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a commencement in Oriya, we find | party were most kindly received by that notwithstanding the precautions our dear friends, Mr. and Mrs. taken, the heat penetrates into every Beeby. In their anxiety to make corner of the room, and though us comfortable, they gave up the sitting quite still and divested of whole of their sleeping rooms, themevery superfluous article of clothing, selves occupying a small house adthe perspiration trickles down my joining. You are, I think, aware face, and the remnant of clothing that Mrs. Beeby is the grandhas frequently been saturated. I daughter of the late Dr. Carey. perhaps walk to the window and Only a few months ago she lost her gently opening the venetians take a revered father, Mr. Jabez Carey, peep outside, all the ground and the and now a fresh trial awaits her, trees are brown over with dust, and that of leaving her beloved husband, even the rocks have a singularly and proceeding with her two little worn and sunburnt appearance. All ones to England. Her passage is the corners are "rounded" as though taken in the "Renown." She will by the action of some strong be greatly missed in Calcutta, and chemical fluid; perhaps one or two her return hailed with delight. solitary natives may be seen, but It so happened that our friends only of the lower castes for all the connected with the other Baptist rest have taken shelter from the mission had large accessions from fierce rays of an almost vertical their own body, and but for the sun. Save the gorgeous butter-generosity of these friends, we must fly, and possibly a few other exceptions, the myriad tribes of insects have also disappeared; the silence is quite "dead," and the light is so intense that it makes the eyes ache dreadfully; this is the most op- The fortnight spent in Calcutta pressive part of the day, for towards was especially as far as the brethren twelve o'clock the wind rises, and were concerned, occupied in any though itself so hot that if a book thing but an agreeable manner. were exposed its covers would im- From morning till night they were mediately curl up, nevertheless, by obliged to be in the bazaars, or creating a movement in the atmos- other places equally hot, in order phere it relieves one of the feeling to procure furniture and other reof partial suffocation previously ex-quisites for housekeeping. As far perienced and is on the whole much more agreeable.

Towards four o'clock the heat diminishes and the doors are opened, a little after five o'clock we sally forth to the bazaar, the brethren to deliver and I to hear the daily message of peace and salvation; may it be blest to the spiritual benefit of all who hear.




Cuttack, January 3, 1863. By the last mail you would receive letters announcing our arrival in Calcutta on the 1st of December, and that the whole of our large

probably have gone to lodgings. For the last seven years they have furnished a happy home to all our missionaries, going home or coming from England.

as the ladies were concerned, a few
visits supplied; many things had
risen to double and treble their
former price. We were told we
could get nothing at Cuttack on
account of the increase of Europeans
and must take all we wanted from
Calcutta. We much regretted not
having time to do more than call
upon all the Baptist missionaries in
Calcutta, and spend half a day at
Serampore. We put off this last
visit till the Friday previous to
our leaving, hoping the brethren
would be able to accompany us.
They felt they must act on the
motto, duty first and pleasure
afterwards," and to their great dis-
appointment the latter came not.
We left by an early train to visit


