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" But, on the other side, if all the water falling upon one wheel would be able to turn it round, then half of it would serve with two wheels, and the rest may be so disposed of in the fall as to serve unto some other useful, delightful ends. "When I first... "
The Mathematical and Philosophical Works of the Right Rev. John Wilkins ... - Page 219
by John Wilkins - 1802
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Pleasure with Profit: Consisting of Recreations of Divers Kinds, Viz ...

William Leybourn - Algebra - 1694 - 424 pages
...this, there is thrice as much water to turn the Screw, as is carried up by it. But on the other fide, if all the water falling upon one Wheel would be able to turn it round, then half of it would ierve with two Wheels. Although what is here iaid concerning the probability of effeâing fuch a Motion,...
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Iron: An Illustrated Weekly Journal for Iron and Steel ..., Volume 2

Perry Fairfax Nursey - Industrial arts - 1824 - 470 pages
...purpose in Pet Bettin Apiaz 4 Pogym 1, Prop. 10, but with much less advantage than U il bare flOfOKd.' is thrice as much water to turn the screw as is would serve with two wheels, and the rest may be disposed of in the'fall so as to serve unto some other useful and delightful end. "When (says he) I...
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Mechanics' Magazine and Journal of Enigneering, Agricultural ..., Volume 2

Industrial arts - 1824 - 512 pages
...purport in Put. RMin Apin 4 Pogym I , Prop. 10, but with innch lea aih-iii'Jgc thu it is here fnftnet." is thrice as much water to turn the screw as is would serve with two wheels, and the rest may be disposed of in the fall so as to serve unto some other useful and delightful end. "When (says he) I...
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Mechanics Magazine, Volume 2

Industrial arts - 1824 - 724 pages
...Prop. 10, but with much less advantage than it fehere proposed." is tli rice as much water to tnrn the screw as is carried up by it. " But, on the would serve with two wheels, and the rest may be disposed of in the fall so as to serve unto some other useful and delightful end. " When (says he)...
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Perpetuum mobile; or, Search for self-motive power

Henry Dircks - 1861 - 644 pages
...turn the screw as is carried up by it. But, on the other side, if all the water falling upon one whesl would be able to turn it round, then half of it would...may be so disposed of in the fall as to serve unto seme other useful delightful ends. When I first thought of this invention, I could scarce forbear,...
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The Seven Follies of Science: A Popular Account of the Most Famous ...

Geometry - 1906 - 212 pages
...besides all this, there is twice as much water to turn the screw as is carried up by it. I Fig. 10. "But, on the other side, if all the water falling...could scarce forbear, with Archimedes, to cry out ' Eureka ! Eureka ! ' it seeming so infallible a way for the effecting of a perpetual motion that nothing...
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The Seven Follies of Science: To which is Added a Small Budget of ...

John Phin - Geometry - 1911 - 254 pages
...— besides all this, there is twice as much water to turn the screw as is carried up by it. Fig. 10. "But, on the other side, if all the water falling...could scarce forbear, with Archimedes, to cry out 'Eureka! Eureka!' it seeming so infallible a way for the effecting of a perpetual motion that nothing...
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Perpetual Motion

Arthur W. J. G. Ord-Hume - Art - 2015 - 268 pages
...heavier; and besides that the ascent of that within is natural — besides all this, there is twice as much water to turn the screw as is carried up by...could scarce forbear, with Archimedes, to cry out "Eureka! Eureka!" it seeming so infallible a way for the effecting of a perpetual motion that nothing...
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