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Foreign Letters Received.

CUTTACK.-J. Buckley, Aug. 17.

| CUTTACK.-I. Stubbins, Aug. 15.



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Subscriptions and Donations in aid of the General Baptist Missionary Society will be thankfully received by Robert Pegg, Esq., Treasurer, Derby; and by the Rev. J. C. Pike, and the Rev. H. Wilkinson, Secretaries, Leicester; from whom also Missionary Boxes, Collecting Books and Cards may be obtained.






'We are at peace among ourselves.' Don't smile, reader. Why should you? You are well acquainted with these words. Again and again you have read them in Association Reports. Not seldom you have heard them from the lips of some deacon or 'leading' brother when giving an account of the church with which he is united. Then why smile? The expression is an old friend, give it an old friend's welcome. You have met with it year after year for a long time, so be respectful towards it.

young Mr. Fullspeed, who goes so fast, theologically and ecclesiastically, as to put more leisurely folk out of breath, and elicit divers questionings as to where we are all drifting. Why this one phrase has been so largely used we do not pretend to say. Perhaps in a good number of cases it is employed for want of something better to say. There really has been nothing but peace in the church at Dulltown: no additions, no enthusiasm or zeal of any kind, therefore, the unfortunate brother whose office it is to send out the quarterly and annual bulletin of the moral health of the church, fills up the remaining blank of his schedule with the startling and

at peace among themselves.' But why this exact expression should be so much in vogue is curious. Why, if you are at peace among yourselves, should you not vary the mode of communicating the fact P

It would be worth while to go over one of the said reports, or to notice carefully while the 'States' are being read how many repetitions there are of this phrase. A respect-original observation that they are able sum in addition would, we are sure, be the result. The popularity which the words in question have enjoyed is wonderful. Influential churches with influential ministers in influential towns have patronized it. Little Peddlingtons without number have followed their example. It has been on the lips of good old Mr. Slowcoach, who is so jealous of the good old times with their good old ways, and uttered likewise by VOL. IV.-NEW SERIES, No, 12.

We repeat it, why not? It surely would be a gain to all parties. The term is fairly worn out. One is tired of it. When it turns up, time after time, it reminds one of those disagreeable twitches of pain that

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honour gouty and rheumatic persons | My dear, pass me that silver article even in their best health just to which has a handle five inches long, nudge their memories with the fact a bowl at the end, and is smooth and that the old complaint is there after polished;' but I think it a display all, though sometimes in a quiescent of, more sense as well as a display state. Or frequently the words of economy in words, to say My assail one on the humorous side of dear, pass me a dessert spoon.' one's nature. You can hardly keep There would be no danger of perfrom bursting out into a laugh as secution if when I am going from the obstinate assertion comes round home, I were to write to the head of so often; refraining from a smile is a college and say 'Let me have the out of the question. Now, would it services of one of your bookish men not be well to put the phrase by for to supply my place on Sunday;' that a time? The servant has served is Dr. Johnson's paraphrase of long and well; it is getting ricketty student'; but I should be sorry and in the way; how would it be to to exchange the latter for the former. pension it off? Certainly it would So deal gently with technical terms, remove a source of annoyance and and don't be too heavy in your ridicule if it did no more. But we blows when you run full tilt, Don believe it would do more. Not Quixote fashion against them. They simply would the abandonment of are not to be despised. On the other the fashion so much in vogue be a hand, the perpetual usage of an expleasant thing for the members of pression like the one before us now our churches, but it would remove is not needful. The same thing what is no help to the progress of could be put in a different form, and religion in the world. It has be- put quite as well too. As it is, the come a cant term, and cant terms continual employment of such terms don't do much good. is prejudicial to religion and religious people. People of taste and good culture outside the church are disgusted at the folly which grinds out the old tune so often and no other; and people that are disposed to ridicule find something just to their liking and purpose. Oh,' some one replies, as for that, people who want to find fault will always carp at something. It is of no use trying to please every body. Vide the fable of the old man and his ass.' Just so. No doubt those who are disposed to grumble will ever find somewhat to grumble about. But that is no reason why we should be reckless, is it? The point to be aimed at is to avoid being the occasion of just complaint and deserved ridicule.

Let us not be misunderstood. There has been much written and said of late about the use of technicalities in the pulpit and by religious people generally. Loud and many have been the howlings raised against it. There has been some reason for it, no doubt. Such terminology should be employed with care and not randomly. At the same time perhaps it is needful that we should remind each other of the mischievous tendency there is in human nature to go into extremes. Hobbies are nearly always ridden to death. We must take care then, that this outcry against technical terms is not pushed too far. With all reverence for John Foster, we beg to state it as our opinion that you can't do without them. There are certain things that can only be described by certain words: there are many things which while they may be described by other words, are best described by such as have been patronized for a very long time. Of course I am perfectly at liberty to say to my wife at the dinner-table,

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Perhaps these remarks are being read by some one whose duty it is to give verbal or written reports of the church with which he is connected. If so, we would respectfully ask him to think over the matter about which we have been speaking. We feel well persuaded that a little reflection will lead him to coincide

Peace and War.

if the phrase in question has been used by him more than once, we would express a hope that the next time he informs the connexion of the condition of the 'cause' he will resolve to adopt a 'more excellent way.'


