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Dublin University, 737.

Swift, Goldsmith, Berkeley, Burke, 752.
Observatory, Removal of Catholic, 754.
Gladstone, Plan of Univer. Reform, 761.
2. Organization in 1875, 757.

Terms, Degrees,Orders, Fellowships, 758,767.
Dublin University Magazine, cited, 272.
Duel, Frequency at Jena, 777.

Duhan, Prince, and Frederic II., 306.
Dumb Philosopher, Defoe, 432.

Rules of Conduct, 480.

Dunn, Henry, Manual of Methode, 57.

Duruy, M., Secondary Special Schools, 57.
Dwight, Timothy, 58.

Prof. Silliman's estimate, 241.

Early Impressions, 58, 226.
Early Instruction, Processes, 480.
Early English School-books, 80.

Early Religious Training, Silliman, 227.
Early Withdrawal from School, 620.
Edgeworth, Maria, cited, 479.
Edinburgh, Schools and University, 58.
Education and Instruction, 492.
Education, Art of, 468, 527.

Chair of, 528.

[blocks in formation]

English Popular Education, 58, 561.
London School Board, 609.
Manchester Schools, 624.

Official Returns of Schools, etc., 625.
Elementary Teaching, 634.
English Universities, 61.

Engraving, Bewick's Apprenticeship, 731.
Enthusiasm and Practicability, 609.

Episcopal Seminaries in Catholic systems, 269.
Decree of Council of Trent, 291.

Action of Archbishop Borromeo, 292.
Equivalents, in Foreign Languages, 537.
Erasmus. Educational Views, 51, 58.
Erasmus Smith's School Trustees, 751.
Evelyn Family, 369.

Home Life and Home Education, 381, 384.
Woman's Duty, 384.

Everett, Edward, Memoir and Views, 59.
Examinations, 530, 555.

Examinations, Different Kinds, 59.
Example, Power of, 72, 73, 161.

Exceptional Classes Provided with Schools, 623.
Exclusion from Public Schools. 520.

Exercise of Faculties, Law of Growth, 467, 546. Expenditures for Schools-Great Britain,

England, 1875, 633; Scotland, 648; Ireland, 756. Experience, 471.

Experiments and Experimenter, 59, 467, 534.
Explanation, May be Excessive, 469, 545.
Expression, Power of, 59.

Experimental Philosophy, 534.

Eye, Power of, in Discipline, 500.

Fach System and Schools, 59.
Factory Population, 59.

Owen's Plans, 403.

Facts, Observation, and Investigation, 468.
Foundation of Science Teaching, 470, 472.
Fagel Library, in Trinity College, 750.
Fagging in English Public Schools, 59, 340.
Family Life, and the State, 499.

Fanshawe, Lady, Advice to her Son, 399.
Faraday, Michael, 59.

Fathers of the Mission, 435.

Faults, Habit of finding, 502.

Fear as a Motive, 59, 363, 510.

Fees, in Scotch system, 645.

Experience of London Board, 618.

Fees, or Tuition, Paid by Parents, 592, 618.
Fellenberg, Emanuel de, 359.

Establishment at Hofwyl, 359.

Female Education, 369, 391, 399, 429, 556.
Colleges in 17th Century, 381.

American, before 1800, 207.

Female Education as it Was before 1800, 207.

Female Reformatories, 675, 678.

Female Teachers in England, 59, 576.

Female Training Colleges, 629.

Fencing and Fencing Masters, 367, 799.

Experience at Hofwyl, 367.

Fenélon, Memoir and Educational Views, 59. Fenélon's Télémaque, Jaco ot's Text-book, 546. Ferrula, Virga, Flagellum, 212, 325.

Finland, Public Instruction, 59.

Fisher, G. P., Life of Prof. Silliman, 225.

Flogger, Professional in Greece, 326.

Flogging, National Practice, 59.

Dutch, 326.

English, 327, 335, 345.
French, 326 327.
Grecian, 326.

Flogging, English Public
Christ Hospital, 330.
Eton, 331. 338.
Rugby, 331.

Merchant Taylor, 327.
Norwich, 330.

German, 325, 327.

Jewish, 326, 336.

Roman, 325.

Scotch, 334, 363.
Schools, 59.

St. Mary's. 79, 330.
St. Paul, 79.

Westminster, 329.
Shrewsbury, 12, 330.
Newcastle, 355.

Fondes, M., St. Vincent de Paul's Charity, 449. Fontevrault, Order of, 259.

