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Notices of Books-The Story of the Life of John Anderson. The Metropolitan Tabernacle, like | THE title scarcely describes the its minister, comes in for no small contents of the book. In addition share of Mr. Cater's bilious censure. to the life of John Anderson, who 'The neighbourhood of the Elephant appears to have been a Free will and Castle is not the only spot where Baptist, and according to the Editor may be found the house of God and ‘like other young men, in due time the gate of heaven.' 'All monsters entered into the matrimonial relaare expensive. Nature or art goes tion,' (p. 10) we have all the legal out of the way to produce them; discussions to which his case gave and when chapels of gigantic di- rise, and several clippings from mensions are built, what question- newspapers supplying verbatim reable expedients are resorted to for ports of public meetings in England. meeting the expenses.'' Such build- His case was a remarkable one, and ings prove a kind of vortex in which it is well that the particulars of it will be drawn persons of other are gathered together. churches, as well as persons of no church at all.' 'Monster chapels are more likely to be the scenes of panics, than chapels of smaller dimensions.' Nay, Mr. Cater thinks, that it is just possible the catastrophe of Surrey Music Hall may be repeated. His most cogent argument against monster chapels is, the injury that the care of such vast THE text of this discourse is 2 Tim. congregations as gather therein may i. 6. Wherefore I put thee in rememproduce on the physical, mental, and brance that thou stir up the gift of spiritual condition of the minister. God which is in thee by the putting Really, Mr. Cater, with all his dis-on of my hands. Mr. Graham beappointments, has retained some elements of pity.

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The public,' says Cowper, 'is a great simpleton, and you must catch it as you would a pig-that is, by the ear.' Would you be extremely popular as a preacher,' says Mr. Cater; be extremely funny, and you will succeed; and popularity, like charity, covereth a multitude of sins.' He then immediately after adduces instances of the greatest preachers who were humourous enough by the fireside, but always took care to keep their joking out of the pulpit.

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delivered before the 18th General Conference of the Free-will Baptist Congregation, Hillsdale, Mich., Oct. 1, 1862. By REV. D. M. GRAHAM. Published at the unanimous request of the Conference. Dover: W. Burr.



gins at the beginning with the new birth as wrought by the Holy Spirit upon the condition of the consenting and co-operating human will. He then glances at this divine life as going forward in both the individual and the body of believers upon the same condition. granted, the regenerated man, properly instructed, knows when the Holy Spirit ceases to be his reprover and becomes his comforter, and the preacher also knows when he is is this distribution of the ministerial called of God to the ministry. Nor gift irrespective of the faculties qualifications, and character of the candidate. Requisite culture is also needed both for evangelists and pastors. Before touching at large upon this, Mr. Graham glances at two opposite heresies: that which assumes that the Holy Spirit preaches with the least possible cooperation of the human intellect and volitions, and mainly uses emotions, and that which makes little or no account of the Divine


call. Between these extremes lies the truth. After showing this, Mr. Graham calls attention to the stirring up of the ministerial gift after the days of preliminary study, in all which special regard must be had to the great end-the work of extending, developing, and disciplining the church of God.


and REV. E. BENNETT. London: Heaton and Son.

MR. Thomas looks upon the office of deacon as a necessary growth out of the condition of the Christian church. Mr. Bennett thinks he finds in the appointment of the Seven sufficient authority for its institution. Both essays are carefully written and well worth perusal.



THE WARWICKSHIRE CONFERENCE was held at Wolvey, on Monday, May 11th, 1863. Rev. G. Davies, of Bondstreet, Birmingham, opened the service in the morning with reading and prayer. Brother Harrison of Birmingham, preached a good sermon from John xvii.17.; Sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy word is truth.

In the afternoon brother M'Naughton presided, and brethren Cross, of Coventry; and Moore, of Monks Kirby, conducted the devotions. Twenty-five were reported as baptized, and forty remaining as candidates.

It was resolved that the best thanks of this Conference be given to brother Chapman for his very efficient services in the past, and that brother Harrison be requested to act as secretary for the next year. The next Conference to be held at Warton, on the second Monday in September. Mr. M'Naughton, of Wolvey, to preach.



HALIFAX.-On the last Lord's-day in March, eight were baptized, and April 26th, six others put on Christ in the same ordinance.

