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General Baptist Incidents.

AN ESCAPE FROM THE STOCKS. | Mr. Gilbert Boyce, a messenger of the ON May 8th, 1766, Mr. N. Pickering baptized churches in Lincolnshire. He was preaching in a dwelling house in informed them of the existence of a Sawley, when the curate of the parish, society in London for the protection of much intoxicated, came at the head of the civil rights of Dissenters, and ada numerous mob, many of whom were vised them to lay their cause before it. in the same state as their leader, and They accordingly applied to the secreentering the room, ordered the preacher tary of that society, but he seemed to cease, or they would put him in the to discourage their application. But, stocks. Mr. Pickering, hoping to stop having obtained the address of the their violence, read his licence-but chairman, Jasper Manditt, Esq., they this had no effect. The curate seized ventured to direct a letter to him, to him; and he, without resistance, suf- which an answer was quickly received fered himself to be led out of the house through the secretary, directing them to the stocks. But here the clergy- to acquaint some respectable country man and his associates were too much attorney with the circumstances of the overpowered by liquor to be able to case, and to correspond with the comcomplete their design, and Mr. Picker-mittee of the London society, and act ing quietly went home. The congre- according to their instructions. They gation had dispersed, amidst the in- selected Mr. Foxcraft, of Nottingham, sults of the drunken rabble, and the as their agent, and he received direcwhole village was in an uproar. The tions from the committee to make a bells of the church were rung, a drum was beaten about the streets, hand-bells were jingled in the ears of the Baptists, and dirt was thrown in their faces. Mr. Pickering, however, took an opportunity of acquainting the bishop of the diocese with the disgraceful conduct of the curate, and was assured that he should receive a severe reprimand.


regular application, at the next quarter sessions, in behalf of four meetinghouses and one minister. This he did; but his application was rejected with contempt. He sent an account of his ill success to London, and the committee immediately moved the court of King's Bench for a mandamus, which they readily obtained, and forwarded to Nottingham. At the next quarter sessions for the county of Derby, Mr. Foxcraft produced this mandamus from the Lord Chief Justice, requiring, in AFTER the building of a chapel in 1766 the most authoritative language, the at Little Hallam, and the opening of Derbyshire justices to register the four several private houses for worship, the places, and the preacher; and to give enemies of the General Baptists were the parties legal certificates of the fact. alarmed. The church at Kegworth The reading of this order struck the now sought to register these various whole bench of magistrates with places of worship, and their minister astonishment, as the chairman had to take the oaths, according to the Act publicly declared that he would sooner of Toleration. The magistrates refused resign his office than consent to the their request. The bishop was applied wishes of the Baptists; and his colto, and instantly gave them an order, leagues had boldly expressed their under his own hand, to the registrarius approbation of his resolution. The of Litchfield, to make the entries, and hour of trial had now arrived; but, grant them proper certificates: but though mortification, disappointment that officer, probably influenced by the and rage were visible in every counmagistrates, refused to obey his lord- tenance, neither the chairman nor his ship's injunctions. The Baptists were associates were willing to sacrifice thus left unprotected by the law to the their honours to their consistency. rage of the rabble; the insolence of They submissively complied with the which was heightened by the encour- commands of their superiors, and the agement of their superiors. In this Baptists at length were placed under the perplexity they wrote for advice to protection of the laws of their country.

Science and Art.

WORTH KNOWING. A small quantity |

COMPARING THE LIGHT OF THE STARS. of vinegar will destroy any insect that-M. Chacornac has recently described may have found its way into the stomach, | a method of mounting a plane mirror so and a little salad oil will destroy any as to bring into the field of a telescope insect that may have entered the ear. the image of one star, while the telescope A NEW ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUC- receives directly the light of another. TION MACHINE has been invented. The By this means the two images are features of this apparatus are, that a brought into simultaneous view, the one, continuous stream of electricity in one of course, less brilliant than it should be, direction of any tension is obtained by through loss of light in reflection. He means of magnetic induction from a few gives the calculations necessary to work voltaic pairs; that the induced stream out the comparison. Sirius he finds to is as manageable as that from the small be five times as bright as Arcturus. excited battery, and the machine is self- THE ALBERT MEMORIAL IN HYDE acting. PARK. The foundations for this memoELECTRICITY IN FACTORIES. M. rial are now being laid. The work will Loir, in a paper recently read before be completed in four years, and will the Paris Academy of Sciences, contends cost £120,000. that a quantity of electricity is produced in large factories, and may be turned to account by means of the straps which generate it by their friction in communicating motion to machinery.

