head, like mine, seemed to nod...
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On Being a Doctor 3

Medicine - 1999 - 378 pages
...Speaking of Vessels, and strokes, And hearts that won't pump In the night. The Sharer KARL LORENZ, MD The shadowy, dark head, like mine, seemed to nod imperceptibly above the ghostly gray of my sleeping suit. It was, in the night, as though I had been faced by my own reflection in...
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