J. A. R.

CASTLE DONINGTON.-On the 26th of April, 1863, seven persons were baptized by Mr. Stenson, of Sawley, after an appropriate sermon from Rev. E. Stevenson, of Loughborough. One of the candidates was from Weston, two others from Sawley, and four from Castle Donington. They were added to the church the same day. J. P.

NOTTINGHAM, Stoney-street.—On Tuesday evening, April 28th, we baptized eight friends, one of whom was in communion with the Wesleyan Methodists and who desired to continue in that communion. On the first Sabbath in this month the seven were admitted to church fellowship B. Y. at the Lord's table.

WENDOVER, Bucks.-On Thursday evening, April 30th, five believers were buried with Christ in baptism, all of whom were received into the fellowship of the church on the following Lord's-day afternoon. On both occasions the services were deeply solemn and interesting.

GOSBERTON.-On Lord's-day, May 3rd, three disciples were baptized by Mr. Jones. Two of these are young men from the Sunday-school, one a teacher, the other an elder scholar. The other is the daughter of a late member of long standing amongst us, who has recently been removed from us by death. J. A. J.

Intelligence-Anniversaries, Miscellaneous.

BURTON-ON-TRENT.-On Sunday, May 3rd, eight candidates were baptized in the morning, and they, with one young friend who had applied for restoration to fellowship, were received into the church in the evening. All, with one exception, are engaged in the school either as teachers or scholars. The services were deeply interesting and numerously attended. E. W. C.

LOUGHBOROUGH, Wood - gate.—On Sunday morning, May 3rd, after a sermon on 'The essentials and privi- | leges of a consistent Christian confession,' founded on the words Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven, seven believers in Christ were publicly baptized. Their ages ranged from thirteen to sixty.


CASTLE DONINGTON.-On Lord'sday, May 3rd, 1863, two sermons were preached by Mr. T. W. Handford, student of Rawdon College,

on behalf of the Sabbath-school,

to very large congregations. Many in the evening were unable to gain

admittance. Collections £16 10s.

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PINCHBECK, Lincolnshire.-One of the largest and most interesting meetings, perhaps, ever held in this place in connection with Dissent, was held on Wednesday, March 25, 1863. The Rev. J. Staddon, late of Quorndon, Leicestershire, having accepted the cordial invitation of the Baptist church here, his friends were anxious to give him a hearty welcome. At five o'clock nearly two hundred sat down to tea, which had been gratituously provided by the members of the congregation. After tea, a public meeting was held, the spacious chapel was filled in every part. Rev. J. Cholerton, of Sutterton, opened the meeting; the Rev. P. Strutt, of Spalding (Independent), delivered an address on 'the nature of a Christian church;' Mr. Staddon stated the circumstances which had led to the union between the church at Pinchbeck

and himself; special prayer was offered by Mr. S. Sharman, of M.A., of Spalding, addressed the Spalding; the Rev. J. C. Jones, meeting on the union between ministers and people;' and the Rev. T. W. Mathews, of Boston, showed 'the duty of the church to the world.' The addresses were listened

to with the deepest interest. The Rev. J. Beaven, of Pinchbeck (Independent), closed the meeting with prayer.


Friday our annual tea meeting was held in the chapel and school-room. Upwards of 300 persons sat down. The tea was provided gratuitously by the members of the church. A public meeting was held afterwards, over which our esteemed pastor (the Rev. R. Kenny) presided, and addresses were delivered by the Revs. A. Pitt (Particular Baptist), and G. Hettle (Independent); and, also, by Messrs. Greenwood, Orchard, and Dresser, from the College, Chilwell. The meeting was one of the most successful, interesting, and profitable we have had.

E. W. C.

THE EUROPEAN DEPUTATION TO for united prayer be held, and that SPAIN. A deputation has started supplication be specially made. for Spain, to solicit the Queen's 1. For Divine wisdom and guidance mercy for the Spanish prisoners. to be given to the Christian friends It consists of the Earl of Aberdeen, composing the various deputations. John Finch, Esq., Samuel Gurney, 2. For the Queen of Spain, and all Esq., M.P., Revs. Dr. Steane, authority, that their hearts may Blackwood, and Hermann Schmet- be inclined to mercy and righteoustau, and it will be joined by a de- ness on behalf of the Spanish putation from the Society of Friends. prisoners. 3. For our beloved Simultaneously influential deputa- brethren under their cruel and final tions start from France, Holland, sentence, that they may be strengthSwitzerland, Denmark, Belgium, ened in their faith and allegiance to Prussia, Bavaria, Austria, Italy, the Lord Jesus Christ, and be solaced and other countries. The committee and sustained by the abiding presof the Evangelical Alliance, to ence of the Holy Spirit. 4. For whom the subject is entrusted, the overruling providence of Aldesire, while this step is being mighty God, that His word may taken abroad, that Christians speedily have free entrance and unthroughout the United Kingdom restricted use among the Spanish should be invited to join in prayer nation. We are sure that a large for the Divine blessing to rest on number of our churches will this important mission. With that cordially and thankfully comply view, they suggest that meetings with this request.

