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in college, are Plato's Phædo, Memorabilia of Socrates, Cicero's Tusculan Questions, Juvenal's Satires, &c. The German language is a part of the course. All the expenses necessarily incurred by the student in college, except the expense of books and furniture, which may be hired for eight or ten dollars a year, is 75 dollars, of which board is 39 dollars, and college bills 26 dollars 50 cents. The Latin and Greek classics are loaned to such students as wish to hire, for a few cents a term. The workshop connected with the college, consists of two buildings, one 80 feet by twenty, of one story; the other of two stories, 80 feet by 24. Students are allowed to labor in the shop three hours a day.

'In the mechanics' shop connected with Waterville college, an experiment has been made, the results of which, though obtained under great disadvantages, are certainly of the most cheering kind. By devoting three hours of each secular day to business of this kind, the students have earned from one to two dollars a week, which ought to be considered as furnishing good ground to believe that when the system is properly matured, the industrious student will be able to earn at least sixty dollars a year.' Of the school of medicine connected with Waterville college, we shall give some account under the head of Vermont. Bowdoin college. This institution was incorporated by the legislature of Massachusetts in 1794. The first class was graduated in September, 1806. Hon. James Bowdoin of Boston, gave it 6,000 acres of land in the town of Lisbon. He also purchased for it a collection of well arranged minerals, and fine models of crystallography. In his last. will, he bequeathed to it a collection of 75 paintings, as well as other articles. The college buildings are delightfully situated, on a plain near the Androscoggin river, in Cumberland county, about twenty-five miles north of Portland, and about the same distance south of Augusta. Rev. Dr. Joseph McKeen was the first president of the college. He was inducted into the office in September, 1802, and died July 15, 1807. was succeeded by the Rev. Dr. Jesse Appleton, who remained in the office from December, 1807, till his death, November 12, 1819. He was succeeded in 1820, by the Rev William Allen, D. D. On the separation of Maine from Massachusetts, the trustees surrendered its former charter, and received a new one from the State of Maine, with a liberal annuity in aid of its funds. By a law of the legislature of Maine, passed in 1831, Dr. Allen was removed from the presidency. The legality of this act of the legislature will soon be tried in the circuit court of the United States. Other facts concerning the college will be mentioned in the tables in the sequel.


Medical school. This institution was established by an act of the legislature, June 7, 1820, and is under the direction of the Boards of trustees and overseers of Bowdoin college. The lectures commence annually about the middle of February and continue three months. The fees for the various courses are about fifty dollars, and a graduating fee of ten dollars. The library contains about 2,600 volumes, selected with much care. Number of students 100.

Bangor theological seminary. This institution was incorporated in 1814, by the name of the Maine charity school, and was opened in Hampden in 1816, with the special view to the instruction of young men, of the Congregational denomination, intending to enter the ministry. It was afterward removed to Bangor, a town at the head of tide navigation, on the Penobscot river, in Penobscot county, 60 miles from the sea, 66 east of Augusta, 661 from Washington city, and in the heart of the State. Its first professors were Rev. John Smith, D. D., and Rev. Bancroft Fowler. It has passed through great adversities, and undergone several important changes of character, until it is substantially conformed to the other schools of theology in our country. Rev. Enoch Pond, lately editor of the Spirit of the Pilgrims, Boston, is professor of theology, and Rev. Alvan Bond, formerly minister of Sturbridge, Mass., is professor of Biblical literature. No professor of sacred eloquence yet appointed. Since the establishment of the institution, sixty-two young men have been educated for the ministry, and about twenty others have received assistance in preparing for the same work, making more than eighty in all. Most of them have been aided by the funds of the institution. The whole amount thus appropriated, exceeds 12,000 dollars. These young men have been residents of eight or ten

States. Twenty-eight churches in Maine, have been from this source furnished with pastors, and nearly one-fourth of the present settled ministers of the Congregational denomination in Maine, acquired their education at Bangor. To relieve the seminary from all embarrassments, it is proposed to raise the sum of 30,000 dollars. A part of the sum has been subscribed. Bangor is more than 200 miles from any other theological seminary. Connected with it is a classical department under the direction of a principal. The order of studies is arranged with a special reference to the theological course, so as to be substantially equivalent to a more liberal education.' This department is open for any students who wish to become fitted for college, and any young man of good moral character may be received. Bangor is in the center of a commonwealth, which will probably, in the lapse of a few years, sustain a population of 2,000,000.


