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[blocks in formation]

he thinketh in his heart, 1020.
it fell upon a day, 175.

of some one gently rapping, 655.
the case stands, 172.

unto the bow the cord is, 645. Ascent, laborious at the first, 253. Ashamed, needeth not to be, 1040. of being loved, 980.

the more, a man is, the more respectable, 838.

with the noble shame, 729. Ashbourn, down thy hill romantic, 464. Ashbuds, more black than, 668. Ashen and sober, skies they were, 656. cold is fire vreken, 3. Ashes, beauty for, 1026. in itself to, burn, 645. laid old Troy in, 280. man is splendid in, 219. of his fathers, 604.

out of tears and, 851.

to ashes, dust to dust, 1043.
violet made from his, 674.

wonted fires live in our, 385. Asia could not bear two kings, 918. Aside, human to step, 448.

last to lay the old, 324.

Ask and it shall be given you, 1031.
death-beds they can tell, 307.

I do not, O Lord that life, 760.
me no questions, 401.

my wants are few, little I, 689.
no more I, 779.

no more of fate, man could, 738.
not, wealth I, 829.

the brave soldier, 520.
to see, I do not, 607.
where is the North, 318.

Asked of echo 't other day, I, 720.
Askelon, in the streets of, 1006.
Asketh, every one that, 1031.
Asking eye, explain the, 328.
Asleep in lap of legends old, 575.
lips of those that are, 1024.
the very houses seem, 470.
tide as moving seems, 685.
time has fallen, 776.
Asonder, houses fer, 2.
Aspect, meet in her, 551.
of princes, sweet, 99.

sweet grave, 970.

with grave, he rose, 227. Aspen leaf, right as an, 5.

light quivering, 490.

Asphodel, ever-flowing meads of, 347. Aspics' tongues, 155.

Aspiration sees only one side, 739.

you cannot prove an, 812.

Aspired to be, what I, 710.
Aspiring to be angels, 316.

[blocks in formation]

Ass, a idiot, the law is a, 702. burial of an, 1027.

countryman who looked for his, 978.
egregiously an, 152.

knoweth his master's crib, 1024.
may bray a good while, 730.

of Balaam, 1005.

will carry his load, 978.
write me down an. 53.

Asses, to live according to the convenience of, 917.

Assailant on perched roosts, 242. Assassination, absolutism tempered by, 999.

could trammel up, if the, 117. Assault, death preparing his, 309. Assay, help angels make, 139.

so hard so sharp, 6. Assayed, thrice he, 225. Assembled souls, 217. Assemblies, masters of, 1024. of the skies, bright, 345. Assembly, posterity is a most limited,


Assent with civil leer, 327.
Assume a pleasing shape, 135.

a virtue, if you have it not, 141. Assumes the god, 271.

Assurance, before society with glib,


double sure, I'll make, 123.
given by lookes, 23.

of a man, give the world, 140. Assured, ignorant of what he's most, 48.

Assyrian bull, curled, 677.

came down like the wolf, the, 551. Astray, and they fall, they go, 698. light that led, 447.

like one that had been led, 250. Astronomer, undevout, is mad, 310. Astyanax the hope of Troy, 338. Asunder, let not man put, 1032.

villain and he many miles, 108. Athanasian Creed, the, 629.

creeds, weary of mumbling, 788. Atheism, philosophy inclineth to, 166. the owlet, 501.

Atheist by night half believes a God,


novelist realist play your, 683.

Atheist's laugh, 448.

Athena's tower, age shakes, 541.

Athens heard, truths refined as, 860.

immortal influence of, 600. maid of, ere we part, 540. sending owls to, 946. the eye of Greece, 241. Atlantean shoulders, 227.

Atlantic for whales, drag, 796.

Ocean and Mrs. Partington, 462. the deep immense, 819. Atlas unremoved, 234.

Atmosphere of dreams, softness like the, 653.

[blocks in formation]

Attendance, to dance, 101.
Attending ears, 106.

strictly to business, 796.
Attention like deep harmony, 81.
still as night, 227.

Attentive to his own applause, 327.
Attic bird trills her notes, 241.

taste, light and choice of, 252.
tragedies, 254.

Atticus were he, 327.
Attire be comely, let thy, 32.
walk in silk, 861.

wild in their, 116.
Attitude in life, proper, 930.
Attraction robs the vast sea, 109.
Attractive grace, sweet, 232.
kind of grace, 23.
metal more, 138.

Attribute of God, 460.
power but his, 793.

to awe and majesty, 64.
to God himself, 64.

Attunes the spheres, with one breath,

Auburn locks ye golden curls, 689.
loveliest village, 395.
Audacious unconsciously, 772.
Audience, his look drew, 227.

fit, though few, 236.

