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the sheep and the cow gladly cropping the grass. Deep down below were the cottages and green fields of oats, and bear, and pasturage, all refreshed and joyful after the rich repast of dew. Beside these was the surrounding belt of the sea, at this moment smooth as glass, and the beauties of the fields from either side mingling on its surface. Here and there the sea-gull dimpled the glassy water, while it gently bathed, or when flying from spot to spot touched it with peaceful and happy wing. Across the sound, the Mainland, bright and broad, confronted us as it rose gently by cottages and culture along the shore, and farther up, by the pasture fields of flocks and herds stretching to the summit clothed in brown heath. It was delightful to walk along and enjoy these beauties, and gather strength to our company from the cottages below, which contributed families and individuals as we proceeded.

We had now journeyed a few miles, and behind us lay that part of the island that is contiguous to the Mainland, and which, together, might be conceived as forming a glen, where a portion of the magnificent sea slept in beauty. In passing along we had already seen all that is beautiful in the sloping of a hill side, and wild flowers sparkling like gems, and the green herbage, and the grey rocks jutting out,-flocks browsing by the path and up the hill, cottages and green oat fields at the base below, and girt with the deep entrenchment of beautiful sea. Following the circuit of the island, we now recede fast from the Mainland; and every moment our view is opening, till we stand above the church on the southermost point of our circle. We pause on the brow of the hill, with the open south before us. It was a delightful moment, an hour before mid-day, the sun near the summit of the cloudless vault of heaven; and scarcely yet had he dried up with his warm beams the myriad drops of abundant dew. It was the more delightful that his rays were tempered by the process of absorption that was still going on, together with a scarce perceptible haze, the embryo of a cloud that might before evening envelope the sky. All objects were beautiful in this mellowed light, the land in its greatest loveliness and the sea in its glassy splendour, between the dark and bright. Now, within the eye's extensive range to the south were scattered on the broad waters many islands more undefined at the remote horizon; nearer, the fields, the larger mansions, and something of the loveliness of the pasturage and crops were seen. Very adjacent to the


church, there were lying two or three little islands, displaying before us their beauty. Over the lovely sea, from these islands, there were several boats rowing to meet us at the church. It was happy to behold our fellow-worshippers proceeding on their splendid path,-to mark the oars casting their shadows on the smooth waters,-to hear, in the silence, the regular beat, and to perceive the boat so gently gliding along; while the worshippers of our own island were at the same moment meeting from both sides of the hill in great numbers on the extensive field below, where stands the church. The scene was now surpassingly fine. We could fancy that we were surrounded by the sea of glass which stretches out before the sanctuary of the heavens. Among the worshippers before us there was not the tawdry sabbath stroller of the village, nor the swaggering drunkard of the city; and we could dream that the moving objects before us were the holy beings sailing on the 'sea of glory,' and those meeting them their fellow-worshippers that had trod by the flowers of the fields of the new earth, where there is no night nor sorrow.

But these feelings were only momentary; for as soon as we entered the house of prayer, we felt that we were on earth. Our temple resembled not the temple of heaven, nor our feeble song of praise that around the throne in the upper sanctuary. The Bible told us in the most explicit terms that we could not worship God with acceptance except through the divine Saviour, and with the aid of the Holy Spirit. On calm reflection we found that however becoming it was for us to admire and adore God in his works of wisdom and goodness spread out before us every where on the earth, yet while admiration of the beauties of creation and providence may constitute the chief worship and homage of the angels, they do not constitute the homage due from beings who have transgressed God's law. His worship must be a confession of sin, and sorrow for it, and a feeling of unworthiness; and since the Sovereign in his great mercy has provided a Saviour, it must be chiefly a pleading of his work as the alone ground and medium of approaching God. However beautiful the gathering to the church is when con trasted with open wickedness and sabbath profanation, it may not be genuine beauty; for this consists not in external decorum only, but in the heart being right in the sight of God. It may please and delight the eye of man; but God desires truth in the inward parts. While we may be happy



in the enjoyment of scenes that exhibit the external moral beauty which is necessary to the Christian, we must remember that the upright heart also is requisite to constitute the genuine character; and while it is our duty to admire and adore God as

he is displayed in the beautiful earth, we must be careful lest momentary admiration and adoration of his goodness be not mistaken for the religion of Jesus, the only religion that can avail the sinner.-Christian Teacher.