ELEMENTARY EDUCATION.-Common schools are established throughout the State, and for their support a sum, amounting each year, since 1818, to 90,000 dollars, is annually raised by a separate tax The State has a literary fund amounting to 64,000 dollars, formed by a tax of one-half per cent. on the capital of the banks. The proceeds of this fund, and also an annual income of 9,000 dollars, derived from a tax on banks, are appropriated to aid in the support of schools. We have no information of any recent changes in regard to common schools in this State. We presume that their condition is substantially the same as in the other New England States.

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Phillips Exeter academy was founded at Exeter, by the Hon. John Phillips, LL. D. It is one of the best endowed institutions of the kind in the United

States. It has a library of 600 volumes and a valuable philosophical apparatus. The building is an edifice 76 by 36 feet, two stories high, with two wings, 34 by 28 feet, one story high. The number of students is 75. The Adams female academy in Derry, has a fund of $4,000. It has a good chemical and philosophical apparatus. All the branches of an English education are taught, with the Latin and French languages. The Gilmanton academy has funds-6.000 dollars at interest, and 7,000 acres of land in Coos county. The Kimball Union academy has 40,000 dollars in funds, the donation of Hon. Daniel Kimball. The income is devoted principally to aid pious and indigent young men in preparing for the Christian ministry. The trustees are 13 in number,-annual meeting in May. First vacation three weeks from the second Wednesday in May; second, three weeks from commencement at Dartmouth college; third, three weeks from the last Wednesday in December. Application for aid may be made to the secretary, Newton Whittlesey, Esq., Cornish. The Pinkerton academy was founded by Major John Pinkerton. Funds 15,000 dollars, besides real estate. incorporated public schools with the instructors, are as follows:

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The un

Keene Fem. Sem., Misses Fisk, Withington,
Kent, and Holmes.

Pittsfield, John Sanborn.
Wentworth, Joseph Fellows.

Nashua, Frederick A. Eldridge.

Claremont, Young ladies', Misses Thatcher and Stevens.

Academical and theological institutions at New Hampton. This seminary is situated near the center of New Hampshire, at a small distance from the Pemigewasset river, the principal branch of the Merrimac. From an elevation less

than a mile south of the institution, may be seen an area of more than 100 miles in diameter, including a point of the State of Maine on the east, and of Vermont on the west. The institution, in its present form, went into operation in 1825. Forty-nine scholarships were procured in a short time, on the principle, that the subscribers should pay the tuition of a scholar for five years. In 1826, Mr. Farnsworth was elected principal and professor of theology. The act of incorporation provides that the Baptist State convention shall, annually, elect seven of the thirteen trustees, the principal being one, ex-officio, and five of the ten Overseers. In 1827, an additional building was erected. In 1829, a seminary for young ladies was established as a distinct branch of the institution, and a suitable building was erected at the distance of a mile and a half. A large edifice was soon after erected at an expense of not far from 7,000 dollars. The building is of brick, 100 feet in length by 36 in breadth, and three stories high, divided into 36 rooms, having also a basement devoted to the commons. The plan of the institution is this: Five distinct departments; theological, embracing such students as are preparing for the ministry, under the care of the principal; classical, students in the Latin and Greek languages; senior English, higher branches of English studies; junior English, lads from eight to fifteen years of age; and the female department, instructed usually by three ladies. The theological department is now entirely suspended. The whole expenses of a student, annually, exclusive of books, do not exceed 70 dollars. The annual period of instruction is divided into three terms, commencing on the first Monday in September, last Monday in November, and first Monday in May, with vacations of two and a half weeks, one week, and two weeks. Mr. Farnsworth has lately resigned his appointment. The instructors are now,—

principal and professor of languages.