a spot held sacred from childhood, | copied. Besides working and reading, and it was very pleasant to find our- a great deal of conversation takes selves once more seated in a railway place which may be turned to good accarriage. We thought of our journey count. Often mother, daughters, and to the Association and other places, sons' wives, learned together. Several but the scenery oh, how different! could read the Scriptures underIn an hour we found ourselves in standingly. One had borrowed a Serampore with its broad smooth bible, and commencing with Genesis river, and picturesque scenery. We had read quite through to Revelabreakfasted with Mr. and Mrs. | tions. She then returned the book Robinson, and afterwards called upon with many thanks, and when told Mr. Dakin from Loughborough. she might keep it for use she said Mrs. D. is the daughter of a very that would not be approved. A devoted missionary, the late Mr. friend of hers hearing this conversaPenny. From thence we went to tion, said if you please I should like Mr. Sampson's; Mr. S. was from to take home the book and read it home on a missionary tour; after a through. In connection with these pleasant chat with Mrs. S. we went females, two day schools for girls a few yards further and found Mr. have been established, which are and Mrs. Trafford and children. visited by Miss M. Every effort Here we met with one of our fellow to benefit heathen females seems to passengers, (Mr. Etherington) and a me especially interesting. I was dear sister from whom we had been at once carried back to a spot in a separated four years, they are to be green field opposite my father's stationed at Merut. house, where I stood more than twenty years ago with Mrs. Lacey, and learned from her lips that it was not only possible but practicable for an English female to communicate directly the words of life to heathen women in their own homes. This branch of missionary labour attended as it is with discouragements is full of interest, and never has the gospel appeared to me so sweet, so glorious, as when I have been permitted to unfold it to these long neglected daughters of Eve.

One other visit I must mention, it was to Bhowanipore, a station connected with the London Mission, and the residence of the late much lamented Mrs. Mullens and her father, Mr. Lacroix. Many have read with deep interest her letters on Zenana visiting, which were published in our Missionary Observer last year. Often on our passage out have we conversed on the mysterious Providence that called her away in the midst of so much usefulness, and often was the question asked, who will carry on her work? Oh how delighted I was to find that her mantle had fallen on her two lovely daughters; the eldest with the assistance of an intelligent native christian, systematically carries on the work of visiting and teaching the wives of native gentlemen; in one day they are able to teach reading and needlework in two families. Sometimes the females from two houses may be united in these instructions, but more frequently such an arrangement is impracticable. Miss Mullens showed me a beautiful worked cushion nicely shaded in Berlin wool, which one of these heathen women had

I had the pleasure of breakfasting with Mrs. and Miss Lacroix, Miss Cowen, and the Misses Mullens, the younger of these with the assistance of her grandmamma, Mrs. Lacroix, visits and attends to the native christians. She took me to several houses in the village, I was much pleased with the air of intelligence and social comfort that met my eye, and was not a little interested in the thought that these very people had suggested to Mrs. Mullens, the varied and life-like pictures sketched in her "Phulmani and Karuna,' a little work admirably calculated to benefit native christians. I had almost forgotten to say that Miss M. told me the Zenana visiting of

Letter from Mrs. Stubbins.


the present time took its rise from | The feeling realized the first Sabbath two wealthy families, that Mrs. Sale, of our return will never be forgotten. the wife of a Baptist missionary, The well filled chapel, the dear old was in the habit of teaching in familiar faces, made me feel perIntally. When going home for her fectly at home; nevertheless, I was health she committed them to Mrs. forcibly carried back to the sorrowMullens, the latter was much in- ful season when for the last time beterested in the plan, and speedily fore going home, we surrounded the discovered other families in her own Lord's table, and when my husband neighbourhood who were willing to bade them all farewell, and now he be taught. was permitted to address them once more; he did not feel able to give them a regular sermon, but read as a motto, Phil. i. 8., "For God is my record how greatly I long after you," &c. After some introductory remarks relating to his own feelings towards them, he described his own and brother Brooks's visits to the churches. The numerous inquiries about, and deep interest felt in them and their children, the farewell services at Derby, and lastly the parting scene on board the Shannon.

On the 14th December, we left for Cuttack. As bearers could not possibly be obtained for so large a party, we were obliged to divide. The journey by dawk has so often been described, that I may very well pass over it, except just to mention that on two occasions we had to wait many hours for bearers, consequently our visit to Balasore was reduced to three hours. Here we found Mr. and Mrs. Miller, and very much did we enjoy our short interview. The previous day we had stayed with the Hallam's whom we saw on our way going home. That season dear Miss Crawford needed a change, and last year set the noble example of returning to her work. This year Mr. Bachelor has returned leaving his wife and family behind. We had the unexpected pleasure of meeting him in Calcutta.