Fools, Asylum for, proposed by Defoe, 426.

Foreign Education, Dangers of, 205.
Foreign Schools and Travel, 81, 205.
Silliman's Experience, 243.
Forgiveness, Power of, 520.
Formation of Character, 513.
Owen's E-say on, 415.
Forrestry, Schools of, 59.

Foster, W. E., Elementary School Act, 577.
Foot-excursions, Holwyl, 267.

Foundation of Science-teaching, 471.
Foundlings, Asylums for, 443.

Fowle, W. B., 60.

Francis, St., and Franciscans, 261.
Conventual, and Observatins, 261.
Poor Clares, 261, 694.
Tertiares, 261.

Lay Associations, 261.
Franciscan Nuns, 694.

France, Schools and School Systems, 60.
Supplementary Schools, 649.

Franke, A. H., Memoir and Views, 60.
Franklin, cited, 480.

Fraser, James, B shop of Manchester, 60.
Manchester and Boston schools, 624.
Frederick II., Education and Reforms, 305.
1. Education, by Thomas Carlyle, 305.
Teachers, Methods and Results, 306.
Frederick William, 305.

Plan of Education for his Son, 307.
Importance Attached to Military Science, 308.
Teachers, Tutors and Examples, 309.
Limited Pocket Money, Latín excluded, 310.
Teaching Religion, Alienation, 314.
Free, as applied to Schools, 60.
Free Grammar School defined, 60.
Freedmen's Schools, 60.

Freedom of Instruction, 432, 458.
Fretting by the Teacher, 508.
Friar Preachers, 60, 260, 262.

Froebel's Kindergarten System, 60, 621.
Frugality, Virtue of, 318, 387.
Fry, Elizabeth, 455.

Gallaudet, Thomas H., 60.

Galley Slavery in France, 435.

Vincent de Paul's Labors for, 434.

Hospitals and Missions, 439.

Games in Public Schools, 51, 67.
Gardens and Garden Culture, 60.

Garden with Residence for Teacher, 643.
Garderies, in France, 650.

Gentleness and Good humor, 432.

Geography, Modern Methods, 60, 485, 494.
German Proficiency, 511.

Geography and History, 60, 485, 510.
American Schools prior to 1800, 105.
American Colleges down to 1825, 240.
Geology in Yale College, 246.
Geometry, 60.

Georgia, 60, 204.

German Aspects of Education, 61, 526.
Geography, 510.
Language, Study, 542.
Book-manual for, 541.
Construing Book, 542.
School Punishments, 504.

Aim of the Primary School, 499.
Religions Instruction, 495.

German Schools and Systems, 61.

German Language, 61.

Gerran Pedagogy, 61.

German Teachers and Professors, 61.

Gilbert, Sain', of Sempringham. 259.

Glastonbury Abbey-Past and Present, 273.
Influence of Ancient Monastic Life, 273.
History of the Abbey Buildings, 274.
The Great Church, Sacristy, Treasury, 279.
Library, Scriptorium, Lavatory, 281.
Common Room, Common Treasury, Ce ls, 283.
Refectory, Guest House, Almonry, 284. [286.
Hospitality, Alm-giving, School for Boys,
Routine of a Monastic Day, Centuries, 287.
Glastonbury Thorn, 288.

Glasgow, Schools and University, 61.
Reformatory School, 678.
Catholic Orphanage, 678.
God, in Education, 61, 309.
Goethe, cited, 548.

Gondi, Family, and Vincent de Paul, 434.
Government in Education and schools, 597.
Government Training College, 563.

Substitutes for, Voluntary and Church, 564. Governor, or Training for Commonwealth, 58. GOLDSMITH, OLIVER, 61.

Government of Public Schools, 327, 347, 360.
Government and Primary Schools, 495.
Good Teachers and Inspection, 496.
Good-humor in Teachers, 500.

Good Dispositions to be encouraged, 523.
Government, and Denominational Schools, 565.
Denominational Inspection, 573.

Graded Schools in America, 61, 624.
Graham, Sir James, 564.
Grammar School, Ancient, 61.
Grammar as a Study, 61, 470.
Grandmont, Order of, 258.

Grants, Government in Aid of Schools, 561,584.
Gras, Madame Le, 439.

Gray Friars, or Recollects, 261.

Gray Sisters, 452.

Great Public Schools, 339.

Greece, Ancient and Modern, 62.

Greek Language, 61.

Greek Lexicons, Early, 219.

Greek. Instruction in, in England, 61.

