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General Baptist Incidents.


six departments: the "Sister-house;"| Protestant chapel, where there is divine the sick-house; a Pensionary for girls service every fortnight. For many of from nine to fifteen years of age; a years an English lady, endowed with public girls' school; a Magdalen insti- high qualifications, has superintended tution; an institution for the educa- this institution. tion of orphans. It contains besides a

General Baptist Incidents.


many instances, almost surpass credibility: and their success was proportioned to their zeal.



THUS far they had preached in the dwelling-houses of their friends; but the increasing number of hearers now induced them to wish for a meetinghouse. With their usual zeal, they soon determined to build one at Barton, the centre of their exertions: which THEY were so intent on the great was as quickly executed. The dimen- object of winning souls to Christ, that sions of this edifice were thirty-six feet they overlooked minor arrangements. by twenty-two. It had a convenient Though they had now existed for vestry; and a spacious pulpit; in which several years, they had adopted no eight or ten of their preachers sat, on name to distinguish them from other public occasions. Over the whole professors. Their enemies, indeed, building, chambers were constructed, called them Methodists: but they had designed as apartments for the single never been properly connected with brethren and sisters, on the plan of the that party, and disapproved of several Moravians. This addition was probably things in their doctrine and discipline.* made by Messrs. Dixon and Kendrick, But, having now a regular church, and in anticipation of introducing this prac- a meeting-house, it became necessary, tice among their new converts: but, if for the protection of the public property, so, they were disappointed; as we to assume specific appellation. They find no traces of any such orders in felt no inclination to rank with any their churches. Though the members of their neighbours: and, therefore, of this congregation were, in general, adopted a denomination, which, though in poor circumstances, yet they cheer- it had long been appropriated to a fully exerted themselves, and defrayed all the expences of this erection. Mr. William Collins, a minister whom Mr. Kendrick invited from London, opened this new meeting-house in 1745.

Mr. Collins continuing in the neigh

party of professors, from whom they greatly differed, yet expressed, as they thought, their determination to think and act for themselves, uninfluenced by foreign control; they called themselves Independents. Mr. Dixon and Mr. Kendrick assumed the principal direction of this infant society; but were assisted in spreading the gospel by several others: especially by Messrs. J. Aldridge and J. Wyatt; who had been, for some time, occasionally employed; and were now considered as regular preachers.

bourhood for several weeks, took considerable pains to instruct those inexperienced professors in the nature and design of church-fellowship and discipline and his efforts produced considerable effect. They appointed weekly conferences of the ministers and members, for mutual edification, and to conduct the affairs of the church. * Some of these preachers had been connected These conferences were held on the with the Moravians; and thence their followers Friday evening: and, though many of were sometimes called Moravians. This strange the ministers resided at a great dis- who appear to have had no great relish for hard term, however, puzzled their illiterate neighbours, tance, yet they were regular and punc-words. They therefore, perverted it into the more tual in their attendance. Their zeal intelligible appellation, Ravens; and Ravens and Methodists were commonly united as terms of reanimated them to exertions, which, in proach by the persecuting rabble,

Science and Art.

DISCOVERY OF A NEW GRAIN.-Some gentlemen on Her Majesty's Service, during their explorations in a very wild part of our North American possessions, being struck with the pertinacity with which immense flocks of wild fowl and other game haunted certain localities, made a close investigation of the district. They found the birds were feeding on a sort of rice indigenous to the place, which renewed itself by shedding its seed in the alluvial deposit. It differs from the paddy, or natural rice of China. As it is found in a wild state, and in a much colder locality than any in England, it is thought that the bogs of the British Isles may be sown with it.

NEW COAL MINE IN NOVA SCOTIA.— A coal mine has been discovered at the head of Ship Harbour, in the Strait of Causo. Persons who have examined the Coal pronounce it to be a fine anthracite of excellent quality

SILVER ORE FOUND IN MICHIGAN.Great excitement exists in Michigan arising from the discovery of silver ore near Lake Superior. The ore centains a liberal quantity of lead and silver.

COAL OIL IN MICHIGAN.-Coal oil, yielding twenty per cent more of the pure article than the Pennsylvania oil, burning as well, and non-explosive, has been discovered in Albion, Colhoun County, Michigan. Large deposits of this oil are thought to exist there, from its being near to the great bituminous coal deposits of that state.