Marriages and Deaths.


April 21, at Belvoir-street chapel, Leicester, Mr. Samuel Davis Pochin, eldest son of the late Mr. Pochin, to Mary Jane Parker, eldest daughter of Mr. W. Parker, Haymarket,


April 23, at March, by Rev. T. T. Wilson, Mr. James Smith, Reading, to Sarah, only daughter of Mr. John Abbott.

April 28, at Friar-lane chapel, Leicester, by Rev. C. Clarke, B.A., of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Mr. John Smith, builder, Packington, to Miss Martha Newton, eldest daughter of Mr. Benjamin Thirlby, farmer, Stonehouse, Packington.

April 30, at Leeds, by Rev. Jabez Tunnicliffe, father of the bride, Mr. John Hutchinson, to Elizabeth Tunnicliffe.


April 27, at Barrowden, Ellen, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swift, in the 19th year She had been conof her age. nected with the church nearly four years and a half, has adorned her profession, and was much esteemed by all who knew her.

May 16, at Nottingham, Emma, the beloved wife of Edward Wilkinson, aged 52.

May 21st, at Bedwell Park, Sir Culling Eardley, aged 58. The departed baronet was well known in connection with the Evangelical Alliance. He was a liberal and godly member of the Episcopalian church, and a lover of good men.

Missionary Observer.

THE Annual Committee Meeting of the Foreign Mission will be held at Nottingham, at half-past Five o'clock on Tuesday Afternoon, June 23rd. The Public Missionary Meeting will be held at Stoney-street Chapel, on Wednesday Evening, June 24th. John Heard, Esq., of Nottingham, has kindly engaged to preside.

SPECIAL NOTICE AS TO FUNDS.-All monies to be acknowledged in the forthcoming Report should be in the hands of the Treasurer or Secretary not later than Saturday, June 6th, after which date the books will be closed for the Annual Audit of the Society's Accounts.




chairs, tables, &c., &c., and quickly made ourselves as comfortable as circumstances would permit. arrangement was to me rather a novel mode of commencing a missionary tour, because, down Southas Berhampore is denominated by the Oriyas north of Cuttack-we have no such accommodation for pilgrims in the villages pierced by the main road. There is a building here and there called in Oriya

THE markets and villages we were intending to visit lay between Jellasore and Midnapore and eastward of the main road. As there were only three horses and four of us, we each walked by turn, and found the ex-"Dharma Sallah," erected by a ercise rather pleasant than otherwise, it being often excessively wearying to remain in the saddle many hours together, the horse only making four miles per hour. This snail's pace has to be endured rather than enjoyed, from the necessity of having our syces or horse keepers with us. A good gallop ahead would often be indulged in with the object of shaking oneself up a little, and resuscitating cramped limbs, were not the roads and byeways we generally have to traverse so unquestionably bad as to make such a shaking far too literal to be enjoyable. In the evening we reached a village named Ránee Saria, where we intended spending the following day (the Sabbath), and attending a large market. Here we found our garries ahead of us, and taking possession of a shed, generally used by pilgrims on their way to Pooree, we unpacked beds,

rich and often profligate merit-secking hindoo with a heart as cold as a glacier, where the pilgrims are housed together more like swine than human beings, and where there are usually infinite specimens of the insect tribe, who do not fail to levy a heavy percentage on the wayworn pilgrim who delivers his body up to their tender mercies for one night. I slept in one once! An English pig-stye, with a bundle of clean straw thrown in, would be a palace compared with such haunts of vermin. Our accommodation was however far superior and not to be despised. The shed was in shape not unlike a waggon hovel, was well-protected with a substantial roof, was clean underfoot, and very acceptable. It swarmed with large real Calcutta musquitoes - the merry hum of their wings falling not at all unmusically upon the ear could it have been divested of the

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