Ground and Yard to Public School, 295.

Rural School, 300, 302.

Guardian (English) cited, 198.

Guizot, Ministry of Public Instruction, 62.

Guthrie, Dr., cited, 520.

Gymnasia, German, 62.

Gymnastic Apparatus, 62, 296.

Practice at Hofwyl, 367.

Habit, or Dress of Religious Orders, 254, 695.
Habits, Formation of, 62, 454.

Hacket, a Scotch Flagellator, 334.
Half-timers, 616. 626.

Hallam, cited, 433.

Hall, S. R., 22, 62.

Hamilton, Sir W., 62.

Hammond, Charles, Academies, 62.

Hanover, Public Instruction, 62.

Happiness in Activity, 472.

Harding, Stephen, 25.

Hartford, Public Schools, 62.

Hartlib, English Editor of Comenius, 62.

Harvard College, 62, 201.

Hauy, and the Blind, 62.

Hayslop, A B C Teacher about 1800, 209.

Head-master in Public Schools, 62.

Heart, Learning by, 546.

Health in Education, 62.

Heber, Bishop, 379.

Hedge Schools in Ireland, 62.

Gibbs, George, and the Gibbs Cabinet, 217, 248. Heildelberg University, 62.

Gilbertines-Monks and Nuns, 259. Girls. Education and Schools, 61.

English Elementary Schools, 584. Girls' Reformatories, 677. Gladstone, William, Memoir, 61. Irish University Reform, 761.

Help, Conditions of timely, 516.
Direct and Indirect, 523.

Helps, Sir Arthur, 389.

Henry, Joseph, 22, 62.

Herder, Educational Work, 62.

High School. Public, 32.

Hill, Recorder, Labor in Reformatories, 677.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Requirements as to Labor, and Treatment,
Discharges and Results, 677.

[blocks in formation]

Manchester and Salford Borroughs, 577.
Influence on English Action, 578.
Manger (Crêche) Asylums, 651.

[24, 67.

Latin into English, and vice versa, 243, 272.
Latin Versification, 127, 277.

[66. Laws Respecting Instruction and Schools, 31, England, 577.

Scotland, 641.

Lazarists, Fathers of the Mission, 440.
Leach, Univer-ity of Dublin, 738.
Learning and Teaching, 478, 498.
Leather Strap for Punishment, 326.
Lectures, Popular, 65, 245.
Lectures, Teaching by, 28, 460.

Le Gras, and Sisters of Charity, 452.
Leipsic University, 66.

Leslie, Tribute to Bewick, 736.

Lessons, Preparation of, 92, 508, 544.
Mutual Hearing, 508.

Letchworth, W. P., School-house Donated to
District, 304.

Liberty of Instruction, 66, 458.

Library in every School, Educational, vii., 528.
Liege, Schools and University, 66.
Daughters of the Cross, 721.

Limitations of Hours of Labor, 412.
Limitations to Development, 490.
Moral Training, 514.

[ocr errors]

Mann, Horace, Memoir and Educational Views,
Manners and Morals in School, 28, 198, 226, 571.
Manning, Cardinal, cited, 589.

Manning. Miss, Paper on Kindergarten, 621.
Mansel, Laws of Thought, 482.
Manual Labor in Schools, 67.

Maps in Geography, 35, 57, 485, 510.
Geography and History, 485, 510.
First One in United States, 195.
Marbeau, Cradle Schools, 650,
Marcella, Saint, Earliest Nun, 691.
Marcellina, 691.

Marcel, Value of Reiteration, 529.

Power of Audition in Language, 540.
Conversation Method, 67.

Marsh, John, College Life in 1800, 288.
Marseilles and French Galley Slavery, 435.
Maryland, Educational Institutions, 67, 202.
Marillac, Louis Le Gras, 452.

Massachusetts, Educational Institutions, 31, 67.
Schools as they were about 1800, 201, 209.

Teacher's Power, 490. Masson, David, Educational Views, 24.

Religious Instruction, 143.
Little Children, Treatment of, 66.

Liverpool, Catholic Industrial School, 682.
Living, Ability to get a, 488.

Local Organization, and Managers, 586, 589, 630.
Location of School Buildings, 295, 300.

Lofft, Capel, at Eaton, 340.

Loftus, Adam, and Trinity College, 740.
Locke, John, Education, 23.

London, Schools and University, 66, 609, 613.
London University, 458.

Defoe's Project, 421.