OXYGEN GAS.-Baron Liebig, at a recent meeting of the Academy of Sciences at Munich, recounted various experiments which proved that oxygen is not only evolved from the atmosphere by plants, but also in large quantities by decomposition of water in the bodies of flesh-eating animals. This will throw new light on the processes of nutrition and digestion.

ANIMALCULÆ IN TYPHOID FEVER.Professor Tigri, of Sienna, has written to the Academy of Sciences in Paris to the effect that he has again discovered infusoria of the genus Bacterian on the bodies of persons which had died of typhoid fever.

NEW USES OF IODINE.-It has long been thought that if the iodine extracted from sea-weed could be used as a colouring substance, it would be one of the most powerful known. Professor Hoffman, of London, has taken out a patent for such an application of iodine. The most beautiful violet, blue violet, and red violet tints are produced. Iodine is also used as a disinfector. Placed in a small box with a perforated lid, it is a good means of destroying organic poison in rooms. During the late epidemic small-pox in London, iodine was thus used very advantageously.

GREGORY THE THIRTEENTH'S MEDAL OF THE MASSACRE OF ST. BARTHOLOMEW. - This well-known medal was struck by order of Pope Gregory XIII. to commemorate the wholesale massacre of Protestants in France, Aug. 22, 1562. The Maestro del Sacro Palezzo, or chief censor of Pope Pius IX., has recently prohibited the further reproduction of this medal for private circulation.

THE LUCKNOW TESTIMONIAL was begun on the 2nd Jan. It is erected to the memory of Sir Henry Lawrence, and the brave men who fell in the Residency, 1857.

SKETCHES AND STUDIES BY THE LATE WILLIAM HENRY HUNT. — A large collection of these sketches and studies left by the venerable watercolour painter will be sold during the next month.

MR. FRITH'S PICTURE OF THE ROYAL MARRIAGE will not be ready in time for the opening of the Royal Academy.

KAULBACH'S SALAMIS.-This celebrated artist is hard at work at his battle of Salamis for the Maximilianeum.

BUST OF CROMWELL.-Mr. M. Noble is now engaged on a bust of Cromwell for Mr. B. Potter, of Manchester. It is a most beautiful work, with a power in the face and a pose of the head seldom realized in sculpture. It is based on a well-known mask, and two miniatures by Cooper, one belonging to Lord Gray. The bust is to be given to the Reform Club.




THE design of this volume is to put before the reader some instances of every class of facts relating to the history of baptism. In our judgment the execution does not in any way fall short of the design. Mr. Hinton first takes up the term baptizo, and shows its meaning in the writings of the Greek classics, the Old Testament, and the Apocrypha; the New Testament use, literal and metaphorical; the term baptizo as contrasted with other terms relating to the use of water; and briefly refers to the testimony of pædobaptist authors. His three next chapters embrace the testimony of the Gospels, the Acts, and the Epistles. We have then chapters which take up the various passages erroneously presumed to refer to baptism, the evidence of church history as to the mode and the subjects of baptism; the doctrines and the ceremonies associated with infant baptism; the baptism of the apostles, the fathers, and the reformers, and the philosophy of baptism.

Here is an account of an ancient baptistery

Mabillon gives the following description of a baptism by a pope:—

"The pope went on to the baptismal hall, and, after various lessons and psalms, consecrated the baptismal water. Then, while all were adjusting themselves in their proper places, his holiness retired Evangelist, attended by some acolothists, into the adjoining chapel of St. John the who took off his habits, put on him a pair of waxed drawers and a surplice, and then returned to the baptistery. There three children were waiting, which was the number usually baptized by the pontiff. Silence was ordered. When the first was presented, he asked, 'What is his name?' The attendant answered, John.' Then 'John, dost thou he proceeded thus. believe in God the Father Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth?'