It was Saturday noon, the 19th of December, when we reached Cuttack. The Brooks's arrived on the following morning. They are staying with the Bond's, and we with our old and valued friends the Buckley's. Long before the day was over we had received warm greetings from all our missionaries, and from Mr. and Mrs. Bond, who are ready to help in every good cause. The brethren from Berhampore arrived, all looking well, on the 24th. We all spent Christmas-day with the Bond's, when twenty-three adults sat down to dinner. After delightful and social intercourse we closed the day with prayer, and singing one of our dear Lacey's favourite hymns beginning,

"Messiah at Thy glad approach."

Ever since our arrival we have had little parties of native christians coming to see us daily, and since I commenced this, I have constantly had to lay down my pen to talk to one and another. Dear old Gunga Dhor has been seriously ill, but has again rallied; when I first saw him on the week day he clasped both my hands in his and said, "I did think I should have gone home ere you arrived, but the Lord has spared me to meet you once more on earth." Then he asked to see Harriet and gave her a very hearty welcome, inquired about her brothers, &c.

You will be sorry to hear Mrs. Buckley is not at all strong though very much better than she was in the rains. Except when obliged to lay up for a little season, she is always up and doing. Miss Guignard is a great help to her. The latter is looking well and seems very happy in her work. During the week she has been with me to nearly every house in Lacey Sie, the largest of our christian villages at Cuttack. As might be expected many alterations have taken place; in many families one or two babies were exhibited with motherly pride as being added to their household

treasures; in others I have had to listen to tales of woe in reference to dear ones that have been numbered with the dead.

On new year's day, a large party consisting of the missionaries and several pious officers and their wives, took tea with Suddanunda. A large booth attached to his house and tastefully decorated with fruits and flowers was prepared for the occasion. The long table was plentifully supplied with rice and curry, cakes, and a great variety of English viands. Tea was followed by worship and a good deal of singing. The heathen looked on in wondering astonishment.


Piplee, July 29, 1862.

IN a former letter I believe I promised to give you, at a subsequent date, a brief extract or two from Thoma's journal, relative to the late tour in Northern Orissa. I accordingly select the two following; from which this much at least will be seen, that our esteemed brother is no mere hireling -confining his labours to "regular appointments;" to market days and visits to bazaars; but that he makes exposing error and preaching the gospel a life-business, "talking of them when he walks by the way and when he sits in the house."

"February 10, Thursday. Leaving Balasore very early in the morning, I proceeded to Khanataparda, where I arrived in time to bathe and eat; and after a rest, set out for Sora. On my way I overtook several brahmins, and three Mussulmen, with whom, after a few general observations, I began talking about the religion of the Lord Jesus Christ. After listening for some time to what I had to say, two of the brahmins in particular, who appeared to have heard much about christianity, began partly to censure and partly to commend the doctrine

of the new sect, or (as they called it) the religion of the sahibs.' They said this religion of the sahibs is in many respects most excellent and praiseworthy; but in two particulars it is greatly to be despised. In the first place, they eat the flesh of the cow, which the shastres say is a davi! (goddess) and secondly, they pay no regard to caste! the sweeper: the mohammedan and the brahmin are quite equal in their estimation! Their religion is good, for the worship

of the Invisible SO difficult to understand-they perbut their conduct with form; food and regard to caste is worthy to be hated. Moreover, those of our countrymen who break caste and become christians act in a like way, paying no further regard to either food or custom,' &c., &c. To these things, I replied,


My dear brethren, you are quite mistaken in the opinions you entertain as to the sahibs and the The unlawful native christians. food which you accuse the sahibs of eating, you will, on consideration, find to be lawful and proper. has given these very creatures to be eaten. Moreover, the christian's shaster says that 'The kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.' This is the food too, to which they have been accustomed from childhood, and it does not appear in the least improper to them; as, had we been in the habit of taking it, it would have seemed quite proper even to us. And now, if any of us conceive a liking for it, there would be no impropriety in our taking it.* Know, that the sahibs do not take and eat the flesh of cattle that are diseased, or that have died of themselves, or even

Many of our christians have a decided objection to eat beef: some wont touch it; not from any superstitious regard to the cow; but from the fact that they have never been in the habit of eating it; they look upon it with the disgust that an Englishman would upon horse-flesh. Hence the propriety of Thoma's reasoning.

