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By J. W. ALEXANDER, D.D., New York.


CHRISTIAN FAITH AND PRACTICE. nor elaborate; but are written in an excellent style, and will be certain both to win readers and help them spiritually to profit.

CONSOLATION. By the same Author. London: Hamilton, Adams, & Co. BOTH these volumes are composed of excellent discourses. In the first the texts are stated at the beginning of each sermon. In the second they are omitted, but are not very difficult to discover. The sermons are neither commonplace

THE TEMPERANCE CONGRESS of 1862. London: Tweedie.

THIS volume contains a revised report of the papers read at the Temperance Congress held in London during the past year. It is an interesting and useful pamphlet, and may be had for half-a-crown.



THE YORKSHIRE CONFERENCE assembled at Birchcliffe, December 26, 1862. In the morning the Rev. J. Maden read the Scriptures and prayed, and the Rev. C. Clark, of Halifax, preached from Jeremiah xii. 1-5.

In the afternoon the Conference met for business, when Rev. W. Gray presided, and Rev. J. Tunnicliffe prayed. Reported baptized since the previous Conference, sixtythree. The attendance at both services was good, and the following resolutions were passed :


1. Moved by the Rev. R. Horsfield, of Leeds, and seconded by the Rev. T. Gill, of Shore, and supported by the Rev. J. Tunnicliffe and G. T. Woodson, Esq., Leeds: 'Having heard with great pleasure that the Lancashire Baptist Relief Committee do not recognize in their distribution of money and clothing any distinction between the different sections of the Baptist Denomination, and that all Baptist churches within the distressed district are equally eligible to receive relief from their funds; and also that the Lancashire Committee have sought out necessitous General Baptist churches and have already granted them liberal assistance; this Conference instructs the Leeds Relief Committee on ascertaining that, these statements


correct to request that all the churches in the Connexion forward in future their contributions to the Baptist Union, to be transmitted to the Lancashire Baptist Relief Fund.

2. That the best thanks of this Conference be given to the Leeds Relief Committee for their noble efforts in obtaining assistance for the distressed churches in this district.

3. That we request the ministers in the Conference to meet the wishes of the friends at Stalybridge in supplying their pulpit during the next quarter.

4. That the application of the church at Archview for admission into this Conference be left in the hands of a Committee, consisting of Revs. J. Alcorn, T. Gill, and O. Hargreaves till the next Conference.

5. That the next Conference be held at Stalybridge, on Good Friday, and that the Rev. E. Galdwell preach in the morning.

O. HARGREAVES, Secretary.

THE WARWICKSHIRE CONFERENCE was held in Lombard street chapel, Birmingham, on Monday, January 12, 1863.

In the morning Rev. J. M'Naughton, of Wolvey, opened the meeting with reading and prayer, and the Secretary preached.

In the afternoon brother Cheatle

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Walsall Wolvey


The minutes of the last Conference having been read some free conversation was entered into with regard to the continued distress in Lancashire and Yorkshire, and also in the district of Coventry and Longford. At the close it was resolved:

1. That from the sums raised for the relief of the distressed in Lancashire, &c., we recommend that a certain amount be set apart for the assistance of the ministers of the district.

2. That we would have it understood while the distress is great in Lancashire, &c., and we would not willingly turn the stream of beneficence from that district, it is our decided opinion that the need for similar help is equally urgent for the relief of persons in the district of Coventry and Longford, and we would earnestly call the attention of our churches to this fact.

The next Conference is to be held at Wolvey, on the second Monday in May, and brother Harrison is appointed to preach.

A tea meeting was held after the Conference, and after tea a public meeting, which was addressed by Revs. J. Cheatle, J. Harrison, J. M'Naughton, W. Chapman, G. Dunn, of Airdrie, Lanarkshire; Davis, of Bond-street; and J. P. Barnett, of the Circus chapel. This meeting was well attended, the large room in which it was held, being crowded, and the spirit which pervaded it was of an earnest and healthy kind.

