| English periodicals - 1864 - 544 pages
...Presidential Chair ; and nominated as Vice- Presidents Mr. Stainton, Mr. AR Wallace and the Rev. Hamlet Clark. Additions to the Library. The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to ihe donors: — ' Sitzuugsberichte der Konigl. bayer. Akademie der Wissenscbaflen zu Muuuheu,' 1863,... | |
| English periodicals - 1864 - 548 pages
...ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. January 4, 1864. — FREDERICK SMITH, Esq., President, in the chair. Donations to the Library. The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the respective donors: — ' Sitzungsberielite der Konigl. bayer Akademie der Wissenscbaflen zu Mxinnchen,'... | |
| English periodicals - 1865 - 492 pages
...connected with Economic Entomology. Further particulars would be given at the next Meeting. Donations lo the Library. The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors: — ' Memoircs de 1'Academie Royale des Sciences, des Letlres et des Beaux-arts de Belgique,' Tomes... | |
| Entomology - 1867 - 552 pages
...acknowledgment of the hospitable reception given to the Members of the Society at High Elms, on the llth nil. Additions to the Library. The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors: — ' Transactions of the Zoological Society of London,' Vol. v. Part 5 ; ' Proceedings of the Zoological... | |
| English periodicals - 1867 - 520 pages
...and thus the discussions, otherwise desultory, might lead to definite practical results. Donations to the Library. The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors: — 'The Journal of the Linnean Society," Zoology, Vol. ix. No. 31 ; presented by the Society. ' The... | |
| Natural history - 1869 - 488 pages
...New Species from Japan." By Mr. M'Lachlan. April 5, 1869.— HW BATES, Esq., President, in the chair. Additions to the Library. The following donations...donors : — * Proceedings of the Royal Society,' No. 1 09 ; presented by the Society. 'Journal of the Agricultural Society of England,' 2nd Ser., vol.... | |
| Natural history - 1871 - 488 pages
...characteristic British species of the Family. 8 January, 1871. — AR WALLACE, Esq., President, in the chair. Additions to the Library. The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors : — ' Tijdschrift voor Entornologie,' ser. 2, vol. v. Nos. 2 — 6, vol. vi. No. 1 ; presented by... | |
| Natural history - 1873 - 490 pages
...Society. March 17, '1873.— Prof. WESTWOOD, MA, FLS, President, in the chair. Donations to the Jjibrary. The following donations were announced, and thanks voted to the donors ; — ' Proceedings of the lloyal Society,' No. 142 ; presented by the Society. ' Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the... | |
| English periodicals - 1875 - 488 pages
...tropical countries. March 15, 1875. — Sir SIDNEY SMITH SAUNDEBS, CMG, President, in the chair. Donations to the Library. The following donations were announced...the donors : — 'Proceedings of the Royal Society,' vol. xxiii., no. 159 ; presented by the Society. ' Annales de la Societe Entomologiqne de Belgique,'... | |
| English periodicals - 1868 - 486 pages
...nominated as Vice-Presidents, Sir John Lubbock, Mr. W. Wilson Saunders, and Mr. Stainton. Donations to the Library. The following donations were announced,...donors: — ' Proceedings of the Royal Society,' Nos. 93 — 97 ; presented by the Society. ' Abhandlungen berausgegeben vom naturwiss. Vereine zu Bremen,'... | |
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