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performs a different office. In the first r the agent; in the second, it submits to t the preposition; in the third, it represent and in the fourth, the object of an action must be in the three different cases, corre offices.

When both the antecedent and relative tives, each to different verbs, the relative to the former, and the antecedent to the "True Philosophy, which is the orname consists more in the love of our duty, ar virtue, than in great talents and extensive

A few instances of erroneous construct both the branches of the sixth rule. T refer to the first part. "How can we a to those whom, by repeated kind offices, selves our real friends?" "These are th might suppose, were the authors of th were here, you would find three or four say passed their time agreeably:" in should be who instead of whom. The tu contain a nominative between the rela and, therefore, seem to contravene the ru will reflect, that it is not the nominati which the relative is connected. The r refer to the second part of the rule"] are not always the persons who we shou persons who you dispute with, are pre ion." "Our tutors are our best factors, ence to, and who we ought to love." whom should be used instead of who.

1. When the relative pronoun is kind, the noun or pronoun containing t in the same case as that which contai "Whose books are these? They are Jo them to him? We." "Of whom did y bookseller; him who lives at the "Whom did you see there? both him The learner will readily comprehend ing the words which are understood in to express the answers at large, we

rogatively, refers to the subsequent word or phrase coning the answer to the question, that word or phrase may perly be termed the subsequent to the interrogative.


When the relative is preceded by two nominaes of different persons, the relative and verb may ree in person, with either, according to the nse: as "I am the man who command you ;" "I am the man who commands you.'

The form of the first of the two preceding sentences, exesses the meaning rather obscurely. It would be more rspicuous to say; "I, who command you, am the man." erhaps the difference of meaning, prodoced by referring e relative to different antecedents, will be more evident the learner, in the following sentences. "I am the genal who gives the orders to-day;" "I am the general who ve the orders to-day;" that is, "I, who give the orders -day, am the general."

When the relative and the verb have been determined to gree with either of the preceding nominatives, that agreeent must be preserved throughout the sentence; as in the llowing instance: "I am the Lord that maketh all things; at stretcheth forth the heavens alone." Isa. xliv. 24. "hus far is consistent: The Lord, in the third person, is he antecedent, and the verb agrees with the relative in the ird person: "I am the Lord, which Lord, or he that aketh all things." If I were made the antecedent, the reative and verb should agree with it in the first person: as, I am the Lord, that make all things, that stretch forth the eavens alone." But should it follow; "That spreadeth broad the earth by myself;" there would arise a confusion of persons, and a manifest solecism.


Every adjective, and every adjective pronoun, belongs to a substantive, expressed or understood: as, "He is a good, as well as a wise man


st agree


their substantives: as, "This bo that sort, those sorts; another ro


A few instances of the breach of this ited. "I have not travelled this twe twenty." "I am not recommending t ings" "this kind." "Those set of b present;"" that set."

1. The word means in the singular n ses, "By this means," "By that meat best and most correct writers; name Atterbury, Addison, Steele, Pope, &c. in so general and approved use, that i ward, if not affected, to apply the old s "By this mean; by that mean; it was b it is more agreeable to the general ana "The word means (says Priestly) be words, which do not change their te of number; for it is used alike in bot

"By this means he had the more adv harrassed with a long march."

"By this means one great restraint from ken away."-And this is an admirable meut tue.". "By that means they have rendered

"It renders us careless of approving that means securing the continuance of h character, when established, should not b employed as a means of doing still further

"By this means they are happy in ea means preserves his superiority."

"Your vanity by this means, will want i "By this means alone, their greatest obs "Which custom has proved the most ef nobles."

"There is no means of escaping the not only a means of obeying, but a princip

"He looked on money as a necessary? increasing power."


sacrifice of interest." "In return, he received the nks of his employers, and the present of a large estate: se were ample amends for all his labours "We have scribed the rewards of vice: the good man's amends are a different nature."

It can scarcely be doubted, that this word amends (like e word means) had formerly its correspondent form in the gular number, as it is derived from the French amende, cugh now it is exclusively established in the plural form. therefore, it be alleged that mean should be applied in the ngular, because it is derived from the French moyen, the me kind of argument may be advanced in favour of the ngular amende; and the general analogy of the language ay also be pleaded in the support of it.

Campbell, in his "Philosophy of Rhetoric," has the folwing remark on the subject before us: "No persons of ste will, I presume, venture so far to violate the prosent age, and consequently to shock the ears of the generality freaders, as to say, "Ey this mean, by that mean "

Lowth and Johnson seem to be against the use of means n the singular number. They do not, however speak deisively on the point; but rather dubiously, and as if they new that they were questioning eminent authorities, as well s general practice. That they were not decidedly against ne application of this word to the singular number, appears om their own language: "Whole sentences, whether simple r compound, may become members of other sentences by

"John was too much intimidated not to embrace every means aforded for his safety." Goldsmith. "Lest this means should fail."-" By means of ship-money, the ate king, &c."-" The only means of securing a durable peace.


"By this means there was nothing left to the Parliament of Ireand," &c. Blackstone.

"By this means so many slaves escaped out of the hands of their masters."

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By this means they bear witness to each other.".

Dr. Robertson.


By this means the wrath of man was made to turn against it

Dr. Blair.

"A magazine, which has, by this means, contained, &c."—" Birds in general, procure their food by means of their beak. Dr. Paley.

one is ignorant, but by means of known."--Dr. JOHNSON. Idler."

It is remarkable that our present versi makes no use, as far as the Compiler o word mean; though there are several i in it of the use of means, in the sense tended for. "By this means thou shalt this side the river." Ezra iv. 16. death," &c. Heb. ix. 15. It will sca that the translators of the sacred volum understand the English language; or admitted one form of this word, and re not their determination been conforma An attempt therefore to recover an old disused by the most correct writers, s successful; especially as the rejection with any inconvenience.

The practice of the best and most great majority of them, corroborated by during its continuance, the standard of ly, if, in particular instances, this pra objection and due consideration. Eve plication of words and phrases, thus su fore be proper, and entitled to respect in a moral point of view.


"Si volet usus Quem penes arbitrium est, et jus, et On this principle, many forms of ex viating from the general analogy of the before mentioned, are to be conside and justifiable. Of this kind are the them are varied to express the gende inally signified no one. "He himsel here, what was at first appropriated t properly used as the nominative case. yourselves well;" in this example, the nominative case plural, with stri formerly it was confined to the obje clusively used for the nominative.

With respect to anomalies and v thus established, it is the grammaria

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