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been married during the year; one to the schoolmaster of the boys' school at this station, and the other to a young man engaged as schoolmaster to the rescued Meriahs at Gotoli.

the Government school, and are learning English; the remainder are educated in the vernacular only. The teacher is a native christian, and the son of our late native brother Latchman Das. He is a young man of good abilities, and in many respects is well qualified for his work. Religious instruction-being re

forms a prominent part in the educational course of the boys.

The elder girls have been engaged as usual during their leisure hours in knitting and crochet work, which has been disposed of in the neigh-garded as of paramount importance bourhood, and the proceeds of their labour have been laid by for the children when they may leave the school. We beg to tender our thanks to those ladies who have helped us by purchasing their work; and we shall be glad to be able still to employ the girls in this way, as it tends to promote the habit of industry, and also places them in a better position when they leave the


Present number of scholars, twenty-two.


On our return to Berhampore in January last, we received charge of this institution from Mr. Goadby. Owing to the marriage and removal of the elder boys our number has been very much reduced. Years ago the Asylum was chiefly supplied by Government with rescued Meriahs, but as the Meriah sacrifices have been abolished, and the agency for the suppression of those sacrifices been broken up, we are not likely to have further accessions from that source. Two only of the rescued Meriahs remain in the institution. The number of orphans being so small it was thought that it would be a saving of expense if these were put out to board among our native christians; but as by this arrangement they were not kept under proper restraint, it has been deemed best to take them back to our own premises, where they will be under our immediate inspection and care. The number of boys now in the institution is twenty-one, twelve of whom are boarders and the remainder day scholars. Two of the more intelligent and advanced boys attend

Among the day scholars there are several whose parents are in very poor circumstances, and it would be a real charity if we had funds to receive them into the institution. We desire, therefore, to commend the institution to the sympathy and prayers of all who feel an interest in the well-being of the rising race of Orissa.

There are three others of our christian youths who attend the Government school; one of whom, at a recent examination, obtained a prize and free scholarship.


The name of Ganjam has not appeared prominently in your reports for many years. It was the scene of the early Missionary labours of your esteemed friends Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson, but was relinquished as a regular station of the society at the end of the year 1845. Since that period however it has been frequently visited by the Missionaries from Berhampore, distant only about eighteen miles, and occasionally by the brethren from other parts of the province. For several years Ganjam has been considered very unhealthy, and it has been almost if not entirely abandoned as a residence for Europeans. It was really painful to see a town once so full of life in such a state of dilapidation. On every hand buildings were not only tenantless but roofless, and extensive gardens and orchards once abounding with the choicest plants and trees were covered with the rankest jungle. Latterly there has been a decided


improvement in the sanitary condition of the town, as well as in its general appearance and commercial prospects. It is not more subject to epidemics now, than are other places in the Zillah, and the climate is as genial as at any other seaport on that coast. A canal from the Chilka Lake to the mouth of the Ganjam river has been sanctioned by the Governor of Madras, and when the contemplated canals by the Irrigation Company are completed, a very considerable amount of produce will be brought to the town for shipment. As timber abounds in the district, it may become an important place for ship building. During the last cold season quite a fleet of small crafts was repaired there, and a brig of about 300 tons burden was being built for a merchant at Berhampore. For some time past your brethren have been anxious that more attention should be paid to this populous town. The case was brought forward at the last Annual Conference, and was referred to the Berhampore Missionaries to do all they could either for its temporary or permanent occupation as a sub-station.

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The anticipation indulged in your last report that two Missionaries would shortly be stationed at Russell Condah in Goomsur has been happily realized. Early in the present year Messrs. J. O. Goadby and T. Bailey removed from Berhampore to take up their abode in that town. Mr. Goadby has since been diligently studying the Khond language, and had made his first attempt at preaching in it; while of Mr. Bailey he writes, "My estimable colleague is plodding on at the Oriya with very encouraging success. He has not commenced the Khond, and is not thinking of doing so until the year after next; which will give him three years at the Oriya. We are out every day preaching. The number of villages within a radius of four miles is upwards of forty!



The harvest is indeed great.' As they had been so short a time at the station, a formal report of their labours could scarcely be expected. Instead of this Mr. Goadby has prepared a paper in which he describes the feelings with which they enter upon their new and interesting labours, and gives much valuable information about the Khonds. Their ideas as to the atonement, and the future state, are very striking-suggestive of a singular nearness to the doctrines of revealed religion, and yet of a people still groping in uncertainty, feeling after the Lord, if haply they might find Him. It is surely reasonable to believe that the fuller and clearer discoveries of the gospel on these and kindred subjects will prove peculiarly welcome to such a people.