Extracts from Thoma's Journal.

weakly and lean-fleshed. On the contrary, the beast is kept up for some time and fed on the best of food, until full-grown and quite fat. It is then taken and killed, and all the blood taken from it, and thoroughly cleaned; after which it is roasted with clarified butter and spices, and a most delicious dish is served up, which is eaten with great relish and pleasure. And this is what you call the sahibs' akliádya (literally, uneatable) food! Well, if it be uneatable, what are we to say of some of your food? For is it not a fact that you brahmins not only eat the offerings of the Sudea while he is living, but that after he is dead, you eat his leavings! and is not that akliádya food?* Moreover, if you do not eat the flesh of the cow, you do its milk; yea, and even its dung you eat for the restoration of caste and for purifying purposes! Why, then, do you so despise its flesh? I then tried to show them what was really wrong and sinful, and to point them to the 'Lamb of God who taketh away the sin of the world;' and thus the conversation went on for the space of three or four hours, and until we had reached Sora, when the brahmins, whose residence was here, after acknowledging that they could not deny, what I had said, and that the christian religion must be the true one, went home; but the mussulmen having to go further the following day, took up their abode for the *I suppose no people profess to have a greater disgust for "Ort-eating," as they call it, than the hindoos! and in a quarrel you could not vex a man more by any speech than by calling him an Ort-eater.

Thoma in this remark alludes to the practice of the "family priest"-in every case a brahmin on the death of any member of the family. For ten days all the members of the family are said to be unclean; and on the eleventh day, the house and inmates having undergone a cleansing process, the bramhin comes and with the use of various incantations and charms purifies the whole family. He then claims a good portion of whatever is in the house, of rice, clothes, vessels, or ought else, said to be the portion and now of course, the leavings of the deceased; and are by hindoos, called "the dead's orts."



night in the bazaar where I stayed. In the evening I had a lengthy conversation with my mussulmen fellowtravellers, and with several hindoos, who had gathered about the door of our lodging. I spoke of the various errors of both sects, and showed that the system of neither the one nor the other provided for sinful man an efficient Saviour, but left him to perish in his sins: that Jesus Christ was the sent Saviour,' and that He only could save from our sins. One of my mussulmen hearers for a time seemed much displeased with what I said; but all the rest appeared edified and pleased. We talked together until a late hour, and when we lay down on our mats to sleep, resumed the conversation. I was much pleased with the conduct of my fellow travellers while at my private devotions: they sat perfectly still and never attempted to interrupt in the least. I should have said too, that about nine o'clock, I was much surprised and gratified to hear a mussulman youth of about fourteen, singing in the bazaar, part of the Jewel mine of salvation. He began at the eighth verse and sang on. In reply to my query as to where he had learned the hymn, he said he had been at the government school, at Bhudruck, and while there he received a tract from a book distributor, (our colporteur, I suppose,) in which were the sentiments he had been singing: that from reading the tract over and over again several verses had cleaved to his mind."

"After spending the Sabbath at Khundittur and preaching to the brethren there, on Monday 17th, I proceeded to Barachanna. While stopping at this place to cook and eat, I met with several hindoos, and soon got into a deep discussion about the religion of Jesus Christ. Several of those present were of the Beharer caste, and came from Dhum Nagra, a village near to that of Rama Das-our colporteur at Cuttack. It appears they knew Rama, when he was a heathen; and now began to speak very reproachfully of our

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