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ELECTRICITY AND DISEASE. — M. Namais says that in that fearfully destructive malady known as "Bright's disease of the kidneys," electricity causes the elimination of urea from the glands. Urea is the substance which, by its conversion into carbonate of ammonia, produces the cerebral symptom; and if a means of eliminating it has been arrived at, medicine may congratulate itself on the circumstance.

THE SOLICITOR-GENERAL'S PICTURE. -It is not generally known that the picture No. 663, in the Royal Academy, entitled "An ice cave near Grindewald," is from the Solicitor-General's brush.

RAPHEAL MENGS, Winckelmann's friend, is having a statue erected to his memory in Aussig, in Bohemia.

A COLOSSAL STATUE OF LOUIS NAPOLEON is about to be erected at the entrance of the Champs Elysées.

SIR EDWARD LANDSEER'S PICTURE at the Royal Academy, depicting a "Piper and a pair of Nutcrackers," has been sold for £1,700.

PELISSIER is to have a statue in the Boulevard Sebastopol.


COAL IN VENEZUELA.-Dr. Seemaur has discovered extensive beds of coal closely resembling the best Welsh coal--An equestrian statue of George II. near the river Tocuyo.

THE COMPASS MADE AN UNIVERSAL SUNDIAL.-Mr. Vassallo has had engraved upon the glass cover of the ordinary compass an universal sundial, that is, the hours of apparent time are engraved on the cover. The arm of the sundial is erected from the centre of the compass-cover, and is so binged at this point as to be moveable at its upper extremity. This arm moves along a graduated arc, thus indicating the latitude. By means of the apparent time and latitude the true meridian can be determined, and this will indicate upon the magnetic card the combined variations and deviation of the compass for the course at the time of the observation.

has just been placed on the pedestal at the north-east corner of Trafalgarsquare. The vacant pedestal will have another of George III., erected by the Royal College of Physicians.

THE DUBLIN EXHIBITION has been formally opened by Lord Carlisle, the Lord Lieutenant.

A CURIOUS MODEL for a fountain statue has been designed by a Hanover sculptor, M. Rosenthal, representing a monkey holding a champagne bottle, of which he has imprudently drawn the cork, and the contents of which he vainly attempts to stop.

LESSING has finished his picture entitled, " 'Disputation between Luther and Eck."


CAREY, MARSHMAN, AND steadfastly all temptations to digression WARD.* and partiality. The early struggles, the ABRIDGEMENTS are generally as unsatis- incessant difficulties, the varied opposifactory as Chinese pictures, and for the tion, the baseless calumnies, the selfsame reason. The objects are all crowded denying toil, the large success of Carey, together; men, pagodas, trees, and Marshman, and Ward, the three pioneers bridges. The nose of one man touches of Christian civilization in Hindostan, the angle of a quaint pagoda; the but- are told without one particle of laudaton on the cap of another is as big as the tion or bitterness. Indeed the narrative largest spray on the tree behind him; is rather like the summing up of a and the bridges are so flimsily constructed judge than the address of an advocate. that no ordinary mandarin, if he regarded Not that Mr. Marshman forgets to call his safety, would ever trust himself upon persons by their right names, or shrinks them. In a word, the Chinese artist from the strongest denunciations of evil. despises perspective. This is very much But he does this after showing you the the case with 46 abridgement-makers." "character of both, and so carries with In the attempt to make everything im- him your verdict of approval. We have pressive, nothing impresses. The can- seldom read a book involving so many vas is too crowded. The suggestive and questions provocative of strong feeling needful details are omitted where they equally impartial and dispassionate. are wanted, and put in where they are worse than useless. Insignificant events are blunderingly thrust into the foreground, and events of real importance get only the scantiest notice. The abridgement-maker is what the Germans a bread-artist," and has but one by three men of humble lineage,-apos. "The Serampore mission was established dubious qualification-necessity. is often inaccurate, and cannot be opponents delighted to designate them,He tates from the loom and the anvil, as their quoted with certainty, even where he but of sterling genius and deep piety. pretends to give the precise words of his Brought together by unforeseen circumauthor. He has no fulness of informa- stances, their characters were immediately tion, such as usually marks the indepen- put to the test by the occurrence of diffi dent worker; and hence his "abridge- culties which served to cement their union. ments" are crude, jejune, and lifeless. In one respect even the Chinese artist has an advantage over him-his pictures arrest the eye by their paint.