AFTER expressing his regret that there had not been any additions to the church at Piplee this year, Mr. Taylor remarks,-We feel it a mercy, however, that those who had believed through grace, have amid temptations and snares, reproach and derision, been enabled to hold fast the beginning of their confidence; and that we have not had a single case of serious church discipline. Some of the members have evidently grown in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

The mother, brother, and sister of Dama joined the nominal christian community in January last.

Another addition is that of Sebo Sahu, an oil vender, and a native of Pooree! This is the first case, so far as I know, of a Pooreeite breaking caste to join the christians. He visited us several times early in the hot season, and soon manifested a desire, and finally a determination to cast in his lot with the christians. We received him with fear and trembling, mingled with feelings of joy and thanksgiving. He did not display much acquaintance with the

the very valuable services Mr. Miller had rendered to the cause of Christ in the Cuttack district, and made arrangements for him to reoccupy his old station at Piplee. Referring to this change Mr. Miller writes,

In visiting the surrounding villages and markets since I came here, the people have often expressed their pleasure at seeing me again, and have paid great attention to what I have said. A few evenings ago in the bazaar I had among my hearers several of the most influential men of the place. They expressed their entire approval of the religion of Christ, and said that the reproach and persecution to which they would be subjected, alone prevented them from embracing it. The man at whose shop door I stood on the above occasion had long been an inquirer and would have come out some time ago had it not been for the violent opposition of his family. I have recently conversed privately with him, he says, all his hope of salvation is laid on the Lord Jesus Christ, and that he has determined shortly to publicly confess it.

truths of christianity, but he seemed | Conference expressed their sense of sincere in his desire to know and do what was right; while he expressed utter discontent with, and disgust at, all connected with hindooism. When he wished to be allowed to settle amongst us, we made particular inquiries about his circumstances with a view to ascertain his motive for coming out; we asked if he were not in debt, and hoped by this means to escape his creditors. If he had had a family quarrel and thought in this way to revenge himself on his relatives; or, if he had come hoping to live in idleness? To these inquiries he replied with a good deal of straightforwardness and honesty. He owed a little money, but it was only two rupees, and this he hoped to pay as soon as he should earn the amount. He had had a quarrel with his wife, but it had been occasioned by her unfaithfulness, that she had in fact gone off with another man. These statements were fully substantiated | afterwards. He had not come in the hope of living in idleness, but was prepared to work at anything for a livelihood. A few mornings after he came out we had the satisfaction of numbering him among the worshippers at our daily Oriya family exercise, and very delighted we all were to find that he could read; and that he was able to take his verse along with the rest, and we glorified God on his behalf. We have not yet had evidence that the man has undergone a change of heart, and has become a new creature in Christ Jesus;" but it is no small matter that a native of the "stronghold" of idolatry has been freed from the trammels of caste, and has become a constant hearer of that word "which is able to make him wise unto salvation.” Sebo went to Cuttack in search of employment several months ago, and is living there still.


On the return of Mr. Miller to India in 1859, he was appointed to labour at Cuttack during the absence of Mr. Stubbins in England. The brethren at the last annual

A short time ago the civil surgeon of Pooree stayed with us a couple of days. He accompanied me to a market eight miles distant. The journey there and back, and our labours amidst the assembled crowds of people with the heat at above 100 degrees in the shade, and with the perspiration pouring from every pore, appeared to lead him to the conclusion that missionary work is much more laborious and selfdenying than some persons are disposed to admit.

Some person or persons have lately been testing the divinity of the idol Mahadabe, whose temple adjoins our compound, by knocking off the head of the stone bull on which his deluded worshippers suppose he rides about during the night. The priests at once came to the conclusion that it must have been done by some of the christians, and charged two young men who


