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In the Central Rainlands, ticks of big game animals are exceedingly restricted or entirely absent. Few species typical of tropical East Africa that do range into this zone extend further north. Some populations of North African hyalommas penetrate this area though whether they are merely transported or actually reproduce here is uncertain. The presence of two Palaearctic species is intriguing. H. marginatum may be established here from nymphs introduced by migrating birds but this explanation cannot be applied to the single host tick H. detritum. The north ern limit of this Area is probably the most critical and definite of any boundary in the Sudanese plains save those of the few montane masses that rise from these plains. H. impressum is found only in this and parts of the adjacent Area to the north.

The Nuba Mountains should be considered as a separate sector of this Area but data on tick distribution are not yet sufficient ly definitive to allow designation of these mountains as a distinct faunal Area.



Here the desert aspect emerges. Further research will prob ably show that this Area may be divided into a southern sector in which rare, small populations of several tropical African tick species survive and a northern sector inhabited only by xerophilic species. The narrow Nile Valley carries a small number of species northwards to its great bend, beyond which only H. 1. is established. Various hyalommas, R. s. sanguineus, and 0. savignyi are the indicator species of this Area in which few others are known to be established. Palaearctic components are here a strong feature, especially in the north. Like the Nuba Mountains in the Central Rainlands, the Marra Mountains may prove to be a distinct faunal Area after sufficient data have been obtained from this region.



No tick records are available from these harsh deserts al though rare populations of argasids and hyalommas are suspected to occur in restricted localities.


Specialized collecting will probably reveal a small but interesting specialized tick fauna mixed with the Fasher Butana fauna that exists on the coastal plains and in valleys of the eastern slopes of the Red Sea Hills. This Area might be subdivided into a southern sector containing tropical ticks such as R. e. evertsi and B. decoloratus, species that make their last stand among the hyalommas, R. s. sanguineus, and 0. savignyi. In the north, even these are lost but Hyalomma and R. S. sanguineus populations are denser than in the desert and undiscovered Palaearctic species are expected to occur. The preponderence of Hyalomma species provides this Area with a strongly Palaearctic aspect. Specialized Somali tick fauna of the more southerly coastal plains is not known to reach the Sudan. The composition of tick species that intrude into this Area has some similarity with that further south along the coast but population densities appear to be much lower.




Additional data and references pertinent to a given species obtained or noticed too late for inclusion in the main body of the text are included herein. For the sake of completeness it is intended that this section be continued in subsequent volumes in an attempt to provide up-to-date information on all species treated.


TASCHENBERG (1873). Egypt. Mention of specimens.

JACK (1910). Southern Rhodesia. Control and general remarks. WILLCOCKS (1922). Egypt. Remarks on habitats, hosts, importance. NICOLLE, ANDERSON, & COLAS BELCOUR (1928D). Tunisia. Local material used for adapting Spanish strain of fowl spiro chetes.

OLENEV (1929A,B,1931A,1934). USSR. Life cycle graphically portrayed in 1931A report; others deal with distribution. GRIMALDI (1934). Libya, Eritrea, Somalia, Ethiopia; collecting localities.

PAVLOVSKY (1940). Abnormality. "A heart-like shape of the body of Argas persicus is described in different degrees of development. Analogous forms are shown in the literature in other ticks also (Amblyomma, Ixodes); it is doubtful that this character, observed in the only tick specimen in hand, should have any taxonomical significance". I should hope not! (HH).

SHARMA (1944). Spermatogenesis briefly described.


Isolation of Q fever (R. burnetii).

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TENDEIRO (1955). Mozambique. Review of previous reports from colony.

SCHULZE (1955). Discussion of metabolic products.

TAYLOR et al (1955). Egypt. Larvae become infected with Sindbis virus when feeding; nymphs and adults are not susceptible to paraenteral infection.

WALKER, J. B. (Correspondence). Tanganyika. Although no pub
lished records of the fowl tick appear to be available
from this territory, Mr. Evans, formerly Senior Veterinary
Research Officer there, states that it is certainly present
and in fact widespread in Tanganyika.


OPPERMANN (1935). As A. columbarum:

studies on sperm formation.

MACNAY (1954). Canada. Specimens reported, with other ticks, from a bird's nest in British Columbia. Kohls (correspond ence) finds that these specimens are similar to those referred to as A. reflexus elsewhere in North America.

PETRISHEVA (1955). USSR. Presence in certain areas, with res pect to control of disease foci.

SCHULZE (1955). As A. columbarum: discussion of metabolic products.

BOETTGER & REICHENBACH KLINKE (1955). Germany. As A. columbarum: well documented and illustrated account of syndrome in person following tickbite.

ZHMAEVA, PCHELKINA, MISHCHENKO, & KARULIN (1955). USSR, Uzbe kistan. Parasite of field sparrows and host and vector of C. burnetii (Q fever).


Cameroons. A male specimen from

MOUCHET, J. (1956 correspondence).

a warthog burrow, Waza, North Cameroons, sent for identification, represents the first population known from West Africa and a new host record.



GRIMALDI (1934). Libya (page 508). Nomen nudum, probably mis print for Boophilus annulatus.


SPEISER (1909). Ascension Island, South Atlantic Ocean. Record of two specimens.


GRIMALDI (1934). Libya. As 0. franchinii, collecting localities.


FRANCHINI (1927). Libya. Erroneous report, refers to 0. foleyi. GRIMALDI (1934). Libya. Repetition of Franchini.


MASSEY (1908). Angola. Tick common in Benguela District.

JACK (1910). Control and general remarks, apparently not based on personal observation.

SCHOUTEDEN (1929). Belgian Congo. Abundant in Kivu.

GRIMALDI (1934). Libya. Erroneous report. Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Somalia, collecting localities.

CHERRY (1955). Uganda. Uganda. Summary: "A campaign using a water miscible preparation of BHC and simple equipment against 0. moubata in heavily infested areas is described and Its effects on the incidence of relapsing fever assessed. The cost is low and its success favors the acceptance of other public health measures by primitive communities". Other observations on therapeutics of the disease in human beings.

*This species is not known from the Sudan (cf. pages 114 and 115).

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