Wm. Heath, professor of mathematics and natural philosophy.
M. Curtis, D. Burbank, tutors.

G. T. Barker, teacher of penmanship.

Martha Hazeltine, principal of female seminary.

Misses Rand, Sleeper, and Woodman, assistants.

The following was the number of students in November, 1832:

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A public examination of all the departments takes place on the close of the

summer term.

COLLEGES AND HIGHER SEMINARIES.-Dartmouth college. In December, 1743, Samson Occom, a Mohegan Indian, solicited admission into an English school, taught by the Rev. Eleazar Wheelock, D. D., of Lebanon, Connecticut. In consequence of the education of Occom, Dr. Wheelock was induced to form the plan of an Indian missionary school. Two Indian boys of the Delaware tribe, entered the school in December, 1754. In 1762, Dr. Wheelock had more than twenty Indian youths under his care. For their maintenance, funds were obtained by subscription of benevolent individuals, from the legislatures of Connecticut and Massachusetts, and from the commissioners in Boston of the Scotch society for promoting Christian knowledge. Joshua Moor, a farmer at Mansfield, Connecticut, having made a donation of a house and two acres of land in Lebanon, contiguous to Dr. W.'s house, the institution received the name of Moor's Indian charity school. In 1764, the Scotch society appointed a board of correspondents in Connecticut. This board, in 1765, sent out white missionaries and Indian schoolmasters to the Indians in New York. For the enlargement of this school, Mr. Whittaker, Minister of Norwich, and Samson Occom, were sent to Great Britain in 1766. The money, which they collected for Moor's school, was placed in the hands of a board of trustees in England, of which the Earl of Dartmouth was the head, and in conjunction with the Scotch society. As the school increased, Dr. W. determined to remove it to a more favorable location, nearer to the Indians, and to establish in connection with it a college for instruction in all the branches of science. Larger tracts of land being offered in New Hampshire than elsewhere, he concluded to transplant his school to Hanover, and there to found a college. A charter was given by Governor Wentworth in 1769. In 1770, Dr. W. removed to Hanover. The school has ever been distinct from the college, with a separate incorporation, obtained at a subsequent period from New Hampshire. Of Moor's school, the Earl of Dartmouth was a benefactor, but not of Dartmouth college, to the establishment of which, he and the other trustees of the fund were opposed, as being a departure from the original design. Dr. W., his family, and pupils, in all about seventy individuals, at first resided in log-houses, but the frame of a small twostory college was soon set up. The first commencement in the college was held in 1771, when four students graduated. At this period the number of his scholars destined for missionaries was 24, of whom 18 were whites, and only 6 Indians. Experience had proved that his plan of an Indian college could not succeed. He had found that of 40 Indian youths, who had been under his care, 20 had returned to the vices of savage life. The revolutionary war, obstructed, in a great degree, the projects which he had commenced.

After being at the head of the college about nine years, he died April 24, 1779, aged 68. Having the privilege of naming his successor, he nominated his son, John Wheelock, LL. D. He remained in the office from 1779 to 1815, when he was removed by the trustees. The reasons of this measure it is not necessary to explain at length in this place. At the session of the legislature of the State, in June, 1815, Dr. Wheelock, then president of the college, presented a memorial to that body, charging a majority of the trustees with gross misbehavior in office. The legislature sent thereupon a committee to investigate facts and make a report. This report was committed to a joint committee of both houses, who 'expressly declined considering the report of facts of the investigating committee as the proper ground on which the legislature ought to proceed in relation to the college.' The trustees soon after removed Dr. Wheelock from the presidency, and appointed Rev. Francis Brown, D. D., of North Yarmouth, Maine, who accepted the appointment. By successive acts of the legislature, the twelve trustees under the old charter, and nine other individuals, were appointed trustees of a new corporation, under the name of the Dartmouth university. A board of overseers was also chosen. Nine of the trustees were to be sufficient for a quorum. A part of the new board met and