have lately joined the community | as the guilty parties. Two false witnesses were easily obtained who when the case was investigated by the darogah, declared that on the night in question at half-past seven o'clock they found the accused standing with hatchets in their hands by the broken bull, and that they acknowledged and argued in justification of what they had done. It so happened that one of the accused was at the time specified in my house and presence, and the other was some distance from the temple as several of the christians and heathen knew and were ready to testify. The darogah having asked the accused what they had to say, they in the most straightforward manner, stated where they were on the night in question, and that they were innocent of what had been laid to them. Their witnesses were then called for, I requested my name to be recorded along with the others. The darogah was quite taken by surprise and begged that I would withdraw my name, I, however, insisted upon it, much to the annoyance of the plaintiff and his bribed witnesses. The case has been sent to the Pooree magistrate, and is almost sure to be dismissed by him. We cannot, however, allow it to rest here as perjury is so common a sin in this country, and often involves consequences of so serious a character to innocent persons, as it would have done in this case, (viz: a year's imprisonment and a heavy fine) had their been no credible witnesses to testify to the innocence of the accused. We shall be compelled to prosecute for perjury the plaintiff's witnesses. About ten days ago, five men came to the bungalow from a village ten miles distant, they said they and a many more of their neighbours had been greatly persecuted and fined by the Zemindar for reading christian books, and they begged that we would aid them in securing that liberty to obey the christian religion which they understood the Queen by her proclamation conceded to all her



Brother Taylor and I with the preachers returned with the men to their village. We remained two days and carefully examined the whole affair. I am sorry to say our expectations were not realized. Though, as is well known, the Zemindar is, and has been for years, one of the most bitter opponents of the gospel in Orissa, and will not allow his people to hear it and read christian books; and it is very probable that many have been persecuted on this account. Yet they did not come near us, as we were assured they would do and state their grievances. Then again, there was every reason to fear that those who had come to Piplee had been punished for "Sut Sung," viz:meeting together with persons of all castes to sing, eat, &c., though the reason assigned by the Zemindar was their being christians." The journey was not however in vain. We enjoyed many excellent opportunities of preaching to and conversing with large numbers of the villagers; some of whom seemed quite sick of their own false religion and desirous to be instructed in christianity. Many referred to the persecuting spirit of the Zemindar, and said he was the great obstacle in the way of them becoming christians. We went to his residence but could not get to see him. After we had gathered a congregation, one of his nephews, a man of the same spirit, dispersed it, by ordering the people to help in carrying stones for the repairs of a temple, just at hand, which he was superintending.



Mr. Taylor spent two months at Pooree during the hot season, being assisted in his work by the two young native brethren Dunai and Shem. Their reception on the first night was most discouraging.

One evening Dunai was much interested with the case of a brahmin in the assembly, with whom he afterwards conversed privately. The man seemed to be touched by

our brother's fervent and faithful appeals to his conscience; and when entreated without delay to turn from his evil way and live; he replied with a good deal of feeling, that such a step would cost him his family and house and caste, his earthly all! and that in counting the cost, he shrank from the awful sacrifice! Dunai tried to show him what a blessed and rich reward he would get for all this, if he did it for Christ's sake: but if he refused to take up his cross he would suffer the eternal loss of body and soul! To all this he listened with profound attention; but futher results, we know not.

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Ghanushyam, one of your most able and useful native ministers, has preached on the Lord's - day, and the secular affairs of the station have, to a considerable extent devolved upon Pursua, who from his long residence in the district is intimately acquainted with the people. The Missionaries from Cuttack have, as in former years, taken a general superintendence of the station, and paid monthly visits for that purpose.

The last report referred to the prevalence of fever at Chaga, and the unusual number of deaths. This year the fever has not been less general, and it has occurred at the same time of the year (the month of March), but the mortality has been less.


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The cheering fact that thirty have been added by baptism to the flock of Christ at Cuttack, has been already mentioned. This is a larger addition than has been reported in any former year of the Society's existence. It is pleasing to state that a goodly number of those added to the church have been young people from your asylums. A few from the nominal christian community, were persons whose conversion appeared to be hopeless, as they had for many years been entirely indifferent to the state of their souls; but your missionaries have thus again been taught, that nothing is too hard for the Lord. Some very gratifying additions have been made from the families of the native christians. Great has been the joy of christian parents, -in some instances of widowed mothers, in seeing their children witness the good confession before many witnesses. Mr. Buckley observes,-The autumn of last year was a time of special interest amongst us. The gracious visitation from on high in which we then rejoiced was more general than we have previously known, and much precious fruit has already been gathered. This season of refreshing from the presence of the Lord was intimately connected with the restoration of a better feeling among the members of the church, especially those residing at Christianpore. Breaches were healed. Confidence and affection took the place of estrangement and suspicion; and a meeting, conducted by themselves, was regularly held on the Saturday evening for reading the scriptures and prayer, and was productive of much good.

Nor can we forbear mentioning another circumstance which shows that the Lord has heard the prayers of friends on our behalf, whose faces we have not seen in the flesh. In September last a letter was ceived addressed to the "Senior Missionary, Cuttack." It was written by an entire stranger to us, a medical


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