Aught in malice, nor set down, 156.
in the world beside, 452.
that dignifies humanity, 606.
that ever I could read, 57.
Augur schoenobates, 268.
Auld acquaintance, should, 449.

but just rubbed his, poll, 590.
claes, gars, 447.

moon in her arm, 404.

[blocks in formation]

Author puts between the two covers
of his book, 809.

teaches such beauty, where is any,

who speaks about his own books,

would his brother kill, 258.
Authors do not make acknowledg-
ment, 902.

essayist atheist novelist play your,

like coins grow dear, 329.

old, to read, 171.

shelved round us lie mummied, 761.
steal their works, most, 325.
Authority and show of truth, 52.
art made tongue-tied by, 162.
drest in a little brief, 48.

faith that stands on, is not faith,

from others' books, 54.

the basis of moral, 995.
Autograph of God, the awful, 817.
Automaton, mechanized, 567.
Autumn fruit, fell like, 276.
garner to the end of time, 705.
is the mellow time, 770.
nodding o'er the plain, 356.
passes soon away, 823.

saw old, in the misty morn, 594.
seems to cry for thee, 824.
sweetly shone, 993.

that grew more by reaping, 159.
the windy lights of, 822.
Autumn's fire, 770.

hush, still small voice in, 650.
Autumnal leaves in Vallombrosa, 224.
leaves, thick as, 337.

Autumn-days, best lover of the, 824.
Autumn-fields, happy, 673.

Availeth, say not the struggle naught,

Avarice, dreams of, 374, 378.
old men sicken with, 173.
old-gentlemanly vice, 556.
Avaunt, conscience, 296.
Avenge the patriotic gore, 813.
Avenging day, that great, 337.
Avenues of ill, seal up the, 616.
Aver 't is better than many, 843.
Aversion, begin with a little, 440.
Avilion, island-valley of, 681.
Avoid shame do not seek glory, 460.
what is to come, 141.

Avon, sweet swan of, 179.

to the Severn runs, 484.

Aurora daughter of the dawn, 338, A-wait at the gate of the west, 817.

[blocks in formation]

Await no gifts from chance, who, 754.
Awake, lie ten nights, 51.

my St. John, 314.

my soul, 359.

Awakes from the tomb, 428.

Away, and Sheridan twenty miles, 751.

owes its charm to the far, 631.
pray scourge of war may pass, 661.
Awe and majesty, attribute to, 64.
of such a thing as I, 110.
the soul of Richard, 296.

[blocks in formation]

goodness is, how, 234.

guide in smoke and flame, 493.

insane and, passion, 599.

moment, face some, 476.

names, with, 813.

pause, Nature made an, 306. phantom of the hungry poor, 797. volume, within that, 494.

Awhile, loved long since and lost, 607. Awkwardness has no forgiveness, 620. Axe, head off with a golden, 108.

laid unto the root of the tree, 1033. many strokes with little, 94. neither hammer nor, 1007. to grind he has an, 528. woodman's, lies free, 570. Axes, no ponderous, rung, 535. Axis of the earth, 692.

Axle, sleeps on her soft, 237.
Ayont the twal, short hour, 446.
Azan, he who died at, 782.

Azure brow, no wrinkle on thine, 547.
dome, his hall the, 617.
fields of air, through, 751.
hue, mountain in its, 512.
main, from out the, 358.
robe of night, the, 573.
we shall navigate the, 767.

Baälim and Peor, 251.
Babbled of green fields, 91.
Babbling dreams, hence, 296.
gossip of the air, 75.
Babe, bent o'er her, 427.
in a house, a, 695.

pity like a naked new-born, 118.
she lost in infancy, 508.

sinews of the new-born, 139.

was sleeping on her breast, the, 568. Babes and sucklings, 1010. Babel, stir of the great, 420.

Baby dear, where did you come from, 759.

figure of the giant mass, 102.
small, only a, 856.
was sleeping, 590.

Baby's feet, a, 807.
hands, 807.

Babylon in all its desolation, 868.
is fallen, is fallen, 1025.
learned and wise, 483.
Babylonish dialect, 210.
Bacchus ever fair and young, 271.
plumpy, with pink eyne, 158.
Bachelor, I would die a, 51.

of threescore, shall I never see a, 50. Back and side go bare, 23.

bear thee to the battle, 623. borne me on his, 144.

call yesterday, 81.

come never, again, 596.

die with harness on our, 126. got over the devil's, 959.