Mr. Marshman's book is the reverse of all this. Not that he affects fine writing, or groups his facts for scenic effect, or rushes on to a rhetorical climax. He is a historian, and not an orator; and his narrative commends itself to the reader by its calmness and moderation. He knows where the real attraction of his story lies, and he brings us to it, not by circuitous paths, but easily, naturally, and directly. The eloquence is in the facts, rather than in their mode of treat ment. Few men could have resisted so

*The Story of Carey, Marshman, and Ward, the Serampore Missionaries. By J. C. Marshman. (Bunyan Library, Vol. xiii.) London: Heaton & Son, 42, Paternoster Row.

more than two quotations.
Our space will not allow us to make
describes the unanimity of feeling in the
The first
three good men at Serampore, and sum-
marises their work.

When their establishment was threatened

in its cradle with extinction by their own vided with an asylum under a foreign flag, Government, they were providentially pro


thirteen years they had to encounter the until the storm had blown over. prejudices and opposition of the governors of India, and it was mainly to their zeal and fortitude, combined with a singular spirit of moderation, that the diffusion of secular and religious knowledge in India, which they had laboured under every discouragement to promote, was at length recognised as the object for which ProviGreat Britain. A unity of object produced dence had entrusted the Indian empire to a unanimity of sentiments and a constancy of friendship, of which there have been few examples. Every private feeling, and in the prosecution of their great underevery individual predilection, was merged taking, and their confidence in each other was never interrupted for an hour. They

were exactly fitted for mutual co-operation. economist of time, and always acted on the They were all embued with the same large principle of taking care of the moments, views; the same spirit of zeal and anima- and leaving the hours to take care of themtion, and the same pecuniary disinterested-selves. He was greatly attached to the ness. Their united energies were thus pursuits of science, but his garden was his consecrated to the cause of religion, for earthly paradise. the promotion of which they were enabled, acquisition of languages has seldom been His aptitude for the by severe and protracted labours, to con- exceeded, and to supply the Sacred Scriptribute a sum which, at the close of the tures to the nations of the East in their mission, was found to fall little short of own tongue became the ruling passion of £80,000. his life.

first native schools for heathen children

ment, or any attempt at eloquence. His His preaching was without ornamanners were easy, without being graceful. His stature was not above the middle height; the upper portion of his countenance exhibited all the indications of genius, but his figure was of a plebeian cast.”

Ward, deserves the widest circulation The Story of Carey, Marshman, and among young men of every name and party. It is full of the healthiest stimulus, and cannot be read without permanent advantage.


Sermons by Henry Ward Beecher.*— Four characteristic sermons. are "Strength according to days,” “on The titles pleasing men," a sermon to young Beecher is not free from Americanisms men, "Christian heroism.' Mr. in his speech. He talks of "



a well

"The Serampore missionaries never considered themselves in any other light than as the pioneers of Christian improve. ment in India, and it is as pioneers that their labours are to be estimated. In the infancy of modern missions, it fell to their lot to lay down and exemplify the principles of the missionary system. They were the first to enforce the necessity of giving the Scriptures to all the tribes of India. Their own translations were necessarily and confessedly imperfect; but many imperfections may be overlooked in the labours of men who produced the first editions of the New Testament in so many of the Oriental languages and dialects, and gave that impulse to the work of translation which still sustains it. They were the first to insist on the absolute exclusion of caste from the native Christian community and church. They established the in Hindostan, and organised the first col- man" who does not need a staff, of lege for the education of native catechists "society nature," of "getting along," and ministers. They printed the first of a man who "reluctates about going books in the language of Bengal, and thus into a lawful traffic," of making young laid the foundation of a vernacular litera- men "too plenty, and therefore cheap," ture; and they were the first to cultivate of being kept "headed in the right and improve that language, and render it direction," and of the nature of God as a suitable vehicle for national instruction. "forth-putting, not ingurgitating." But They published the first native newspaper he everywhere reveals his marvellous in India, and issued the first religious facility and beauty of illustration, and periodical work. In all the departments his power to touch men's consciences by of missionary labour and intellectual improvement, they led the way, and it is on a direct, homespun practical Christhe broad foundation which they were entianity. The sermon "on pleasing men" abled to lay, that the edifice of modern is an excellent lecture on Christian Indian missions has been erected." politeness. "Why," he asks, “should This second quotation is from an we have so many salutations? Well, estimate of the character of Dr. Carey. folks, without some little ceremonies, are for my part, I think that even good "His exertions were sustained less by like grapes packed for market without the impulse of enthusiasm than by a predominant sense of duty. The basis of all leaves between them. They will crush his excellences was deep and unaffected and come in mashed. Even good folks piety. So great was his love of integrity, need to have little courtesies between that he never gave his confidence where them to keep them from attrition. . . he was not certain of the existence of We need not fewer, but more civilities moral worth. He was conspicuous for in life, to take away its vulgarity, and constancy, both in the pursuits of life and its hard surfaces, and to enrich it with the associations of friendship. With great flowers and perfumes." "A disagreesimplicity he united the strongest decision able piety is impious by so much as it is disagreeable."