elected Dr. Wheelock as president, who died soon after. Another individual was substituted in his place. The new trustees took possession of the property of the college. Nearly the whole body of students, however, remained under the instruction of the faculty appointed by the former board. The case was soon brought before the supreme court of the State, and the acts of the legislature were declared to be constitutional. The subject was then carried by appeal to the supreme court of the United States. The judgment of the State Court was reversed, and the acts of the legislature declared to be unconstitutional. This question was thus put at rest greatly to the satisfaction of all the enlightened friends of our public institutions throughout the United States. President Brown died greatly lamented, July, 27, 1820, aged 36. His judginent, intelligence, and firmness, remarkably qualified him for his trying situation. He was succeeded by Rev. Daniel Dana, D. D., who remained in office but one year. He was succeeded by the Rev. Bennet Tyler, D. D. Dr. Tyler resigned in 1828, and was succeeded in 1829, by the Rev. Nathan Lord, D. D., the present incumbent. The faculty of the college are,

Rev. Nathan Lord, D. D., president.

Ebenezer Adams, A. M., professor of mathematics and natural philosophy.
Rev. Roswell Shurtleff, professor of moral philosophy and political econ.
Reuben D. Mussey, M. D., professor of anatomy and surgery.
Daniel Oliver, M. D., professor of mat. med. and intel. philosophy.
Rev. Charles B. Hadduck, professor of rhetoric and oratory.
Rev. Calvin E. Stow, professor of languages.

Phillips, professor of theology.

Ira Young and Evarts, Worcester, tutors.

"There is a public examination of the several classes annually, in all the branches to which they have attended during the year; continued not less than ten days, in the presence and under the direction of a committee of gentlemen of education, invited by the faculty to attend for that purpose. It is the intention of the faculty to make this scrutiny of the intellectual character and attainments of the young men under their tuition, strict and thorough; and to determine their standing by the progress actually made, and the knowledge acquired.' 'Instruction is given to the three higher classes chiefly, and to the freshmen in part, by the president and professors, whose permanent connection with the college may be expected to secure to the students the benefits of experience and of extended investigations.' Individuals who wish to attend the lectures and recitations of particular departments only, without reference to a degree, may have that privilege. The usual course of studies and lectures is adopted. The whole expenses of a student, annually, with the exception of books, clothes, and personal expenses, is estimated at $94 24; of this sum, $27 is for tuition, and $47 50 for board.


Medical department of Dartmouth college. The annual course of lectures begins one week after the college commencement, and continues 14 weeks. lectures daily; a part of the time, five. Fees for the course, $50. Matriculating fee, $2. Library fee for those who take books, fifty cents. Surgical operations performed gratuitously before the medical class, during lectures. A course of private instruction is given by Drs. Mussey and Hall, commencing the first of March, and continuing till the college commencement in August. Fees for the private course, $25. Resident pupils are entitled to the privileges of resident graduates, are allowed the use of the college library, and may attend the public lectures in the academical departments without expense. The graduating expenses are 18 dollars. The professors in this department, are Drs. Mussey, Oliver, and Professor Hale. The delegates from the New Hampshire medical society are Drs. Thomas Chadbourne and Moses Long.

The New Hampshire medical society was incorporated in February, 1791. The annual meeting is at Concord, on Tuesday, preceding the general election. President, Daniel Oliver, M. D., of Hanover, 12 counselors, 12 censors. Enos Hoyt, M. D., Northfield, secretary; Nathan Sanborn, M. D., Henniker, treasurer; orators for 1833, Drs. Twitchell and Sanborn; fellows, 75; districts, 6.

The New Hampshire historical society was incorporated June 13, 1823. Annual meeting, second Wednesday in June. Hon. Matthew Harvey, Hopkinton,

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