Back, never a shirt on his, 286.
on itself recoils, 238.
over the devil's, 986.
resounded death, 229.
revolutions never go, 699.
shout, our peals of laughter, 756.
sits on his horse, 78.

still looking back, 686.
their opinions by a wager, 554.
through creeks and inlets, far, 727.
thumping on your, 423.
thumps upon the, 312.

to the field, with his, 514.

to their springs like the rain, 643. to thy punishment, 229. Backed like a weasel, 139. Backing of your friends, 84. plague upon such, 84. Backward and abysm of time, 42. mutters, 246.

turn backward, O time, 783. yesterdays look, 307.

Bacon, broken bones for, 977.

could have as easily created, 585. or brave Raleigh spoke, words, 330. save our, 958.

shined, think how, 319.

Bad affright afflict the best, the, 382. and good of every land, 721.

as falling, the fear 's as, 160. beginning makes a bad ending, 884. begins and worse remains, 141. begun, things, 121.

better for being a little, 50.

better than downright, 886.

certain winds make men's temper.


eminence, to that, 226.

for the, all that was theirs dies, 885. in the best, 163.

language or abuse, 801.

man, a bold, 27, 98.

men live to eat and drink, 924.
most men were, 944.

the world is grown so, 96.
two nations, good and the, 263.
wiser being good than, 711.
Badder end, to the, 4.
Bade each other stand, 798.

me adieu, sweetly she, 380. Badge, nobility's, true, 103.

of all our tribe, sufferance is the, 61. Badness choose in a heap, 879. Baffled oft is ever won, 548.

still, betrayed and, 809. Bag and baggage, 70.

empty, to stand upright, 360. Baire's bay, isle in, 565.

Bailey, unfortunate Miss, 454.
Bairns, at scule, sad time twa, 587.

twa, and but ae heart, 587.

Bait, this melancholy, 60.
Baits, good news, 242.

Baited like eagles, 86.

with a dragon's tail, 517.

with many a deadly curse, 449. Baker's dozen, 959.

Balaam's ass, 1005.

Balance, in nice, 330.

of power, 304.

of the old world, 464.

Balances, Jove lifts the golden, 341.
weighed in the, 1027.
Baldheaded, go into it, 735.
Baldric, milky, of the skies, 573.
Bales unopened to the sun, 307.
Ball, roll on thou, 800.
Ballad, I met with a, 778.

of Sir Patrick Spence, 502.

to his mistress' eyebrow, woful, 69.
world was guilty of such a, 54.
Ballads from a cart, sung, 274.
of a nation, 281.

sing from door to door, 189.

ye are better than all the, 647.
Ballad-mongers, same metre, 85.
Ballad-singer's joy, the English, 473.
Ballast to keep the mind steady, 740.
Balloch o'er the braes of, 862.
Balloon, something in a huge, 468.
Ballot-box, 't is the, 538.
Balm, all our calm is in that, 654.
for every pain, and a, 596.

for eyes grown weary, thy, 764.
from an anointed king, 81.
in Gilead, is there no, 1027.
of hurt minds, 120.

Balms for all our pain, there are, 763.
Balmy air of night, through the. 655.
pain, full of sweet desolation, 577.
sweets, diffuse their, 398.

Baltimore, that flecked the streets of,

Ban, on it lays her, 818.

Band, forth we went a gallant, 662.

of brothers, 92.

[blocks in formation]

Banishment, bitter bread of, 81.
Bank and bush, over, 28.

and shoal of time, 118.

moonlight sleeps upon this, 65.
of violets, breathes upon a, 74.
snow-white ram on a grassy, 481.
to make a, 263.

where wild thyme blows, 58.

Banks and braes o' bonny Doon, 452.
furnished with bees, 380.

of the Yuba, played on the, 636.
Bank-note world, this, 563.

Banner, freedom's, 574.

in the sky, to see that, 688.

O, not houses of peace are you, 743.
star-spangled, 517.

the royal, 154.

to the very front, he bore, 814.
with the strange device, 641.

Banners, army with, 1024.
confusion on thy, 383.
flout the sky, 115.
hang out our, 125.
wave, all thy, 515.
Banquet, born but to, 344.
is o'er, when the, 348.
of the mind, 346.
song and dance, 562.
Banquet-hall deserted, 523.
Baptism o'er the flowers, 202.
Baptized in tears, 427.

Bar, be no moaning of the, 685.
man at the turn-pike, 590.
of heaven, 769.

Bars, behind the western, 823.
nor iron, a cage, 260.

to their windows, nor, 642.
Barbarians all at play, 546.
selfish, 826.

Barbaric pearl and gold, 226.
yawp, I sound my, 742.
Barbarous dissonance, 245.

skill, is but a, 261.

Barber and a collier fight, 363.

kept on shaving, and the, 723.
Barber's shear, never has known the,

Bard here dwelt more fat, 357.

on Chian strand, that blind, 503.
Bards in fealty to Apollo hold, 576.
of earth, 802.

of passion and of mirth, 577.
saints heroes if we will, 754.
who sung, Olympian, 599.