London School Board, Operations, 587.
Organization, Exploiting the Field, 609.
Sites, Buildings, Attendance, 610.
Absenteeism, Compulsion, Indu-trial Schools,
Training Suips, Pauper Children, Emigra-
tion 619.

Fees and Free Schools, Infants, Exceptional
Pupils, 621.

Religious Exercises, Curriculum, 623.
Plan proposed by Defoe in 1723, 423.
London School Board for 1875, 609.
Organization-Buildings-Attendance, 610.

Absentism-Compulsion, 614.

Industrial Schools-Training Ships, 616.
Free Schools-Fees-Curriculum. 621.
Deaf-Mutes-Blind-Religion, 623.
London Times on Elementary Teaching, 634.
Longbow and Musket, 428.

Lorraine, Sufferings in Thirty Years' War, 448.
Loughera, Catholic Industrial School, 687.
Louis XIII. App'ts Vincent Royal Almoner, 434.
Louis XIV. Endows Charities, 439.
Louisiana, Educational Institutions. 32, 67.
Lowe, Robert, 67; Revised Code, 595.
Loyola, Ignatius, and Society of Jesus, 67.

Lacas, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle, 397, 398.
Lucy, Lady Alice, 380, 396.

Luther Martin. Memoir and Views, 23, 67.
Lyceum, European, 67.

Lyceum, American, 67.

Lycurgus, Educational Views, 67.

Lyon, Mary, Educational work, 67.

[blocks in formation]

Mastery System, Quick on, 539.
Mathematics, Methods in, 68.
Mather, Cotton, 68.

Maynooth College, 764.
May, Samuel J., 24, 68.

Mayhew, Ira, Memoir and Portrait, 68.
Mechanic Arts, Instruction in, 350.
Mechanics, Subject and Method, 68.
Melancthon, cited, 188.

Membership of School Boards, 587.

Melbourne, Lord, and National Education, 563.
Memory, 28; when freshest, 68.

Verbal or Local, 509.

Aided by Analysis, 509.

Mendicancy. Vincent de Paul's Met'd with, 445.
Mercantile Marine, Training Boys for, 617.
Mercy, Sisters of, 442

Methods of Study, Various Authors, 28, 68.
Mettray. Agricultural Reform School, 34, 68.
Michigan, Educational Institutions, 68.
Middle Class School Examinations, 555.
Mill, J. S, Educational Views, 68.
Military Academy, Defoe's Plan. 427.
Military Schools and Education, 28, 68, 308.
Milton, John, Education and Views, 24.
Mind and Body, 68, 466.

Mind, Science of, 483.

Laws and Methods of Educating, 485.
Relative Value of Methods, 486.
Minnesota, Educational Institutions, 68.
Minimum of School Learning, 570, 596.
Minims, Order of, 263.

Minor Friars and Clerk's Regular, 263.
Minoresses, or Poor Clares, 694.

Mississippi. Educational Institutions, 68.
Missouri, Educational Institutes, 68.
Mixed Schools, as to Sects, 69.
Mixed Schools, as to Sexes, 69.
Modern Education, 69.

Modern Languages, Room for, 480.

Monaghaw, Catholic Reformatory School, 681.
Catholic Industrial School, 687.

Monasticism, and Monasteries, 69, 257.

Influence on Modern Civilization, 55, 278.

Monastic Orders and Rules, 257, 692.

Monastic Buildings and Offices, 270, 274.

Money Motive, 526.

[blocks in formation]

Morning, or Opening Exercises, 623. Morrison, Thomas, School Management, 24. Mor-e, Geography, 195, 240.

Morton, Lady, 312.

Mother, General, Superior, 455, 697.

Mother Tongue. Value and Methods with, 28. Motives to Study, 28.

Promotion and Prizes, 29.

Motiv s of the Teacher's Work, 80, 525.

Müller, Max, Memoir, 24, 555.

Oxford Local School Examination, 555. Basedow-Influence on Schools, 557. National Education in England, 558. Middle Class School Examination, 555. Munich, Schools and University, 69. Murphy, J. N., Terra Incognita, copied, 69. Ancient Religious Orders, 256.


St. Vincent de Paul, and Sisters of Charity, Sisterhoods, Ancient and Modern, 689. Reformatory Institu'ions, Great Britain, 659. Honora Nagle and Presentation Nuns, 705. Music in Schools, 28, 69.

[blocks in formation]

6. Females, 35.

Natural Curiosity, 505.

Natural and Formal Education, 468.

Natural History, 534.

Natural Philosophy, study of, 351.

