| English periodicals - 1864 - 544 pages
...and nominated as Vice- Presidents Mr. Stainton, Mr. AR Wallace and the Rev. Hamlet Clark. Additions to the Library. The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to ihe donors: — ' Sitzuugsberichte der Konigl. bayer. Akademie der Wissenscbaflen zu Muuuheu,' 1863,... | |
 | English periodicals - 1864 - 548 pages
...Societies. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. July 4, 1864.— AR WALLACE, Esq., VP, in the cliair. Additions to t/te Library. The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors: — 1 Proceedings uf the Royal Society," Nos. 62, 63 and 64 ; presented by the Society. 'Journal of... | |
 | English periodicals - 1865 - 490 pages
...Societies. ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. March 6, 1865.— FP PASCOE, Esq., President, in the chair. Donations In the Library. The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors : — 'Proceedings of the Royal Society,' No. 71; presented by the Society. ' Linntea Entoraologica,'... | |
 | English periodicals - 1867 - 520 pages
...the matter, and thus the discussions, otherwise desultory, might lead to definite practical results. Donations to the Library. The following donations...— 'The Journal of the Linnean Society," Zoology, Vol. ix. No. 31 ; presented by the Society. ' The Journal of the Boyal Agricultural Society of England,'... | |
 | Entomology - 1867 - 552 pages
...acknowledgment of the hospitable reception given to the Members of the Society at Reigale, on the 6ih ultimo. Donations to the Library. The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors: — 'Transactions of the Linnean Society,' vol. xxv. part 2; presented by the Society. ' Verhandlungen... | |
 | Natural history - 1871 - 488 pages
...tfutomologlcal Society. May 1, 1871. — Prof. WESTWOOD, MA, FLS, Vice-President, in the Chair. Additions to the Library. The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors : — ' Proceedings of the Royal Society,' No. 127 ; presented by the Society. ' Verhandlungen der... | |
 | Natural history - 1873 - 490 pages
...table. July 7, 1873.— HENRY T. STAINTON, Esq., FRS, &c., Vice-President, in the chair. Additions to the Library. The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors : — ' The Proceedings of the Royal Society,' No. 144 ; presented by the Society. ' Proceedings of the Scientific... | |
 | Natural history - 1874 - 488 pages
...insect would be desirable. March 2, 1874. — Sir SIDNEY SMITH SAUNDEHS, CMG, President, in the chair. Donations to the Library. The following donations...donors.: — ' The Journal of the Linnean Society,' no. 57 ; presented by the Society. ' Bulletin de la Societe Linncenne de Normandie,' 2e Ser., t. vi.... | |
 | English periodicals - 1875 - 488 pages
...ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. March 1, 1875. — Sir SIDNEY SMITH SACNDERS, CMG, President, in the chair. Donations to the Library. The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors : — ' Beitriige zur naheren Kenntniss der in dem Baikal-see vorkommenden mederen Krebse aus der Gruppe... | |
 | Natural history - 1876 - 494 pages
...SOCIETY OF LONDON. September 6, 1876. — J. JEXNER WEIB, Esq., FLS, in the chair. Addition* to iht Library. The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors: — 'The Zoologist' and 'Newman's Entomologist' for September; presented by the Representatives of the late... | |
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