Bare, and the walls around are, 756.
back and side go, 23.

fields are lying brown and, 751.
imagination of a feast, 81.
the mean heart, 328.

too thin and, to hide offences, 101.
Barefoot, him that makes shoes go, 186.
Bargain catch cold, lest the, 159.
hath sold him a, 55.

in the way of, 85.

repentance ground of a bad, 719.
to sell a, 55.

two words to that, 294.

Barge, drag the slow, 424.
like a pearly, 850.

she sat in, 157.

Bark and bite, dogs delight to, 301.
at me, dogs, 95.

at me, see they, 147.
attendant sail, 320.

deep, goes where traffic blows, 751.
drives on and on, whose, 543.

fatal and perfidious, 247.

is on the sea, my, 553.

is worse than his bite, 205.

let no dog, 60.

of man could navigate, 597.

on even keel, thus I steer my, 354.
scarfed, the, 62.

sinks, if my, 725.

that he feels afraid of its, 780.
watch-dog's honest, 556.

Barkis is willin', 701.

[blocks in formation]

Barrenest of all mortals, the, 583.
Barring that expression of villainy,

Barty, Hans Breitmann gife, a, 759.
Base, all that is, shall die, 817.
born, bravest have been, 190.
column with the buried, 546.
fly from its firm, 491.

him that uttered nothing, 665.
Hungarian wight, 45.
in kind. 413.

in man, to keep down the, 681.
is the slave that pays, 91.
uses we may return, 144.
who is here so. 113.

world and worldlings, 90.
Baseless fabric of this vision, 43.
Baseness, the gods detest my, 158.
to write fair, hold it, 145.
Bashaw, three-tailed, 454.
Bashful fifteen, maiden of, 442.

sincerity and comely love, 52.
virgin's sidelong looks, 396.
Basis, moral authority, 995.

no broader, for any government,

of every truth, 409.
Basket and store, 1006.
eggs in one, 972.

who was in the, 46.

Baskit er kittens, 828.

Bass eternal of the sea, the, 788.
Bassarid of Boston, blatant, 808.
Basso even contra-alto, 554.

Bastard Freedom waves her flag, 518.
Latin, soft, 554.

to the time, he is but a, 78.
Bastards, ancient families, 190.
live like nature's, 246.
Bastion fringed with fire, 674.
Bat, Casey at the, 856.

tongue of dog, wool of, 123.
Bats, to the moles and the, 1024.
Bate a jot of heart or hope, 252.
Bated breath, 61.

Bath, O starry, 821.

sore labour's, 120.

Bathe all the hills in melancholy gold,

[blocks in formation]

Battle, care for him who has borne
the, 662.

cowards do not count in, 885.
crimson flower of, blooms, 748.
division of a, 149.

feats of broil and, 150.

for the free, won the, 562.
for the last, of the world, 650.
freedom's, once begun, 548.
he has fought his last, 623.
he who is in, slain, 403.
I had a regular, 887.

in the lost, 489.

is lost and won, when the, 115.
lanterns lit, ports all up, 739.
life is a, 936.

lost and battle won, 463.
not to the strong, 1023.

of life, who fell in the, 745.
perilous edge of, 224.
prize o' death in, 737.

rages loud and long, the, 515.
see the front of, lour, 450.

sees the other's umbered face, 92.
smelleth the, afar off, 1010.
storms dismay, 854.

to bear thee to the, 623.

was on once more, telling, 751.
who in life's, 991.

with my peers, delight of, 668.

Battles, fought his, o'er again, 271.
long ago, 473.

rains fall after great, 911.

sieges fortunes, 150.

the flag of our stately, 748.

win our, by its aid, 718.

Battle's magnificently stern array,


sound, no war or, 251.
van, in the, 716.
Battle-blood gory, 766.

Battle-brunt, gentlest and bravest in

the, 814.

Battle-cry, freedom their, 756.

Battled for the true and just, 675.
Battle-field, march to the, 863.
Battlements bore stars, 479.

fate sits on these dark, 456.
towers and, 248.
Battle-queen of yore, 813.
Bauble, pleased with this, 318.
Baucis' busy care. 274.
Bay of Biscay O, 453.

the moon, be a dog and, 114.
Bay-tree, like a green, 1011.
Be, and so it might not, 720.
as be we would, 38.

at rest and free, 718.

dreamed a dream that could not,

gleam on the years that shall, 631.
good sweet maid, 727.

home again, oh to, 724.
lief not be as live to, 110.

loved by me, to love and, 655.

matters not what you are thought
to. 899.

may bring us there to, 700.

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