'I do believe.' 'Dost thou believe in Jesus

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Christ His only Son our Lord, who was born and suffered death?' 'I do believe.' Dost thou believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the remission of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life eternal?' 'I do believe.' John, do you desire to be baptized?' 'I do desire it.' 'I baptize thee in the name of the Father (dipping him once), and of the Son (dipping him a second time), and of the Holy Ghost "It may not be improper to gratify the (dipping him a third time). The pontiff reader by a description of one of the most added, May you obtain eternal life." John celebrated baptisteries of the Roman em- answered, Amen.' perors. That of St. Sophia, erected by peated to Peter and Mary, the other two. Constantine, and adorned by succeeding Attendants with napkins received the emperors, was splendid and spacious. children, and retired to dress them. Justinian, at an immense cost, rebuilt it, attendants of his holiness threw a mantle and his artists, with elegance and mag-over his surplice, and he retired. The nificence, distributed variegated marbles of exquisite beauty, gold, silver, ivory, mosaic work, and endless ornaments, so as to produce the most agreeable and lasting effects on all beholders. The baptistery was one of the appendages of this spacious palace, something in the style of a convocation room in a cathedral. It was very large, and councils have been held in it, and it was called mega photisterion, the great illuminatory. In the middle was the bath in which baptism was administered. It was supplied by pipes, and there were outer rooms for all concerned in the baptism of immersion, the only baptism of the place.""

A History of Baptism from the Inspired and Uninspired Writings. By Isaac Taylor Hinton, of Saint Louis, United States. London: J. Heaton & Son, Paternoster Row. (Bunyan Library, Vol. xii.)

rest of the catechumens were baptized by deacons, who, in clean habits and without shoes, went down into the water, and performed the ceremony as the pontiff had set them an example. After all was over and the children dressed, they waited on the pope in an adjacent room, where he confirmed them, and delivered to each chrism and a white garment."

Infant communion soon followed infant baptism. Cyprian relates the following ridiculous story to make those who had gone back to idolatry during a persecution in Carthage sensible of their guilt and of God's wrath :

"I'll tell you what happened in my own presence. The parents of a certain little girl, running out of town in a fright, ha

almost forgot to take any care of the child, "Quarterly;" but the two replies by M. whom they left in the keeping of a nurse. Roussel are of a different stamp. QuickThe nurse had carried her to the magis-witted, rhetorical, and clever, they are trates; they, because she was too little to just the sort of essays to put into the eat flesh, gave her to eat, before the idols, hands of young people whom Renan's some of the bread mixed with wine which book may have bitten. They are every

had been left of the sacrifice of those

wretches. Since that time her mother took her home; but she was no more capable of declaring and telling the crime committed, than she had been before of understanding or hindering it. So it happened that once when I was administering, her mother, ignorant of what had been done, brought her along with her. But the girl, being among the saints, could not with any quietness hear the prayers said; but sometimes fell into weeping, and sometimes into convulsions, with the uneasiness of her mind; and her ignorant soul, as under a rack, declared, by such tokens as it could, the conscience of the fact in those tender years. And when the service was ended, and the deacon went to give the cup to those that were present, and the others received it, and her turn came, the girl, by a divine instinct, turned away her face, shut her mouth, and refused the cup; but yet the deacon persisted, and put into her mouth, though she refused it, some of the sacrament of the cup. Then followed retchings and vomitings; the eucharist could not stay in her polluted mouth and body; the drink consecrated in our Lord's blood burst out again from her defiled bowels! Such is the power, such the majesty of our Lord! The secrets of darkness were discovered by his light! Even unknown sins could not deceive the priest of God! This happened in the case of an infant, who was, by reason of her age, incapable of declaring the crime which another had acted upon her." We cannot endorse everything in this volume, but we nevertheless thankfully accept it as one very much needed by Baptists. It should find a place on the shelves of every Sunday-school library and every minister's study.

The volume is enriched by an appendix containing a critical examination of the rendering of the word baptizo in the ancient and many of the modern versions of the New Testament.

REPLIES TO RENAN.* THE Essay of Professor Schaff is staid and quiet, as befitted an article in a

The Christ of the Gospels and the Romance of M. Renan. Three Essays, by Rev. Dr. Schaff and M. Napoleon Roussel. London: Religious Tract Society.

way the best answers we have yet seen to the romance which Renan calls a fifth gospel. We hope they will be published in a cheap form, so as to ensure their widest circulation.


THE tone of this book is excellent throughout. Most of the pieces are suggested by some passage of Scripture, and all are tinctured with scriptural language. The writer aims at spiritual edification rather than at the gratification of poetic taste. This is so apparent that we forgive the limping lines and the rather uncouth rhymes to be found here and there. Devout and thoughtful Christians will find this volume a welcome companion for Sabbath-days. There is a shade of sadness over many pieces, for which the author apologises in his preface, unnecessarily, as we think. have given, in a preceding page, two quotations from this book, "Not Yet," and "The Seasons."

