PLATE LXI FIGURES 1, 2. "Circulus" mitorraphes Gardner, n. sp. (p. 599). 1. Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 350505), from Oak Grove, Yellow River, Okaloosa County, Fla.; height, 1.6 FIGURE 3. "Circulus" anthera Gardner, n. sp. (p. 599). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 351632), from Shell Bluff, 4. Basal view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 350510), from Oak Grove, Yellow River, Okaloosa County, Fla.; height, 2.5 mm.; maximum diameter, 4.4 mm. 5. Apertural view of holotype. FIGURE 6. "Circulus" anthera Gardner, n. sp. (p. 599). Apertural view of paratype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 498022), from Shell Bluff, Shoal River, Walton County, Fla.; height, 1.3 mm.; maximum diameter, 2.6 mm. FIGURE 7. Episcynia mauryi Gardner, n. sp. (p. 601). Apical view of holotype shown in figure 4. FIGURES 8-10. Teinostoma nanum eonanum Gardner, n. subsp. (p. 614). 8. Basal view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 351634), from three-fourths mile west of Shell Bluff, Shoal River, Walton County, Fla.; height, 0.9 mm.; maximum diameter, 1.7 mm. 9. Apertural view of holotype. 10. Apical view of holotype. FIGURE 11. Solariorbis microforatis Dall (p. 615). Basal view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 113108), from 1 mile below Baileys Ferry, Chipola River, Calhoun County, Fla.; height, 2.3 mm.; maximum diameter, 4.7 mm. (After Dall.) FIGURES 12, 13. Teinostoma chipolanum Dall (p. 614). 12. Basal view of lectotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 113101), from Tenmile Creek, 1 mile west of Baileys Ferry, Chipola River, Calhoun County, Fla.; height, 1.0 mm.; maximum diameter, 2.3 mm. (After Dall.) 13. Apical view of lectotype. (After Dall.) FIGURE 14. Solariorbis microforatis Dall (p. 615). Apical view of holotype shown in figure 11. (After Dall.) FIGURES 15-17. Teinostoma mekon Gardner, n. sp. (p. 614). 15. Basal view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 498396), from Whites Creek, 6.7 miles south of Argyle, Walton County, Fla.; height, 0.5 mm.; maximum diameter, 1.4 mm. 16. Apertural view of holotype. 17. Apical view of holotype. FIGURE 18. “Circulus” anthera Gardner, n. sp. (p. 599). Basal view of paratype shown in figure 6. FIGURES 19-21. Teinostoma phacoton Gardner, n. sp. (p. 614). 19. Basal view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 329124), from the lower bed at Alum Bluff, Liberty County, Fla.; height, 0.7 mm.; maximum diameter, 1.45 mm. 20. Apertural view of holotype. 21. Apical view of holotype. FIGURE 22. “Circulus” anthera Gardner, n. sp. (p. 599). Apical view of paratype shown in figure 6. FIGURES 23-25. Cochliolepis arietina Gardner, n. sp. (p. 600). 23. Basal view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 136081), from Oak Grove, Yellow River, Okaloosa County, Fla.; height, 1.2 mm. maximum diameter, 3.2 mm. 24. Apertural view of holotype. 25. Apical view of holotype. FIGURE 26. "Circulus" anthera Gardner, n. sp. (p. 599). FIGURE 28. "Circulus” anthera Gardner, n. sp. (p 599). Basal view of holotype shown in figure 3. FIGURE 27. “Circulus” mitorraphes Gardner, n. sp. (p.599). Apical view of holotype shown in figure 1. Apical view of holotype shown in figure 3. PLATE LXII FIGURE 1. Crassispira loza Gardner, n. sp. (p. 633). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 497671), from Whites Creek, 6.7 miles south of Argyle, Walton County, Fla.; height, 33 mm.; maximum diameter, 9.5 mm. FIGURES 2, 3. “Drillia” haraldi Gardner, n. sp. (p. 635). 2. Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 497670), from Whites Creek, 6.7 miles south of Argyle, Walton County, Fla.; height, 12.6 mm.; maximum diameter, 4.3 mm. 3. Rear view of holotype. FIGURE 4. Epitonium (Clathrus) alaquaënse Mansfield (p. 577). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 373149), from U. S. Geol. Survey Sta. 12046, Vaughan Creek, Walton County, Fla.; height, 7.5 mm.; maximum diameter, 3 mm. (After Mansfield.) FIGURE 5. Calliostoma exile Dall (p. 618). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 113041), from the lower bed at Alum 6. Apertural view of juvenile paratype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 483782), from 6 miles west-northwest of Mossyhead, Walton County, Fla.; height, 7.8 mm.; maximum diameter, 2.7 mm. 7. Apertural view of a specimen showing an unusually well-rounded body whorl (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 483782); height, 20 mm.; maximum diameter, 6.0 mm. 8. Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. 483782); height (estimated), 23 mm.; maximum diameter, 6.4 mm. FIGURE 9. Smaragdia grammica Gardner, n. sp. (p. 607). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 351640), from Shoal River, half a mile below Shell Bluff, Walton County, Fla.; height, 1.7 mm.; maximum diameter, 1.8 mm. FIGURE 10. Natica (Natica) alticallosa Dall (p. 545). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 112841), from Tenmile Creek, 1 mile west of Baileys Ferry, Calhoun County, Fla.; height, 18 mm.; maximum diameter, 18 mm. FIGURE 11. Smaragdia chipolana (Dall) (p. 608). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 112664), from Chipola River, 1 FIGURE 12. Gelasinostoma chipolanum (Dall) (p. 612). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 113001), from Tenmile mile below Baileys Ferry, Calhoun County, Fla.; height, 5.0 mm.; maximum diameter, 5.3 mm. (After Dall.) Creek, 1 mile west of Baileys Ferry, Calhoun County, Fla.; height, 1.9 mm.; maximum diameter, 1.9 mm. FIGURE 13. Diodora chipolana (Dall) (p. 623). Apical view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 112699), from 1 mile below Baileys FIGURE 14. Calliostoma flumenvadum Gardner, n. sp. (p. 620). Apertural view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 351612), from 5 to 16. Apical view of holotype (Aldrich collection, Johns Hopkins University, from the lower bed at Alum Bluff, Liberty County, 17. Lateral view of holotype. Fla.; height, 1.3 mm.; length, 2.7 mm.; maximum width, 1.9 mm. FIGURES 18, 18a. Dentalium (Antalis) chipolanum Gardner, n. sp. (p. 625). 18. Profile of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 329137), from 1 mile below Baileys Ferry, Calhoun County, Fla.; length, 40 mm.; diameter at anterior extremity, 3.3 mm. 18a. Cross section of posterior extremity of holotype, X6. FIGURE 19. Cadulus (Gadila) spiniformis Gardner, n. sp. (p. 630). Profile of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 351645), from half a mile below Shell Bluff, Shoal River, Walton County, Fla.; length, 8.5 mm.; maximum diameter, 1.2 mm. FIGURE 20. Cadulus (Gadila) clarae Maury (p. 629). Profile of topotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 350513), from Oak Grove, Yellow River, Okaloosa County, Fla.; length, 4.9 mm.; maximum diameter, 0.9 mm. FIGURE 21. Cadulus (Polyschides) lobion Gardner, n. sp. (p. 628). Profile of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 498411), from 1 mile below Baileys Ferry, Chipola River, Calhoun County, Fla.: length, 4.8 mm.; maximum diameter, 0.9 mm. FIGURE 22. Cadulus (Gadila?) volvulus Gardner, n. sp. (p. 629). Profile of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 112754), from Chipola River, 1 mile below Baileys Ferry, Calhoun County, Fla.; length, 8.6 mm.; maximum diameter, 1.1 mm. FIGURES 23, 23a. Dentalium (Antalis) diopon Gardner, n. sp. (p. 626). Cotypes (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 498398), from 5 to 6 miles west-northwest of Mossyhead, Walton County, Fla.; including the posterior extremity of an adolescent and the anterior extremity of an adult; length of adult, estimated from broken specimens, 45 to 50 mm. 23. Profile of posterior extremity of adolescent cotype; diameter, 1.1 mm. 23a. Profile of anterior extremity of adult cotype; diameter, 3.3 mm. FIGURE 24. Calliostoma flumenvadum Gardner, n. sp. (p. 620). Basal view of holotype in figure 14. FIGURE 25. Diodora pumpellyi Gardner, n. sp. (p. 623). Profile of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 371889), from Gastropod Gully, 511⁄2 miles southeast of Bainbridge, Decatur County, Ga.; height, 7.4 mm.; length, 12.5 mm.; maximum width, 52 FIGURE 26. Diodora daidala Gardner, n. sp. (p. 623). Apical view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 498397), from Whites Creek, 6.7 miles south of Argyle, Walton County, Fla.; height, 7.9 mm.; length, 18 mm.; width, 12 mm. FIGURE 27. Diodora pumpellyi Gardner, n. sp. (p. 623). Apical view of holotype shown in figure 25. FIGURES 28-30. Calliostoma rugabasis Gardner. n. sp. (p. 620). 28. Basal view of holotype (U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 351620), from 5 to 6 miles west-northwest of Mossyhead, Walton County, Fla.; height, 12.6 mm.; maximum diameter, 19.5 mm. 29. Apertural view of holotype. 30. Apical view of holotype. |