W. CHAPMAN, Secretary. N.B.-Will you allow me, Mr. Editor, to say a word or two in re

gard to the above resolution which relates to the district of Coventry and Longford? All that I have either heard or read of distress in the north, to my certain knowledge has existed equally for two months past in the district of Coventry, &c. There is a little more work now, but there are hundreds of cases needing help. This is the third winter of distress for Coventry and district, -it is the first entire winter for Lancashire. During the whole of last winter the whole of what thousands had to depend on was one shilling and sixpence per head for adults per week; and ninepence per head for children under twelve years of age. This winter so much as this even cannot be afforded from the small fund which is being raised for their relief. In Yorkshire, &c., I find that as much as one shilling and ninepence per head, and in some cases two shillings per head are allowed. Hundreds of pounds have been sent by our churches into Yorkshire and Lancashire, and I know at present but of one church this year that has contributed to the relief of the district of Longford and Coventry. Cannot our churches spare a little out of the sums they are raising for the north for great numbers in equal distress almost at their own doors? Some friends here have sent, in addition to what has been raised for Lancashire, &c., fifteen pounds five shillings to the Longford district. Cannot others do a little in a similar way? should be happy to divide and forward any sums that may thus be contributed to persons belonging to our churches at and around Coventry, who, I am sure, would distribute them in the most frugal way. W. CHAPMAN,


Melbourne, near Derby.


BIRMINGHAM.-On the 30th of

November, 1862, eight persons were baptized by Mr. Harrison, and on the following Lord's-day were added to the church. Two of the candidates were from Sutton



Coldfield, and four of the number | Addresses were delivered by the were connected with our Sunday-chairman, the Rev. E. Stevenson, schools. On the 31st of December and Mr. T. W. Marshall, of Loughfour friends were immersed, two borough; Revs. J. C. Pike, of of whom were from our Sundayschool. J. S. C. WENDOVER, Bucks.-On Thursday evening, January 1st, the ordinance of baptism was administered to ten believers, and on the following Sunday they, with three others, were received into the fellowship of the church. We are happy to add that there are pleasing signs of a gracious revival among us. We have several candidates for baptism, and upwards of twenty anxious inquirers.

MARCH, Cambs. On the first Sunday of the year, January 4th, 1863, Mr. Wilson preached from Isaiah xxx. 18 And therefore will the Lord wait that He may be gracious unto you, &c., and baptized six believers before a very full congregation. In the afternoon they were all received into the fellowship of the church, and along with them a young brother dismissed to us from the church at Broadmead, Bristol. We are the more pleased with this addition on account of some of the friends baptized having been old hearers with us.

LEICESTER, Dover-street.-On the 31st of December, 1862, five friends were baptized.

Leicester; and E. C. Pike, B.A., of Rochdale. On Christmas-day Mr. Staddon was invited to meet his friends at Woodhouse (a branch of the church), at a tea meeting, after which he was presented with a testimonial, and several addresses were delivered, expressing their high estimation of Mr. Staddon, as a Christian and a pastor. Mr. S. will enter upon his new sphere of labour accompanied by the good wishes and fervent prayers of many attached friends.

THE LATE MR. SHERIDAN KNOWLES. -We hear that Mr. R. B. Knowles is preparing a memoir of his father, for publication. The work could not well be in better hands. Mr. Knowles acted for a long time as his father's amanuensis, and was perfectly well acquainted with his ideas on all subjects, especially the drama and literature. THE PRINCESS ALEXANDRA.-The new paper published at Copenhagen, The Denmark, says:-'Her Royal Highness the Princess Alexandra, who mixed but little in society during the mourning for Pince Albert, seldom shows herself to the public. Some few persons have assembled to see her drive to and from the English chapel, where the Rev. R. S. Ellis, M.A. officiates, but otherQUORNDON AND WOODHOUSE, wise she is chiefly visible to the LEICESTERSHIRE.-The Rev. J. public only on the Long Line, Staddon, having resigned the pas- particularly in the morning, arm. torate of the General Baptist church in-arm with her father. Usually in this place, after a connexion of along this fashionable promenade nearly eighteen years, and accepted the royal family, the court, and the the cordial and unanimous invitation beau monde may be seen at this of the Baptist church at Pinchbeck, season enjoying their skating. But Lincolnshire, was invited by his this year the water obstinately refriends at Quorndon to a farewell fuses to freeze. It is in vain that the tea meeting, on Monday, the 22nd attentive Prince of Wales has forof December. After tea, Mr. | warded to his coming bride a pair Thomas Hill, of Nottingham, pre- of elegant skates. St. Januarius sided, and on behalf of Mr. Staddon's as sullenly denies the princes of friends at Quorndon presented him our days, as the billows of the with a handsome easy chair, and North Sea once resisted the Mrs. Staddon with an elegant tea appeal of Canute the great.'service, suitable and excellent. We have reason to believe that


the marriage of the Prince of Wales | baptized by the newly-appointed

and Princess Alexandra, according to the present arrangements, will take place on Thursday, the 12th of March.