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Loving Words. Just what their title indicates. They are words of "caution, counsel, and consolation, in prose and verse.' -Why I was an Atheist, and why I am now a Christian. This is a statement given last August in Taylor's Repository, London, by J. B. Bebbington. A most interesting narrative, and sure to be eagerly read.-The Teacher's Tools. These are described by Mr. Curwen with his usual felicity as-presence of mind, power of picturing, skill in probing, loving patience, and joyful faith.

*Leaves from Olivet. A collection of Sacred Poetry. By Albert Midlane. London: W. H. Broom, 34, Paternoster Row.

Loving Words. London: H. J. Tressider, 17, Ave Maria Lane.

Why I was an Atheist, and Why I am now a Christian. H. J. Tressider.

The Teacher's Tools. A New Year's Address to Sunday School Teachers. Sunday School Union.

Our Churches.


THE ANNUAL SESSION OF THE BAPTIST UNION will be held on Monday, April 25; the Rev. J. P. Mursell, of Leicester, will be Chairman.


BRADFORD, First Church.-On Lord'sday, March 6, we baptized five believers, and in the afternoon, at the Lord's table, We gave them the right hand of fellowship. B. W. B.


REV. S. ALLSOP.-On Feb. 23, an LEEDS BAPTIST MISSION TO THE General Baptist chapel, Whittlesea, on interesting meeting was held in the UNCONVERTED.-On Tuesday evening, the occasion of the removal of Rev. S. March 8, in Call Lane chapel, (kindly Allsop to Longford. Two hundred and lent for the occasion for the use of fifty persons sat down to tea; after the Baptist church at Armley), nine which the chair was taken by Mr. R. Y. persons were buried with Christ in Roberts, of Bourne. baptism. An address on the subjects crowded. Addresses were delivered by The chapel was and mode of believers' baptism was the chairman, and Revs. G. Towler, W. delivered to an attentive audience by Telfer, and T. Barrass. In the name of the Rev. J. J. Poulter, at the close of the church, congregation, and friends of which our missionary, the Rev. J. Stut-every religious denomination, Mr. Barterd, went down into the water and bap-rass presented to the retiring pastor a tized the candidates. MILFORD, Derbyshire.-We had the pleasure of witnessing the baptism of seven candidates six young females, and the father of two of them-on March 6. They were received into the church in the afternoon, when a copy of "Pike's Persuasives" was presented to each of the young friends.

LEEDS.-On Thursday evening, Feb. 25th, before a crowded assembly, twelve persons were baptized in Call Lane chapel, after an address by the Rev. Jabez Tunicliffe. One of the candidates was formerly an avowed infidel; one a Wesleyan; two Independents.

large map of Palestine, a handsomely bound copy of the works of the Rev. J. G. Pike, and a parse containing £12. These proofs of affection were suitably acknowledged by Mr. Allsop; and after earnest prayer for his happiness and success in his next sphere of labour, the meeting separated. On the following Sunday the children of the Sabbath school presented to their late minister and superintendent a massive silver pencil case, as a token of their love; and each child received from him a coloured picture card in remembrance of the day.

REV. S. ALLSOP, LONGFORD.-Recognition Tea-meeting.-On Monday, March SPALDING.-On Sunday, March 6th, 7th, we had a tea-meeting in our new ten friends were baptized by our pastor. school rooms-about four hundred sat Two of them, husband and wife, had down. The place was tastefully set been for many years regular attendants. out with laurels, evergreens, and artiThe remaining eight are young, and ficial flowers, with various mottoes seven of them connected with our schools. suitable to the occasion. In the evening BARTON FABIS.-On the 13th of a public meeting was held. Mr. J. March four believers were baptized and Wright opened the business by reviewadded to the church. Two of the candi-ing the various circumstances through dates were from our new station at which the church had passed for nearly Desford.

G. N. LOUGHBOROUGH, Baxter Gate.-On the first Lord's-day in February three were baptized and added to the church. S. T. TODMORDEN.-Feb. 21, five persons were baptized.

two years, which led to the cordial and unanimous invitation of Mr. Allsop to the pastoral office among us. After which in his own name, and in that of the church and congregation, he gave him the right hand of fellowship. Messrs. J. Smith, H. England, G. Smith

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