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The systematic description of the Mollusca of the Alum Bluff group is continued in this paper. The examination of the gastropod order Stenoglossa is begun and is carried from the Xancidae through the Nassariidae. Of these the genus Uzita, of the Nassariidae, is represented by the greatest number of species-28 species and subspecies. Busycon, of the Busyconidae, is next with 10 species.


The following list shows the localities cited by number in the text and tables (see also map, Part I, p. 2): 2211. Lower bed, Alum Bluff, Liberty County, Fla.

2212. Tenmile Creek, 1 mile west of Baileys Ferry, Calhoun County, Fla.
2213. 1 mile below Baileys Ferry, Chipola River, Calhoun County, Fla.
2238. Flournoy's millrace, 2 miles east of Argyle, Walton County, Fla.
2564. McClelland farm, 1 mile below Baileys Ferry, Calhoun County, Fla.
2645. McClellan farm, Shoal River, 5 miles east of Mossyhead, Walton County, Fla.

2646. Oak Grove, Yellow River, Okaloosa County, Fla.

3385. Gastropod Gulch, 4 miles southeast of Bainbridge, Decatur County, Ga.
3386. Roseland plantation, 31⁄2 miles southeast of Bainbridge, Decatur County, Ga.
3419. McClelland farm, 1 mile below Baileys Ferry, Calhoun County Fla.
3704. Quincy, Gadsden County, Fla.

3731. Near Mossyhead, sec. 6, T. 3 N., R. 21 W., Walton County, Fla.

3732. Dave Adams Mill Creek, sec. 2, T. 3. N., R. 21 W., Walton County, Fla. 3733. Three-quarters of a mile west of Shell Bluff, Shoal River, Walton County, Fla. 3742. Shell Bluff, Shoal River, Walton County, Fla.

3748. Summerville millrace, 1 mile east of Argyle, Walton County, Fla.

3856. 6 miles west-northwest of Mossyhead, Walton County, Fla.

5079. Half a mile below Shell Bluff, Shoal River, Walton County, Fla. 5080. First ravine below Shell Bluff, Shoal River, Walton County, Fla. 5184. First ravine below Shell Bluff, Shoal River, Walton County, Fla.

5193. Crowder's crossing, 11⁄2 miles below Shell Bluff, Shoal River, Walton County, Fla.

5194. 11⁄2 miles below Shell Bluff, Shoal River, Walton County, Fla.

5195. First ravine below Shell Bluff, Shoal River, Walton County, Fla.

5618. 31⁄2 miles southwest of De Funiak Springs, Walton County, Fla.

5630. 100 yards below Oak Grove Bridge, Yellow River, Okaloosa County, Fla.

5631. Oak Grove Bridge, Yellow River, Okaloosa County, Fla.

5632. Oak Grove, Yellow River, Okaloosa County, Fla.

5633. Oak Grove, Yellow River, Okaloosa County, Fla.

6175. Left bank of Suwannee River three-quarters of a mile above White Springs, Columbia County, Fla.

7054. 400 feet below bridge, Oak Grove, Okaloosa County, Fla.

7055. Old Senterfeit mill, 41⁄2 miles southwest of Laurel Hill, Walton County, Fla.

7148. Gastropod Gulch, 51⁄2 miles southeast of Bainbridge, Decatur County, Ga.

7151. Tenmile Creek, Calhoun County, Fla.

7183. Alum Bluff (lower bed), Liberty County, Fla.

7257. Sexton's marl bed, Tenmile Creek, sec. 11, T. 1 N., R. 10 W., Calhoun County, Fla.

7261. Upper Alaqua Lethu (?) Bluff, near De Funiak Springs, Walton County, Fla.

7264. De Funiak Cardium beds, Alaqua Creek, Walton County, Fla.

7893. Boynton Landing, Choctawhatchee River, Washington County, Fla.


Local distribution of species of Stenoglossa (in part) in the Alum Bluff group of Florida and Georgia

[pr, prolific; a, abundant; c, common; p, present; r, rare (not more than half a dozen individuals). The localities within each State and formation are arranged in geographic order from north to south and from west to east]

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Florida-Shoal River formation

3856 2645 3732 3733 3742 3731 5080 5184 5195 5079 5193 5194 2238 3748 7261 7264 5618

Florida-Oak Grove sand

Cornell University collection

GeorgiaOak Grove sand

Florida-Chipola formation


3386 3385 7148 7893 2212 7151 7257 2213 2564 3419 2211 7183 3704 6175

Xancus chipolanus (Dall).

dodonaius Gardner, n. sp.

Vasum sp. aff. V. engonatum Dall.
Fasciolaria kindlei Maury..

ramondi Maury..

"Mazzalina" costata Dall.
Hesperisternia chipolana Gardner, n.


waltonia Gardner, n. sp....
bainbridgensis Gardner, n. sp.
Fusinus waltonensis Gardner, n. sp..
Busycon atraktoides Gardner, n. sp..

aldrichi Gardner, n. sp..
dasum Gardner, n. sp.
foerstei Gardner, n. sp.

radix Gardner, n. sp....

montforti Aldrich....

epispiniger Gardner, n. sp.
sicyoides Gardner, n. sp...
burnsii (Dall).

(Sycotypus) proterum Gardner,

n. sp...






2646 5632 5631 5630 5633 7054 7055

Melongena sculpturata Dall....
Phos (Strongylocera) chipolanus Dall

(Strongylocera) tribakus Gard

ner, n. sp.---
(Strongylocera) pedanus Gard-

ner, n. sp...


Tritiaria (Antillophos)
Gardner, n. sp......
Engoniophos glyptus Gardner, n. sp..
vadosus Gardner, n. sp..
Nassarina trachea Gardner, n. sp..
Uzita waltonensis (Gardner).

waltonensis deleta (Gardner)
dystakta (Gardner)...
pedana Gardner, n. sp....
nanna Gardner, n. sp...
watsoni (Maury)..

cinclis Gardner, n. sp..
dasynema Gardner, n. sp.....
dasynema cesta Gardner, n


cystoides Gardner, n. sp...
anisonema Gardner, n. sp.
oxia Gardner, n. sp....
dryas Gardner, n. sp...
dryas leptalea Gardner, n. susp.
eutykta Gardner, n. sp.
ischna Gardner, n. sp.
bimitrodita Gardner, n. sp..
tribaka Gardner, n. sp....
dasa Gardner, n. sp.....
paraprista Gardner, n. sp..
prista Gardner, n. sp......

veatchii (Maury)..

dalli (Maury)..

harrisi (Maury)

grapta (Gardner)..

opeas Gardner, n. sp.

berthae (Maury).

rabdota Gardner, n. sp..


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