of character. He never took credit for anything but plodding, but it was the plodding of genius. He was a stern

* Heaton & Son.

Our Churches.



THE NORTH DERBYSHIRE CONFERENCE assembled at Smalley on GoodFriday, March 25. Brother Eaton presided.

1. The reports from the churches were fewer than usual, but some of them were decidedly pleasing.

1. Agreed that we adopt Dewsbury as a Home Mission station, and request the present Committee to act according to the best of their judgment, bearing in mind the financial position of the Home Mission.

2. Agreed that we approve of the £90 received from the Executors of the late Miss Ibbetson being made the nucleus of a fund for the lending of money without interest to churches for the erection of

2. Resolved unanimously by the chapels and the reduction of chapel brethren assembled, That this North debts, to be repaid by instalments; and Derbyshire Conference shall not be that we leave ourselves at liberty to add given up at present, but that efforts to this fund from the Home Mission shall be made to revive and improve it. money at any time by vote of the 3. Brother Yates is requested to be Conference. the secretary another year at least.

4. Brethren Renwick, Wooley, Fox, and Yates, are requested to "stir up" the churches, by visiting them, or writing to them, specially with reference to the Conference.

5. Brother Renwick is desired to act as treasurer of this Conference.

6. The next Conference to be at Kirkby, the first Monday in August (D.V.).

A comfortable tea was provided in the chapel at Smalley, and a revival meeting was held in the evening.

THOS. YATES, Secretary.

THE YORKSHIRE CONFERENCE assembled at Queensbury, on Whit-Tuesday, May 17, 1864.

In the morning Rev. J. H. Beevers, of Bradford, read the Scriptures and prayed, and Rev. T. Gill, of Shore, in the absence of Rev. Mr. Leigh, of Clayton, through illness, preached from Psalm lxii. 11.

In the afternoon the Conference met for business; Rev. J. Maden, of Gambleside, opened the meeting by prayer, and Rev. R. Hardy, minister of the place, presided.

According to reports received from the churches, thirty-seven had been baptized since the previous Conference, and twenty remained candidates for baptism. After the singing of the doxology and the reading of the minutes, business was transacted as follows:


3. Agreed that Revs. R. Hardy, J. H. Beevers, B. Wood, and Messrs. J. Rhodes of Bradford, and Woodson of Leeds, be a Committee for the drawing up of rules according to which the monies of the Conference shall be appropriated.

4. Agreed that the friends at Edgeside receive from the Home Mission fund £25 this year instead of £12 10s., as agreed upon Sept. 8, 1863.

5. Revs. R. Ingham, T. Gill, W. Salter, who were intending to visit Edgeside in a few days, on the occasion of the laying of the foundation stone of the new chapel, were requested to make all necessary inquiries relative to the erection of the building, and to give such advice to the friends as they might deem most requisite.

6. Rev. C. Springthorpe was thanked for his past services as secretary of the Home Mission, and requested to remain in the office.

7. Rev. R. Ingham received the thanks of the Conference for his services as treasurer of the Home Mission, and was re-elected.

8. The secretary of the Conference resigned his office, which he had fulfilled for three years, and was thanked for his services.

9. Rev. T. Gill, of Shore, was appointed the Secretary of the Conference.

10. Agreed that the next Conference be held at Allerton Aug. 30, 1864, and that Rev. Mr. Leigh, of Clayton, preach in the morning.

O. HARGREAVES, Secretary.

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