Droppings of the Sanctuary.

Where the sun of mercy shines the hottest, there the fruits of grace should grow the fairest.

The great hindrance to well living is the expectation of long living.

The world has a great many servants and friends but none praise it at parting.

Many have passed the rocks of gross sin, that have been cast away upon the sands of self-righteousness.

In the worst of times there is still more cause to complain of an evil heart, than of an evil world.-Fleming.

Places or conditions are happy or miserable, as God vouchsafeth his gracious presence more or less.-Sibbes.

God draweth straight lines, but we call or think them crooked.—Rutherford.

He that hath slight thoughts of sin, never had great thoughts of God.Owen,

He wants no company who hath Christ for his companion.-Sibbes.

When we are most ready to perish, then is God most ready to help.—Luther.

Whatever below God is the object of our love, will, at some time or other, be matter of our sorrow.-Cecil.

Self-will is so ardent and active, that it will break a world to pieces to make a stool to sit on.-Ibid.

Pulpit Anecdotes.

Rev. Richard Conyers, LL.D. CALLED at one time in Yorshire to preach before his diocesan and the clergy, this pious clergyman chose for his subject the doctrine of regeneration or the new birth, which he no doubt treated with ability, and according to scripture; but some of his clerical auditory were offended at him, and especially the Archbishop of York, who afterwards said to him, "If you go on preaching such stuff, you will drive all your parish mad. Were you to inculcate the morality of Socrates, it would do more good than canting about the new birth." The archbishop's remarks excited the doctor's pity, and he had the satisfaction to think, that whilst those churches where only the morality of Socrates is preached are many of them almost deserted, his church by his stuff and canting was crowded with attentive hearers, and that no less than eighteen hundred of his parishioners were regular communicants at the Lord's table.

A Word in Season.

THE Rev. J. Doolittle, on one occasion, seeing a young man in a pew uneasy, turned towards one of the members in the gallery and said aloud, 'Brother, do you repent of your coming to Christ?' 'No, Sir,' he replied, 'I never was happy till then; I only repent that I did not come to him sooner. He then turned to the opposite gallery, and addressed himself to an aged member. 'Brother, do you repent that you came to Christ?' 'No, Sir,' said he, 'I have known the Lord from my youth up.' He then looked down upon the young man, whose attention was fully engaged, and said, 'Young man, are you willing to come to Christ?' This unexpected address so affected him, that he sat down and hid his face. Mr. Doolittle repeated it, 'Young man, are you willing to come to Christ? With a tremulous voice he replied, 'Yes, Sir.' 'But when, Sir?' added the minister in a solemn and loud tone. He mildly answered,Now Sir.' Then stay,' said he,


' and hear the word of the Lord, 'Behold, now is the accepted time: behold, now is the day of salvation." At the close of the service, the you man went into the vestry


dissolved in tears, decided for God, and afterwards joined the church in company with his father and mother. A word spoken in season how good it is!

The Traveller.

Procession of Eastern Princes.

Ir was usual in the East to strew flowers and branches of trees in the way of conquerors and great princes. So we find that those who esteemed Christ to be the Messiah and their King acted towards him. A similar instance may be found in Herodotus. He informs us that people went before Xerxes passing over the Hellespont, and burnt all manner of perfumes on the bridges, and strewed the way with myrtles.-Burner.

Eastern Salutations.

THE eastern salutations differ considerably, according to the rank of the persons whom they salute. The common salutation is laying the right hand on the bosom, and a little declining their bodies; but when they salute a person of great rank, they bow almost to the ground, and kiss the hem of his garment. Inferiors, out of deference and respect, kiss the hand, the feet, the knees, or the garments of their superiors. When Lord Macartney was introduced to the emperor of China, in 1793, it was observed, that every one of the Chinese prostrated themselves upon the ground; and at the grand ceremony on the emperor's birthday, the people kneeled, and bowed nine times, with as much solemnity as if they had been worshiping a diety.—Ibid.

