FIGURES 1, 2. Natica (Naticarius) precursor Gardner, n. sp. (p. 545). 1. Rear view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 329061), from 1 mile below Baileys Ferry, Chipola River, Calhoun County, Fla.; height, 11.5 mm.; maximum diameter, 10 mm. 2. Apertural view of holotype. FIGURE 3. Natica (Natica) alticallosa Dall (p. 545). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 112841), from Tenmile Creek, 1 mile west of Baileys Ferry, Calhoun County, Fla.: height, 18 mm.; maximum diameter, 18 min. FIGURE 4. Pachycrommium dodonum Gardner, n. sp. (p. 557). Rear view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 136073), from Oak Grove, 7. Rear view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 351564), from Shell Bluff, Shoal River, Walton County, Fla.; height, 20 mm.; 8. Apertural view of holotype. maximum diameter, 20 mm. FIGURE 9. Natica (Stigmaulax) guppiana Toula (p.546). Rear view of holotype, from the cut at the Gatun Locks, Panama Canal; height, 18 mm.; maximum diameter, 18 mm. (After Toula.) FIGURES 10, 11. Natica (Tectonatica) mino Gardner, n. sp. (p. 547). 10. Rear view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 351571), from Shell Bluff, Shoal River, Walton County, Fla.; height, 6.4 mm; maximum diameter, 6 mm. 11. Apertural view of holotype. FIGURE 12. Pachycrommium burnsii (Dall) (p. 557). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 112954), from Tenmile Creek. Calhoun County, Fla.; height, 18 mm.; maximum diameter, 15 mm. (After Dall.) FIGURE 14. Polinices robustus Gardner, n. sp. (p. 550). Apertural view of holotype shown in figure 5. FIGURES 15, 16. Polinices judsoni (Maury) (p. 549). 15. Rear view of specimen (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 351575), from 6 miles west-northwest of Mossyhead, Walton County, Fla.; height, 18.3 mm.; maximum diameter, 13.5 mm. 16. Apertural view of same specimen. FIGURES 17-19. Natica (Tectonatica) semen Gardner, n. sp. (p. 547). Holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 371876), from Oak Grove, Yellow River, Okaloosa County, Fla.; height, 2.6 mm.; maximum diameter, 2.4 mm. 17. View of holotype with operculum still in position. 18. Apertural view of holotype. 19. Rear view of holotype. FIGURES 20, 21. Polinices? demicryptus Gardner, n. sp. (p. 550). 20. Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 112926), from Tenmile Creek, 1 mile west of Baileys Ferry, Calhoun County, Fla.; height, 7.5 mm.; maximum diameter, 6.0 mm. 21. Rear view of holotype. FIGURE 22. Polinices (Neverita) chipolanus Dall (p. 551). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 112870), from Tenmile Creek, Calhoun County, Fla.; height, 21.5 mm.: maximum diameter, 22 mm. FIGURES 23, 24. Natica (Tectonatica?) platabasis Gardner, n. sp. (p. 548). 23. Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 371875), from 1 mile below Baileys Ferry, Chipola River, Calhoun County, Fla.; height, 12.5 mm.; maximum diameter, 11.5 mm. 24. Rear view of holotype. FIGURES 25-27. Euspira rotunda Gardner, n. sp. (p. 552). Fla.; height, 9.5 mm.; maximum diameter, 9.0 mm. 25. Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 351597), from 6 miles west-northwest of Mossyhead, Walton County, 26. Apical view of juvenile paratype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 497119), from 6 miles west-northwest of Mossyhead, Walton County, 27. Rear view of holotype. Fla., X 8. FIGURE 28. Globularia fischeri (Dall) (p. 556). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 112934?), from Tenmile Creek, 29. Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 350487), from Oak Grove, Okaloosa County, Fla.; height, 24.7 mm.; maxi- FIGURES 31, 32. Sinum chipolanum Dall (p. 553). 31. Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 112967), from 1 mile below Baileys Ferry, Chipola River, Calhoun County, Fla.; height, 31 mm.; maximum diameter, 31 mm. 32. Rear view of holotype. FIGURES 33, 34. Sinum waltonense Gardner?, n. sp. (p. 553). 33. Rear view of large adult (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 498393), from Whites Creek, 6.7 miles south of Argyle, Walton County, Fla.; height, 27 mm.; maximum diameter, 27 mm. 34. Apertural view. FIGURES 35, 36. Sinum waltonense Gardner, n. sp. (p. 553). 35. Rear view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 371887), from 6 miles west-northwest of Mossyhead, Walton County, Fla.; height, 15.5 mm.; maximum diameter, 13.5 mm. 36. Apical view of juvenile topotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 371887), Χ 8. FIGURE 37. Sinum dodoneum Gardner, n. sp. (p. 554). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 136075), from Oak Grove, Okaloosa County, Fla.; height 7 mm.; maximum diameter, 23 mm. FIGURE 38. Sinum waltonense Gardner, n. sp. (p. 553). 695462-47-13 647 PLATE LX FIGURE 1. Sigatica euglypta Gardner, n. sp. (p. 555). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 371886), from Boynton Landing, Choctawhatchee River, Washington County, Fla.; height, 19.5 mm.; maximum diameter, 16.5 mm. FIGURE 2. Sigatica caractica (Dall) (p. 555). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 107379), from Oak Grove, Okaloosa County, Fla.; height, 8 mm.; maximum diameter, 6.6 mm. (After Dall.) FIGURE 3. Astraea dalli (Maury) (p. 610). Apertural view of specimen (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 112995), from 1 mile below Baileys FIGURE 4. Chlorostoma (Omphalius) exolutum (Conrad) (p. 616). Apertural view of specimen (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 112572), from Ferry, Calhoun County, Fla.; height, 3.8 mm.; maximum diameter, 5.7 mm. Ballast Point, Fla.; height, 12 mm.; maximum diameter, 13 mm. (After Dall.) FIGURE 5. Sigatica euglypta Gardner, n. sp. (p. 555). Rear view of holotype shown in figure 1. FIGURE 6. Tricolia affinis chipolana Gardner, n. subsp. (p. 609). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 329107), from 1 mile below Baileys Ferry, Calhoun County, Fla.; height, 8.6 mm.; maximum diameter, 4.2 mm. FIGURE 7. Didianema? waltonia Gardner, n. sp. (p. 613). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 351638), from near Shell Bluff, Shoal River, Walton County, Fla.; height, 1.3 mm.; maximum diameter, 1.4 mm. FIGURE 8. Tricolia probrevis Gardner, n. sp. (p. 609). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 114434), from 1 mile below FIGURES 9, 10. Chlorostoma (Omphalius) exolutum limatum Dall (p. 617). Baileys Ferry, Calhoun County, Fla.; height, 2.0 mm.; maximum diameter, 1.8 mm. 9. Apertural view of lectotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 329112), from 1 mile below Baileys Ferry, Chipola River, Calhoun County, FIGURE 11. Astraea dalli (Maury (Maury) (p. 610). Basal view of specimen shown in figure 3. the lower bed at Alum Bluff, Liberty County, Fla.; height, 8.5 mm.; maximum diameter, 5.0 mm. FIGURE 14. "Vitrinella" excavata Gardner, n. sp. (p. 598). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 351628), from Shell Bluff, FIGURES 15, 16. Astraea (Lithopoma) chipolana (Dall) (p. 611). Shoal River, Walton County, Fla.; height, 1.1 mm.; maximum diameter, 3.0 mm. 15. Outer surface of operculum (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 114439), from the lower bed at Alum Bluff, Liberty County, Fla., X 4. 16. Surface of attachment of operculum shown in figure 15, X 4. FIGURE 17. "Vitrinella" waltonia Gardner, n. sp. (p. 598). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 351626), from Shell Bluff, FIGURES 18-20. "Vitrinella" seminola Gardner, n. sp. (p.597). Shoal River, Walton County, Fla.; height, 1.0 mm.; maximum diameter, 2.0 mm. 18. Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 351624), from Summerville mill, 1 mile east of Argyle, Walton County, Fla.; height, 1.5 mm.; maximum diameter, 2.7 mm. 19. Basal view of holotype. 20. Apical view of holotype. FIGURE 21. Calliostoma rhombotoide Gardner, n. sp. (p. 619). Apical view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 498392), from Whites Creek, 6.7 miles south of Argyle, Walton County, Fla.; height, 3.8 mm.; maximum diameter, 3.5 mm. FIGURE 22. "Vitrinella" excavata Gardner, n. sp. (p. 598). Pasal view of holotype shown in figure 14. FIGURES 23, 24. “Vitrinella" waltonia Gardner, n. sp. (p. 598). 23. Basal view of holotype shown in figure 17. 24. Apical view of holotype shown in figure 17. FIGURE 25. "Vitrinella" excavata Gardner, n. sp. (p. 598). Apical view of holotype shown in figure 22. FIGURES 26, 27. Calliostoma rhombotoide Gardner, n. sp. (p. 619). 26. Apertural view of holotype shown in figure 21. 27. Basal view of holotype shown in figure 21. FIGURES 28, 29. Solariella laqua Mansfield (p. 621). 28. Apical view of specimen (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 498394), from Whites Creek, 6.7 miles south of Argyle, Walton County, Fla.; height, 3.5 mm.; maximum diameter, 4.0 mm. 29. Apical view of specimen (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 498395), from Whites Creek, 6.7 miles south of Argyle, Walton County, Fla.; height, 3.4 mm.; maximum diameter, 3.9 mm. FIGURE 30. Astraea (Lithopoma) chipolana (Dall) (p. 611). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 112994), from the Basal view of specimen shown in figure 29. 1 mile west of Baileys Ferry, Chipola River, Calhoun County, Fla.; height, 15 mm.; maximum diameter, FIGURE 35. Calliostoma grammaticum Dall (p. 618). Apertural view of composite of the final 24 whorls of an adult cotype and a juvenile of 6 whorls (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 113038), from the lower bed at Alum Bluff, Liberty County, Fla.; height, 13.5 mm.; maximum diameter, 13.5 mm. (After Dall.) FIGURE 36. Solariella laqua Mansfield (p. 621). Apertural view of specimen shown in figure 29. |