Natural Science in Grammar Schools, 70.

Natural Scenery and Phenomena, 28, 228, 375.

Nature's System of Education, 466.

Growth of Body and Mind, 466.

National Education, English, 557, 561, 599.
National Vices, 521.

Teacher's relations to, 522.

Naval Schools and Education, 33, 70.

Nebraska, Schools and Education, 70.

Necessary Knowledge, not always earliest, 489
Necessary Things, easy to obtain, 489
Needle-work in Schools, 35, 70.
Negro and African Special Schools, 70.
Legal and Educational Status, 70.
Neighborhood, Education by, 229, 728.
Nervous Exhaustion, Silliman's Treatm't, 252.
Nevada, Schools and Education, 70.
New England, Early Schools and System, 70.
Reminiscences, Oliver, Silliman, 209, 226.
New England Primer, Illustrated Alphabet, 74.
New Haven, School and College, 70.
New Hampshire, Schools and Education, 70.
New Jersey, Schools and Education, 70.
New Testament in School, 70, 195.
New York, Schools and Education, 70.
Nicol's Organ, 333.

Niebuhr, cited, 541, 559.

Nightingale, Florence, existing home life, 379.
Noblemen's Sons, at Hofwyl, 365.
Nolasco, St. Peter, Redemption of Captives,412.
Noltericus, Religious Tutor of Fred'ck II., 314.
Non-attendance at School, 71, 592.

Non-comformists' Academy, 462.

Non-conformists and Public Schools, 563. [259.
Norbert, St., Founder of Premonstratensians,
Normal, as Applied to Schools, 71.
Normal Schools Cl ssified, 30, 71.
Normal School, in England, 527.

Normal or Training Colleges, Great Britain, 30, 71. 598, 628.

Scotland in 1875, 78, 648.

North Caro ina, Schools and Education, 71, 204.
Northend, C., Memoir and Portrait, 71
Northrop, B. G., Memoir and Views, 71.
Norway, Schools and Education, 71.
Novitiate, for a Religious Order, 697.
Act of Profession, 701.

Divestment of Property, 703.
Number, Early Lessons in, 29.
Nun, in Catholic Church, 689.

Nuns, Orders and Congregation, 71, 693.
Benedictine, 693.

Augustinian, 693.

Franciscan, or Minoresses, 694. Urbani-ts, 695.

Dominican, 695.

Carmelite, 696.

Ceremonies of Reception, 697.

Cloistered, Congregation, 715.
Presentation, 713.

Daughters of the Cross, 721.

Sisters of St. Louis, 681, 687.
Sisters of Mercy, 679, 687.
Sisters of Charity, 618.

Sisters of Notre Dame, 682, 684.
Sisters of St. Francis, 683.

Nuns of the Good Shepherd, 678.

Ursuline, Convent and School, 710, 712.

Rules and Constitution, Vows, Schools, 716.

Obedience, 71, 361.

Oberlin, College and Town, 71.

Oberlin, the Practical Educator. 71.

Object Lessons for Beginners, 213, 505.

Object Teaching, 28.

Observation, Culture of, 474.
Observatins, 261.

Observatories, 71.

Trinity College, Dublin, 754.

Observer and Experimenter, 478, 493.
Obstinate Idleness, Punishment, 519.
Occupations. Education for,

Odo, St., Order of Cluniacs, 257.

Officers, School and Official Reports, 71.
Ohio, Schools and Education, 71.
Old and New in Schools, 71.

Old-fashioned Curistian Home, 387.
Oliver, Henry K., Memoir, 224.

Reminiscences, A B C and Dame School, 209.
General State of Boston Schools, 1803. 211.
Grammar School, Master Pemberton, 213.
Condition and Prospect at Age of Ten, 215.
Phillips' Academy, Boston Latin School, 217.
Retrospect of School Training, 221.
Day-dreams of a School-master, 223.
Olmsted, Denison, Memoir and Views, 71.
Optatus, St., 691.

Option in Studies, 72, 458, 593.

Oral Teaching, Value and methods, 28.
Oratory, Congregation of, Neri, 263.
Orders and Congregations, 263, 715.
Organized Knowledge, 471.
Original Research, 72.
Orphans, Asylums for, 72, 726.
Catholic Houses, 726.

Oswego Training School, 8), 72.
Outer World, Inner World, 493.
Over-Government, 72.

Owen, Robert, Memoir, 403.
Factory Population, 407.

Industry, Diversions, Military Drill, 414
Infant Schools, School Reform, 410.

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