with us if he does not already. And | is needful to speak and write so much about 'peace among ourselves.' We should habitually court and win the glorious passive virtues which would at least mitigate the horrors of those strifes that, ever and anon, find their arena in the church of the Blessed Peacemaker. Are they not too much ignored? Do we not undervalue them? Courage, zeal, perseverance, and like qualities we patronize and applaud. Would it not be well if we also remembered a little more the worth and beauty of mercy, patience, and meekness ? These ye ought to have done and not left the other undone.' Oh that when difference of opinion arises in our churches there was a wider practical recognition of the beatitudes. How much sorrow would be spared and what evil prevented! We will not enlarge on the advantages which would flow from the course of which we have spoken, neither will we weary the reader with a homily on the duty of forgiveness. But we cannot help earnestly begging him to think of the sad lack there is oftentimes of Christian forbearance and considerateness. Let us try, my friend, to do what we can to remedy the defect. Every little helps, does it not? The child knows what coral reefs are made of. If you and I are resolved, in the strength of that Forbearing One, without whom all effort is futile, that we at least will do what we can to prevent churches not being at peace' among themselves, we shall do some good and mitigate the evil we deplore. Right is contagious as well as wrong. There is an infection about love as well as about hatred. Our endeavours will not be in vain.

At peace among ourselves.' It is a good thing you are. Disputes of all kinds are bad, but when contention finds its way into the church -eheu! Religious pugilists are the worst of all pugilists. It is terrible to think of the crimination and recrimination, the rough, unfeeling speeches made before the assembled brethren, and the libellous things said behind their backs. The writer has had one experience of this kind, and jam satis, thank you, not any more. 'One trial will suffice,' as the puffing advertisements say. Anyone, therefore, who has been unfortunate enough to be overtaken in the voyage of life by one of these ecclesiastical squalls, will feel that, after all, it is a blessing of no small importance for churches to be at peace among themselves.' Moreover, the frequent use of the term, suggests the painful thought that peace is a rarer thing than it ought to be. Think carefully upon it, my reader, and you will soon see what a reflection it is upon Christian people generally. It puts us in a very humiliating light. At peace among ourselves.' Indeed. And ought you not to be? What? is it such an extraordinary thing for people who profess to be the disciples of the gentle and forgiving Prince at Peace to be at peace among themselves ?' Ah me, what a dolt and idiot he is who hopes to be saved by his works. Poor human nature; so frail even when converted to God as to congratulate thyself on being at peace' with those who are brethren and fellow-disciples !

Yes, it seems to us to be a plain and useful lesson taught by the phrase, that Christian men and women should be more forbearing and forgiving than they are. It is a shame and a scandal on us that it


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There is another thought suggested by the phrase which we have been considering. We are at peace among ourselves.' Good, but is that all? Does it describe your condition fully? Or is it, if not a complete description of your condition as a church, nearly such? Peace is a lovely thing, but so is war, war of the right kind, spiritual war. Are

you at war with the world as well as at peace among yourselves? Is there a resolute, persevering, combined charge against the hosts of unbelief and sin in society at large? Peace in the camp is of little use without it finds its issue in heroic battle. The church is not good for much which does not look after its sword as well as decorate its abode with olive-branches. Very pretty olive-branches certainly, but they don't do much execution, you know.

Yet there are societies of Christian men and women that seem to

rest marvellously content with being at peace among themselves.' There are none, or very very few, added to their number. No good seems to be doing. The gospel appears to make no progress. But they are at ease. It does not seem to disturb their equanimity at all that God's work is well-nigh at a stand-still. They go to chapel Sabbath after Sabbath, pay their subscriptions, make collections, and then


up all at the end of the connexional-year by proclaiming that they are at peace.' We knew one such church which was surely the climax. A single fact will speak volumes ;-the baptistery was not opened for five years. Very likely if we could ascertain the reports made by that church, we should find an amount of complaisance quite astounding and expressed partly in the phrase 'we are at peace among ourselves.' Peace-yes, the peace of the grave, the peace of death itself. The sooner such peace is turned out and something put in its place the better. Speaking of war, Mrs. Browning says,

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May we not, in a like spirit, say that a little strife in a church with of sin and error is far preferable to earnest aggression on the kingdom a peace which is allied to indifference When we and spiritual sloth? heard Boanerges, the popular metroof his rough but just sarcasm and politan preacher, he lifted the hand dealt some lusty blows at the pseudopeace of which we speak. What should we think,' said he, 'of a number of firemen who sat drinking in a public-house when there was a dreadful fire raging in a dwelling exactly opposite, and who talked in the most self-satisfied style, about feeling quite comfortable and at peace among themselves.' Right, friend Boanerges. The blow is well merited.

It is not easy to exaggerate the importance of the work which God has committed to us. He has given us a sword and told us to use it, yea, to use it daily. It is a good it. The edge is as keen, and the weapon. Long use has not blunted steel is as true as ever. The sword of the Spirit. May He who has put

it in our hands stimulate us to use it. When our zeal flags and our arm wearies, may He help us to hold on despite our weakness. Undoubtedly He will. It is the sword of the Spirit let us remember. He uses it with us and by us. Were our hand alone to grasp it, and our skill only to use it, it would be of little service. But the Spirit' has given it and the 'Spirit' still employs it. He is mighty and wise, therefore let us fight our good fight hopefully and well.

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