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Bishop of Honolulu, and for whom Her Majesty had graciously announced her intention of standing as sponsor.

THE FUTURE PRINCESS OF WALES.It is a curious fact that one or more of the Christian names of the Princess Alexandra Caroline Mary Charlotte Louisa Julia of Denmark attaches to each of the Queen's Consort of England since the Revolution. Thus King William III.'s consort (though also regnant) was Mary; George II.'s consort was Wilhelmina Charlotte Caroline; George III.'s Sophia Charlotte; George IV.'s Caroline Amelia Elizabeth; and William IV.'s Adelaide Louisa Theresa Caroline Amelia.

Marriages and Deaths.


January 13, at Enon chapel, Burnley, by the Rev. J. Alcorn, father of the bride, assisted by the Rev. O. Hargreaves, Mr. William Memory, of Gooston, near Bath, to Mary Tait, eldest daughter of the Rev. J. Alcorn, Baptist minister, Burnley. No cards sent.

January 15, at Louth, in the Baptist chapel, North-gate, by the Rev. William Orton, David Fridlington, Esq., to Mrs. Wass.

January 15, at New Lenton, Nottingham, Annie, eldest daughter of Mr. Joseph Elsey, lace manufacturer, Old Lenton, to Mr. James Carver, of Nottingham.

January 18, at the General Baptist chapel, Boston, John Bullivant, to Harriet Martin.


November 19, 1862, at Sawley, suddenly, Mrs. Harriet Ann Bates, wife of Mr. W. Bates, and eldest daughter of Mr. Allen, of Red Hill Lock, in the 49th year of her age.

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Missionary Observer.



THE following letters from Messrs. Stubbins and Brooks to the Secretary, announce the gratifying intelligence that our missionary friends landed in safety at Calcutta, on the 1st of December. The particulars of the will be read with interest.


Ship "Shannon," November 18, 1862.

MY DEAR BROTHER,-Our worthy captain hopes we may meet the English steamer from Calcutta at the Sand Heads. I wish we may, though fear we shall not. However, I will have a few lines ready; the difficulty is to know what to write about, there is generally the least possible variety on board ship, and it has been especially so in our case. We have had no particular gales, hurricanes, or even squalls to chronicle. No one has thought fit to throw himself overboard by way of diversion; although a young gentleman did jump over the other day for a bath, and a few minutes after he came on board again, a large shark was seen, which would doubtless have made a capital breakfast had our friend remained in the territories of Neptune a little longer. Talking of the shark, I may just say that we caught one a few days ago, and it was found to be decidedly more agreeable to make a meal of him, than to be made a meal of by him. The sailors ate the most of him, but a large dish was delicately prepared and brought to the cuddy table. Several of the passengers partook of it, but I confess the thought that perhaps the brute had barely digested some poor fellow's arm or leg, or other tit-bit, ill-disposed me for the feast. It was pronounced very good, and I dare say it was in its way, but I preferred rather to believe than prove it.

On some occasions sundry empty seats at the dinner table told a tale which few who have been to sea will be at a loss to understand. What if some do declare that sea sickness is nothing, the poor unfortunate that experiences it, will persistently declare there is nothing like it; that it is in short, the concentration of all the miseries of life. Yes, you may smile, may laugh outright, if you like, as you see him beginning to manifest unmistakeable signs of uneasiness. Soon the bloom flees from the lips, cheeks turn deadly pale, a dark circle forms itself under the eye, nose and ears shrivel, and thenthere's a rush-I shall not tell you what for.

Of course we have had the usual quantum of amusement in chairs being upset, glasses broken, fowls, ducks, joints of meat, puddings, tarts, and the rest of it, taking a flying leap from one end of the table to the other, some of them taking a shorter cut by seeking rest in a ladies lap, unmindful alike of her silk dress and all the etceteras of her elegant attire.

A month after leaving London, we had a humorous affair that I have never seen before, it is styled "drowning the dead horse." An effigy of a horse was made and dragged round the deck, while the "Dead March" was being played. It was then drawn up to the end of the yard arm and set fire to. Finally it was cut adrift and let fall overboard. The dead horse" represents the month


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