Anointing with Oil.

IN the East, the people frequently anoint their visitors with some very fragrant perfume; and give them a cup or a glass of some choice wine, which they are careful to fill till it runs over. The first was designed to show their love and respect; the latter to imply that while they remained

there, they should have an abundance of every thing.-Ibid.

Chinese Funeral.

THE Chinese, having no hope beyond the grave, run into excess in thus mourning for the death of near relations. Every part of the ceremonial is exactly regulated; even the period, manner, and degree of the mourner's grief being duly prescribed. The corpse, being dressed in warm clothes, is deposited in a substantial coffin, and kept for several days above ground, whilst the survivors express their measured grief by gesture, dishevelled hair, sackcloth, and mournful silence. When a lucky spot has been selected for the grave, the corpse is consigned to the bosom of our universal mother, earth. Building a tomb in the form of a horse-shoe, they inscribe thereon the name of the deceased, erect a tablet to his memory in the hall of his ancestors, and repair annually to the graves, in order to prostrate themselves before the manes, and to offer victuals to those hungry spirits. In the temples, divine honours are paid to their memory. To supply their full wants, in the other world, they burn gilt paper, paper chariots and houses, with every necessary article of furniture, which are supposed to be changed in the other world into real utensils; whilst the gilt paper, when burnt to ashes, becomes so much ready money. The greater the personage, the more protracted is the mourning; the emperor mourns three years for his parent, and every good subject follows his august example. Mandarins resign their office during this period of affliction, literati avoid entering the examinations, the common people abstain for some time from their labour.—Gutzlaff.

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Friendly Monitions to Parents.

Teaze her, and she'll let you go. "OH, teaze her, and then she'll let you go." "Indeed, I shall not, Eliza; I never teaze my mother."

"Never teaze her, Harriet! then how do you ever get anything you want? My mother never says yes the first time; I don't expect it. But then I say, Do, dear mother, won't you? and keep asking her, and asking her, until she is fairly worried out. At last, she half consents, and then the thing is decided; I go, and there is no more said about it. She always tells me she shall not consent next time. She told me last month that she could not procure me a new muslin for cousin Jane's party, but you know I had one, and so might you, if you had known how to manage; I really felt sorry for you in your old one."

"But mother told me she did not think it necessary that I should have one, and I must say no more about it."

"Oh, that's nothing, replied Eliza, laughing; "when mother tells me it is not necessary, I consider her consent gained. Good night, dear Harriet; for once, have spirit enough to teaze, and I'm sure she'll let you go; do, just to please me, Harriet,


"I see you know how to teaze, for you half persuaded me to try to teaze my mother. Good night, but don't expect me, Eliza." I remember this conversation as well as if it had been yesterday. It occurred between two girls several years older than myself, one afternoon on our return from school. Both girls were universal favour

ites with us all. I was particularly fond of Eliza Jennings, she was so kind and affectionate; she almost always took my hand in her's when we returned from school, and seemed so glad and good. She was generous, and would bestow all sorts of favours, and put herself to great inconvenience to serve others. She was never fretful or peevish, unless there was something she took a fancy to want particularly herself; then there was no getting away from her. She would not get angry, but she would teaze and cry, and cry and teaze, if she could not in the first place flatter you out of it. If she wished for a different seat in the school-room, for a party, a walk, or a holiday, she gave no one peace, either the teacher or scholars, until her object was gained. She was an excellent scholar, very ambitious perhaps a little vain; she could not bear that any one should exceed her in anything; but then she was so active, kind, and obliging, under ordinary circumstances, that all these little defects were passed over.

I remember Eliza's mother perfectly well; she was a pleasant woman, and did everything in her power to make her house agreeable to her friends. She was considered quite talented, but there was a deplorable want of firmness in everything respecting her children; and, indeed, almost everything else. She felt deeply, but could not act decidedly. One little incident will serve to illustrate her character in this respect. Her little son had eaten several apples; he desires another. "No my son," said Mrs. J., "you have eaten too many already." "But

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